557 research outputs found

    Postglacial colonization and parallel evolution of metal tolerance in the polyploid Cerastium alpinum

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    The Fennoscandian flora is characterized by a high frequency of polyploids, probably because they were more successful than diploid plants in colonizing after the last Ice Age. The first postglacial colonizers were likely poor competitors and became displaced from the lowlands as forests advanced. Consequently, many of these pioneers are currently found only above tree line. However, some have persisted within the forests on open habitats such as naturally toxic serpentine soils where succession is arrested at the pioneer stage. These populations represent relicts of former widely distributed plants. The polyploid Cerastium alpinum L. (Caryophyllaceae) grows on serpentine soils throughout Fennoscandia. C. alpinum populations on different soil types provide a model system for the study of the early postglacial colonization history of Fennoscandia. Genetic markers showed that C. alpinum populations in western Fennoscandia differ genetically from eastern populations, suggesting a two-way colonization. The two lineages meet in a hybrid zone in Northern Scandinavia where a high degree of genetic variation was found. Plants from Fennoscandia and the Western Arctic (Canada, Greenland and Iceland) shared many AFLP fragments, which suggests they originate from common refugia. The Fennoscandian populations were more distantly related to the populations in potential refugia in southern Europe. In fact, the northern populations contained AFLP fragments not found in populations in the Pyrenees and the Alps. Lack of chloroplast DNA variation indicates fast postglacial range expansions and/or a recent origin of C. alpinum. Crosses were made to establish the inheritance of enzyme markers. The results strengthen the evidence for an allopolyploid origin of C. alpinum. Adjacent serpentine and non-serpentine populations of C. alpinum provide a model system of natural replicates to test whether adaptation to serpentine is constitutive (common for all populations) or locally evolved. A growth experiment with high concentrations of nickel and magnesium, two metals that limit the fertility of serpentine soils, showed that the degree of metal tolerance reflects site-specific soil conditions. Since local adaptation was found in both the eastern and the western immigration lineages, the postglacial colonization of Fennoscandia has involved parallel evolution of metal tolerance in C. alpinum

    Student Attitude Toward Mathematics At the Middle and High School Level

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    The question of attitude toward mathematics is one of great importance and one that is associated with large implications for students. Studies on student attitude focus on determining the relationship of attitude to the perceived relevance of mathematics to future academic and career choices. Student attitude toward math in middle and high school can affect student enthusiasm for taking advanced math courses in high school and college and can largely determine future career choices. For these reasons generating positive attitudes toward mathematics among middle and high school students is an important goal of mathematics education

    Protection of Regional Values - A comparative study of EU and ASEAN

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    Regionalisation has become an increasingly important phenomenon in a globalized world. As models of regional integration, the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are two prominent examples. This thesis seeks to explore through a comparative analysis, the different mechanisms and institutions for handling breaches against fundamental values within the two regional organizations. Inter-linked with the issue of the legal-institutional framework is that of what values the mechanisms are designed to protect. The method used for the analysis is first and foremost that of public international and European law, but the thesis also attempts to give a broader picture of the issues presented. For a deeper understanding of the EU and ASEAN perception and handling of fundamental values, two concrete cases are outlined, namely the “Haider affaire” in Europe and the ASEAN policy towards the repressive regime in Myanmar. Even though the aim of the thesis is to explore the situations within ASEAN and the EU, some aspects of the external relations between the regions are assessed in order to identify possible contentious areas due to differences in perspectives on fundamental values. ASEAN and the EU share many traits. They both started out as peace projects created to ensure regional stability in turbulent times. But whereas ASEAN achieved this through strengthening the nation state, the EU on the other hand chose to bridge over the nation state. ASEAN dealt with its fragile relations through assurances of respect for national sovereignty and non-interference, whereas Europe in the aftermaths of WW2 set up supranational institutions in order to prevent the conflicts from resurging. This fundamental difference is reflected in the regions’ systems for protection of common values. The EU has a proactive approach with an explicit mechanism for preventing and sanctioning breaches of the Union’s fundamental values. ASEAN, on the other hand, has a reactive, pragmatic take on things, usually referred to as the “ASEAN Way”. Even though the actual consequences of the two systems might be similar given the highly political nature of these issues, the EU member states are subject to a constitutional discipline that would be unthinkable in ASEAN. The EU has reached consensus and elaborated certain norms regarding the member states’ behaviour towards their own citizens, i.e. democracy, protection of human rights and the rule of law. These are considered to be the constituting values of the EU – the “European values” that serve as the glue of integration in a heterogeneous region. In ASEAN, the common values mainly relate to state sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other. The “Asian values discourse” that has been influential on the ASEAN policy on human rights and democracy is sceptic towards Western universalist interpretations of human rights and rejects international accountability for such norms. The inclusion of principles regarding democracy and human rights in the new ASEAN Charter indicates a shift in policy within ASEAN. However, for the time being they can merely be seen as aspirations. What is clear is that questions of common values and regional identity are going to play an important function in a further integration-process in both regions. The differences between the two regional entities should not conceal the fact that both ASEAN and the EU in the wake of their conflict-ridden history share the same overriding goals - to create peace and stability and to ensure economic development through regional cooperation and integration. Based on their mutual interests, ASEAN and the EU have committed to deepen and widen their partnership. Differences in their perspectives on fundamental values can affect these relations, especially with the EU policy of value promotion and conditionality in its external relations. However, given the mutual wish to maintain and develop good relations, more serious conflicts between ASEAN and the EU with regard to differences in the values they encompass should be able to be contained through flexibility and concessions on both sides

