7 research outputs found

    Euglena International Network (EIN):Driving euglenoid biotechnology for the benefit of a challenged world

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    Euglenoids (Euglenida) are unicellular flagellates possessing exceptionally wide geographical and ecological distribution. Euglenoids combine a biotechnological potential with a unique position in the eukaryotic tree of life. In large part these microbes owe this success to diverse genetics including secondary endosymbiosis and likely additional sources of genes. Multiple euglenoid species have translational applications and show great promise in production of biofuels, nutraceuticals, bioremediation, cancer treatments and more exotically as robotics design simulators. An absence of reference genomes currently limits these applications, including development of efficient tools for identification of critical factors in regulation, growth or optimization of metabolic pathways. The Euglena International Network (EIN) seeks to provide a forum to overcome these challenges. EIN has agreed specific goals, mobilized scientists, established a clear roadmap (Grand Challenges), connected academic and industry stakeholders and is currently formulating policy and partnership principles to propel these efforts in a coordinated and efficient manner

    Intermediate introns in nuclear genes of euglenids – are they a distinct type?

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    Background Nuclear genes of euglenids contain two major types of introns: conventional spliceosomal and nonconventional introns. The latter are characterized by variable non-canonical borders, RNA secondary structure that brings intron ends together, and an unknown mechanism of removal. Some researchers also distinguish intermediate introns, which combine features of both types. They form a stable RNA secondary structure and are classified into two subtypes depending on whether they contain one (intermediate/nonconventional subtype) or both (conventional/intermediate subtype) canonical spliceosomal borders. However, it has been also postulated that most introns classified as intermediate could simply be special cases of conventional or nonconventional introns. Results Sequences of tubB, hsp90 and gapC genes from six strains of Euglena agilis were obtained. They contain four, six, and two or three introns, respectively (the third intron in the gapC gene is unique for just one strain). Conventional introns were present at three positions: two in the tubB gene (at one position conventional/intermediate introns were also found) and one in the gapC gene. Nonconventional introns are present at ten positions: two in the tubB gene (at one position intermediate/nonconventional introns were also found), six in hsp90 (at four positions intermediate/nonconventional introns were also found), and two in the gapC gene. Conclusions Sequence and RNA secondary structure analyses of nonconventional introns confirmed that their most strongly conserved elements are base pairing nucleotides at positions +4, +5 and +6/ -8, −7 and −6 (in most introns CAG/CTG nucleotides were observed). It was also confirmed that the presence of the 5' GT/C end in intermediate/nonconventional introns is not the result of kinship with conventional introns, but is due to evolutionary pressure to preserve the purine at the 5' end. However, an example of a nonconventional intron with GC-AG ends was shown, suggesting the possibility of intron type conversion between nonconventional and conventional. Furthermore, an analysis of conventional introns revealed that the ability to form a stable RNA secondary structure by some introns is probably not a result of their relationship with nonconventional introns. It was also shown that acquisition of new nonconventional introns is an ongoing process and can be observed at the level of a single species. In the recently acquired intron in the gapC gene an extended direct repeats at the intron-exon junctions are present, suggesting that double-strand break repair process could be the source of new nonconventional introns.Science, Faculty ofNon UBCBotany, Department ofReviewedFacult

    Euglena International Network (EIN): Driving euglenoids into the biotechnology world

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    Abstract teaser Euglenoids show great promise to benefit our world; as biofuels, environmental remediators, anti-cancer agents, robotics design simulators and food nutritional agents, but the absence of reference genomes currently limit realizing these benefits. The Euglena International Network (EIN) (https://euglenanetwork.org/) aims to address these challenges, and is currently seeking formative phase support and funding. Body start Of the nearly 1000 known species of euglenoids (Triemer and Zakryś, 2015), including Euglena gracilis and Rhabdomonas costata, fewer than 2 % have been explored for any level of translational potential in the past 20 years. The absence of reference genomes currently limits biotechnology applications, including the development of efficient tools for genetic manipulation in euglenoids. EIN aims to advance euglenoid science through a creative amalgam of academic institutions, national research institutes and biotechnology industry, to translate and exploit euglenoids through genome sequencing. EIN has defined goals, mobilized scientists, established a clear roadmap (Grand Challenges), connected academic and industry professionals and is currently formulating policy and partnership principles, driven by EIN Executive and Science committees. However, for EIN’s activities to be maintained and durable, long-term support is vital. We call on national and continental funding agencies and research councils, protists and algae communities, and biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, to embrace, support and fund translational exploitation of these highly valuable organisms