32 research outputs found

    Виявлення екологічних загроз, спричинених діяльністю паливозаправних об’єктів

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    The role of green space was considered in the paper. The basic negative impacts on the quantity and quality of green spaces were defined. It was set that the optimization of green areas exploitation is main prerequisite of the urban environment improvement which requires their comprehensive study, assessment of natural resource potential and its possible changes, study of the approaches to their use without damage to nature and people to be. The implementation of proposed recommendations within geoecological approach allows to detect complex structural and functional properties of green spaces geosystem as natural objects and finding ways for their improvement.Проанализирована основная причина химического загрязнения окружающей среды в результате деятельности топливозаправочных объектов, а именно потеря углеводородного сырья, которая происходит при товарно-транспортных операциях и эксплуатации несовершенного оборудования. Отмечено, что источниками негативных влияний топливозаправочных объектов являются дождевые воды, которые смывают с территории разлитые нефтепродукты, а прямое загрязнение окружающей среды в результате аварийных разливов нефтепродуктов редкое явление. Указано, что негативные последствия деятельности АЗС распространяются на атмосферный воздух, прилегающую почву и водные объекты, в том числе грунтовые и подземные воды, загрязняют окружающую среду нефтепродуктами и создают  угрозу здоровью людей.Проаналізовано основні причини хімічного забруднення навколишнього середовища внаслідок діяльності паливозаправних об’єктів, а саме втрати вуглеводневої сировини, які відбуваються при товарно-транспортних операціях і експлуатації недосконалого обладнання. Відзначено, що джерелами негативних впливів паливозаправних об’єктів є дощові води, які змивають із території розлиті нафтопродукти, а пряме забруднення навколишнього середовища внаслідок аварійних розливів нафтопродуктів є рідкісним явищем. Указано, що негативні наслідки діяльності АЗС поширюються на атмосферне повітря, прилеглі ґрунти та водні об’єкти, у тому числі ґрунтові та підземні води, забруднюють довкілля та створюють загрозу здоров’ю людей

    Дослідження змін м’якого тіла молюска прісноводного під впливом термічної обробки в технології напівфабрикату варено-замороженого

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    The water holding capacity and pH of raw cooled bivalve freshwater genus Anodonta mussels in the north of Ukraine are determined. During the research it is established that the soft body of freshwater mussels has low indicators of water holding capacity. Therefore, it is advisable to use it independently in the technology of minced products. But with the use of a water-holding agent (fiber) – this is possible from the point of view of further research. According to above-mentioned, research is aimed at developing a semi-finished product, in its technology did not contain the grinding process. The technology of cooked-frozen semi-finished product includes the following stages (cooling of freshly-caught raw materials, preparation of raw materials for use in technological process, thermal processing, cooling, freezing, storage). To determine the optimal terms of thermal processing, a number of experiments are carried out. Investigation of structural changes is determined by penetration. This method allows to get a semi-finished product with a delicate and juicy consistency. To confirm this method, experiments are conducted to determine the loss of mass and water in the soft body of mussels under the influence of different times of thermal processing. Periods of thermal processing are proved in terms of preserving nutritional value. The change in the amount of protein in different periods of thermal processing is determined. This technology is simple in its technological essence and is an effective way of processing a huge freshwater source of raw materials containing a high-grade protein. Implementation of this technology will expand the range of products made from hydrobionts.Определены структурно-механические свойства двустворчатых пресноводных моллюсков рода Anodonta севера Украины. Проведено исследование динамики изменений белка, влаги, массы, а также влияние изменения степени пенетрации мягкого тела пресноводных моллюсков рода Anodonta в процессе термической обработки на органолептические свойства полуфабриката с его использованием. На основе полученных данных обоснована технология полуфабриката варено-замороженного.Визначено вологоутримуючу здатність та рН двостулкових прісноводних молюсків роду Anodonta півночі України. Проведено дослідження динаміки змін білка, вологи, маси, а також вплив зміни ступеня пенетрації м’якого тіла прісноводних молюсків роду Anodonta в процесі термічної обробки на органолептичні властивості напівфабрикату з його використанням. На основі отриманих даних обґрунтовано технологію напівфабрикату варено-замороженого

    Improvement of Human Capital Development: A Factor in Increasing the Mobilisation Potential of Ukraine

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    Based on historical, legal, and sociological research conducted within a research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine titled "Improvement of human capital development: a factor in increasing the mobilisation potential of Ukraine", theoretical and methodological principles for improving the mobilisation potential of Ukraine through human capital formation mechanisms are substantiated in this paper. An overview of the main approaches to the recruitment of armies in the context of historical evolution is conducted, and a list of actual and potential threats to a reduction of Ukraine's mobilisation potential is updated. Factors of motivation and demotivation influencing the participation or otherwise of Ukrainian youth in military mobilisation are defined. Optimal legal models for military mobilisation in a democratic constitutional state are also proposed. A general strategy whereby the policy of formation of patriotism through education and media for the actualisation of the mobilisation potential of Ukraine may be realised is also outlined. The article aims to develop conceptual bases for improving the mobilisation potential of Ukraine based on optimising the mechanisms of human capital formation. It also aims to enhance the mobilisation potential of Ukraine as a system-forming factor in ensuring the state's defence capabilities

