7 research outputs found

    La educación inclusiva: análisis de las expectativas de los profesores rusos y aspectos importantes en la formación de los docentes

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    The paper presents a conceptual framework and foundation retraining program for primary school teachers, mastering the basics of inclusive pedagogy. The program is developed on the basis of the activity approach, the concept of "reflective  practice", taking into account the principle of normalization of life B. Nire.El artículo presenta un programa de formación marco-conceptual sobre los conceptos básicos de la pedagogía inclusiva para el profesorado de educación primaria. Este programa de formación se desarrolla sobre los pilares de una práctica reflexiva que pone el foco en la actividad teniendo en cuenta el principio de normalización de la vida

    Regulation of the Transglutaminase I gene

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    The transglutaminase I (TGase I) gene encodes an enzyme that catalyzes the cross-linking of structural proteins involved in the formation of the cornified envelope during squamous cell differentiation. To identify DNA elements important for the transcriptional control of the TGase I gene, we analyzed the ability of a 2.9-kilobase pair (kb) upstream regulatory region to control the expression of a reporter gene in vivo and in vitro. Transgenic mice bearing the pTG(-2.9kb)CAT construct exhibited the same pattern of tissue-specific expression of CAT as reported for TGase I. Deletion analysis in transiently transfected rabbit tracheal epithelial cells indicated that two sequences from bp -490 to -470 and from -54 to -37 are involved in the activation of TGase I transcription. Point mutation analysis and mobility shift assays showed that the sequence located between -54 and -37 is a functional Sp1-like transcription element. Sp1 and Sp3, but not Sp2, are part of nuclear protein complexes from differentiated RbTE cells binding to this site. The element TGATGTCA between bp -490 and -470 is contained in a larger 22-bp palindrome and resembles the consensus cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB)/AP-1 element recognized by dimeric complexes of members of the CREB, ATF, Fos, and Jun families. Mutations in this sequence greatly reduced promoter activity. Supershift analysis identified CREB1, JunB, c-Fos, Fra-1, and c-Jun in protein complexes isolated from differentiated rabbit tracheal epithelial cells binding to this site. Our study shows that the Sp1- and CREB/AP-1-like sites act in concert to stimulate transcription of the TGase I gene. The 2.9-kb promoter region could guide expression of specific genes in the granular layer of the epidermis and could be useful in gene therapy


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    The object of investigation: the cultures of the man's cells. The purpose of the work: the investigation of effect of the retinoic acid on the cells of line K562. For the first tise, the capacity of the retinoic acid of facilitating the effect of the phorbol ether on the cells of line K562. Developed has been the model for the investigation of the interaction of the retinoid-activated system of delivery of a signal and the TPA-dependent system of delivery of a signal with the differentiation induction. A complex analysis of the proliferative activity, mRNA and transcription factors has been performed. The Data about the influence of the retinoic acid on the process of the TPA-induced differentiation of cells K562 will be used in the study process. The system of interaction of the two inductors of the differentiation (retinoic acid and phorbol ether) will allow tostudy the questions of determination and differentiation deeper. The field of application: studying the questions of proliferation, differentiation (ISC RAS, ICand G SD RAS)Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Revista electrónica interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe presenta un marco conceptual y un programa de reentrenamiento para el profesorado de educación primaria, que se centra en los conceptos básicos de la pedagogía inclusiva. Este programa de formación se desarrolla desde el enfoque de la actividad, el concepto de “práctica reflexiva”, teniendo en cuenta el principio de normalización de la vida de B. Nire.Monográfico con el título: "La Educación Inclusiva: reflexiones y experiencias para la mejora escolar"ES

    Inclusion education: analysis of Russian teachers' expectations and important aspects of school personnel training

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    El artículo presenta un programa de formación marco-conceptual sobre los conceptos básicos de la pedagogía inclusiva para el profesorado de educación primaria. Este programa de formación se desarrolla sobre los pilares de una práctica reflexiva que pone el foco en la actividad teniendo en cuenta el principio de normalización de la vida.The paper presents a conceptual framework and foundation retraining program for primary school teachers, mastering the basics of inclusive pedagogy. The program is developed on the basis of the activity approach, the concept of "reflective  practice", taking into account the principle of normalization of life B. Nire

    La educación inclusiva: análisis de las expectativas de los profesores rusos y aspectos importantes en la formación de los docentes

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    El artículo presenta un marco conceptual y un programa de reentrenamiento para el profesorado de educación primaria, que se centra en los conceptos básicos de la pedagogía inclusiva. Este programa de formación se desarrolla desde el enfoque de la actividad, el concepto de �práctica reflexiva�, teniendo en cuenta el principio de normalización de la vida de B. Nire