17,775 research outputs found

    Expansion of CORE-SINEs in the genome of the Tasmanian devil

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    Background: The genome of the carnivorous marsupial, the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii, Order: Dasyuromorphia), was sequenced in the hopes of finding a cure for or gaining a better understanding of the contagious devil facial tumor disease that is threatening the species’ survival. To better understand the Tasmanian devil genome, we screened it for transposable elements and investigated the dynamics of short interspersed element (SINE) retroposons. Results: The temporal history of Tasmanian devil SINEs, elucidated using a transposition in transposition analysis, indicates that WSINE1, a CORE-SINE present in around 200,000 copies, is the most recently active element. Moreover, we discovered a new subtype of WSINE1 (WSINE1b) that comprises at least 90% of all Tasmanian devil WSINE1s. The frequencies of WSINE1 subtypes differ in the genomes of two of the other Australian marsupial orders. A co-segregation analysis indicated that at least 66 subfamilies of WSINE1 evolved during the evolution of Dasyuromorphia. Using a substitution rate derived from WSINE1 insertions, the ages of the subfamilies were estimated and correlated with a newly established phylogeny of Dasyuromorphia. Phylogenetic analyses and divergence time estimates of mitochondrial genome data indicate a rapid radiation of the Tasmanian devil and the closest relative the quolls (Dasyurus) around 14 million years ago. Conclusions: The radiation and abundance of CORE-SINEs in marsupial genomes indicates that they may be a major player in the evolution of marsupials. It is evident that the early phases of evolution of the carnivorous marsupial order Dasyuromorphia was characterized by a burst of SINE activity. A correlation between a speciation event and a major burst of retroposon activity is for the first time shown in a marsupial genome

    Differences in the growth cycle of Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande in a Mediterranean shallow system

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    Ruppia cirrhosa growth cycle was analysed in a southern Mediterranean shallow system throughout 1 year. We examined the temporal variation in R. cirrhosa cover percentage, shoot density, biomass, leaf length, no. flowers m-2 and no. fruits m-2 in two groups of pond characterized by differences in some environmental parameters. Ponds were comparable for salinity and temperature but they differed for other environmental parameters such as water depth, level of suspended organic matter and chlorophyll a (CHL a). Biological parameter values were higher in B ponds, characterized by lower values of water depth, suspended organic matter and CHL a. A seasonal trend for all considered biological parameters in both typologies of ponds with maximum values in summer was also observed. Moreover, differences were observed between the two groups of ponds in relation to the reproductive strategy adopted by the plant, with populations subjected to a higher organic input and a lower water depth displaying an annual cycle. Results showed how R. cirrhosa is able to resist and to adapt to variations in environmental conditions because of the plasticity and flexibility in the growth cycle and in the reproductive effort

    CleAir monitoring system for particulate matter. A case in the Napoleonic Museum in Rome

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    Monitoring the air particulate concentration both outdoors and indoors is becoming a more relevant issue in the past few decades. An innovative, fully automatic, monitoring system called CleAir is presented. Such a system wants to go beyond the traditional technique (gravimetric analysis), allowing for a double monitoring approach: the traditional gravimetric analysis as well as the optical spectroscopic analysis of the scattering on the same filters in steady-state conditions. The experimental data are interpreted in terms of light percolation through highly scattering matter by means of the stretched exponential evolution. CleAir has been applied to investigate the daily distribution of particulate matter within the Napoleonic Museum in Rome as a test case

    "Learning Anew Is Easier Than Re-Learning". On The Difficulties Of A Group Accustomed To Education To Establish New (Media) Forms Of Participation

