227 research outputs found

    Sissimarkkinointikampanjan toimivuus ja tehokkuus - Case Fysioline Fressi Oy

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    Fysioline Fressi Oy tarjoaa kokonaisvaltaisia liikunta- sekä hyvinvointipalveluja yksityis- sekä yrityspuolen asiakkaille. Yritys hyödyntää tällä hetkellä perinteisen markkinoinnin keinoja, jotka tuovat perusnäkyvyyttä yritykselle ja ovat tärkeässä roolissa asiakkuuksien hankinnassa. Sissimarkkinointia halutaan ottaa yhä enemmän osaksi kokonaismarkkinointia, koska se voi parhaimmillaan olla kustannuksiltaan ja toimivuudeltaan tehokkaampaa kuin perinteinen markkinointi. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkoituksena oli antaa yritykselle jatkotoimenpiteitä varten ehdotus siitä, kannattaako sissimarkkinointia ottaa osaksi yrityksen muuta markkinointia. Tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa sissimarkkinointikampanja, jonka tulosten pohjalta voitiin arvioida sen toimivuutta ja kannattavuutta. Sissimarkkinointikampanjaa verrattiin aikaisemmin, perinteisen markkinoinnin keinoin, toteutettuun kampanjaan. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli myös selvittää, minkälaista markkinointi on Fysioline Fressissä tällä hetkellä ja antaa yritykselle kehitysehdotuksia koskien markkinointia. Kolmen tutkimuksessa osallisena olleiden pääkaupunkiseudun Fressien sisäisiä heikkouksia ja vahvuuksia sekä ulkoisia mahdollisuuksia ja uhkia arvioitiin myös. Lähestymistavaksi valittiin kvantitatiivinen tutkimusote, koska se palveli tutkimusongelmaa parhaiten. Ennen kampanjan ja varsinaisen tutkimuksen toteutusta haastateltiin kohdeyrityksen markkinointipäällikköä. Haastattelussa käytiin läpi aikaisempia markkinointitoimenpiteitä ja mahdollisia aikaisemmin käytettyjä mittareita. Lisäksi haastattelun edetessä ideoitiin tulevaa kampanjaa ja käytiin läpi yrityksen rajoja ja toiveita kampanjalle. Toteutettu sissimarkkinointikampanja toimi parhaiten Espoonlahden Fressin kohdalla. Espoonlahden K-Supermarketin flyerin saaneista asiakkaista 50 % jätti omat yhteystietonsa internetsivuille. Saatuja yhteydenottopyyntöjä tuli kaikille kolmelle keskukselle eniten naisilta. Sissimarkkinointikampanja oli myös kokonaiskustannuksiltaan halvempi kuin vertailtava kampanja; myös kampanjassa käytetty työpanoksen määrä oli pienempi kuin vertailtavassa kampanjassa. Fressin tulee ottaa sissimarkkinointi osaksi muuta markkinointia jättämättä kuitenkaan pois perinteisiä markkinointitoimenpiteitä. Fressissä eri markkinointikeinoja mitataan ja markkinointiviestiä kohdennetaan tietylle kohderyhmälle vähän. Huolellisella mittaamisella saadaan arvokasta tietoa eri kampanjoiden ja keinojen onnistumisista sekä niiden avulla saavutetuista asiakkaiden ja asiakkuuksien määristä. Lisäksi kaikki tehtävät markkinointitoimenpiteet tulee kohdistaa mahdollisimman tarkasti tietyille asiakasryhmille. Mitä tarkemmin kohderyhmä on määritelty, sitä henkilökohtaisempaa ja