    The Regulation of Commodity Options

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    To outline further genetic mechanisms of transformation from follicular lymphoma (FL) to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), we have performed whole genome array-CGH in 81 tumors from 60 patients [29 de novo DLBCL (dnDLBCL), 31 transformed DLBCL (tDLBCL), and 21 antecedent FL]. In 15 patients, paired tumor samples (primary FL and a subsequent tDLBCL) were available, among which three possessed more than two subsequent tumors, allowing us to follow specific genetic alterations acquired before, during, and after the transformation. Gain of 2p15-16.1 encompassing, among others, the REL, BCL11A, USP34, COMMD1, and OTX1 genes was found to be more common in the tDLBCL compared with dnDLBCL (P < 0.001). Furthermore, a high-level amplification of 2p15-16.1 was also detected in the FL stage prior to transformation, indicating its importance during the transformation event. Quantitative real-time PCR showed a higher level of amplification of REL, USP34, and COMMD1 (all involved in the NF kappa B-pathway) compared with BCL11A, which indicates that the altered genes disrupting the NF kappa B pathway may be the driver genes of transformation rather than the previously suggested BCL11A. Moreover, a 17q21.33 amplification was exclusively found in tDLBCL, never in FL (P < 0.04) or dnDLBCL, indicating an upregulation of genes of importance during the later phase of transformation. Taken together, our study demonstrates potential genomic markers for disease progression to clinically more aggressive forms. We also confirm the importance of the TP53-, CDKN2A-, and NF kappa B-pathways for the transformation from FL to DLBCL

    Effects of Complex Vertebral Malformation on Fertility in Swedish Holstein Cattle

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    Complex vertebral malformation (CVM) is an autosomal recessive inherited defect in the Holstein breed. It causes intra-uterine mortality through the entire gestation period leading to repeat breeding and involuntary culling of cows and thereby economic losses. The defect was first reported in Denmark in 1999 and a direct DNA test for the defect has been available since February 2001. The aim of this study was to investigate if Holstein bulls heterozygous for the CVM gene had reduced reproductive performance, measured as non-return rate (NRR) and in a daughter fertility index. All genotyped Swedish Holstein bulls born between 1995 and 1999 were included. Altogether 228 bulls were analysed, of which 53 bulls, i.e. 23%, were confirmed CVM carriers. A statistically significant difference between carriers and non-carriers in the relative breeding value for NRR was observed for 168 days NRR (101.1 ± 0.9 vs. 103.1 ± 0.6, p < 0.05). There was no difference for 28 days NRR whereas the difference approached significance for 56 days NRR. No significant effect of the paternal CVM genotype on the daughter fertility index was shown probably due to the complexity of traits this index is composed of. In conclusion, the study showed that carriers of the CVM defect have an inferior NRR compared with non-carriers

