26 research outputs found
Preparation of Decoherence Free Cluster States with Optical Superlattices
We present a protocol to prepare decoherence free cluster states using
ultracold atoms loaded in a two dimensional superlattice. The superlattice
geometry leads to an array of 2*2 plaquettes, each of them holding four
spin-1/2 particles that can be used for encoding a single logical qubit in the
two-fold singlet subspace, insensitive to uniform magnetic field fluctuations
in any direction. Dynamical manipulation of the supperlattice yields distinct
inter and intra plaquette interactions and permits to realize one qubit and two
qubit gates with high fidelity, leading to the generation of universal cluster
states for measurement based quantum computation. Our proposal based on inter
and intra plaquette interactions also opens the path to study polymerized
Hamiltonians which support ground states describing arbitrary quantum circuits.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure
A synthetic approach to palmerolides via Negishi cross coupling. The challenge of the C15-C16 bond formation
The esterification of fragment C1-C8 (2) with fragment C16-C23 (3) to give iodo derivative 4, followed by a Pd-catalysed coupling with a C9-C15 fragment (7 or 8), may provide a common precursor of most palmerolides. Ligands and reaction conditions were exhaustively examined to perform the C15-C16 bond formation via Negishi reaction. With simple models, pre-activated Pd-Xantphos and Pd-DPEphos complexes were the most efficient catalysts at RT. Zincation of the C9-C15 fragment (8) and cross coupling with 4 required 3 equiv of t-BuLi, 10 mol % of Pd-Xantphos and 60 °C
Quantum Non-Demolition Detection of Strongly Correlated Systems
Preparation, manipulation, and detection of strongly correlated states of
quantum many body systems are among the most important goals and challenges of
modern physics. Ultracold atoms offer an unprecedented playground for
realization of these goals. Here we show how strongly correlated states of
ultracold atoms can be detected in a quantum non-demolition scheme, that is, in
the fundamentally least destructive way permitted by quantum mechanics. In our
method, spatially resolved components of atomic spins couple to quantum
polarization degrees of freedom of light. In this way quantum correlations of
matter are faithfully mapped on those of light; the latter can then be
efficiently measured using homodyne detection. We illustrate the power of such
spatially resolved quantum noise limited polarization measurement by applying
it to detect various standard and "exotic" types of antiferromagnetic order in
lattice systems and by indicating the feasibility of detection of superfluid
order in Fermi liquids.Comment: Published versio
Beyond pure state entanglement for atomic ensembles
We analyze multipartite entanglement between atomic ensembles within quantum
matter-light interfaces. In our proposal, a polarized light beam crosses
sequentially several polarized atomic ensembles impinging on each of them at a
given angle \alpha_i. These angles are crucial parameters for shaping the
entanglement since they are directly connected to the appropriate combinations
of the collective atomic spins that are squeezed. We exploit such scheme to go
beyond the pure state paradigm proposing realistic experimental settings to
address multipartite mixed state entanglement in continuous variables.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure
Estudi dels patrons del desplaçament fracturari en les fractures del húmer proximal
Actualment estem trobant un augment de les fractures d’húmer proximal degut principalment a l’augment de l’esperança de vida, a la major supervivència de la població amb un envelliment més prevalent. Aquest segment de la població presenta un major nombre de fractures de perfil fràgil i aquestes solen ser per causa osteoporòtica amb patrons més complexes. Interpretar el desplaçament d’aquests fragments es necessari per comprendre la fractura i poder planificar el seu tractament.
La hipòtesi de treball és que el volteig del cap humeral condiciona el desplaçament de la tuberositat gran. I com a objectius es vol determinar el punt de tall a partir del qual el volteig del cap humeral condiciona el desplaçament de la tuberositat gran, estudiar la relació de la fractura o el desplaçament de la tuberositat petita amb el volteig del cap humeral i avaluar si la tuberositat gran es desplaça cranialment depenent del volteig del cap humeral.
