165 research outputs found

    Assessment of the bacterial community structure in a Brazilian clay soil treated with atrazine

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    In the present paper, the bacterial communities in two soils, one from an agricultural sugarcane cropped field and the other from an unperturbed soil with similar geopedological characteristics, were characterized using the Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) method. FISH consists of in situ identification of bacteria using fluorescent labeled 16S rRNA targeted oligonucleotide probes visualizable under epifluorescence microscope. In the cultivated soil, in line with agricultural practice, the pre-emergence herbicide atrazine had been regularly applied each year at a concentration of 5 L/ha. The Shannon Diversity and Evenness Indices were also calculated using the phylogenetic data obtained from the FISH analysis. Although, at the sampling time (6 months after soil atrazine treatment), no residual herbicide concentration was found, the overall bacterial community results show a lower diversity and evenness in the agricultural soil than in the unperturbed one, demonstrating how microbiological indicators are sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance. In the natural soil, the dominant groups were α-Proteobacteria, β-Proteobacteria, and γ-Proteobacteria (representing more than 50 % of the bacteria), but in the agricultural soil, their abundance decreased significantly and represented just 31 % of the bacteria domain

    Plant microbial fuel cells for recovering contaminated environments

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    Plant Microbial Fuel Cells (PMFCs) are bioelectrochemical systems able to convert solar energy into bioelectricity with the support of rhizosphere microbial populations. The simultaneous bioelectricity and biomass production makes PMFCs an interesting nature-based solution for promoting not only energy production, but also soil decontamination. This review reports the main bacterial groups involved in microbial fuel cell systems and key factors influencing their performances in plant presence. In detail, to implement PMFCs for remediation of contaminated soils, it is firstly necessary to know chemical characteristics of pollutants, their concentrations, soil physico-chemical characteristics and soil microbial community structure and functioning. Then, based on characterization data of the contaminated soil, a plant species able to resist pollutant toxicity and promote soil phytoremediation processes (e.g. phyto-extraction, phyto-stabilization, phyto-degradation) can be selected, also based on the climatic characteristics of the study area. Finally, electrode materials and their configurations need to be designed to ensure an efficient plant growth, adequate electron transfer and the best possible generation of bioelectricity and at the same time promoting the degradative activity of microorganisms

    Germination, root elongation, and photosynthetic performance of plants exposed to sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES). An emerging contaminant

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    The anionic surfactant SLES (sodium lauryl ether sulfate) is an emerging contaminant, being the main component of foaming agents that are increasingly used by the tunnel construction industry. To fill the gap of knowledge about the potential SLES toxicity on plants, acute and chronic effects were assessed under controlled conditions. The acute ecotoxicological test was performed on Lepidum sativum L. (cress) and Zea mays L. (maize). Germination of both species was not affected by SLES in soil, even at concentrations (1200 mg kg−1) more than twice higher than the maximum realistic values found in contaminated debris, thus confirming the low acute SLES toxicity on terrestrial plants. The root elongation of the more sensitive species (cress) was instead reduced at the highest SLES concentration. In the chronic phytotoxicity experiment, photosynthesis of maize was downregulated, and the photosynthetic performance (PITOT) significantly reduced already under realistic exposures (360 mg kg−1), owing to the SLES ability to interfere with water and/or nutrients uptake by roots. However, such reduction was transient, likely due to the rapid biodegradation of the surfactant by the soil microbial community. Indeed, SLES amount decreased in soil more than 90% of the initial concentration in only 11 days. A significant reduction of the maximum photosynthetic capacity (Pnmax) was still evident at the end of the experiment, suggesting the persistence of negative SLES effects on plant growth and productivity. Overall results, although confirming the low phytotoxicity and high biodegradability of SLES in natural soils, highlight the importance of considering both acute and nonlethal stress effects to evaluate the environmental compatibility of soil containing SLES residues

    Groundwater Autochthonous Microbial Communities as Tracers of Anthropogenic Pressure Impacts: Example from a Municipal Waste Treatment Plant (Latium, Italy)

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    The groundwater behavior at a municipal solid waste disposal dump, located in Central Italy, was studied using a multi-parameter monitoring over 1 year consisting of 4 seasonal samples. The hydrological and hydrogeological dynamics of water circulation, microbiological parameters (microbial abundance and cell viability of the autochthonous microbial community), dissolved organic carbon, and several contaminants were evaluated and related to the geological structures in both two and three dimensions and used for geostatistical analysis in order to obtain 3D maps. Close relationships between geological heterogeneity, water circulation, pollutant diffusion, dissolved organic carbon, and cell viability were revealed. The highest cell viability values were found with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) values ≤0.5 mg/L; above this value, DOC negatively affected the microbial community. The highest DOC values were detected in groundwater at some sampling points within the site indicating its probable origin from the waste disposal dump. Although legislation limits for the parameters measured were not exceeded (except for a contaminant in one piezometer), the 1-year multi-parameter monitoring approach made it possible to depict both the dynamics and the complexity of the groundwater flux and, with "non-legislative parameters" such as microbial cell viability and DOC, identify the points with the highest vulnerability and their origin. This approach is useful for identifying the most vulnerable sites in a groundwater body

    Physical exercise and Sport activities in patients with and without coronary heart disease