    The effect of protective fabric on the thawing stage of frozen pine seedlings

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    This project was an assignment by Sveaskog and Svenska Skogsplantor. The purpose was to study the effect of protective fabric on the thawing stage of frozen pine seedlings. The function of the protective fabric is that it should protect the seedlings against strong sunlight and create an even temperature inside the boxes containing the seedlings. The result has shown that there was no statistically significant difference when the protective fabric was used or when it was not used, although this was probably due to the weather conditions. The study was carried out under cold and cloudy weather conditions and probably would have given other results if there had been more sunny days with a higher ambient temperature. However, the conclusions here still recommend the continued use of the protective fabric according to the current planting instructions used by Sveaskog.MÄlet med studien var att undersöka effekten av den skuggvÀv som pÄ rekommendation av Sveaskog ska anvÀndas under plantlagring i fÀlt. Studien gjordes pÄ uppdrag av Sveaskog och Svenska Skogsplantor. I anslutning till ett hygge saknas ofta naturliga förutsÀttningar för skugga, varför ofta en typ av skuggvÀv anvÀnds som skydd för plantorna. Ett lagringsförsök med plantlÄdor och fyra olika behandlingar stÀlldes i ordning och pÄgick under tre veckors tid. Behandlingarna hade variationerna med och utan skuggvÀv, men Àven olika öppningstider av plantlÄdorna och i en behandling stÀngda lÄdor under hela försöksperioden. PlantlÄdor med innehÄll vÀgdes och detta med upprepning med en veckas mellanrum under tre veckors tid. Temperaturen inne i plantlÄdorna uppmÀttes och registrerades var 24:e minut. Plantering med plantor frÄn alla försöksled utfördes vid tre olika tillfÀllen för att eventuell skillnad i lÀngdutvecklig efter en tillvÀxtsÀsong skulle kunna studeras. Ett RGC- test genomfördes vid KilÄmons plantskola för att studera skottskjutning och rotutveckling. I testet ingick tio plantor/försöksled, d.v.s. totalt 40 stycken plantor. Resultatet visar att försöksledet med den enligt Sveaskog rekommenderade instruktionen att anvÀnda skuggvÀv och att öppna lÄdorna i tid gav den jÀmnaste temperaturen inne i plantlÄdorna, Àven om skillnaderna var smÄ mellan de olika försöksleden. SkuggvÀven uppfyllde hÀrmed sitt syfte att reglera temperaturen i positiv bemÀrkelse. Trots de smÄ skillnaderna i temperatur hos de olika försöksleden antyder ÀndÄ resultatet att plantan fÄr den jÀmnaste upptiningen om skuggvÀven anvÀnds. Efter avslutat RGC- test studerades om det fanns nÄgra skillnader i skottskjutning beroende pÄ hur de behandlats under lagringstiden. Det visade sig att de plantor som behandlats utan skuggvÀv och dÀr lÄdorna öppnades i tid uppmÀtte en lÀngdutveckling pÄ 8 cm/planta i jÀmförelse med alla andra tre försöksled vilka samtliga uppmÀtte 4,5 cm/planta. RGC- testet indikerade att skuggvÀven troligen hade dÀmpat gröndelens tillvÀxt, en effekt som kvarstod Àven dÄ dessa plantor planterades i en optimal miljö. De plantor som saknat skuggvÀv under lagringsperioden hade en intensivare skottstrÀckning i samma optimala miljö. En risk Àr dÄ att plantan direkt vid utplantering uppnÄr, eller redan har, sÄ stor andel barrmassa att rotsystemet inte Àr tillrÀckligt utvecklat för att försörja plantans gröndel. DÀrmed uppstÄr en obalans som i vÀrsta fall kan leda till plantans död. LÀngdutvecklingen ute pÄ fÀltet var störst i försöket dÀr skuggvÀv anvÀndes och lÄdorna öppnades i tid. HÀr hade tillvÀxten ökat med 5,9 cm under en tillvÀxtperiod. Den observerade tillvÀxten var emellertid inte statistiskt signifikant större i jÀmförelse med de plantor som inte varit tÀckta med skuggvÀv. DÀrmed inte sagt att lÀngdutvecklingen inte pÄverkades. Försöket kanske var för litet för att pÄvisa detta. MÄnga undersökningar av Àldre plantor har visat att rottillvÀxten avtagit under perioder med intensiv skottstrÀckning vilket Àr negativt för plantan (Mattsson och Nyström, 1990). Om rottillvÀxten Àr begrÀnsad försvÄras plantetablering och den viktiga kontakten mellan rötter och jord försÀmras (Johansson, 2005). Eftersom denna studie genomfördes under kalla och molniga vÀderförhÄllanden kan det antas att skillnaderna i dessa olika behandlingar av försöksleden skulle ha varit mer pÄvisbara och statistiskt signifikanta om försöket utsatts för normal sommarvÀrme med flera soldagar och högre lufttemperaturer. Detta skulle troligen ha stressat plantorna mer och gett ett mer entydigt resultat. Mer tid och ekonomiska medel hade troligen Àven det bidragit till att visa upp pÄtagligare skillnader mellan de olika försöksleden. Den sammantagna slutsatsen blir dÀrför att rekommendera fortsatt anvÀndning av skuggvÀven i enlighet med den planteringsinstruktion som finns pÄ Sveaskog idag

