10 research outputs found

    Vauvan heijasteet ja niiden tutkiminen : DVD:n tuottaminen opetuskäyttöön

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa opetus–DVD Vaasan ammattikorkeakoululle vauvan heijasteista ja niiden tutkimisesta. Tekijöiden tavoitteena oli saada vauvan heijasteista ja niiden tutkimisesta syventävää tietoa tulevaa terveydenhoitajan ammattia varten. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli saada tuotettua selkeä ja kattava opetus–DVD, jonka avulla voitaisiin syventää myös muiden terveydenhoitajaopiskelijoiden tietämystä aiheesta. Vauvan heijasteiden tutkiminen on ajankohtainen ja tärkeä aihe, sillä heijasteiden tutkiminen on yksi terveydenhoitajan työn tärkeimpiä tehtäviä lastenneuvolassa, kun tutkitaan 0–12 kuukauden ikäistä lasta. Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö muodostuu kirjallisesta työstä ja opetus–DVD:stä. Opetus–DVD:llä on kuvattuna mahdollisimman kattavasti vauvan ensimmäisen ikävuoden tärkeimmät heijasteet, jotka tutkitaan neuvolassa. Lisäksi teoriaosuudessa käydään läpi 0–12 kuukauden ikäisen lapsen normaalia ja poikkeavaa kehitystä. Tutkimusaineistona on käytetty monipuolisesti alan kirjallisuutta, elektronisia julkaisuja, tutkimuksia ja artikkeleita. Opetus–DVD:n materiaali on kuvattu toisen opinnäytetyön tekijän kotona, jonka avulla saatiin turvattua mahdollisimman luonteva ja rauhallinen kuvaustilanne. Tekijöiden apuna DVD:n kuvauksessa ja editoinnissa toimi toisen opinnäytetyön tekijän veli. Hyvällä ja tiiviillä yhteistyöllä tekijöiden kesken, saatiin aikaan tavoiteltu lopputulos.The purpose of this practice-based bachelor’s thesis was to produce an educational DVD about the reflexes of the infant and testing them. The DVD was made for the University of Applied Sciences in Vaasa. The purpose of the thesis authors was to acquire information about the infant reflexes and testing them in order to develop their skills as future public health nurses. A further purpose was to produce a high quality educational DVD, which would help also other public health nurses deepen their knowledge of infant reflexes. Testing the infant reflexes is a current and important topic since it is one of the most important tasks of a public health nurse in a child health clinic when examining a child between the ages 0-12 months. The practice-based bachelor’s thesis includes a written part and an educational DVD. The DVD includes the most important infant reflexes during the first year of a newborn baby, which are also tested in the child health clinic. The theoretical part also deals with the normal and abnormal child development at the age of 0-12 months. The material consists of professional literature, electronic publications, researches and articles. The material of the educational DVD has been filmed at the home of the other thesis author, which guaranteed a as natural and peaceful filming situation as possible. The brother of the other thesis author helped with the practical arrangements. The goal of producing a high-quality DVD was achieved with a good co-operation between the thesis authors

    Web 2.0 and collaborative knowledge in the university context

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    Locally delivered CD40 agonist antibody accumulates in secondary lymphoid organs and eradicates experimental disseminated bladder cancer

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    Immunotherapy with intratumoral injection of adenoviral vectors expressing CD40L has yielded positive results in experimental and clinical bladder cancer. We therefore hypothesized that anti-CD40 antibody would be effective in this setting. Agonistic CD40 antibodies were developed as vaccine adjuvants but have later been used as treatment for advanced solid tumors and hematological cancers. Systemic anti-CD40 therapy has been associated with immune-related adverse events such as cytokine release syndrome and liver toxicity and local delivery is an attractive approach that could reduce toxicity. Herein, we compared local and systemic anti-CD40 antibody delivery to evaluate efficacy, toxicity and biodistribution in the experimental MB49 bladder cancer model. Anti-tumor effects were confirmed in the B16 model. In terms of anti-tumor efficacy, local anti-CD40 antibody stimulation was superior to systemic therapy at an equivalent dose and CD8 T-cells were crucial for tumor growth inhibition. Both administration routes were dependent on host CD40 expression for therapeutic efficacy. In vivo biodistribution studies revealed CD40-specific antibody accumulation in tumor-draining lymph nodes and spleen, most likely reflecting organs with frequent target antigen-expressing immune cells. Systemic administration led to higher antibody concentrations in liver and blood compared to local delivery, and was associated with elevated levels of serum haptoglobin. Despite the lack of a slow-release system, local anti-CD40 therapy was dependent on tumor antigen at the injection site for clearance of distant tumors. To summarize, local low-dose administration of anti-CD40 antibody mediates anti-tumor effects in murine models with reduced toxicity and may represent an attractive treatment alternative in the clinic

    Local checkpoint inhibition of CTLA-4 as a monotherapy or in combination with anti-PD1 prevents the growth of murine bladder cancer

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    Checkpoint blockade of CTLA-4 results in long-lasting survival benefits in metastatic cancer patients. However, patients treated with CTLA-4 blockade have suffered from immune-related adverse events, most likely due to the breadth of the induced T-cell activation. Here, we investigated the efficacy of a local low-dose anti-CTLA-4 administration for treatment of subcutaneous or orthotopic murine bladder 49 (MB49) bladder carcinoma in C57BL/6 mice. When MB49 tumors were grown s.c., peritumoral (p.t.) injection of anti-CTLA-4 treatment was equally effective as intravenous or s.c. (nontumor bearing flank) administration. Notably, p.t. injection was associated with lower circulating antibody levels and decreased IL-6 serum levels as compared to systemic treatment. Ultrasound-guided intratumoral anti-CTLA-4 antibody treatment of orthotopically growing MB49 tumors resulted in tumor regression, with more than tenfold reduction in systemic antibody levels as compared to i.v. or s.c. administration, in line with the compartmentally restrained nature of the bladder. Local anti-CTLA-4 therapy in combination with anti-PD-1 therapy resulted in complete responses, superior to each therapy alone. In addition, p.t. anti-CTLA-4 therapy was potentiated by depletion of regulatory T cells. Our results demonstrate that local anti-CTLA-4 antibody therapy is equally effective as systemic administration, but reduces systemic antibody levels and cytokine release, and enhances the response to anti-PD1 therapy