Es tracta d’un estudi descriptiu retrospectiu que inclou els pacients afectes de fractura d’húmer proximal des de l’any 2010 al 2014, que compleixin els criteris d’inclusió i exclusió de l’estudi. A tots se’ls hi realitza una radiografia antero-posterior de l’espatlla i una lateral transescapular seguint el protocol de l’hospital juntament amb una TC de l’húmer proximal per analitzar els desplaçaments fracturaris dels 4 fragments majors.
Es realitza la quantificació del desplaçament de cadascun del quatre fragments de manera aïllada i en relació amb el desplaçament de la resta de fragments i es calcula l’angle cervico-diafisari, la distància tuberositat gran – acromi, la distància tuberositat gran – diàfisis, la distància tuberositat gran – cap, la distància entre el punt mig de la diàfisis i el punt mig del cap, la distància tuberositat gran – glena i es valora si el cap humeral està desplaçat cap a posterior – centrat – anterior i si la tuberositat gran i la tuberositat petita estan trencades.
La població estudiada i inclosa en el treball consta de 132 pacients afectes de fractura d’húmer proximal.
S’ha comprovat que el volteig del cap humeral condiciona el desplaçament de la tuberositat gran. I a l’estudiar si aquest condiciona el desplaçament de la tuberositat gran, observem que sinó diferenciem la posició del cap humeral, la tuberositat gran es troba desplaçada 1cm a partir d’un angle cervico – diafisari de 152º. En els casos on el cap humeral es troba desplaçat cap a posterior, aquest angle és de 156.5º i en els que el cap humeral es troba centrat, l’angle és de 141.7º.
A l’observar la relació entre la tuberositat petita i el volteig del cap humeral, concloem que la fractura o el desplaçament de la tuberositat petita no es relaciona amb el volteig del cap humeral i alhora d’interpretar els resultats del desplaçament a superior o cranial de la tuberositat gran respecte el volteig del cap humeral, no hi hem trobat una relació significativa.
Amb aquest estudi hem pogut observar que si prestem atenció a les radiografies que es realitzen en un primer moment quan el pacient amb una fractura d’húmer proximal arriba a la urgència, amb la projecció antero-posterior ja li podem calcular l’angle cervico – diafisari de la fractura i amb aquesta mesura ja podríem predir el desplaçament de la tuberositat gran.
Aquestes mesures ens permeten fer un primer cribratge per poder, ja en aquest moment, sospitar quin tractament (conservador vs quirúrgic) seria el més òptim aplicar-li al pacient sense necessitat de més exploracions complementàries, i saber si seria candidat a necessitar una TC per acabar de completar l’estudi per si fos necessària la cirurgia.Currently, there is an increase in fractures of the proximal humerus mainly due to the increase in life expectancy, the greater survival of population aging more prevalent. This segment of the population has a higher number of fractures fragile and osteoporotic profile because these are usually more complex patterns. Interpreting the displacement of these fragments is needed to understand the fracture and to plan your treatment.
The working hypothesis is that the rotation of the humeral head determines the displacement of the greater tuberosity. And the goals you want to determine the cut-off point after which the rotation of the humeral head determines the displacement of the greater tuberosity, to study the relationship of fracture or displacement of the tuberosity small to flip the humeral head and assess whether tuberosity moves cranially depending on the flip of the humeral head.
This is a retrospective descriptive study that includes patients with fractures of the proximal humerus from 2010 to 2014, the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of the study. All of them are carried out X-ray anteroposterior and lateral shoulder trans-scapular following the protocol of the hospital with a CT of the proximal humerus fracture to analyze the movements of the four biggest fragments.
It quantified the displacement of each of the four fragments in isolation and the posting of the remaining fragments and the calculated: cephalo - diaphyseal angle, the distance greater tuberosity - acromion, greater tuberosity distance - diaphysis, the distance greater tuberosity - head, the distance between the midpoint of the diaphysis and the midpoint of the head, the distance greater tuberosity - glenoid valued if the humeral head is shifted back - focused - above and if the greater tuberosity and tuberosity are broken small.