    NÀra och kÀra? BevissvÄrigheter och reglering av nÀrstÄende nÀr kvinnor utsÀtts för vÄld i nÀra relationer

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    I denna uppsats behandlas nÄgra av de bevissvÄrigheter som finns vid vÄld mot kvinnor som begÄs i nÀra relationer, och som Àr en bidragande orsak till den bristande lagföringen av brotten. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att granska sÀrregleringen av nÀrstÄende vittnen, samt det beslagsförbud av meddelanden mellan en misstÀnkt och en nÀrstÄende som idag finns i svensk rÀtt. VÄld mot kvinnor och vÄld i nÀra relationer begÄs ofta bakom stÀngda dörrar och dÀrför finns det sÀllan direkta vittnesiakttagelser. IstÀllet Àr det vanligast att kvinnan har anförtrott sin historia till slÀkt eller vÀnner. För brottsutredarna blir det dÀrför en viktig uppgift att tillvarata bevismedel frÄn nÀrstÄende. TillgÄngen till stödbevisning har visat sig ha stor betydelse vid domstolarnas bedömningar. Svensk lagstiftning saknar idag vittnesplikt för nÀrstÄende till part. Syftet bakom regleringen Àr den svÄra motsÀttning som vittnet skulle utsÀttas för, mellan att hÄlla sig till sanningen och att hjÀlpa sin nÀrstÄende. Svensk lagstiftning innehÄller dessutom ett beslagsförbud av skriftliga meddelanden mellan en misstÀnkt och dennes nÀrstÄende. Detta förbud innebÀr att om en misstÀnkt hotar sin partner kan inte meddelandet beslagtas sÄvida inte nÄgon utav parterna frivilligt överlÀmnar meddelandet. Brottsutredningarna blir dÀrmed ofta beroende av kvinnans villighet att samarbeta. Denna olÀgenhet har kritiserats och 2014 kom ett förslag om att ta bort beslagsförbudet för vissa brott som ofta begÄs i nÀra relationer. I strÀvan efter en mer effektiv lagföring finns det dock motstÄende intressen. Uppsatsen diskuterar rÀttssÀkerhet och integritet i ljuset av en eventuell vittnesplikt för nÀrstÄende, samt ett eventuellt borttagande av beslagsförbudet för vissa brott.This paper discusses some of the evidence issues that exist in violence against women perpetrated in close relationships. This is a contributing factor to the lack of prosecution of these crimes. The purpose of this paper is to review the special regulation of related witnesses, as well as the seizure prohibition of written messages between a suspect and a related person that currently exists in Swedish law. Violence against women and domestic violence are often committed behind closed doors and it is therefore rare with a direct witness observation. Instead it is rather common that the woman has entrusted her story to family or friends. For investigators, it is therefore an important task to secure evidence from relatives. Access to evidence support has proved to be of great importance in the courts assessments. Swedish legislation means an absence of witness duty for related persons to one of the parties. The aim behind the rules is the difficult tension that the witness would be exposed to, between adhering to the truth and to help the relatives. Swedish legislation also contains a seizure prohibition of written messages between a suspect and his relatives. This prohibition means that if a suspect is threatening his partner, the message cannot be confiscated unless any of the parties voluntarily hand over the message. Criminal investigations are therefore often dependent on the woman's willingness to cooperate. This inconvenience has been criticized and in 2014 came a proposal to remove the seizure prohibition for certain crimes, often committed in close relationships. In the pursuit of a more effective prosecution there are conflicting interests. In this essay, the rule of law and the personal integrity, are discussed in the light of a possible witness duty for relatives, and the possible removal of the seizure prohibition for certain crimes

