28 research outputs found

    Influence of cadmium salts on the development of the skeletal system and in the correction with succinates of metals (literature review)

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    Environmental contamination is becoming an increasingly serious problem for humanity every year. One of the most dangerous, long-acting and stable pollutants are heavy metals, the most common man-made associations of which are represented by salts of mercury, cadmium and lead


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    Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati i objasniti koliko su timska i projektna nastava korištene pri poučavanju Tehničke kulture u osnovnim školama. Za potrebe istraživanja sastavljen je online upitnik koji sadržava devet pitanja zatvorenog tipa koja su podijeljena na dva dijela. Prvi dio upitnika odnosi se na socioekonomska pitanja (spol, dob, škola u kojoj rade, godine radnog staža, zadovoljstvo poslom), dok se drugi dio upitnika odnosio na pitanja o timskoj i projektnoj nastavi (učinkovitost određenog modela u nastavi Tehničke kulture, na koji način primjenjuju taj model). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 36 ispitanika. Ispunjavanje upitnika je bilo anonimno. Dobivenim rezultatima se pokazalo da su nastavnici koji su koristili suvremene modele tijekom svoga rada zadovoljni i da učenici kroz takve modele bolje usvajaju nastavni sadržaj. Utvrđeno je da većina nastavnika koristi timsku i projektnu nastavu tijekom poučavanja Tehničke kulture


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    Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati i objasniti koliko su timska i projektna nastava korištene pri poučavanju Tehničke kulture u osnovnim školama. Za potrebe istraživanja sastavljen je online upitnik koji sadržava devet pitanja zatvorenog tipa koja su podijeljena na dva dijela. Prvi dio upitnika odnosi se na socioekonomska pitanja (spol, dob, škola u kojoj rade, godine radnog staža, zadovoljstvo poslom), dok se drugi dio upitnika odnosio na pitanja o timskoj i projektnoj nastavi (učinkovitost određenog modela u nastavi Tehničke kulture, na koji način primjenjuju taj model). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 36 ispitanika. Ispunjavanje upitnika je bilo anonimno. Dobivenim rezultatima se pokazalo da su nastavnici koji su koristili suvremene modele tijekom svoga rada zadovoljni i da učenici kroz takve modele bolje usvajaju nastavni sadržaj. Utvrđeno je da većina nastavnika koristi timsku i projektnu nastavu tijekom poučavanja Tehničke kulture

    Polymer-Enforced Crystallization of a Eutectic Binary Hard Sphere Mixture

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    We prepared a buoyancy matched binary mixture of polydisperse polystyrene microgel spheres of size ratio 0.785 and at a volume fraction of 0.567 just below the kinetic glass transition. In line with theoretical expectations, a eutectic phase behavior was observed, but only a minor fraction of the samples crystallized at all. By adding a short non-adsorbing polymer we enforce inter-species fractionation into coexisting pure component crystals, which in turn also shows signs of intra-species fractionation. We show that in formerly inaccessible regions of the phase diagram binary hard sphere physics is made observable using attractive hard spheres. Ancillary files: Correction to Soft Matter 2012, 8, 627Comment: 4 pages, 2 Figures, Final accepted draft plus correctio

    Interactive Approach to Negotiating Styles Dependent on Personality Traits

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    Purpose: This study was of a theoretical character and aimed at presenting various descriptions of the interactions between all possible pairs of four well-known negotiating styles dependent on personality traits. Methodology: This study was based on analysis of the interactions as well as authors’ experiences from their observations and analyses on human behaviors during numerous negotiations and roleplay exercises arranged at the courses for practitioners. The stress was put on analyzing the interactions occurring between people representing both different and the same negotiating styles. Findings: The attempt at describing such interactions was successful and promising for farther research. The concept constitutes a useful tool for analyzing human behavioral aspects of different types of business negotiations, within the process of their planning, conduct and evaluation. Nevertheless, the concept will be a subject of subsequent authors’ research, focusing on its improvement mainly by searching more precise features of negotiating styles and interactions between them. Practical implications: The concept can be applied to analyze many real negotiation situations as well as within the experiment to be arranged by the authors to examine those interactions within the hundreds of pairs of negotiators solving particular case studies. Thus the description of such interactions can be treated as a specifc hypothesis. Originality: In general, the suggestion for solving complex, diffcult and essential issues of negotiating styles was presented but was rarely investigated in the literature on negotiations. In particular, an original concept of describing the interactions between those styles was suggested,

    Image dataset of benthic foraminifera in multicorer and gravity corer sediments from north-western Scotland shelf (North Atlantic Ocean)

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    Geological studies in the seas and oceans often give preference to the study of benthic foraminifera, which are a widespread and taxonomically diverse group of shell protozoa. In this paper, we present an extensive image dataset produced during the detailed micropaleontological analysis of 146 samples of bottom sediments collected by multicorer and gravity corer AMK-5656 from the Westray Basin on the north-western Scotland shelf (North Atlantic Ocean). In total, 106 taxa (at species and genera level) of benthic foraminifera were identified and photographed using the high-resolution microscope camera. This dataset can aid as a guide for identification of the benthic foraminiferal taxa at the paleoecological studies, stratigraphic works and interregional paleoceanographic correlation in the North Atlantic Ocean

    Improving the Size Distribution of Polymeric Oblates Fabricated by the Emulsion-in-Gel Deformation Method

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    The optimization of fabrication conditions for colloidal micron-sized oblates obtained by the deformation of an oil-in-hydrogel emulsion is reported. The influence of the type of emulsion stabilizer, ultrasonication parameters, and emulsion and gel mixing conditions was explored. The best conditions with which to obtain more uniform particles were using polyvinyl alcohol as an emulsion stabilizer mixed with the gelatine solution at 35 °C and slowly cooling to room temperature. Four fractionation methods were applied to oblates to improve their size uniformity. The iterative differential centrifugation method produced the best size polydispersity reduction