The population studied and included in the work consists of 132 patients with fractures of the proximal humerus.
It has been proven that the rotation of the humeral head determines the displacement of the greater tuberosity. And if the study determines the displacement of the greater tuberosity, but note that differentiates the position of the humeral head, tuberosity is displaced from a 1cm cephalo - diaphyseal angle of 152º. In cases where the humeral head is shifted back, and this angle is 156.5º where the humeral head is centred, the angle is 141.7º.
Observing the relationship between small tuberosity and the humeral head rotation, we conclude that the fracture or displacement of the small tuberosity is not related to the rotation of the humeral head. While interpreting the results of a superior or cranial displacement tuberosity of the humeral head on the rotation, we have not found a significant relationship.
With this study, we have seen that if we pay attention to X-rays performed at first when the patient with a fracture of the proximal humerus reaches the urgency with anteroposterior projection because we can calculate the cephalo - diaphyseal angle fracture and this measure could already predict the displacement of the greater tuberosity.
These measures allow us to make an initial screening to since then, suspecting what treatment (conservative vs. surgical) would be the most optimal apply it to the patient without further additional examinations, and whether it would be a candidate to need a CT finish to complete the study if required surgery
Estudi dels patrons del desplaçament fracturari en les fractures del húmer proximal
Actualment estem trobant un augment de les fractures d'húmer proximal degut principalment a l'augment de l'esperança de vida, a la major supervivència de la població amb un envelliment més prevalent. Aquest segment de la població presenta un major nombre de fractures de perfil fràgil i aquestes solen ser per causa osteoporòtica amb patrons més complexes. Interpretar el desplaçament d'aquests fragments es necessari per comprendre la fractura i poder planificar el seu tractament. La hipòtesi de treball és que el volteig del cap humeral condiciona el desplaçament de la tuberositat gran. I com a objectius es vol determinar el punt de tall a partir del qual el volteig del cap humeral condiciona el desplaçament de la tuberositat gran, estudiar la relació de la fractura o el desplaçament de la tuberositat petita amb el volteig del cap humeral i avaluar si la tuberositat gran es desplaça cranialment depenent del volteig del cap humeral. Es tracta d'un estudi descriptiu retrospectiu que inclou els pacients afectes de fractura d'húmer proximal des de l'any 2010 al 2014, que compleixin els criteris d'inclusió i exclusió de l'estudi. A tots se'ls hi realitza una radiografia antero-posterior de l'espatlla i una lateral transescapular seguint el protocol de l'hospital juntament amb una TC de l'húmer proximal per analitzar els desplaçaments fracturaris dels 4 fragments majors. Es realitza la quantificació del desplaçament de cadascun del quatre fragments de manera aïllada i en relació amb el desplaçament de la resta de fragments i es calcula l'angle cervico-diafisari, la distància tuberositat gran - acromi, la distància tuberositat gran - diàfisis, la distància tuberositat gran - cap, la distància entre el punt mig de la diàfisis i el punt mig del cap, la distància tuberositat gran - glena i es valora si el cap humeral està desplaçat cap a posterior - centrat - anterior i si la tuberositat gran i la tuberositat petita estan trencades. La població estudiada i inclosa en el treball consta de 132 pacients afectes de fractura d'húmer proximal. S'ha comprovat que el volteig del cap humeral condiciona el desplaçament de la tuberositat gran. I a l'estudiar si aquest condiciona el desplaçament de la tuberositat gran, observem que sinó diferenciem la posició del cap humeral, la tuberositat gran es troba desplaçada 1cm a partir d'un angle cervico - diafisari de 152º. En els casos on el cap humeral es troba desplaçat cap a posterior, aquest angle és de 156.5º i en els que el cap humeral es troba centrat, l'angle és de 141.7º. A l'observar la relació entre la tuberositat petita i el volteig del cap humeral, concloem que la fractura o el desplaçament de la tuberositat petita no es relaciona amb el volteig del cap humeral i alhora d'interpretar els resultats del desplaçament