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    Das Internet bietet Lernenden vielfältige Möglichkeiten zur Wissensorganisation und -kommunikation in formalen und informellen Bildungskontexten. Bislang nutzen selbst bildungsaffine erwachsene Lerner diese unterstützenden Potenziale des Internets vielfach nur zurückhaltend. Dieser zögerliche Gebrauch zeigt sich auch dann, wenn die Implementierung virtuell vernetzter Applikationen in der Planung von den Lernenden von den Akteuren prinzipiell gefordert und begrüsst wird. Im Zentrum unseres Beitrags stehen mögliche Gründe und Bedingungen für diese vermeintlichen Widerstände und Problematiken bei der Integration des Partizipationsraums Internet für berufliche Lernprozesse. Grundlage für die Diskussion sind die Praxiserfahrungen und empirischen Ergebnisse einer explorativen Fall­studie mit einem ethisch beratenden Gremium. Die bisherige Bilanz des Projektvor­habens unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, in diesem Kontext theoretische Konzepte zu Lernwiderständen, generationsspezifischen Aspekten, zur Mediendidaktik und zu Lerngewohnheiten und Transfer zu diskutieren. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass digitale Lern- und Arbeitsformen unmittelbar an eingeschliffene Lernroutinen gebunden sind. Lernende benötigen Zeit, Raum, Anlässe und Struktur, um Handlungs- und Lernroutinen aufzubrechen und neue zu entwickeln. Nur so können digitale Partizipationsmöglichkeiten erfolgreich in den Arbeitsalltag integriert werden.The internet offers learners a wide range of possibilities for organising and communicating knowledge in formal and informal educational contexts. So far, even adult learners with an affinity for education have often been reluctant to use these supportive potentials of the internet. This hesitant use is also evident when the implementation of virtually networked applications in learner planning is in principle demanded and welcomed by stakeholders. The focus of our contribution is on possible reasons and conditions for these supposed resistances and problematic issues in the integration of the participatory space of the Internet for vocational learning processes. The basis for the discussion are the practical experiences and empirical results of an explorative case study ­with an ethical advisory board. The results of the project so far ­underline the need to discuss theoretical concepts on learning resistance, generation-specific aspects, media didactics and learning habits and transfer in this context. The results show that digital forms of learning and working are directly linked to ingrained learning routines. Learners need time, space, occasions and structure to break up action and learning routines and develop new ones. Only in this way can digital participation opportunities be successfully integrated into everyday working life

    Effects of local abundance on pollination and reproduction in the narrow endemic endangered species Delphinium bolosii (Ranunculaceae)

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    Effects of local abundance, in terms of plot size (number of individuals) and purity (relative abundance), on pollination interactions were studied by examining the quantity and quality of pollinator services and subsequent seed set in the narrow endemic, endangered and self-compatible species Delphinium bolosii. The most frequent visitors were Lepidoptera (mainly Macroglossum stellatarum and two species of Gonopteryx) and Hymenoptera (small bees). Differences in relative frequency of visits to plants were observed between populations, possibly due to the intrinsic local insect fauna. Plots with high numbers of individuals attracted more pollinators, so plants from these plots were visited more often. At the individual level, no effect of size was detected but visitation rates were significantly different between the two studied populations. The same pattern was observed for stigmatic pollen loads and seed set. The effects of purity were assessed by comparing pure plots of D. bolosii with a mixed plot that also included the neighbor species Rubus ulmifolius, an invasive shrub. Although interspecific competition for pollinator visits was observed, conspecific pollen deposition did not vary between pure and mixed plots. However, negative effects on reproductive traits such as higher rates of seed abortion (50%) and a lower S/O index (viable seeds/ovules) were detected in individuals from the mixed plot. These results may be helpful for developing conservation measures, especially in one of the populations, where R. ulmifolius is abundant due to nearby abandoned agricultural land.Els efectes de l'abundància local, en termes de mida de parcel·la (nombre d'individus) i puresa (abundància relativa), en les interaccions de pol·linització s'han estudiat mitjançant l'avaluació de la quantitat i la qualitat dels serveis de pol·linització i la consegüent producció de llavors en l'espècie endèmica de distribució restringida, amenaçada i autocompatible Delphinium bolosii. Els visitants més freqüents van ser lepidòpters (especialment Macroglossum stellatarum i dues espècies de Gonopteryx) i himenòpters (abelles petites). Les diferències en la freqüència relativa de visites a les plantes que es van observar entre poblacions són possiblement degudes a l'abundància local intrínseca de fauna d'insectes. Les parcel·les amb un nombre elevat d'individus van atreure més pol·linitzadors, de manera que les seves plantes van ser visitades més sovint. A escala individual, no es va detectar efecte de la mida; però la proporció de visites va ser significativament diferent entre les dues poblacions estudiades. El mateix patró es va trobar per a les càrregues pol·líniques estigmàtiques i la producció de llavors. Els efectes de la puresa es van analitzar comparant les parcel·les pures que només contenien D. bolosii amb una parcel·la mixta, que contenia altres plantes com l'espècie veïna Rubus ulmifolius, un arbust invasor. Malgrat que es va observar competència interespecífica per les visites dels pol·linitzadors, el pol·len conespecífic dipositat no variava entre parcel·les pures i mixtes. No obstant això, es van detectar efectes negatius en alguns paràmetres reproductius com una major proporció d'avortament de les llavors (50%) i una davallada de l'índex S/O (llavors viables/primordis seminals) dels individus en les parcel·les mixtes. Aquests resultats poden ser útils en el desenvolupament de mesures de conservació, especialment en una de les poblacions, en què R. ulmifolius és abundant degut a l'abandonament dels terrenys de conreu propers

