34 research outputs found

    Participatory research with/and social media

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    EltĂ©rƑ vĂĄrosnövekedĂ©si tendenciĂĄk EurĂłpĂĄban, demogrĂĄfiai hĂĄttĂ©rrel

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    Barnkulturforskningen vilar pĂ„ en lĂ„ng tradition inom Ă€mnen som estetiskt skapande, medier, leksaker, kamratkulturer, folklore, lek, litteratur, musik, teater och dans. Begreppet barnkultur definieras ofta som den samhĂ€llsstödda (kanoniserade) kultur som skapas av vuxna för barn (Hanson & Sommansson, 1998). Barns kultur kan dĂ€remot definieras som de sociala handlingar barn utför inom ramarna för friutrymmen som de skapar sig eller har att tillgĂ„ inom sociala institutioner som fritidshem, familj eller skola (Hanson & Sommansson, 1998; James, Jenks & Prout, 1998). Barnkulturforskning studerar och analyserar inte enbart samhĂ€llsstödd kultur. Den gemensamma nĂ€mnaren för denna forskningstradition Ă€r att de flesta inom omrĂ„det studerar och analyserar kulturella uttryck som vĂ€nder sig till barn, sĂ„ som barnlitteratur, barnteater, data- och videospel, samt reklam riktad till barn alternativt förestĂ€llande barn. Det har inte bedrivits lika mycket forskning om barns kultur som om barnkultur. Merparten av den forskning som finns inom omrĂ„det bygger pĂ„ likartade metodologiska utgĂ„ngspunkter. Oftast utgĂ„r studierna frĂ„n etnografiskt material eller frĂ„n intervjusamtal. Allison James, Chris Jenks och James Prout (1998) argumenterar för empiriska studier av barns kultur som synliggör dynamiken mellan individ och samhĂ€lle. Författarna beskriver barns kultur som ett sĂ€tt att vara barn bland andra barn med en speciell kulturell stil men de menar samtidigt att detta alltid hĂ€nger samman med specifika tider, rum och platser. Deras perspektiv pĂ„ barns kultur definieras som samhĂ€lleligt kontextualiserade sociala handlingar och inte enkom som skĂ€mt, ramsor eller folklore vilket var vanligt i tidigare forskning (jfr exempelvis Opie & Opie, 1970). Författarna menar att barn inte endast anpassar sig till de strukturer eller institutioner de omges av. Genom tillĂ€gnande, transformering och motstĂ„nd blir barnen aktörer i förhĂ„llande till rĂ„dande diskurser (James et al., 1998). Barns kultur blir dĂ€rmed ett begrepp som prĂ€glas av bĂ„de rörelse, pluralism och fragmentering, vilket i sin tur innebĂ€r att barns kultur egentligen bör benĂ€mnas barns kulturer. Att studera barns kultur medför en förstĂ„else av barn som individer med aktörskap. Att studera barn som aktörer kan innebĂ€ra olika saker. I detta arbete menas med aktörskap ett studium av barns egna handlingar i vardagen. Det innebĂ€r att vĂ„r förstĂ„else av barn Ă€r att de Ă€r samhĂ€llsvarelser som bĂ„de influeras av och blir influerade av sin omvĂ€rld. En vanlig vuxeninitierad barnkulturpraktik Ă€r sagostunden, vanligast förekommande inom förskolan (se till exempel Asplund Carlsson & Graneld, 1995) och pĂ„ bibliotekens barnavdelning. Barns sprĂ„kutveckling och metod för att utlĂ€sa och förstĂ„ sin tillvaro börjar lĂ„ngt tidigare Ă€n förmĂ„gan att tala och lĂ€sa, hĂ€vdar Shirley Brice Heath i What no bedtime story means: Narrative skills at home and school (1982). Heath refererar bl a till ett medelklassomrĂ„de med stark anknytning till skolkulturen i sydöstra USA, kallat Maintown. DĂ€r uppmuntras barnen tidigt av sina förĂ€ldrar att lĂ€ra sig lĂ€sa och tolka sin tillvaro genom identifikation av objekt och föremĂ„l i till exempel bilderböcker. Dessutom uppmanas dessa medelklassbarn att se samband mellan avbildade föremĂ„l och bild; en metod som Heath kallar what-reasoning. Genom att studera barn som leker1 en sĂ„dan vuxeniniterad barnkulturpraktik – sagostund – kan man fĂ„ ökad kunskap om hur barn ser pĂ„ kulturevenemang som vuxna förser dem med. Denna studie kan dĂ€rmed sĂ€gas anlĂ€gga ett dubbelt fokus: pĂ„ barns kultur och pĂ„ barnkultur