paremmin asiakkaan tunteisiin vetoavaa markkinointi on.Efficiency and practicality of a guerilla marketing campaign: a case study of Fysioline Fressi Oy Fysioline Fressi Ltd provides comprehensive services in the trade of physical exercise and well-being to both business and consumer clients. Currently, Fysioline Fressi exploits traditional marketing methods, which are important in the retention and procurement of new customers. Nevertheless, the company is interested in utilizing guerilla marketing since such campaigns can be more cost efficient and practical than in the case of traditional marketing. The object of this thesis is to provide information about the efficiency and practicality of the guerilla marketing campaign. The object of the research is to determine whether it is efficient combine guerilla marketing with traditional marketing methods based on the campaign. In the research the company´s current marketing was investigated, in addition to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the three Fressi centers that were involved in campaign. The efficiency of the guerilla marketing was tested with a campaign that involved three Fressi centers in the capital area, which were located in Espoonlahti, Kamppi and Leppävaara. The results were compared with a campaign that was conducted using traditional marketing methods. The research was conducted using quantitative methods as these were felt to be most suitable for this research problem. Prior to the campaign and the actual research, the company’s marketing manager was interviewed. The interview provided information about previous marketing activity and possible indicators that were used in the company. At the end of the interview the campaign idea was discussed in addition to the boundaries and wishes the company had in relation to the campaign. The guerrilla marketing campaign was found to have the best results in Espoonlahti. 50% of those who received the flyer left their contact information at the website. Most of those who left their contact information were women in all three Fressi centers. The costs of the guerrilla marketing campaign were less than the traditional campaign that it was compared with. Also the work contribution to the guerrilla marketing campaign was less when comparing the two campaigns. The study indicated that Fysioline Fressi Oy should adopt guerrilla marketing tactics in addition to traditional marketing methods. In Fysioline Fressi Oy different indicators are used and allocation of promotions to different target groups is made infrequently. The careful use of indicators can offer valuable information about different kinds of campaign, the methods that are used and about the customers. All marketing activities should be directed at a specific target group. When the target group is specifically selected, the marketing message is perceived to be more personal to the customer and it will appeal to the customer’s feelings

