1,816 research outputs found

    Reading a story. Different degrees of learning in different learning environments

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    he learning environment in which material is acquired may produce differences in delayed recall and in the elements that individuals focus on. These differences may appear even during development. In the present study, we compared three different learning environments in 450 normally developing 7-year-old children subdivided into three groups according to the type of learning environment. Specifically, children were asked to learn the same material shown in three different learning environments: reading illustrated books (TB); interacting with the same text displayed on a PC monitor and enriched with interactive activities (PC-IA); reading the same text on a PC monitor but not enriched with interactive narratives (PC-NoIA). Our results demonstrated that TB and PC-NoIA elicited better verbal memory recall. In contrast, PC-IA and PCNoIA produced higher scores for visuo-spatial memory, enhancing memory for spatial relations, positions and colors with respect to TB. Interestingly, only TB seemed to produce a deeper comprehension of the story's moral. Our results indicated that PC-IA offered a different type of learning that favored visual details. In this sense, interactive activities demonstrate certain limitations, probably due to information overabundance, emotional mobilization, emphasis on images and effort exerted in interactive activities. Thus, interactive activities, although entertaining, act as disruptive elements which interfere with verbal memory and deep moral comprehensio

    The homuncular jigsaw: investigations of phantom limb and body awareness following brachial plexus block or avulsion

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    Many neuropsychological theories agree that the brain maintains a relatively persistent representation of one's own body, as indicated by vivid "phantom" experiences. It remains unclear how the loss of sensory and motor information contributes to the presence of this representation. Here, we focus on new empirical and theoretical evidence of phantom sensations following damage to or an anesthetic block of the brachial plexus. We suggest a crucial role of this structure in understanding the interaction between peripheral and central mechanisms in health and in pathology. Studies of brachial plexus function have shed new light on how neuroplasticity enables "somatotopic interferences", including pain and body awareness. Understanding the relations among clinical disorders, their neural substrate, and behavioral outcomes may enhance methods of sensory rehabilitation for phantom limbs

    La manipolazione mentale nei gruppi distruttivi

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    Scopo di questo lavoro è descrivere i meccanismi di manipolazione mentale utilizzati dai leader di gruppi distruttivi per sottomettere gli adepti e creare in loro uno stato permanente di dipendenza dal leader del gruppo. La motivazione che spinge i manipolatori è principalmente il potere e, attraverso il dominio, vengono soddisfatti anche obiettivi economici o sessuali. I manipolatori mentali si avvalgono di tecniche quali la persuasione, la suggestione e l’ipnosi per creare un canale di comunicazione privilegiato, all’interno di una relazione fortemente asimmetrica, che consenta al pensiero ed alle idee del leader di penetrare ed essere accolte con facilità nella mente degli adepti. In questo lavoro sono descritte le caratteristiche del leader, la personalità degli adepti, le tattiche di adescamento, le strategie per agire sugli stati di coscienza e sull’identità dei membri e gli indicatori rilevabili in persone manipolate. Al termine saranno effettuate alcune considerazioni su possibili azioni di prevenzione e cura. L’objectif de cet article est de décrire les mécanismes de manipulation mentale utilisés par les leaders des groupes destructifs pour soumettre les adeptes et pour créer chez eux un état permanent de dépendance. La motivation qui pousse les manipulateurs à agir est principalement le pouvoir et, par la domination, ils veulent réaliser des objectifs économiques et sexuels. Les manipulateurs mentaux se servent des techniques telles que la persuasion, la suggestion et l’hypnose pour créer un canal de communication privilégié, dans une relation fortement asymétrique, qui permet aux pensées du leader de pénétrer dans l’esprit des adeptes. Cet article décrit les caractéristiques du leader, la personnalité des adeptes, les stratégies de séduction, les tactiques pour agir sur les états de conscience et sur l’identité des membres ainsi que les indicateurs qu’on peut observer chez les personnes manipulées. Pour conclure, uméquelques considérations sont faites sur les actions de prévention et de traitement possibles des victimes. The aim of this paper is to describe the mechanisms of psychological manipulation used by leaders of destructive groups in order to submit adepts and create a permanent state of dependence from them. When members are captured in a destructive group, satanic or pseudo-religious sect, or psycho sects or similar groups, leaders will work on their minds in order to reduce their autonomy and their willing, so they can be totally subdued. The main motivation is power and, by power, leaders can also reach sexual and economic goals. Mental manipulators use techniques as persuasion, suggestion and hypnosis in order to create a facilitated channel of communication, in an asymmetric relation, that allows leader’s ideas to easily be accepted into adepts’ minds. This paper will describe leaders’ characteristics, adepts’ personality, enticement’s tactics, strategies to influence consciousness and identity of members, and indicators that can be observed in someone who are be manipulated. Finally, some consideration on operative implications and prevention strategies will be discussed