    Carvacrol ameliorates acute campylobacteriosis in a clinical murine infection model

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    Background: The prevalence of human infections with the zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is rising worldwide. Therefore, the identification of compounds with potent anti-pathogenic and anti-inflammatory properties for future therapeutic and/or preventive application to combat campylobacteriosis is of importance for global health. Results of recent studies suggested carvacrol (4-isopropyl-2-methylphenol) as potential candidate molecule for the treatment of campylobacteriosis in humans and for the prevention of Campylobacter colonization in farm animals. Results: To address this in a clinical murine infection model of acute campylobacteriosis, secondary abiotic IL-10-/- mice were subjected to synthetic carvacrol via the drinking water starting 4 days before peroral C. jejuni challenge. Whereas at day 6 post-infection placebo treated mice suffered from acute enterocolitis, mice from the carvacrol cohort not only harbored two log orders of magnitude lower pathogen loads in their intestines, but also displayed significantly reduced disease symptoms. Alleviated campylobacteriosis following carvacrol application was accompanied by less distinct intestinal apoptosis and pro-inflammatory immune responses as well as by higher numbers of proliferating colonic epithelial cells. Remarkably, the inflammation-ameliorating effects of carvacrol treatment were not restricted to the intestinal tract, but could also be observed in extra-intestinal organs such as liver, kidneys and lungs and, strikingly, systemically as indicated by lower IFN-γ, TNF, MCP-1 and IL-6 serum concentrations in carvacrol versus placebo treated mice. Furthermore, carvacrol treatment was associated with less frequent translocation of viable C. jejuni originating from the intestines to extra-intestinal compartments. Conclusion: The lowered C. jejuni loads and alleviated symptoms observed in the here applied clinical murine model for human campylobacteriosis highlight the application of carvacrol as a promising novel option for both, the treatment of campylobacteriosis and hence, for prevention of post-infectious sequelae in humans, and for the reduction of C. jejuni colonization in the intestines of vertebrate lifestock animals

    Immunopathological properties of the Campylobacter jejuni flagellins and the adhesin CadF as assessed in a clinical murine infection model

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    Background: Campylobacter jejuni infections constitute serious threats to human health with increasing prevalences worldwide. Our knowledge regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying host-pathogen interactions is still limited. Our group has established a clinical C. jejuni infection model based on abiotic IL-10-/- mice mimicking key features of human campylobacteriosis. In order to further validate this model for unraveling pathogen-host interactions mounting in acute disease, we here surveyed the immunopathological features of the important C. jejuni virulence factors FlaA and FlaB and the major adhesin CadF (Campylobacter adhesin to fibronectin), which play a role in bacterial motility, protein secretion and adhesion, respectively. Methods and results: Therefore, abiotic IL-10-/- mice were perorally infected with C. jejuni strain 81-176 (WT) or with its isogenic flaA/B (ΔflaA/B) or cadF (ΔcadF) deletion mutants. Cultural analyses revealed that WT and ΔcadF but not ΔflaA/B bacteria stably colonized the stomach, duodenum and ileum, whereas all three strains were present in the colon at comparably high loads on day 6 post-infection. Remarkably, despite high colonic colonization densities, murine infection with the ΔflaA/B strain did not result in overt campylobacteriosis, whereas mice infected with ΔcadF or WT were suffering from acute enterocolitis at day 6 post-infection. These symptoms coincided with pronounced pro-inflammatory immune responses, not only in the intestinal tract, but also in other organs such as the liver and kidneys and were accompanied with systemic inflammatory responses as indicated by increased serum MCP-1 concentrations following C. jejuni ΔcadF or WT, but not ΔflaA/B strain infection. Conclusion: For the first time, our observations revealed that the C. jejuni flagellins A/B, but not adhesion mediated by CadF, are essential for inducing murine campylobacteriosis. Furthermore, the secondary abiotic IL-10-/- infection model has been proven suitable not only for detailed investigations of immunological aspects of campylobacteriosis, but also for differential analyses of the roles of distinct C. jejuni virulence factors in induction and progression of disease