    Child studies multiple – collaborative play for thinking through theories and methods

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    This text is an exploration of collaborative thinking and writing through theories, methods, and experiences on the topic of the child, children, and childhood. It is a collaborative written text (with 32 authors) that sprang out of the experimental workshop Child Studies Multiple. The workshop and this text are about daring to stay with mess, “un-closure” , and uncertainty in order to investigate the (e)motions and complexities of being either a child or a researcher. The theoretical and methodological processes presented here offer an opportunity to shake the ground on which individual researchers stand by raising questions about scientific inspiration, theoretical and methodological productivity, and thinking through focusing on process, play, and collaboration. The effect of this is a questioning of the singular academic ‘I’ by exploring and showing what a plural ‘I’ can look like. It is about what the multiplicity of voice can offer research in a highly individualistic time. The article allows the reader to follow and watch the unconventional trial-and-error path of the ongoing-ness of exploring theories and methods together as a research community via methods of drama, palimpsest, and fictionary

    Children's and young people's leisure culture

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    This is a research anthology about children’s and young people’s leisure cultures in the Nordic countries. Children’s and young people’s practices take centre stage in this book for the purpose of exploring culture from within their own practices, focusing on what they do (Sparrman, Samuelsson, Lindgren & Cardell 2016; Sparrman, Sandin & Sjöberg 2012). In this book, this is expressed through, how leisure culture creates social mobility, how children move between and multitask digital technologies and platforms, and how they on a regular basis are engaged and active in multiple cultural activities such as going to the theatre, singing, or online gaming. It also engages with leisure culture in terms of venues where people, objects, ideas, imaginations, and pleasures move in and out of one another. The concept of culture is in constant motion through the chapters entangling social processes with cultural processes, cultural heritage with popular and digital culture, doing and making in practice with place, and markets with cultural policies. This collection demonstrates that leisure culture gets its meanings in and through social relations and is not solely the expressions of individual identity wor

    Children's and young people's leisure culture

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    This is a research anthology about children’s and young people’s leisure cultures in the Nordic countries. Children’s and young people’s practices take centre stage in this book for the purpose of exploring culture from within their own practices, focusing on what they do (Sparrman, Samuelsson, Lindgren & Cardell 2016; Sparrman, Sandin & Sjöberg 2012). In this book, this is expressed through, how leisure culture creates social mobility, how children move between and multitask digital technologies and platforms, and how they on a regular basis are engaged and active in multiple cultural activities such as going to the theatre, singing, or online gaming. It also engages with leisure culture in terms of venues where people, objects, ideas, imaginations, and pleasures move in and out of one another. The concept of culture is in constant motion through the chapters entangling social processes with cultural processes, cultural heritage with popular and digital culture, doing and making in practice with place, and markets with cultural policies. This collection demonstrates that leisure culture gets its meanings in and through social relations and is not solely the expressions of individual identity wor

    Doing good parenthood as we-ness

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    The Child Tourist : Agency and Cultural Competence in VFR Travel

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    In this article, we meet a seven-year-old boy, Matti, who was adopted from his birth country in Africa by a family in Sweden. We meet him together with his family as they are planning a family adoption return trip to his birth country and again after their return. We argue that an adoption return trip is a form of family travel and/or visiting friends and relatives (VFR) travel. By methodologically using a so-called children’s perspective we are primarily focusing on Matti and how he talks about the return trip. We explore some key concepts from child studies through Matti’s relational encounters in the world. By presenting agency and cultural competence as something that is enacted in practice, we show how they are enacted through the dependencies between Matti, his mother and his sister. The analysis shows that cultural competence and agency are fluid in the sense that they can be changed by how topics of discussion are woven through one another. Staying with Matti’s lived practices makes it possible to elaborate on and demonstrate different forms of competence and agency that are important for understanding children as tourists and children’s roles in family travel