    EMDR therapy for PTSD after motor vehicle accidents: meta-analytic evidence for specific treatment

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    Motor vehicle accident (MVA) victims may suffer both acute and post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). With PTSD affecting social, interpersonal and occupational functioning, clinicians as well as the National Institute of Health are very interested in identifying the most effective psychological treatment to reduce PTSD. From research findings, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is considered as one of the effective treatment of PTSD. In this paper, we present the results of a meta-analysis of fMRI studies on PTSD after MVA through activation likelihood estimation. We found that PTSD following MVA is characterized by neural modifications in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a cerebral structure involved in fear-conditioning mechanisms. Basing on previous findings in both humans and animals, which demonstrate that desensitization techniques and extinction protocols act on the limbic system, the effectiveness of EMDR and of cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) may be related to the fact that during these therapies the ACC is stimulated by desensitization

    Retrieval-induced forgetting as motivated cognition

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    Recalling information from a particular category can reduce one's memory capability for related, non-retrieved information. This is known as the retrieval-induced forgetting effect (RIF; Anderson et al., 1994). The present paper reviews studies that show that the RIF effect is motivated. More specifically, we describe research showing that the need for closure (NFC; the motivation to attain epistemic certainty; Kruglanski and Webster, 1996) generally enhances the RIF, because this prevents uncertainty and confusion from the intrusion of unwanted memories during selective-retrieval. However, when the content of the to-be-forgotten information serves the retriever's goals, NFC reduces RIF. Overall, the present findings are consistent with the view that motivation can affect the magnitude of RIF effects which, in turn, can serve as a mechanism for reaching preferred conclusion

    Gender effects in young road users on road safety attitudes, behaviors and risk perception

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    In the present study, we investigated gender-related effects on road safety attitudes in 2681 young drivers (1458 males, 54.4%; aged 18-22) who filled out several scales assessing attitudes toward road safety issues, driving behavior in specific hypothetical situations, accident risk perception, and concerns about such a risk. We focused only on young drivers to better understand the role of gender in road safety attitudes in a period of life in which risky behaviors are widespread for males and females. Indeed, there is still no agreement as to the nature of these gender differences. According to some authors, the effects of gender on being involved in a crash due to driving skills are either non-existent or largely explained by differences in alcohol consumption. In our study, we found gender differences in road safety attitudes (i.e., "negative attitude toward traffic rules and risky driving"; "negative attitude toward drugs and alcohol" and "tolerance toward speeding") and in driver behavior (i.e., "errors in inattentive driving" and "driving violations"). This result is consistent in all drivers coming from nine different European countries. Our analyses yielded an important finding concerning risk perception. The results indicate that the level of risk perception during driving is the same for males and females. However, these two groups differ in the level of concern about this risk, with males being less concerned about the risk of a road accident. This suggests that the main difference between these two groups is not strictly related to judgment of the perceived risk probability but rather to the level of concern experienced about the consequences of the risk. This difference between risk perception and worry could explain differences in the frequency of car accidents in the two groups. The present findings may provide new insights for the development of gender-based prevention program

    Where does brain neural activation in aesthetic responses to visual art occur? Meta-analytic evidence from neuroimaging studies

