524 research outputs found

    Expression, functions, and new target genes of the transcription factor SOX10 in human melanoma

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    Innovation contributes to solving the grand challenges of our time. Currently, two innovation research streams coexist mostly separated, without leveraging the potential at their interface: 1) Digital innovation using the generative power of digital technologies to trigger novel, incremental and/or disruptive solutions, and 2) social innovation accelerating sustainable development. To leverage the potential of digital innovations for reaching the goals of social innovation, we aim at advancing research on digital social innovation (DSI). A comprehensive literature review reveals 78 current DSI studies. We analyse them via a theory-based multidimensional framework. In that, we bring together both research streams, identify relevant research gaps at their interface, and derive a research agenda based on eight clear-cut research questions for DSI scholars. Our findings guide advancing DSI research and enable practitioners to leverage DSI in light of the current societal challenges

    Humorale und zelluläre Immunität nach Pertussis-Auffrischimpfung im Jugendalter

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    Opinia pielęgniarek na temat problemów pielęgnacyjnych w opiece nad pacjentami po udarze mózgu

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    Introduction. One of the most common causes of death, permanent disability in people aged over 40 is a stroke. The effective rehabilitation of stroke patients is affected by proper nursing care, as well as by assistance, presence and support for families of patients.Aim. The aim of this study was to obtain nurses’ opinion about the problems in the nursing care of patients after stroke.Material and Methods. The study was conducted with the participation of 60 respondents aged 23–58 years (average age: 38.1) including 4 men and 56 women. The respondents were of practitioners nurses at surgical and conservative wards in a healthcare facility in Silesia. The research tool was a questionnaire completed voluntarily by respondents, ensuring anonymity.Results. According to 85% of the respondents the most common problems that emerged during the nursing care of patients after stroke consisted of mental disorders occurring in patients. Then, performance of the toilet of the whole body of the patient (21.6%), education of the patients and their families (21.6%) and taking actions against anti-bedsore (18.3%). The fewest problems in nursing care accounted for oral feeding of patients (6.6%) and the situation in which the patient experienced pain (3.3%). Whereas feeding the patient through the tube and participation in pharmacotherapy was not the reason for problems that arise in the care of patients after stroke.Conclusions. 1) Working conditions of nurses at profile conservative and surgical wards, where hospitalized patients are of III and IV category of care contribute to the formation of significant physical and psychological burdens of this professional group, which reduces efficiency and thus reduces job satisfaction. 2) For the study group, the greatest problems of nursing are patients with mental disorders, education of the patients and their families and the performance of the patient’s whole body toilet. They hinder the care of the patient after a stroke. 3) The occurrence of adverse events did not constitute, according to the study group, a problem in patient care, so this perception of the study group points to the emerging syndrome of ‘burnout’. This may entail negative consequences in patient’s care, who need appropriate and comprehensive care after stroke. (JNNN 2017;6(2):73–80)Wstęp. Jedną z najczęstszych przyczyn śmierci, trwałego kalectwa i niepełnosprawności u osób powyżej 40 roku życia jest udar mózgu. Na efektywną rehabilitację pacjentów po udarze mózgu niewątpliwie wpływa odpowiednia opieka pielęgniarska, jak również pomoc, obecność i wsparcie rodzin pacjentów.Cel. Celem badań było pozyskanie opinii pielęgniarek na temat problemów w opiece pielęgnacyjnej nad pacjentami po przebytym udarze mózgu.Materiał i metody. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone z udziałem 60 osób w wieku 23–58 lat (średnia wieku: 38,1), w tym 4 mężczyzn i 56 kobiet. Respondentami były osoby wykonujące zawód pielęgniarza/pielęgniarki na oddziałach zabiegowych i zachowawczych w placówce służby zdrowia na terenie województwa śląskiego. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz dobrowolnie wypełniony przez respondentów, zapewniając im anonimowość.Wyniki. Według 85% respondentów najczęstszymi problemami, jakie powstają podczas sprawowania opieki pielęgniarskiej nad chorymi po przebytym udarze mózgu to obecne u pacjentów zaburzenia psychiczne. Następnie wykonywanie toalety całego ciała pacjenta (21,6%), edukacja pacjenta i jego rodziny (21,6%) oraz podejmowanie działań przeciwodleżynowych (18,3%). Najmniej problemów opiece pielęgniarskiej stanowiło karmienie doustne chorego (6,6%) oraz sytuacja, w której pacjent doświadczał dolegliwości bólowych (3,3%). Natomiast karmienie pacjenta przez zgłębnik i udział w farmakoterapii nie było powodem pojawiających się problemów w sprawowaniu opieki nad pacjentami po udarze mózgu.Wnioski. 1) Warunki pracy pielęgniarek na oddziałach zachowawczych i chirurgicznych, w których hospitalizowani są pacjenci III i IV kategorii opieki przyczyniają się do powstawania znaczących obciążeń fizycznych i psychicznych tej grupy zawodowej, co zmniejsza skuteczność, a tym samym zmniejsza satysfakcję z pracy. 2) W badanej grupie najwięcej problemów pielęgniarskich dotyczyło pacjentów z zaburzeniami psychicznymi i agresywnymi, edukacja pacjenta i jego rodziny oraz wykonywanie toalety całego ciała pacjenta. Te problemy znacząco utrudnią opiekę nad pacjentami po udarze mózgu. 3) Występowanie zdarzeń niepożądanych nie stanowi według badanej grupy problemu w opiece nad pacjentem, zatem takie postrzeganie badanej grupy wskazuje na pojawiający się syndrom ‘wypalenia zawodowego’. Może to nieść za sobą negatywne skutki w opiece nad pacjentami, którym niezbędna jest właściwa i kompleksowa pielęgnacja po przebytym udarze mózgu. (PNN 2017;6(2):73–80