    The Foreign Policy of North Korea between 2011 and 2018

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    Tā kā ZiemeÄŒkoreja turpina bĆ«t fundamentāla Austrumāzijas ÄŁeopolitiskā konteksta sastāvdaÄŒa, ĆĄÄ« maÄŁistra darba mērÄ·is ir sniegt pārskatu par ZiemeÄŒkorejas ārpolitiku laika posmā no 2011. lÄ«dz 2018. gadam, iezÄ«mējot galvenos faktorus, kas ir veicinājuĆĄi mĆ«sdienu status quo izveidi. Lai izveidotu stabilu pamatu ĆĄÄ« temata sapratnei, maÄŁistra darba ietvarā tiek piemēroti ofensÄ«vā reālisma un konstruktÄ«visma teorētiskie ietvari, tādējādi cenĆĄoties sniegt skaidrojumu par ĆĄÄ« temata galveno aspektu daudzajām niansēm. Ć ajā ziƆā, vairāki no ZiemeÄŒkorejas ārpolitikas kontekstā atrodamajiem tematiem, kā piemēram, valsts reakcija uz starptautiskajiem spiedieniem un tās kodolieroču programma, tiek analizēti izmantojot kvalitatÄ«vas metodes, kā rezultātā tiek secināts, ka ZiemeÄŒkoreja pielieto plaĆĄu valsts izdzÄ«voĆĄanas un spriedzes vairoĆĄanas stratēģiju tās ārpolitikā. ÄȘpaĆĄi Ɔemot vērā ĆĄÄ·ietamās valsts ārpolitikas virziena pārmaiƆas 2018. gadā, maÄŁistra darbs balstās uz esoĆĄajiem novērojumiem par ZiemeÄŒkorejas saskarsmi ar starptautisko sabiedrÄ«bu un identificē nepiecieĆĄamÄ«bu pēc visaptveroĆĄa ietvara cikliskuma fenomena izpratnei, jo tas ir bijis redzams gandrÄ«z visās ĆĄo puĆĄu saskarsmēs pēc Aukstā kara beigām. Tāpēc, tiek piedāvāts jauns „plaƥā cikla” ietvars, kas ĆĄo saskarsmi palÄ«dz izprast. Ć ajā kontekstā tiek izmantota salÄ«dzinoƥā analÄ«ze, kurā tiek aplĆ«koti jau bijuĆĄi „plaĆĄie cikli” attiecÄ«bā pret 2018. gada notikumiem, lai noteiktu, vai 2018. gada notikumi liecina par patiesām pārmaiƆām ZiemeÄŒkorejas politiskajos procesos vai arÄ« tie abilst cikliskuma ietvara, kā rezultātā tiek atklāts, ka 2018. gada notikumi pieslienās pirmajām četrām „plaƥā cikla” stadijām, tādējādi kalpojot kā pierādÄ«jums status quo turpinājumam.As North Korea continues to represent a major facet within East Asian geopolitics, the thesis aims to provide an overview of North Korea’s foreign policy between 2011 and 2018, by highlighting the key factors that have facilitated the creation of the contemporary status quo. In order to establish a solid basis for the topic, the thesis applies offensive realist and constructivist theoretical frameworks, thus seeking to provide an explanation of many of the prevalent themes in the study of North Korean foreign policy. In this respect, the key topics found within the context of the country’s foreign policy, such as its response to international pressures, its nuclear weapons program, as well as the inefficacy of external attempts to drastically alter North Korea’s foreign policy, are analysed using a qualitative approach and are found to be a part of a broader, state survival-based tension-building foreign policy strategy. With a particular regard for the apparent shift in the country’s foreign policy in 2018, the thesis builds on existing observations of the nature of North Korea’s engagements with the international community and identifies the need for a concrete, overarching framework for the phenomenon of cyclicality, which has characterized most engagements between North Korea and the international community since the end of the Cold War. As such, the thesis proposes a new “major cycle” framework, through which the stages of North Korean engagement with the international community can be understood. Furthermore, the thesis utilizes a comparative analysis of previous “major cycles” and the 2018 North Korean foreign policy shift, in order to discern whether the developments of 2018 are indicative of a true change in North Korean politics, or whether they are adherent to the cyclical framework. This exercise finds that the events of 2018 adhere to the first four of five stages of a “major cycle” and, thus, serve as evidence of the perpetuation of the status quo

    Om att bli dokumenterad. Etiska aspekter pÄ förskolans arbete med dokumentation

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    I dagens förskola har dokumentation fÄtt en prioriterad position som arbetsmetod. Hur dokumentation ska gÄ till och vad den kan anvÀndas till finns det relativt utförliga instruktioner om, dÀremot saknas etiska diskussioner omkring vad dokumentation innebÀr för de barn som blir dokumenterade. Arbetsmetoden beskrivs ur ett vuxenperspektiv och vi argumenterar hÀr för varför det Àr angelÀget att föra in ett etiskt tÀnkande i förhÄllande till de barn som dokumenteras. Barn som dokumenteras bör ges samma skydd som exempelvis forskare erbjuder de barn de beforskar.Original Publication:Anne-Li Lindgren and Anna Sparrman, Om att bli dokumenterad. Etiska aspekter pÄ förskolans arbete med dokumentation, 2003, Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, (1-2), 59-70.http://www.ped.gu.se/biorn/journal/pedfo/pdf-filer/linsparr.pdfCopyright: Pedagogisk Forskning I Sverigehttp://www.ped.gu.se/biorn/journal/pedfo/pedfo.htm