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    Here we aimed at finding the neural correlates of the general aspect of visual aesthetic experience (VAE) and those more strictly correlated with the content of the artworks. We applied a general activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis to 47 fMRI experiments described in 14 published studies. We also performed four separate ALE analyses in order to identify the neural substrates of reactions to specific categories of artworks, namely portraits, representation of real-world-visual-scenes, abstract paintings, and body sculptures. The general ALE revealed that VAE relies on a bilateral network of areas, and the individual ALE analyses revealed different maximal activation for the artworks' categories as function of their content. Specifically, different content-dependent areas of the ventral visual stream are involved in VAE, but a few additional brain areas are involved as well. Thus, aesthetic-related neural responses to art recruit widely distributed networks in both hemispheres including content-dependent brain areas of the ventral visual stream. Together, the results suggest that aesthetic responses are not independent of sensory, perceptual, and cognitive processe

    Laboratory diagnosis and monitoring of desmopressin treatment of von Willebrand's disease by flow cytometry.

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    Background and Objectives von Willebrand's disease (VWD) is a heterogeneous bleeding disorder caused by quantitative or qualitative defects in von Willebrand factor (VWF). The diagnosis of VWD requires several laboratory tests. The aim of our study was to validate a flow cytometric test for the diagnosis of VWD and for monitoring the effects of desmopressin therapy.Design and Methods Flow cytometric analysis of ristocetin-induced VWF binding to platelets was performed in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) samples from patients with VWD and from control subjects and in samples of formalin-fixed platelets in the presence of plasma from patients or controls. In 12 VWD patients the test was conducted before and 1 hour after desmopressin infusion. Results were compared with VWF:Ag, VWF:RCo, VWF:CB, RIPA, PFA-100® and the skin bleeding time.Results Ristocetin-induced VWF binding to platelets, evaluated by both flow cytometry-based assays, was significantly reduced in patients with type1, 2A and 2M VWD as compared with that in healthy subjects. Patients with type 2B VWD showed reduced binding of VWF to formalin-fixed platelets, but increased binding to autologous platelets in PRP, similar to RIPA. VWF binding to platelets assessed by both flow cytometric assays correlated significantly with VWF:Ag, VWF:RCo, VWF:CB, RIPA, PFA100® and bleeding time. VWF binding to platelets increased after desmopressin infusion.Interpretation and Conclusions The measurement of ristocetin-induced binding of VWF to platelets by flow cytometry is a sensitive, simple and rapid test for the diagnosis of VWD and for the monitoring of the effects of desmopressin therapy. The flow cytometric assay performed with autologous platelets is useful in the identification of type 2B VWD patients

    Dependência de Redes Sociais, Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) e Vulnerabilidade Online em estudantes universitários

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    Despite the growing research on social networks sites (SNS), the associations between the abuse of these platforms, the phenomenon of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Online Vulnerability has been understudied. The aim of this research was to provide a framework of attitudes and behaviors related to the use of the social network in young university students. In this study, the sample was composed to 306 Italian university students aged 18 to 30 (152 women; mean of age = 21.8; standard deviation = 3.19) who responded to an online survey regarding their SNS behaviors, Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), Basic Psychological Needs, Self-Esteem and Online Vulnerability. Correlations analysis showed a positive relationship between FOMO, Online Vulnerability, and Social Media Addiction. The results showed that women have a higher level of Social Media Addiction and the Need for Relatedness. The regression analysis showed that FOMO is the best predictor of Social Media Addiction. Implications of the findings in the educational field are discussed.Si bien existe un crecimiento en investigación sobre las redes sociales, es necesario señalar que las asociaciones entre el abuso de estas plataformas, el fenómeno del Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) o Miedo a perderse experiencias y de la Vulnerabilidad en línea han sido poco estudiadas. En ese sentido, esta investigación tiene como objetivo proporcionar un marco de las actitudes y comportamientos relacionados con el uso de las redes sociales en jóvenes universitarios. Para ello, se realizó una muestra que contó con la participación de 306 estudiantes universitarios de 18 a 30 años (152 mujeres y 154 hombres; edad promedio = 21.8; desviación estándar = 3.19) y respondió a un cuestionario en línea, respecto al uso de las redes ociales, Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), Necesidades psicológicas básicas, Auto-estima y Vulnerabilidad en línea. El análisis de correlaciones mostró una relación positiva entre el FOMO, la Vulnerabilidad en línea y la Adicción a redes sociales. Los resultados evidenciaron que las mujeres tienen mayores niveles de adicción a redes sociales y de necesidad de apoyo. El análisis de regresión mostró que el FOMO es el mejor predictor de la Adicción a redes sociales. Finalmente, se discuten las repercusiones en el ámbito educativo de los resultados.Apesar da crescente pesquisa sobre as redes sociais, as associações entre o abuso destas plataformas, o fenômeno do Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) e da Vulnerabilidade Online foram pouco estudadas. Esta investigação destina-se a proporcionar um quadro de atitudes e comportamentos relacionados com a utilização das redes sociais em jovens universitários. Neste estudo, a amostra foi composta por 306 universitários de 18 a 30 anos (152 mulheres; idade média = 21,8; desvio padrão = 3.19) e respondeu a um questionário on-line sobre o uso das redes sociais, Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), Necessidades psicológicas básicas, Auto-estima e Vulnerabilidade online. A análise de correlação mostrou uma relação positiva entre o FOMO, a Vulnerabilidade online e a dependencia de redes sociais. Os resultados mostraram que as mulheres têm um nível mais alto de dependência de redes sociais e de necessidade de apoio. A análise de regressão mostrou que o FOMO é o melhor preditor da Dependencia de redes sociais. Finalmente, discutem-se as implicações em âmbito educativo dos resultados