    Feldstein-Horioka Bulmacası: İkinci Nesil Panel Eşbütünleşme Analizi

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    Bu çalışmada 1980-2014 dönemi için yatırım-tasarruf ilişkisi gelişmişlik seviyesine göre ülke grupları açısından toplulaştırılmış verilere dayanılarak ikinci nesil panel birim kök ve eşbütünleşme testleri yardımı ile analiz edilecektir. Bu amaçla yatırım-tasarruf ilişkisi konusunda kısa ve uzun dönem ilişkileri incelemek için sağlam bir araç olan Feldstein-Horioka Bulmacası çerçevesinde bir analiz yapılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları beklentilere paralel olarak sermaye hareketliliğinin ülke grupları arasında gelişmişlik düzeyine bağlı olarak farklılaştığını açık bir şekilde ortaya koymaktadır

    Feldstein-Horioka Bulmacası: İkinci Nesil Panel Eşbütünleşme Analizi

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    Bu çalışmada 1980-2014 dönemi için yatırım-tasarruf ilişkisi gelişmişlik seviyesine göre ülke grupları açısından toplulaştırılmış verilere dayanılarak ikinci nesil panel birim kök ve eşbütünleşme testleri yardımı ile analiz edilecektir. Bu amaçla yatırım-tasarruf ilişkisi konusunda kısa ve uzun dönem ilişkileri incelemek için sağlam bir araç olan Feldstein-Horioka Bulmacası çerçevesinde bir analiz yapılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları beklentilere paralel olarak sermaye hareketliliğinin ülke grupları arasında gelişmişlik düzeyine bağlı olarak farklılaştığını açık bir şekilde ortaya koymaktadır

    A database of naturally occurring human urinary peptides and proteins for use in clinical applications

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    Owing to its availability, ease of collection and correlation with (patho-) physiology, urine is an attractive source for clinical proteomics. However, the lack of comparable datasets from large cohorts has greatly hindered development in this field. Here we report the establishment of a high resolution proteome database of naturally occurring human urinary peptides and proteins - ranging from 800-17,000 Da - from over 3,600 individual samples using capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry, yielding an average of 1,500 peptides per sample. All processed data were deposited in an SQL database, currently containing 5,010 relevant unique urinary peptides that serve as classifiers for diagnosis and monitoring of diseases, including kidney and vascular diseases. Of these, 352 have been sequenced to date. To demonstrate the applicability of this database, two examples of disease diagnosis were provided: For renal damage diagnosis, patients with a specific renal disease were identified with high specificity and sensitivity in a blinded cohort of 131 individuals. We further show definition of biomarkers specific for immunosuppression and complications after transplantation (Kaposi's sarcoma). Due to its high information content, this database will be a powerful tool for the validation of biomarkers for both renal and non-renal diseases

    Organic micropollutants in water and sediment from Lake Malaren, Sweden

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    The occurrence and distribution of 111 organic micropollutants (OMPs) were evaluated in water and sediment samples from Lake Malaren, Sweden, using a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method. The partitioning of contaminants between lake compartments was estimated using solid water distribution coefficients (K-d) and organic carbon-water partitioning coefficients (K-OC). In total, 30 and 24 OMPs were detected in lake water and sediment, respectively. Concentrations ranged from low ng/L to 89 ng/L (lamotrigine) in lake water and from low ng/g dry weight (dw) to 28 ng/g dw (citalopram) in sediment. Carbamazepine, lamotrigine, caffeine, and tolyltriazole were the dominant compounds in Lake Malaren samples (both water and sediment). Seventeen OMPs were detected in both water and sediment samples, including carbamazepine, DEET, tolyltriazole, bicalutamide, caffeine, lamotrigine, and cetirizine. Log K-d values varied between 0.84 for lamotrigine and 4.4 for citalopram, while log K-OC values varied between 2.1 for lamotrigine and 5.9 for citalopram. These results indicate that sorption to sediment plays a minor role in removal of all OMPs analyzed in the aqueous phase except for citalopram and cetirizine, which showed high sorption potential. The environmental risks of OMPs were assessed based on the RQ values. The worst-case scenario for environmental risk assessment was conducted using the maximum measured environment concentration. For most of the target OMPs, including tolyltriazole, bicalutamide, fexofenadine, oxazepam, cetirizine, and diclofenac, the RQ values were below 0.01, indicating low or no risk to lake ecosystems. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved