44 research outputs found


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    This volume offers the reader two articles and an interview with which to engage. Aligned with the objectives of Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodologies the authors variously unfold and problematize conventional qualitative research philosophies and practices in unexpected ways. By undertaking and highlighting how transdisciplinary work might disrupt objective truth claims formed from particular research ideals - the authors avoid generalisations and glorification of their research data. Though the articles approach research practices differently, what unites them is the capacity to capture complexity within entangled assemblages of forces and intensities in which the individual subject is disrupted and rethought. Collective assemblages of desire are created by writing together, thinking together, and creating together - the yet not known. Dynamic elements work together to connect multiple literacies, artistic photos and transgressive writings that evoke liveliness and rhizomatic thinking

    Research based teacher education; discursive positining's of teacher educators in Norway.

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    As researchers in teacher education institutions we are facing ideological and economic shifts involving restrictions on the possibilities of influencing themes and methodologies for research projects

    'Ressursorientert tilnĂŚrming til sprĂĽklig og kulturelt mangfold': Diskursive lesninger av inkludering i barnehagen

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    This article critically questions how contemporary multicultural pedagogical work for inclusion in Norwegian children’s centers is described in government documents. We find in these documents that what is named as a discursive ‘resource-oriented approach to cultural diversity’ is presented as a strategy to understand how to work and analyse multicultural pedagogical issues. As preschool teachers and researchers our interest is to investigate how and why a resource-oriented approach today seems to have become part of preschool teachers’ normative multicultural work for inclusion. By analysing official early childhood documents discursively we question what effects a resource-oriented approach may have on professional multicultural knowledge production

    Researching the assemblage of cultural diversity in Norway: Challenging simplistic research approaches

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    This article’s point of departure is practicing an(other) methodology than those that are dominant within educational research in Norway. Dominant research can ‘rely on the authority and normativity of methods to produce knowledge devoid of critical reflection and contextual consideration’ (Koro-Ljungberg & Mazzei, 2012, p. 728). Koro-Lungberg (2012) calls this the politics of simplification (p. 809), which is powerful through its control of qualitative research. The authors try to poke holes in this scheme of representation regarding cultural diversity by installing themselves in agentic realist positions with a piece of data – a snapshot of an Internet Web page. To think otherwise about cultural diversity, the authors ‘thinkfeel’ (Lenz Taguchi & Palmer, in press) and are on the ‘lookout’ (Boutang, 2011) for events and transformative moments (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987) around the folding of the assemblage of cultural diversity in Norway. Inspired by Lather (2012), we try ‘to live’ the data in new ways


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    The first issue of Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology in 2016 offers three experimental pieces that hold the potential to produce monstrous entanglements when encountered by the reader/listener/viewer/: the in-betweener. We invite you to be open to the possibilities that the contributors to this issue have created through their experimental work. Each piece seeks to stretch what might be understood as data, as research, and as method


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    This guest-edited Special Issue of RERM celebrates the enormous contribution that Professor Jeanette Rhedding-Jones made to the field of educational research over her life time

    Conferencing Otherwise : A Feminist New Materialist Writing Experiment

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    This article attempts to reconfigure hegemonic framings of "the academic conference" and thereby offer a means to (re-)encounter the spatial, temporal, and affective forces that conferences generate, differently. We are a geographically dispersed but multiply entangled group of academic researchers united by theoretical fault lines within our work that seek to ask what if and what else. This "what if" and "what else" thinking has manifested in experimental and subversive doings otherwise at a series of academic conferences. The storying practices presented in this article were made possible by the vital materialism of a shared google.doc. It was within this virtual environment that we attempted to weave diffractive accounts of what conferencing otherwise produces. This writing experiment offers a series of speculative provocations and counter-provocations to ask what else does conferencing make possible. This article is an invitation to the reader to plunge in and wallow within the speculative accounts which ensue and to contemplate the possibilities of breaking free from sedimented ways of neoliberal conferencing.Peer reviewe

    Conferencing Otherwise: A Feminist New Materialist Writing Experiment

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    This article attempts to reconfigure hegemonic framings of “the academic conference” and thereby offer a means to (re-)encounter the spatial, temporal, and affective forces that conferences generate, differently. We are a geographically dispersed but multiply entangled group of academic researchers united by theoretical fault lines within our work that seek to ask what if and what else. This “what if” and “what else” thinking has manifested in experimental and subversive doings otherwise at a series of academic conferences. The storying practices presented in this article were made possible by the vital materialism of a shared google.doc. It was within this virtual environment that we attempted to weave diffractive accounts of what conferencing otherwise produces. This writing experiment offers a series of speculative provocations and counter-provocations to ask what else does conferencing make possible. This article is an invitation to the reader to plunge in and wallow within the speculative accounts which ensue and to contemplate the possibilities of breaking free from sedimented ways of neoliberal conferencing.</p

    Commentator response: Linda Knight

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    Seduction. To fall unknowingly (or maybe not) in love, to desire, to yearn, to want. Badly