    Approfondimento sperimentale sulla capacità delle nuove sorgenti di illuminazione artificiale di influenzare le performance, la qualità e la quantità del sonno

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    Negli ultimi anni la ricerca internazionale ha dimostrato che esiste una stretta relazione tra radiazione luminosa e ritmi circadiani, influenza del comportamento umano e stimolazione del funzionamento cerebrale; tali effetti non-visivi sembrano dipendere principalmente dall’intensità luminosa, dalla composizione spettrale, dalla durata dell’esposizione e dall’ora del giorno in cui essa avviene, ma ad oggi non sono ancora chiari gli effetti su specifiche funzioni cognitive, né si può considerare sufficientemente nota l’influenza delle nuova tecnologia LED. In quest’ambito, precedenti studi svolti dallo stesso gruppo hanno evidenziato che, rispetto all’illuminazione prodotta con sorgenti alogene, un’illuminazione LED con temperatura correlata di colore (CCT) neutra (4000K), produce effetti positivi su alcuni aspetti dell’attenzione, quali le funzioni esecutive e la vigilanza visiva: con l’illuminazione LED è stata riscontrata la capacità di produrre molteplici rappresentazioni mentali contemporaneamente e di incrementare il livello di vigilanza durante l’esecuzione di un compito di attenzione. La presente attività approfondisce gli studi svolti precedentemente considerando sorgenti con differente composizione spettrale e temperatura di colore: in un primo esperimento sono state confrontate le stesse lampade utilizzate nei lavori precedenti, alogene e LED neutro, ed in un secondo esperimento lo studio è stato ripetuto con due scenari luminosi LED, con temperatura correlata di colore calda (3000 K) e fredda (6800), per investigare la differente influenza che tali sorgenti hanno a livello psicofisiologico. In entrambi gli esperimenti sono stati analizzati sia gli effetti immediati sulle capacità attentive in un compito di vigilanza cross-modale, sia gli effetti conseguenti sul sonno. I risultati di questo studio mostrano un effetto positivo delle illuminazioni sperimentali (LED 4000 K e LED 6800 K) sulle prestazioni di vigilanza visiva, ma non sulla vigilanza acustica, se paragonato alle illuminazioni calde (alogena 2800 K e LED 3000 K), e l’assenza di effetti significativi dell’illuminazione, sia alogena sia LED, sul sonno dei soggetti partecipanti. La conoscenza approfondita dell’influenza che la luce ha sulla mente umana a livello cognitivo apre la strada ad una nuova tipologia di progettazione illuminotecnica, finalizzata tanto al comfort visivo quanto al benessere fisiologico e all’efficienza cognitiva
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