726 research outputs found

    Making our Rural Landscape visible. A way to defend Anonymous Cultural Heritage

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    [EN] As a result of the energy transition, the traditional rural landscapes are being threatened by renewable energy macro-projects, often promoted by foreign companies. In response to this threat, our project aims to bring to light the Cultural Heritage hidden in these landscapes, built over centuries by wise hands and minds, using the natural resources available back then, in order to highlight their value and later defend them from this menace. The specific case of the surroundings of El Perelló and l’Ametlla de Mar, in Baix Ebre (Tarragona, Spain), a site with Neolithic, Iberian and Roman settlements, with a calcareous geography, situated between the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, is analyzed. A rural landscape, built in a human and family scale, protected by the mountain of “Tossal de Montagut”. An agrarian mosaic drawn by sinuous walks and dry-stone walls, with beautiful and geometric traces, in which houses, wells, hunter shelters, farmyards, etc.., appear. A series of domestic elements that constitute organic ensembles and define a settlement in balance with nature. A place that, if we give in to the threat of these projects, will become into an industrial estate, and whose Cultural Heritage will be destroyed. We propose a reflection on the identity and fragility of these anonymous places, on the need to maintain alive their memory and their Cultural Heritage: natural and built. We try to contribute, from the perspective of the architecture, to the debate on the current conflicts between rural landscapes and renewable energies. Our project proposes to analyze, register, catalogue, redraw, etc. the architectonic elements in the affected landscape (approx. 800 Ha), highlighting the historical value of the place through historic archival work and the recording of the tradition and daily life of local people.Martínez Duran, A.; Villaverde Rey, M. (2022). Making our Rural Landscape visible. A way to defend Anonymous Cultural Heritage. En Proceedings HERITAGE 2022 - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 491-498. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1438949149

    Humor appreciation in 10-year-olds: the influence of affective disposition towards cartoon protagonists and their status in dominance hierarchy

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    Badanie miało charakter eksploracyjny. Jego celem było sprawdzenie przewidywań dyspozycyjnej teorii humoru. W badaniu wzięło udział 34 uczniów klasy IV szkoły podstawowej. Składało się ono z dwóch etapów. W pierwszej fazie przeprowadzono badanie socjometryczne w celu ustalenia relacji sympatii i antypatii między poszczególnymi członkami grupy. W fazie drugiej badanym prezentowano zestaw dowcipów, z których połowa przedstawiała dziecko poniżające dorosłego, a połowa dorosłego poniżającego dziecko. W jednej grupie badanych dziecko występujące w dowcipie utożsamiano z łubianym, a w drugiej - z nie łubianym kolegą osoby badanej. Następnie dzieci były proszone o ocenę zabawności dowcipu. Za najbardziej zabawną badani uznali sytuację, w której dorosły poniżał dziecko łubiane. Mniej zabawne w ich ocenie były sytuacje, gdy dziecko łubiane poniżało dorosłego, dalej - gdy dziecko nielubiane poniżało dorosłego. Najmniej zabawna okazała się sytuacja, gdy dorosły poniżał dziecko nielubiane. Ponadto dowcipy, w których występowały dzieci łubiane, były oceniane jako znacząco bardziej zabawne, niż dowcipy, których bohaterami były dzieci nielubiane, niezależnie od tego czy były one ofiarami czy prześladowcami

    Preparation of Decoherence Free Cluster States with Optical Superlattices

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    We present a protocol to prepare decoherence free cluster states using ultracold atoms loaded in a two dimensional superlattice. The superlattice geometry leads to an array of 2*2 plaquettes, each of them holding four spin-1/2 particles that can be used for encoding a single logical qubit in the two-fold singlet subspace, insensitive to uniform magnetic field fluctuations in any direction. Dynamical manipulation of the supperlattice yields distinct inter and intra plaquette interactions and permits to realize one qubit and two qubit gates with high fidelity, leading to the generation of universal cluster states for measurement based quantum computation. Our proposal based on inter and intra plaquette interactions also opens the path to study polymerized Hamiltonians which support ground states describing arbitrary quantum circuits.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    V Jornada d’Intercanvi d’Experiències de la Família de Serveis Socioculturals i a la Comunitat