    Hoitajien näkemyksiä potilaiden osallisuudesta hoitoonsa ja näkemyksiä kartoittavan mittarin luotettavuuden arviointi

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli suomenkielisen potilaiden osallisuus sairaalapalveluissa -mittarin (MHCPQ) muokkaaminen ammattilaisille hoitotyön somaattisille osastoille sekä mittarin käytettävyyden ja luotettavuuden arviointi. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli kuvata hoitohenkilöstön näkemyksiä ja asenteita sairaalapalveluita käyttävien aikuisten potilaiden osallisuudesta hoitoonsa, sekä taustatekijöiden yhteyttä hoitohenkilökunnan näkemyksiin. Tämä kvantitatiivinen poikkileikkaustutkimus toteutettiin sähköisenä strukturoituna kyselytutkimuksena kokonaisotoksena yhden keskussairaalan somaattisilla vuodeosastoilla työskenteleville hoitajille (N= 337) vuonna 2016. Vastausprosentiksi muodostui 31 % (n=103). Mittarin rakenteen validiteetin arvioinnissa käytettiin pääkomponenttianalyysiä (PCA) ja mittarin sisäistä johdonmukaisuutta tutkittiin käyttämällä Cronbachin Alpha-kerrointa. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisten menetelmien avulla. Pääkomponenttianalyysissä sisällöllisesti parhaan ratkaisun tuotti neljän komponentin malli. Alkuperäisestä 23 Likert-asteikollisesta muuttujasta jäi tähän malliin 20. Mittari osoittautui sisäiseltä johdonmukaisuudeltaan tyydyttäväksi; muodostuneiden kolmen komponentin Cronbachin Alpha- arvot olivat 0.670-0.774 välillä, yhden komponentin arvon jäädessä vaatimattomaksi (0.544). Suomenkielinen hoitohenkilökunnan näkemyksiä potilaiden osallisuudesta hoitoonsa sairaalan vuodeosastolla kuvaava mittari osoittautui kohtalaisen validiksi ja reliaabeliksi mittariksi suomalaisessa somaattisen hoitotyön kontekstissa. Mittaria tulee kuitenkin edelleen kehittää ja testata. Hoitajien suhtautuminen potilaan osallisuuteen oli pääasiassa myönteistä. Tämän mittarin osallisuuden ulottuvuudet kuitenkin jakoivat vastaajien näkemyksiä. Hoitajat kokivat melko kielteisesti potilaan osallistumisen henkilökunnan valintaan tai ammatillisen kehittämisen suunnitteluun. Kokemusasiantuntijuus nähtiin pääosin myönteisenä asiana, vaikka vastaajilla oli vain vähän kokemusta kokemusasiantuntijan käytöstä kouluttajana ja apuna hoitotyössä. Vastausten hajonnasta ja osittaisesta ristiriitaisuudesta oli tulkittavissa osallisuuteen liittyvien käsitteiden hankaluus ja tiedon tarve potilaan osallisuudesta ja sen merkityksestä hoitotyöhön. Tutkimuksen tulokset antavat kuvaa hoitohenkilöstön näkemyksistä potilaan osallisuudesta hoitoonsa, mutta tuloksia ei voi yleistää. Mittarilla saatavaa tietoa voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä hoitotyön toimintakulttuuria ja koulutusta potilaan osallisuuden näkökulmasta. ABSTRACT Nurses views of patient’s involvement in their own care and evaluating the validity of the instrument used to gather the views The aim of this study was to modify 'the Finnish speaking patient's participation in hospital services' -instrument (MHCPQ) for nursing professionals on somatic wards and to further evaluate the usability and the reliability of the instrument. The aim was also to describe the views of healthcare professionals and attitude of the adult patients using the hospital services participation in their own care. In addition the study looks into background factors connection to healthcare professional's views. This quantitative cross sectional study was carried out as an electronic structured question based study for the nurses who work on one central hospital's somatic wards (N= 337) in 2016. The responses rate was 31% (N=103). The Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was used to evaluate the validity of the instrument's structure. The instrument's internal consistency was investigated by using Cronbach's Alpha scale. The data was analyzed with statistical methods. In the Principal Components Analysis the best solution contentually was made by a four-component solution. From the original 23 Likert-scale's variables 20 stayed in this model. The instrument was satisfying by internal consistency; the 3 components that were formed Cronbach's Alpha scales were between 0.670-0.774, one component result was moderate (0.544). The instrument used on Finnish speaking nursing staffs' views of patience's involvement in their own care on a hospital's ward was found out to be fairly valid and reliable instrument for Finnish somatic nursing context. The instrument should still be developed and tested. The nurse's attitude for patient involvement was mainly positive. However, the dimensions of the involvement of this instrument divided the participant's views. The nurses felt rather negatively the patient's involvement in election of nursing staff or planning of professional development. The expertise that comes with experience was mainly seen as a positive thing, even though the respondents had only little experience of using this type of expert's as a trainer and assistance in nursing. The wide dispersion and the partial contradiction of the data from the respondents suggest the concepts were difficult, and there's a need for more information about the patient's involvement and it's meaning to nursing. The results of this study give indication of the views of nursing staff regarding patient's involvement in their own care but the results should not be generalized. The information gathered with the instrument can be used for developing nursing working environment and training the staff from the patient's involvement point of view