    Next-generation sequencing technologies and applications for human genetic history and forensics

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    Rapid advances in the development of sequencing technologies in recent years have enabled an increasing number of applications in biology and medicine. Here, we review key technical aspects of the preparation of DNA templates for sequencing, the biochemical reaction principles and assay formats underlying next-generation sequencing systems, methods for imaging and base calling, quality control, and bioinformatic approaches for sequence alignment, variant calling and assembly. We also discuss some of the most important advances that the new sequencing technologies have brought to the fields of human population genetics, human genetic history and forensic genetics

    Interspecific competition between Swedish turnip and spring barley

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    Konkurrens mellan vÀxter uppstÄr nÀr deras gemensamma behov av resurser Àr större Àn tillgÄngen. Man talar om olika typer av konkurrens, exempelvis den intraspecifika som uppstÄr mellan individer av samma art och den interspecifika konkurrensen mellan indivi-der frÄn olika arter. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka den interspecifika konkurrensen mellan kÄlrot (Brassica napus var. napobrassica (L.) Hanelt) (gröda) och vÄrkorn (Hor-deum vulgare L.) (modellogrÀs). Hypoteserna var att (i) konkurrensen frÄn ett ogrÀs med-för en minskning i tillvÀxt hos grödan och (ii) att en ogrÀsresning ger en positiv effekt i form av ökad tillvÀxt hos grödan jÀmfört med orensat led. Ett vÀxthusexperiment genom-fördes i mars-april 2012 dÀr tre led ingick: ett led med kÄlrot, ett led med kÄlrot + vÄrkorn dÀr kornet rensades bort 20 dagar efter sÄdd samt ett led med kÄlrot + vÄrkorn dÀr bÄda arterna vÀxte tillsammans under hela försöksperioden. Resultaten visade att tillvÀxten hos kÄlrot minskade vid konkurrens frÄn ogrÀs jÀmfört med ledet med enbart kÄlrot. En bort-rensning av ogrÀs medförde ocksÄ en positiv effekt för grödan i form av högre tillvÀxt hos kÄlrot jÀmfört med det led dÀr kÄlrot vÀxte tillsammans med vÄrkorn under hela perioden.Competition between plants occurs when the uptake of resources they are capable of is bigger than the available amount of resources. There are different types of competition, for example the intraspecific one that occurs between individuals of the same species, and the interspecific one that occurs between individuals of different species. The aim of this study was to investigate the interspecific competition between Swedish turnip (Brassica napus var. napobrassica (L.) Hanelt) (crop) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) (model weed). The hypothesis were that (i) weed competition leads to reduced growth of the crop and that (ii) removing the weed has a positive effect in terms of increased growth of the crop compared to a crop in a non weeded environment. A greenhouse experiment was done during March and April 2012 including three treatments: one with Swedish turnip, one with Swedish turnip + spring barley where spring barley was removed 20 days after sowing and one treatment with Swedish turnip + spring barley where the two species were grown together during the entire experiment. The results showed that the growth of the Swedish turnip was lower when grown together with than without spring barley. Remov-ing the weed had a positive effect on the crop in terms of increased growth compared to the treatment where Swedish turnip was grown together with spring barley during the en-tire experiment

    DNA Methylation Changes Caused by Lawsone

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    Lawsone is a pigment that occurs naturally in plants. It has been used as a skin and hair dye for a long time. Moreover, its different biological activities have been reported. The present study focused on the effect of lawsone on a plant cell model represented by tobacco BY-2 cell suspension culture, which is used as a model comparable with the HeLa cells. It has been shown that lawsone inhibits the cell growth in the concentration-dependent manner. In addition, changes in DNA methylation level have been determined. We observed decreasing level of DNA methylation in the presence of increasing concentrations of lawsone. These results were accompanied with overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Since epigenetic modifications can be caused by different stress factors, there could be a connection between the changes in the level of DNA methylation and ROS production caused by lawsone
