222 research outputs found

    Kognitív templátumok és a valóság illesztése környezeti hangokra utaló nyelvi megértés során

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    A dolgozat a környezeti hangok hatását vizsgálja az absztrakt és a konkrét nyelvmegértése során. Egyes mondatok, mint például A riporter beharangozta a hírt, olyan kifejezéseket tartalmaznak, amelyek egy specifikus környezeti hangra utalnak valós hangesemény hiányában. Két kísérletben a résztvevők hangot kódoló mondatokat olvastak számítógép képernyőjén, miközben négy különböző típusú hangingert hallottak: például A sajtó a vészharangot kongatta absztrakt mondat olvasása közben egy kongruens hangot (’harang’), egy inkongruens hangot (’dob’), egy kategórián kívüli hangot (’nevetés’) hallottak, vagy hang nélkül olvasták amondatokat. A két kísérlet eredményei azt mutatják, hogy a hangeseményeket tartalmazó mondatok feldolgozása specifikus hangreprezentációk aktivációja nélkül történik

    EGF regulates tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane-translocation of the scaffold protein Tks5

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    Background: Tks5/FISH is a scaffold protein comprising of five SH3 domains and one PX domain. Tks5 is a substrate of the tyrosine kinase Src and is required for the organization of podosomes/invadopodia implicated in invasion of tumor cells. Recent data have suggested that a close homologue of Tks5, Tks4, is implicated in the EGF signaling.Results: Here, we report that Tks5 is a component of the EGF signaling pathway. In EGF-treated cells, Tks5 is tyrosine phosphorylated within minutes and the level of phosphorylation is sustained for at least 2 hours. Using specific kinase inhibitors, we demonstrate that tyrosine phosphorylation of Tks5 is catalyzed by Src tyrosine kinase. We show that treatment of cells with EGF results in plasma membrane translocation of Tks5. In addition, treatment of cells with LY294002, an inhibitor of PI 3-kinase, or mutation of the PX domain reduces tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane translocation of Tks5.Conclusions: Our results identify Tks5 as a novel component of the EGF signaling pathway. © 2013 Fekete et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Complex formation of EphB1/Nck/Caskin1 leads to tyrosine phosphorylation and structural changes of the Caskin1 SH3 domain.

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    Scaffold proteins have an important role in the regulation of signal propagation. These proteins do not possess any enzymatic activity but can contribute to the formation of multiprotein complexes. Although scaffold proteins are present in all cell types, the nervous system contains them in the largest amount. Caskin proteins are typically present in neuronal cells, particularly, in the synapses. However, the signaling mechanisms by which Caskin proteins are regulated are largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that EphB1 receptor tyrosine kinase can recruit Caskin1 through the adaptor protein Nck. Upon activation of the receptor kinase, the SH2 domain of Nck binds to one of its tyrosine residues, while Nck SH3 domains interact with the proline-rich domain of Caskin1. Complex formation of the receptor, adaptor and scaffold proteins results in the tyrosine phosphorylation of Caskin1 on its SH3 domain. The phosphorylation sites were identified by mass-spectrometry as tyrosines 296 and 336. To reveal the structural consequence of this phosphorylation, CD spectroscopy was performed. This measurement suggests that upon tyrosine phosphorylation the structure of the Caskin1 SH3 domain changes significantly. Taken together, we propose that the scaffold protein Caskin1 can form a complex with the EphB1 tyrosine kinase via the Nck protein as a linker. Complex formation results in tyrosine phosphorylation of the Caskin1 SH3 domain. Although we were not able to identify any physiological partner of the SH3 domain so far, we could demonstrate that phosphorylation on conserved tyrosine residues results in marked changes in the structure of the SH3 domain

    Combating Climate Change through Smart Innovations - Examination of smart city concept in light of sustainability [védés előtt]