    Sisäinen yrittäjyys palvelualalla

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    Työntekijät antavat yritykselle kasvot ja tekevät tuloksen, olivat he sitten vakituisia tai ekstratyöntekijöitä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tutkia, miten erityisesti tilapäistyövoiman sisäistä yrittäjyyttä voitaisiin kehittää palvelualalla ja toisaalta millaiset työskentelyolosuhteet heille tulisi tarjota, että heidän työssään sisäinen yrittäjyys heräisi. Työntekijöiltä edellytetään yhä useammin työskentelyä ja asennoitumista työhönsä yrittäjän tavoin omia resurssejaan hyödyntäen. Työnantajat tavoittelevat innovatiivisia kehittäjiä sekä joustavasti ja tehokkaasti työnsä hoitavia työntekijöitä. Sisäinen yrittäjä työskentelee aloitekykyisesti ja motivoituneesti. Sisäisen yrittäjyyden avulla voidaan myös parantaa yrityksen tuottavuutta sekä lisätä henkilöstön työviihtyvyyttä ja -motivaatiota. Sen edistämisen voidaan katsoa olevan henkilöstön sekä yrityksen edun mukaista. Opinnäytetyön tutkimuksellinen osio toteutettiin Casseli Oy:n henkilökunnalle. Tutkimus tehtiin kvalitatiivisella tutkimuksella. Casseli Oy:n tilapäistyöntekijöille ja esimiehille tehtiin teemahaastattelu. Lisäksi käytettiin eläytymismenetelmää, joka antoi tutkimukselle lisäinformaatiota ja toi lisää luotettavuutta. Eläytymismenetelmään osallistuivat Hyria koulutus Oy:n catering-alan aikuisopiskelijat. Johtopäätöksiksi tähän opinnäytetyöhön saatiin mm. sosiaalisen ja muiden kuin rahalla palkitsemisen merkityksen korostuminen työntekijöiden sitouttamis- ja kannustamiskeinona. Asiakaspalvelutyöntekijää kannustaa palaute monelta suunnalta eli asiakkaalta, kollegoilta ja esimiehiltä. Usealta taholta saatu palaute ohjaa sisäistä yrittäjää työskentelyssä, itsensä ja yrityksen kehittämisessä. Yhteistyö ja vuorovaikutus tulee olla koko työyhteisön yhteisön vastuulla. Ei pelkästään esimiesten. Luottamuksellinen ja avoin työskentelyilmapiiri sekä myönteisyys ja mahdollisuus vaikuttaa omaan työhön, herättää luovuuden kipinän. Hyvällä esimiestyöllä ja henkilöstöjohtamisen taidoilla voidaan täydentää sisäiseen yrittäjyyteen muiden vaikuttavien tekijöiden vajetta.It is the employees who give the company its distinct character and contribute to its result, no matter if they are employed on a permanent or a temporary basis. The aim of this thesis is to study how the intrapreneurship of especially temporary employees can be developed in the service sector and what kind of working conditions the employees should be offered in order to enhance their interest in intrapreneurship. Employees are increasingly expected to work and perceive the work as entrepreneurs by utilizing their own resources. Employers are eager to find workers who are innovative developers and who carry out their work in a flexible and effective manner. An intrapreneur is somebody who is venturous and motivated. A company’s productivity and the personnel’s well-being and motivation at work can also be increased through intrapreneurship. And to do this lies both in the personnel’s and company’s interest. The empirical part of this thesis was carried out on the personnel of Casseli Oy. The study method was qualitative. The temporary employees and superiors in Casseli Oy took part in a focused interview. In addition, a role-playing method was used, which gave the study additional information and contributed to its reliability. The role-playing method was conducted with Hyria Education’s adult students in the catering programme. As a conclusion, it can be stated that for example social and other non-financial rewards have an increased importance as a means of engaging and motivating employees. A customer service employee finds it motivating and rewarding to receive feedback from many different sources: customers, colleagues and superiors. Feedback from many sources steers and navigates the intrapreneur in his or her work and in developing himself/herself as well as the company. Co-operation and dialogue is something that the whole work community should be responsible of – not just the superiors. A confidential and open working atmosphere as well as a positive attitude and a possibility to have a say in one’s work helps bring creativity to life. Good management and personnel skills can compensate the possible lack of certain qualities that affect the intrapreneurship

    Kirjallisuuskatsaus: Vanhempien selviytymistä edistävät ja estävät tekijät lapsen kuoleman jälkeen

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    A literature Review: Factors that promote and prevent the coping of parents with a child’s death The purpose of this literature review is to describe factors that promote and prevent the coping of parents with the death of their child from the parents’ point of view. The aim of the study is to get such knowledge of the parents’ coping that can be used in the development of nursing practice. The data consists of scientific, peer-reviewed articles (n=20) that were analysed with inductive content analysis. Good treatment of the child’s disease and facing the child’s death, social support after the child’s death, and active grieving were factors that promoted the parents’ coping. Factors preventing the parents from coping were the unsatisfactory treatment of the child’s disease and facing the child’s death, missing or inconvenient social support after the child’s death, and clinging to the grief. This literature review provides knowledge of the coping of parents to all who face a child’s death. Challenges for the future are developing practice that takes parents` needs into consideration, developing different forms of social support, and developing interventions that promote parents` active grieving.