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    Background: The quantity and intensity of physical activity required for the primary prevention of coronary heart disease remain unclear. Therefore, we examined the association between physical activity and coronary risk. Methods: We studied 100 patients with chest pain, 78 men and 22 women, not older than 65 years, admitted to a coronary care unit. Patients were subdivided in 3 groups: the first group included patients with acute myocardial infarction, the second group included patients with chronic heart disease, the third included patients with non-ischemic chest-pain. A questionnaire on daily physical activity was filled by each patient. Results: A significantly higher percentage of patients with myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease had a sedentary life style compared to patients of the third group. Compared with subjects without heart disease, a significantly higher percentage of patients of the first and second group covered a daily average distance shorter than 500 meters, while a significantly inferior percentage covered a distance longer than 1 Km every day. A significantly lower percentage of patients with coronary heart disease practised sport compared with the third group. At the time of hospitalization a very small percentage of coronary heart disease patients still practised sport. Conclusions: The association between physical activity and reduced coronary risk is clear; in order to obtain benefits it is sufficient just walking every day. Regarding physical activity, continuity is important: patients, who practised sport only in juvenile age, breaking off when older, may lose the obtained advantages

    CFBM - A Framework for Data Driven Approach in Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation

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    Recently, there has been a shift from modeling driven approach to data driven approach in Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS). This trend towards the use of data-driven approaches in simulation aims at using more and more data available from the observation systems into simulation models [1, 2]. In a data driven approach, the empirical data collected from the target system are used not only for the design of the simulation models but also in initialization, evaluation of the output of the simulation platform. That raises the question how to manage empirical data, simulation data and compare those data in such agent-based simulation platform. In this paper, we first introduce a logical framework for data driven approach in agent-based modeling and simulation. The introduced framework is based on the combination of Business Intelligence solution and a multi-agent based platform called CFBM (Combination Framework of Business intelligence and Multi-agent based platform). Secondly, we demonstrate the application of CFBM for data driven approach via the development of a Brown Plant Hopper Surveillance Models (BSMs), where CFBM is used not only to manage and integrate the whole empirical data collected from the target system and the data produced by the simulation model, but also to initialize and validate the models. The successful development of the CFBM consists not only in remedying the limitation of agent-based modeling and simulation with regard to data management but also in dealing with the development of complex simulation systems with large amount of input and output data supporting a data driven approach

    Celle a combustibile microbiche terrestri: uno strumento efficace nel recupero di suoli contaminati e nella produzione di energia.

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    Una cella a combustibile microbica (MFC) è un sistema bio-elettrochimico che utilizza un microrganismo attivo come biocatalizzatore per la produzione di elettricità. Essa è costituita da due comparti, uno anodico ed uno catodico, separati da una membrana di scambio protonico. L’energia chimica di legame, disponibile grazie alla presenza di un substrato biodegradabile, viene trasformata direttamente in energia elettrica per azione microbica, che catalizza la rimozione degli elettroni dal substrato. I batteri presenti nella camera anodica, o comunque nel mezzo in cui è immerso l’anodo, sono in grado di convertire un’enorme varietà di substrati organici (acetato, glucosio, cellulosa, reflui di varia origine, contaminanti organici) in CO2, acqua ed energia. Tra le MFC, le Celle a Combustibile Microbiche Terrestri (Terrestrial Microbial Fuel Cells - TMFC), hanno come elettrolita il suolo. Esso è una matrice molto più complessa rispetto all’acqua, variando nella composizione granulometrica, nella capacita di ritenzione idrica, nella capacità di scambio cationico, nonché nella distribuzione dei contaminanti; pertanto le TMFC sono dei dispositivi di cui è ancora necessario esplorare tutte le potenzialità di applicazione per il recupero di suoli contaminati

    Opsonin-deficient nucleoproteic corona endows unPEGylated liposomes with stealth properties in vivo

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    For several decades, surface grafted polyethylene glycol (PEG) has been a go-to strategy for preserving the synthetic identity of liposomes in physiological milieu and preventing clearance by immune cells. However, the limited clinical translation of PEGylated liposomes is mainly due to the protein corona formation and the subsequent modification of liposomes’ synthetic identity, which affects their interactions with immune cells and blood residency. Here we exploit the electric charge of DNA to generate unPEGylated liposome/DNA complexes that, upon exposure to human plasma, gets covered with an opsonin-deficient protein corona. The final product of the synthetic process is a biomimetic nanoparticle type covered by a proteonucleotidic corona, or “proteoDNAsome”, which maintains its synthetic identity in vivo and is able to slip past the immune system more efficiently than PEGylated liposomes. Accumulation of proteoDNAsomes in the spleen and the liver was lower than that of PEGylated systems. Our work highlights the importance of generating stable biomolecular coronas in the development of stealth unPEGylated particles, thus providing a connection between the biological behavior of particles in vivo and their synthetic identity

    Flow cytometric immunobead assay for detection of BCR-ABL1 fusion proteins in chronic myleoid leukemia: Comparison with FISH and PCR techniques

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    Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is characterized by a balanced translocation juxtaposing the Abelson (ABL) and breakpoint cluster region (BCR) genes. The resulting BCR-ABL1 oncogene leads to increased proliferation and survival of leukemic cells. Successful treatment of CML has been accompanied by steady improvements in our capacity to accurately and sensitively monitor therapy response. Currently, measurement of BCR-ABL1 mRNA transcript levels by real-time quantitative PCR (RQ-PCR) defines critical response endpoints. An antibody-based technique for BCR-ABL1 protein recognition could be an attractive alternative to RQ-PCR. To date, there have been no studies evaluating whether flow-cytometry based assays could be of clinical utility in evaluating residual disease in CML patients. Here we describe a flow-cytometry assay that detects the presence of BCR-ABL1 fusion proteins in CML lysates to determine the applicability, reliability, and specificity of this method for both diagnosis and monitoring of CML patients for initial response to therapy. We show that: i) CML can be properly diagnosed at onset, (ii) follow-up assessments show detectable fusion protein (i.e. relative mean fluorescent intensity, rMFI%>1) when BCR-ABL1IS transcripts are between 1-10%, and (iii) rMFI% levels predict CCyR as defined by FISH analysis. Overall, the FCBA assay is a rapid technique, fully translatable to the routine management of CML patients