    Re-examining the contested good: proceedings from a postgraduate workshop on good food

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    Following the 2017 postgraduate research workshop hosted by the SOAS Food Studies Centre, in collaboration with University of Warwick Food GRP, this article brings together nine research briefs written by various participants. Inspired by the workshop's provocative theme, “What Is Good Food?”, each author explores how food categories are shaped and negotiated in different contexts and across scales. In this multi-authored article, the question of “good” food is first presented as contingent upon nutritional, economic, political, ritual, or moral conditions. Each author then reveals how globally defined notions of food's goodness are often resisted on the ground by producers and consumers, beyond the notions of ethics or “alternative” food movements that have often been the emphasis of previous literature dealing with the topic of good food. Taken together, this article scrutinizes the effects of various hierarchies of power and invites readers to reassess why and how good food continues to be a contested category

    Expression, functions, and new target genes of the transcription factor SOX10 in human melanoma

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    Development of the International Space Station (ISS) Fine Water Mist (FWM) Portable Fire Extinguisher ICES Abstract

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    NASA is developing a Fine Water Mist (FWM) Portable Fire Extinguisher (PFE) for use on the International Space Station. The International Space Station presently uses two different types of fire extinguishers: a water foam extinguisher in the Russian Segment, and a carbon dioxide extinguisher in the US Segment and Columbus and Kibo pressurized elements. Changes in emergency breathing equipment make Fine Water Mist operationally preferable. Supplied oxygen breathing systems allow for safe discharge of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, without concerns of the crew inhaling unsafe levels of carbon dioxide. But the Portable Breathing Apparatus (PBA) offers no more than 15 minutes of capability, and continued use of hose based supplied oxygen system increases the oxygen content in a fire situation. NASA has developed a filtering respirator cartridge for use in a fire environment. It is qualified to provide up to 90 minutes of capability, and because it is a filtering respirator it does not add oxygen to the environment. The fire response respirator cartridge does not filter carbon dioxide (CO2), so a crew member discharging a CO2 fire extinguisher while wearing this filtering respirator would be at risk of inhaling unsafe levels of CO2. FWM extinguishes a fire without creating a large volume of air with reduced oxygen and elevated CO2. The following paper will discuss the unique functional and performance requirements that have been levied on the FWM PFE. In addition, the NASA ISS specific fire standards will be described which were developed to establish acceptable extinguisher performance. The paper will also discuss the flight hardware design. The fin e water mist fire extinguisher has two major elements: (1) the nozzle and crew interface, and (2) the tank. The nozzle and crew interface have been under development for several years. They have gone through several design iterations, and have been part of more than 400 fire challenge and spray characterizations. The crew and vehicle interface aspects of the design will use the heritage of the CO2 based Portable Fire Extinguisher, to minimize the disruption to the crew and integration impacts to the ISS. The microgravity use environment of the system poses a set of unique design requirements specifically for the tank. The nozzle requirements drive a tank pressure that is 2-5 times higher than any commercially available water mist systems. Microgravity requires deliberate separation of gas and water, facilitated by a bladder, a diaphragm, a piston, or separate tanks. This paper will describe status of the project to date, the design details of the tank and the nozzle, and discuss the trade studies that informed the decisions to select the tank and nozzle configuration

    Integration of a water scrubbing technique and two-stage pressurized anaerobic digestion in one process

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    Two-stage pressurized anaerobic digestion is a promising technology. This technology integrates in one process biogas production with upgrading and pressure boosting for grid injection. To investigate whether the efficiency of this novel system could be further increased, a water scrubbing system was integrated into the methanogensis step. Therefore, six leach-bed reactors were used for hydrolysis/acidification and a 30-L pressurized anaerobic filter operated at 9 bar was adopted for acetogenesis/methanogenesis. The fermentation liquid of the pressurized anaerobic filter was circulated periodically via a flash tank, operating at atmospheric pressure. Due to the pressure drop, part of dissolved carbon dioxide was released from the liquid phase into the flash tank. The depressurized fermentation liquid was then recycled to the pressurized reactor. Three different flow rates (0 L·day1^{-1}, 20 L·day1^{-1} and 40 L·day1^{-1}) were tested with three repetitions. As the daily recycled flashed liquid flow was increased from 0 to 40 L, six times as much as the daily feeding, the methane content in the biogas increased from 75 molar percent (mol%) to 87 mol%. The pH value of the substrate in the methane reactor rose simultaneously from 6.5 to 6.7. The experimental data were verified by calculation

    Emotion Regulation Flexibility and Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes : A Framework for Understanding Symptoms and Affect Dynamics in Pediatric Psycho-Oncology

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    Emotion dysregulation is regarded as a driving mechanism for the development of mental health problems and psychopathology. The role of emotion regulation (ER) in the management of cancer distress and quality of life (QoL) has recently been recognized in psycho-oncology. The latest technological advances afford ways to assess ER, affective experiences and QoL in child, adolescent and young adult (CAYA) cancer patients through electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO) in their daily environment in real-time. Such tools facilitate ways to study the dynamics of affect and the flexibility of ER. However, technological advancement is not risk-free. We critically review the literature on ePRO in cancer existing models of ER in pediatric psycho-oncology and analyze strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of ePRO with a focus on CAYA cancer research and care. Supported by personal study-based experiences, this narrative review serves as a foundation to propose a novel methodological and metatheoretical framework based on: (a) an extended notion of ER, which includes its dynamic, adaptive and flexible nature and focuses on processes and conditions rather than fixed categorical strategies; (b) ePRO as a means to measure emotion regulation flexibility and affect dynamics; (c) identifying early warning signals for symptom change via ePRO and building forecasting models using dynamical systems theory