    The interplay of memory and matter : narratives of former Finnish Karelian child evacuees

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    After the Second World War Finland had to cede territories to the Soviet Union, and Finnish people from those areas were evacuated. In this article we analyse the narrated memories of former Karelian child evacuees. We focus on the sites of memory and the materiality of memory practices as they are reflected in these narratives. In the article we examine how narrated memories, both written and oral, are formed in the interplay of embodied recollections of the childhood evacuation, with the intra-action of matter such as sources and mementos, and immaterial things such as affects and emotions. We conclude that things and matter are agential in six ways in narrated memories. Article is accepted for publication in the special issue of Oral History 44(2): ”Oral History on the Move: Multiple Sites and Sources of Memory” (eds. Anne Heimo & Anna- Kaisa Kuusisto-Arponen & Ulla Savolainen) 2016. www.ohs.org.uk/journalPeer reviewe

    Face masks to prevent transmission of respiratory infections : Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on face mask use

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    Funding Information: The Strategic Research Council, Academy of Finland, 340551, LL. The Strategic Research Council, Academy of Finland, 340539, HMO. Publisher Copyright: Copyright: © 2022 Ollila et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Objectives To examine the use of face mask intervention in mitigating the risk of spreading respiratory infections and whether the effect of face mask intervention differs in different exposure settings and age groups. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. We evaluated the risk of bias using the Cochrane Risk of Bias 2 tool (ROB2). Data sources We searched PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Web of Science were searched for randomized controlled trials investigating the effect of face masks on respiratory infections published between 1981 and February 9, 2022. We followed the PRISMA 2020 guidelines. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies We included randomized controlled trials investigating the use of face mask intervention in mitigating the risk of spreading respiratory infections across different exposure settings. Results We identified 2,400 articles for screening. 18 articles passed the inclusion criteria for both evidence synthesis and meta-analysis. There were N = 189,145 individuals in the face mask intervention arm and N = 173,536 in the control arm, and the follow-up times ranged from 4 days to 19 months. Our results showed between-study heterogeneity (p < 0.0001). While there was no statistically significant association over all studies when the covariate unadjusted intervention effect estimates were used (RR = 0.977 [0.858–1.113], p = 0.728), our subgroup analyses revealed that a face mask intervention reduced respiratory infections in the adult subgroup (RR = 0.8795 [0.7861–0.9839], p = 0.0249) and in a community setting (RR = 0.890 [0.812–0.975], p = 0.0125). Furthermore, our leave-one-out analysis found that one study biased the results towards a null effect. Consequently, when using covariate adjusted odds ratio estimates to have a more precise effect estimates of the intervention effect to account for differences at the baseline, the results showed that a face mask intervention did reduce respiratory infections when the biasing study was excluded from the analysis (OR = 0.8892 [0.8061–0.9810], p = 0.0192). Conclusion Our findings support the use of face masks particularly in a community setting and for adults. We also observed substantial between-study heterogeneity and varying adherence to protocol. Notably, many studies were subject to contamination bias thus affecting the efficacy of the intervention, that is when also some controls used masks or when the intervention group did not comply with mask use leading to a downward biased effect of treatment receipt and efficacy.Peer reviewe

    Detection of Aspartylglucosaminuria Patients from Magnetic Resonance Images by a Machine-Learning-Based Approach

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    Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging data can be used to develop computer-assisted diagnostic tools for neurodegenerative diseases such as aspartylglucosaminuria (AGU) and other lysosomal storage disorders. MR images contain features that are suitable for the classification and differentiation of affected individuals from healthy persons. Here, comparisons were made between MRI features extracted from different types of magnetic resonance images. Random forest classifiers were trained to classify AGU patients (n = 22) and healthy controls (n = 24) using volumetric features extracted from T1-weighted MR images, the zone variance of gray level size zone matrix (GLSZM) calculated from magnitude susceptibility-weighted MR images, and the caudate–thalamus intensity ratio computed from T2-weighted MR images. The leave-one-out cross-validation and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve were used to compare different models. The left–right-averaged, normalized volumes of the 25 nuclei of the thalamus and the zone variance of the thalamus demonstrated equal and excellent performance as classifier features for binary organization between AGU patients and healthy controls. Our findings show that texture-based features of susceptibility-weighted images and thalamic volumes can differentiate AGU patients from healthy controls with a very low error rate

    Umbilical cord blood metabolome differs in relation to delivery mode, birth order and sex, maternal diet and possibly future allergy development in rural children

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    Allergy is one of the most common diseases among young children yet all factors that affect development of allergy remain unclear. In a small cohort of 65 children living in the same rural area of south-west Sweden, we have previously found that maternal factors, including prenatal diet, affect childhood allergy risk, suggesting that in utero conditions may be important for allergy development. Here, we studied if metabolites in the umbilical cord blood of newborns may be related to development of childhood allergy, accounting for key perinatal factors such as mode of delivery, birth order and sex. Available umbilical cord blood plasma samples from 44 of the participants were analysed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolomics; allergy was diagnosed by specialised paediatricians at ages 18 months, 3 years and 8 years and included eczema, asthma, food allergy and allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. Nineteen cord blood metabolites were related to future allergy diagnosis though there was no clear pattern of up- or downregulation of metabolic pathways. In contrast, perinatal factors birth order, sex and mode of delivery affected several energy and bio-synthetic pathways, including glutamate and aspartic acid—histidine metabolism (p = 0.004) and the tricarboxylic acid cycle (p = 0.006) for birth order; branched chain amino acid metabolism (p = 0.0009) and vitamin B6 metabolism (p = 0.01) for sex; and glyoxylate and dicarboxylic acid metabolism (p = 0.005) for mode of delivery. Maternal diet was also related to some of the metabolites associated with allergy. In conclusion, the cord blood metabolome includes individual metabolites that reflect lifestyle, microbial and other factors that may be associated with future allergy diagnosis, and also reflects temporally close events/factors. Larger studies are required to confirm these associations, and perinatal factors such as birth order or siblings must be considered in future cord-blood metabolome studies

    Moyamoya angiopathy: long-term follow-up study in a Finnish population

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    Moyamoya angiopathy (MMA) is a chronic cerebrovascular disorder predominantly starting in childhood or early adulthood and thus affects the whole lifetime. Little is known on MMAs long-term outcomes in European patients. We report long-term follow-up data on Finnish MMA patients.Peer reviewe

    The Impact of Early Life Stress on Anxiety Symptoms in Late Adulthood

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    Early life stress (ELS) may increase the risk of anxiety throughout the life course. Whether this effect extends to late adulthood is poorly known. In our study comprising 1872 participants from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study born in 1934-1944, we investigated the association of various forms of ELS and their accumulation with self-reported anxiety symptoms at the age of 65-77 years. Data on childhood socioeconomic status and separation from parents were based on national registers for all participants. Information on self-reported emotional and physical trauma, parental divorce, and death of a family member in childhood was obtained from 1277 participants. We found that experiencing emotional trauma, physical trauma, and low socioeconomic status in childhood were associated with increased anxiety symptoms in late adulthood [B = 0.44 (95% CI = 0.31-0.58); B = 0.33 (95%CI = 0.20-0.46); B = 0.10 (95%CI = 0.01-0.19), respectively]. These associations remained significant even after controlling for other forms of ELS. Accumulation of early life stress also increased the levels of late-adulthood anxiety symptoms and the risk of anxiety regarded as clinically significant. Screening for potentially stressful childhood experiences in elderly populations may help identifying individuals with increased anxiety symptoms and planning preventive and therapeutic interventions for those exposed to ELS.Peer reviewe