10 research outputs found

    Peripheral nerve involvement in myotonic dystrophy type 2 – similar or different than in myotonic dystrophy type 1?

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    Introduction Multisystem manifestations of myotonic dystrophies type 1 (DM1) and 2 (DM2) are well known. Peripheral nerve involvement has been reported in DM1 but not in genetically confirmed DM2. The aim of our study was to assess peripheral nerve involvement in DM2 using nerve conduction studies and to compare these results with findings in DM1. Methods We prospectively studied patients with genetically confirmed DM2 (n=30) and DM1 (n=32). All patients underwent detailed neurological examination and nerve conduction studies. Results Abnormalities in electrophysiological studies were found in 26.67% of patients with DM2 and in 28.13% of patients with DM1 but the criteria of polyneuropathy were fulfilled in only 13.33% of patients with DM2 and 12.5% of patients with DM1. The polyneuropathy was subclinical, and no correlation was found between its presence and patient age or disease duration. Conclusions Peripheral nerves are quite frequently involved in DM2, but abnormalities meeting the criteria of polyneuropathy are rarely found. The incidence of peripheral nerve involvement is similar in both types of myotonic dystrophy

    How can caffeine alleviate the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease? – the implications of adenosine 2A receptor antagonism

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    Introduction and purpose: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, mainly characterized by motor impairment with symptoms including rigidity, bradykinesia, rest tremor and imbalance. It develops upon degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra associated with neuroinflammatory process initiated by alpha-synuclein deposits. Although, levodopa replacement therapy is the gold-standard treatment, majority of the treated patients develop dyskinesia as the side effect, resulting from altered function of dopamine receptors. It is thought that the abnormal pulsate release of dopamine can be prevented by antagonism of adenosine 2A receptors (A2ARs). Aim of the study: This review aims to outline the action mechanism of A2AR antagonism on motor performance, and thus evaluate the suggested implications of coffee consumption in PD. Material and method: The involvement of A2ARs in the pathology and treatment of PD has been analyzed based on the findings of many published studies examining the effects of A2AR modulation. Results: Blockage of A2ARs enhances the action of dopamine via D2 receptors on striatopallidal neurons, decreasing their hyperactivity, and exerts neuroprotective effect, suppressing the neuroinflammation. Conclusions: Istradefylline, being the only approved A2AR antagonist, was able to reduce total cumulative dose of levodopa, improve motor control, alleviate postural abnormalities, and provide a reduction in daily ‘off’ time experienced by patients. Recent findings suggest the effects of drinking one cup of coffee are comparable with ones obtained by the newly introduced medication, presumably via shared action mechanism by A2AR inhibition

    One-year molecular survey of astrovirus infection in turkeys in Poland

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    The presence of turkey astrovirus (TAstV) was monitored in meat-type turkey flocks in Poland in 2008. Clinical samples (10 individual faecal swabs/flock) from 77 flocks aged 1-19 weeks were collected from different regions of the country. RT-PCR experiments were performed for detection and molecular characterization of TAstV using four sets of primers within the RdRp gene (ORF1b). The prevalence of astrovirus was 34/77 (44.15%) in the flocks tested. TAstV type 2 was associated with 30 of 77 infections (38.9%), either alone or in mixed infections; TAstV type 1 was detected in 9 of 77 flocks (11.6%), either alone or in mixed infections; ANV was detected only in one flock (1.29%) by sequence analysis during this study. Phylogenetic analysis revealed genetic variability in the TAstV strains that were isolated. Some of Polish TAstV-2 strains were genetically related to the North American isolates; however, most of them formed a distinct subgroup of “European” isolates, suggesting their separate origin or evolution. Additionally, due to the high variability of the TAstV sequences, the most suitable method for TAstV typing seems to be sequencing

    Selected physicochemical parameters of water from the springs of the Prądnik valley

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    The springs in the Ojców National Park are one of the most important elements of the landscape. Despite their protection, they are exposed to pollution, mainly due to the increased tourism and traffic in the Prądnik valley. Eleven physicochemical parameters for seven main springs have been studied. The results were compared with the Polish regulations and with the previous studies to check the rate of change of the spring water condition. The nutrient pollution turned out to be the most variable, both in time and space

    Value of short exercise and short exercise with cooling tests in diagnosis of recessive form of myotonia congenita (Becker disease) — are sex differences important?

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    Introduction: In myotonia congenita (MC), activation with exercise or cooling can induce transient changes in compound motor action potential (CMAP) parameters, thus providing a guide to genetic analysis.Material and methods: We performed the short exercise test (SET) and the short exercise test with cooling (SETC) in 30 patients with genetically confirmed Becker disease (BMC) to estimate their utility in the diagnosis of BMC.Results: Although we observed a significant decrease in CMAP amplitude immediately after maximal voluntary effort in both tests in the whole BMC group, in men this decline was significantly smaller than in women, especially in SET.Clinical implications/future directions: In men with a clinical suspicion of BMC, a small decrease in CMAP amplitude in SET together with a typical decline in SETC does not exclude the diagnosis of BMC. Our results show a sex-specific difference in chloride channel function in BMC, which needs further investigation

    Riskklassificering av fiberområde i Bollstafjärden

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    I detta projekt har ett fiberområde i Bollstafjärden i Västernorrland undersökts. Fiberområdet består av en fiberbank och fiberrika sediment. Trä- och cellulosafibrer har tillsammans med kemikalier släppts ut från pappers- och massaindustri vilket gett upphov till fiberområden. Kemikaliernas farlighet samt risk för spridning och upptag i näringsväven utgör ett miljöhot. Syftet med projektet var att undersöka och klassificera fiberområdet med hjälp av en modell som tagits fram av Golder Associates på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen i Västernorrland. Modellen bygger på Naturvårdsverkets Metodik för Inventering av Förorenade Områden (MIFO) och är den första av sitt slag varmed det också ingår i syftet att utvärdera denna. Volymen för fiberbanken beräknades för att få en uppfattning om dess storlek samt för att den ingår i modellen. Fiberbankens volym beräknades i programvaran ArcGIS till 197 143 m3. Volymen kan jämföras med en simbassäng (50x25 meter) som har ett djup på 158 meter. Den beräknade volymen ansågs vara mycket osäker eftersom det fanns för lite mätdata att tillgå, vilket innebar att beräkningsmetoderna i ArcGIS inte fungerade optimalt. Genom att fylla i modellens parametrar riskklassificerades fiberområdet till klass 1C, ”särskilt stor risk”, på en skala från 1-4. Riskklassificeringar används för att kun- na jämföra förorenade områden med varandra och för att få en uppfattning om vilka områden som ska prioriteras vid eventuella åtgärder. Modellen validerades genom att ändra parametrarna inom ett rimligt intervall samt se hur den påverkades då inget parametervärde angavs. Då värden som innebar störst risk användes på ett flertal parametrar erhölls högsta riskklass 1A. De parametrar som enskilt påverkade riskklassen var ”sammanvägda spridningsförutsättningar” och ”avstånd till närmaste bostadshus”. Det är anmärkningsvärt att en dubblering eller hal- vering av volym fiberbank och fiberrika sediment inte resulterade i en förändring av riskklass. Under arbetet med modellen visade det sig att fiberområdet kunde riskklas- sificeras utan information om dess volym. Modellen ansågs vara användarvänlig men hade en del brister så som otillräckligt definierade svarsalternativ för en del parametrar. Viss information upplevdes som svår- tillgänglig men är förmodligen enklare att hitta för handläggare vid länsstyrelser.