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    V Jornada d’Intercanvi d’Experiències de la Família de Serveis Socioculturals i a la Comunitat. Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona (Institut de Ciències de l’Educació), 2017.La família de Serveis Socioculturals i a la Comunitat és una família molt dinàmica, en constant esforç per adaptar-se a les noves tendències del món educatiu i les seves metodologies. Les trobades, usualment bianuals dels seus professionals, permeten l’intercanvi d’experiències i empenyen El professorat a nous reptes en els seus centres educatius. Compartir experiències beneficia els professors i professores pel contacte amb metodologies i/o enfocaments exposats per d’altres centres educatius, però en última instància el benefici d’aquestes trobades és per als nous professionals que es preparen en cadascun dels instituts d’arreu de Catalunya: l’alumnat. Fa dos anys de la darrera Jornada d’Intercanvi d’Experiències. No és molt de temps, i en canvi, si són força les propostes que ens ha fet arribar el professorat. De totes elles, se’n deriven dos grans àmbits temàtics que són l’acompanyament de l’alumnat en el marc de la inclusió educativa i les metodologies, estratègies i experiències que afavoreixen l’assoliment de les competències professionals. Les presents jornades s’han organitzat a partir d’un grup de treball de l’Institut de Ciències de la Universitat de Barcelona que han participat conjuntament en altres ocasions en temes relacionats amb aquesta família professional. Ha estat una gran oportunitat per desenvolupar un treball cooperatiu, engrescador i enriquidor que posarem al servei d’altres accions de formació

    Oxygen reduction at thin dense La0.52Sr0.48Co0.18Fe0.82O3- δ electrodes: Part II: Experimental assessment of the reaction kinetics

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    The mechanism and kinetics of oxygen reduction at thin dense two-dimensional La0.52Sr0.48Co0.18Fe0.82O3−δ {\text{La}}_{{0.52}} {\text{Sr}}_{{0.48}} {\text{Co}}_{{0.18}} {\text{Fe}}_{{0.82}} {\text{O}}_{{3 - \delta }} (LSCF) electrodes have been investigated in air between 500 and 700 °C with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and steady-state voltammetry. Dense and geometrically well-defined LSCF films with various thicknesses ranging between 16 and 766nm have been prepared on cerium gadolinium oxide substrates by pulsed laser deposition and structured with photolithography. The current collection was ensured by a porous LSCF layer. A good agreement was found between the experimental data and the impedance of the reaction model calculated with state-space modelling for various electrode potentials and thicknesses. It was evidenced that oxygen adsorption, incorporation into the LSCF and bulk diffusion are rate-determining while charge transfer at the electrode/electrolyte interface remains at quasi-equilibrium. The 16 and 60nm thin dense LSCF electrodes appear to be more active towards oxygen reduction than thicker layers and porous films at 600 and 700°

    Improved performance of a PV integrated ventilated façade at an existing nZEB

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    Producción CientíficaVentilated façades are among the existing measures to reduce the energy demand in buildings. The combination of this passive heating and cooling strategy with photovoltaics (PV) can drive new buildings towards the current European targets for near or even net zero-energy buildings (nZEB). The present work aims at studying the PV integrated ventilated façade of the nZEB known as “LUCIA” at the University of Valladolid, Spain. First, the transmissivity of the PV façade is measured. Then, the monitoring of the available solar radiation is presented together with the air-dry bulb temperatures indoors, outdoors and inside the ventilated façade. The experimental results permit the validation of a mathematical model that describes the behaviour of the ventilated façade in its current operating modes. The results show that dampers should be closed during winter to let the façade act as a further insulation for outdoor temperatures below 18.4 C to improve energy efficiency. Indoor air recirculation would be helpful during 10% of the winter period.Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project VA272P18)VIPSKILLS (project 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026152 Erasmus +

    Gendered career choices: paths toward studying a degree in physical activity and sport science

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    Drawing on Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), we examined factors affecting interest in pursuing a degree in Physical Activity and Sport Science (PASS) among Spanish teenage students. Although women were awarded 55.1% of all bachelor degrees in Spain in 2017–2018, female enrollment in PASS degrees is decreasing and currently stands below 20% across the country. To better understand the under-representation of women in this field, 4146 students (50.2% girls; mean age = 16.82 years; SD = 0.837) participated in a survey designed to measure a series of SCCT constructs: interest in studying a PASS degree, career outcome expectations, goal representations, and perceived social supports. With these data, we tested a set of path analysis models to explain gender differences in interest in studying a degree in PASS. These models tested the assumption that interest in PASS would mediate the paths from outcome expectations and social supports to goal representations. Model 1 assumed that interest would partially mediate the path from outcome expectations to goal representations, Model 2 assumed complete mediation, and Model 3 assumed absence of mediation. All models were tested separately for boys and girls. Our results provide information on how male and female students set personal goals based on expected career outcomes and show that this process is affected by gender stereotypes. The lack of interest by young women in studying a degree in PASS (only 7.8% of girls expressed this interest compared with 19.0% of boys), together with the gender differences observed in perceived social supports, outcome expectations, and goal representations, have several important theoretical and practical implications. The present research suggests that interventions that foster positive outcome expectations and social support are necessary to increase interest in studying PASS among teenage girls.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. DEP2012-3127
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