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    While the Earth’s resources and capability are at its limits, while large part of the society is suffering from hardship, the other part is responsible for overconsumption, enormous waste generation. Pollution combined with self-centred human attitude led to the most crucial situation in our century of crises, Climate Change. It is currently one of the most urgent global problems, which are interconnected, complex and it has environmental, economic, social, and technological perspectives. While cities represent most of the population, the biggest greenhouse gas (GHGs) emitter, they use arable land for urban purposes, and they are the centre of services and production. Accordingly, cities were seen as excellent testing-grounds to put smart solutions in a new prospective and examine whether they could be or has been adapted into sustainable climate change combat by increasing the efficiency of mitigation and adaptation processes. For that reason, it will be investigated whether the focus of smart (city) solutions is either primarily environmental (smart-sustainable), or the focus is economic efficiency, but its use is more complex, which enhance sustainability. Based on this aim, the dissertation uses inductive approach, which is applied by using qualitative, explorative methodology such as semi-structured interviews (N=17) with content analysis to define the city level efficiency of the solutions, the driven factors within the decisions, and non-probability sampling methods during the questionary (N=550) to specify smart ability to increase climate awareness at the level of individuals. The research findings confirmed that, however the economic efficiency still dominate the development decisions, the environmental aspect is increasingly important mostly in the fields of mobility, energy usage and heating through the more complex, sustainable, resilient applied approaches in the implementation processes. In addition, there is a shrinking knowledge gap between the ‘investors’ (final users) and the providers of smart solutions, and the relevance of the sensitization and education of the population has become more important. Finally, through the survey, interviews and research, existing smart solutions have been collected within the six sectors of smart city to contribute to the educational purposes

    Screening for Mutations of 21-Hydroxylase Gene in Hungarian Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of autosomal recessive disorders, causing impaired secretion of cortisol and aldosterone from the adrenal cortex, with subsequent overproduction of adrenal androgens. The most common enzyme defect causing CAH is steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency. To determine the mutational spectrum in the Hungarian CAH population, the CYP21 active gene was analyzed using PCR. A total of 297 Hungarian patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency are registered in the 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Budapest, Hungary, and their clinical status was evaluated. Blood samples for CYP21 genotype determination could be obtained from 167 patients (representing 306 unrelated chromosomes and 56.2% of the total group of patients). Eight of the most common mutations were screened [In2 (intron 2 splice mutation), I172N, Del (Del: apparents large gene conversion), Q318X, R356W, 1761Tins, ClusterE6, V281L] using allele-specific amplification. The most frequent mutation in the Hungarian CAH population was found to be In2. Our results have shown a good genotype/phenotype correlation in case of most mutations; the In2 mutation is associated mostly with the severe form of the disease, whereas I172N was expressed in a wide spectrum of phenotypes

    Open photoacoustic cell for concentration measurements in rapidly flowing gas

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    High temporal resolution concentration measurements in rapid gas flows pose a serious challenge for most analytical instruments. The interaction of such flows with solid surfaces can generate excessive aero-acoustic noise making the application of the photoacoustic detection method seemingly impossible. Yet, the fully open photoacoustic cell (OC) has proven to be operable even when the measured gas flows through it at a velocity of several m/s. The OC is a slightly modified version of a previously introduced OC based on the excitation of a combined acoustic mode of a cylindrical resonator. The noise characteristics and analytical performance of the OC are tested in an anechoic room and under field conditions. Here we present the first successful application of a sampling-free OC for water vapor flux measurements

    A metaforikus nyelvhasználat korpuszalapú elemzése

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    Jelen tanulmány a konkrét–absztrakt (vagy metaforikus) nyelvhasználat korpuszalapú elemzésének segítségével arra keresi a választ, hogy a fogalmi metafora hipotézis milyen mértékben járulhat hozzá a metaforikus jelentések értelmezéséhez természetes nyelvi szövegekben. A kutatás céljaira egy 300 ezer szavas magyar nyelv korpuszt hoztunk létre különböz szövegtípusokból. [3] és [2] metaforaindexébl 12 ismert fogalmi metaforát választottunk ki, melyek mindegyikéhez két kifejezéslistát állítottunk össze – az egyik a forrástartományra, a másik a céltartományra jellemz kifejezéseket foglalta magában. A metaforák automatikus azonosításához Martin módszerét [17] alkalmaztuk, vagyis olyan mondatokat kerestünk, amelyekben mindkét tartomány kifejezései szerepeltek egyazon mondaton belül. A hipotézis alapján azt feltételeztük, hogy ha egy mondat tartalmaz egy forrás- és egy céltartományi kifejezést is, akkor az metaforikus lesz. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy egy forrás–cél tartománypároson belül nem bármilyen asszociáció vezet metaforikus értelmezéshez, és a valóban metaforicitásra utaló relációk mibenléte leginkább az adott szöveg nyelvi tulajdonságain múlik