a superior o cranial de la tuberositat gran respecte el volteig del cap humeral, no hi hem trobat una relació significativa. Amb aquest estudi hem pogut observar que si prestem atenció a les radiografies que es realitzen en un primer moment quan el pacient amb una fractura d'húmer proximal arriba a la urgència, amb la projecció antero-posterior ja li podem calcular l'angle cervico - diafisari de la fractura i amb aquesta mesura ja podríem predir el desplaçament de la tuberositat gran. Aquestes mesures ens permeten fer un primer cribratge per poder, ja en aquest moment, sospitar quin tractament (conservador vs quirúrgic) seria el més òptim aplicar-li al pacient sense necessitat de més exploracions complementàries, i saber si seria candidat a necessitar una TC per acabar de completar l'estudi per si fos necessària la cirurgia.Currently, there is an increase in fractures of the proximal humerus mainly due to the increase in life expectancy, the greater survival of population aging more prevalent. This segment of the population has a higher number of fractures fragile and osteoporotic profile because these are usually more complex patterns. Interpreting the displacement of these fragments is needed to understand the fracture and to plan your treatment. The working hypothesis is that the rotation of the humeral head determines the displacement of the greater tuberosity. And the goals you want to determine the cut-off point after which the rotation of the humeral head determines the displacement of the greater tuberosity, to study the relationship of fracture or displacement of the tuberosity small to flip the humeral head and assess whether tuberosity moves cranially depending on the flip of the humeral head. This is a retrospective descriptive study that includes patients with fractures of the proximal humerus from 2010 to 2014, the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of the study. All of them are carried out X-ray anteroposterior and lateral shoulder trans-scapular following the protocol of the hospital with a CT of the proximal humerus fracture to analyze the movements of the four biggest fragments. It quantified the displacement of each of the four fragments in isolation and the posting of the remaining fragments and the calculated: cephalo - diaphyseal angle, the distance greater tuberosity - acromion, greater tuberosity distance - diaphysis, the distance greater tuberosity - head, the distance between the midpoint of the diaphysis and the midpoint of the head, the distance greater tuberosity - glenoid valued if the humeral head is shifted back - focused - above and if the greater tuberosity and tuberosity are broken small. The population studied and included in the work consists of 132 patients with fractures of the proximal humerus. It has been proven that the rotation of the humeral head determines the displacement of the greater tuberosity. And if the study determines the displacement of the greater tuberosity, but note that differentiates the position of the humeral head, tuberosity is displaced from a 1cm cephalo - diaphyseal angle of 152º. In cases where the humeral head is shifted back, and this angle is 156.5º where the humeral head is centred, the angle is 141.7º. Observing the relationship between small tuberosity and the humeral head rotation, we conclude that the fracture or displacement of the small tuberosity is not related to the rotation of the humeral head. While interpreting the results of a superior or cranial displacement tuberosity of the humeral head on the rotation, we have not found a significant relationship. With this study, we have seen that if we pay attention to X-rays performed at first when the patient with a fracture of the proximal humerus reaches the urgency with anteroposterior projection because we can calculate the cephalo - diaphyseal angle fracture and this measure could already predict the displacement of the greater tuberosity. These measures allow us to make an initial screening to since then, suspecting what treatment (conservative vs. surgical) would be the most optimal apply it to the patient without further additional examinations, and whether it would be a candidate to need a CT finish to complete the study if required surgery
Sustained release of liposome-encapsulated enrofloxacin after intramuscular administration in rabbits
Enrofloxacin was encapsulated in multilamellar liposomes composed of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol (molar ratio, 1:1), and its potential use as sustained release formulation was evaluated. The encapsulated drug was administered IM to rabbits (n = 6). Results indicated that absorption rate was slow, compared with previous studies; additionally, peak concentration was lower (0.5 ± 0.1 μg/ml), and the time to peak concentration was considerably longer for liposome-encapsulated enrofloxacin (1.5 ± 1.08 hours) than for unencapsulated drug. Apparent elimination half-life of drug in the body was significantly (P < 0.05) increased (4.05 ± 1.08 hours) when it was administered encapsulated in liposomes. Large-size liposomes containing enrofloxacin administered IM to rabbits gave sustained drug release from the injection site, providing therapeutic and prolonged plasma concentrations of drug in the body.Peer reviewe
Pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin after intravenous and intramuscular injection in rabbits
The pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of enrofloxacin were determined after IV and IM administration of 5 mg/kg of body weight to 6 healthy adult rabbits. Using nonlinear least-squares regression methods, data obtained were best described by a 2-compartment open model. After IV administration, a rapid distribution phase was followed by a slower elimination phase, with a half-life of 131.5 +/- 17.6 minutes. The mean body clearance rate was 22.8 +/- 6.8 ml/min/kg, and the mean volume of distribution was 3.4 +/- 0.9 L/kg. This large volume of distribution and the K12/K21 ratio close to 1, indicated that enrofloxacin was widely distributed in the body, but not retained in tissues. After a brief lag period (6.2 +/- 2.86 min), IM absorption was rapid (4.1 +/- 1.3 min) and almost complete. The mean extent of IM absorption was 92 +/- 11%, and maximal plasma concentration of 3.04 +/- 0.34 micrograms/ml was detected approximately 10 minutes after administration.Peer reviewe
Design of a new formulation for sustained release of gentamicin: A Carbopol hydrogel
Two gentamicin-containing hydrogels of different water solubility have been prepared using Carbopol as a thickening agent. The most insoluble hydrogel (A) released its drug content extremely slowly, regardless of the absence or presence of plasma. In contrast, the rate of drug release from hydrogel B was just slightly slower than the free drug in saline, whereas in the presence of plasma components just 35% of the gentamicin contained in hydrogel B was eventually released from it. Pharmacokinetic studies showed a sustained release of gentamicin from the Carbopol hydrogel (B), with an elimination half-life in excess of 2.5 h.Ms. Fonseca was the recipient of a grant from the Spanish Ministry for Education and Science.Peer reviewe
Evaluation of free and liposome-encapsulated gentamycin for intramuscular sustained release in rabbits
Gentamycin sulphate (GS) and gentamycin oleate (GO) were encapsulated in liposomes composed of phosphatidylcholine (HPC) and cholesterol (CHOL) (molar ratio 7:7:2 and 5:5:1, respectively), and were administered via intramuscular injection to rabbits, to evaluate their potential use as sustained release formulations. Five groups of five animals each were used for the pharmacokinetic study, and treatments were established as follows: 3 mg kg(-1) of GS i.v., 3 mg kg(-1) of GS i.m., 3 mg kg(-1) of liposome-containing gentamycin sulphate (LGS) i.m., 3 mg kg(-1) of GO i.m., and 3 mg kg(-1) of liposome-containing gentamycin oleate (LGO) i.m. Gentamycin plasma concentrations after i.m. administration of LGS were extremely low compared with those obtained after the i.m. administration of GS; the peak plasma concentration (Cmax) showed an eight-fold decrease with LGS, and the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) was four-fold lower for the liposomal form. The apparent elimination half-life estimated after administration of LGS showed a three-fold increase compared with values calculated for free GS. After the administration of the same dose of LGO, Cmax obtained showed a 2.5-fold decrease in relation to peak concentrations of free GO, and the apparent beta-half life of encapsulated GO showed a three-fold increase compared with i.m. GO. Large-size liposomes containing gentamycin administered i.m. to rabbits gave sustained drug release from the injection site, providing prolonged plasma concentrations of the drug in the body.Peer reviewe