16 research outputs found

    Analisis Ketersediaan, Kondisi, dan Kendala dalam Penggunaan Media Komponen Instrumen Terpadu IPA di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis ketersediaan, kondisi dan kendala dalam pemanfaatan media Komponen Instrumen Terpadu (KIT) dalam pembelajaran IPA di SD Negeri Kec. Siulak Mukai dan SDN Kec. Siulak. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian survei. Instrumen yang digunakan lembar observasi dan angket. Hasil penelitian ketersediaan media KIT IPA di SD Negeri Kecamatan Siulak Mukai lebih banyak daripada di SD Negeri Kecamatan Siulak, sedangkan kondisi media KIT IPA di SD Negeri Kecamatan Siulak lebih baik daripada di SD Negeri Kecamatan Siulak Mukai. Ketersediaan dan kondisi media KIT IPA di kedua kecamatan tersebut pada umumnya sudah memungkinkan untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Adapun kendala yang di alami dalam pemanfaatan media KIT IPA antara lain sulitnya memilih jenis alat yang akan digunakan serta keterampilan guru yang masih kurang dalam memanfaatkan media KIT IPA. Analysis of Availability, Condition, and Constraints in the Use of Integrated Component Media in Primary Schools.This research aims to analyze availability, condition and the obstacles for utilization the Integrated of Instrument Components media (KIT) the learning of science at Elementary schools in District  Siulak Mukai and at Elementary schools in District  Siulak. The research applied a descriptive method which included survey forms. Instruments used observation sheets and quesioner. The result of the research  showed that the availability of Integrated Instrument Components media (KIT) of natural science at Elementary schools at District  Siulak Mukai was much higher than at Elementary schools at District  Siulak, while as the condition of Integrated Instrument Components media (KIT) of natural science at Elementary schools in District Siulak was better than at Elementary schools in District  Siulak Mukai. The availability and condition of Integrated Instrument Components media (KIT) of natural science in both sub-districts are generally possible to be used in the learning process. The obstacles are founded in the utilization of Integrated Instrument Components media (KIT) of natural science, such as the difficulty in choosing equipment type which will be used. Then, teacher’s skills are still lack in utilizing the Integrated Instrument Components media (KIT) of natural science


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    This study aims to describe the utilization of Integrated Instrument Component media (KIT) in science learning in several SD Negeri Siulak Mukai Sub districts. The method used is descriptive method with the survey research firm. Instruments used include observation sheets, questionnaires, and interview guides. Based on data analysis, it is found that the utilization of Integrated Instrument Component media (KIT) science in some SD Negeri Siulak Mukai sub-districts is not maximal yet. This is due to the lack of knowledge and skills of teachers in utilizing Integrated Instrument Component media (KIT) science, elusive and applicable guidebooks, inadequate teaching hours because the labs require a relatively long time, have not been trained in the use of Instrument Component media (KIT) science.     &nbsp


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan identifikasi dan pelaksanaan pendidikan inklusi bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) di sekolah dasar Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi langsung dan wawancara dengan partisipan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru-guru sekolah dasar di Sumatera Barat yang terdiri dari lima kabupaten atau kota yang berjumlah 50 sekolah dasar. Hasil temuan penelitian antara lain: (1) kelainan yang dimiliki peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus di 50 sekolah dasar yang tersebar di Sumatera Barat relatif sama yaitu lamban belajar dan tuna grahita ringan, (2) penyelenggaraan pendidikan inklusi di sekolah dasar Sumatera Barat kurang berjalan dengan baik, dan (3) kendala implemetasi pendidikan inklusi adalah kurangnya sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki oleh sekolah serta biaya untuk pengadaan sarana pendidikan inklusi relatif sedikit, pemahaman guru terhadap peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus masih sangat minim.AbstractThis study aimed to describe the identification and implementation of inclusive education for children with special needs in elementary schools of West Sumatra. This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection was done through direct observation and interviews with the participants. The research's subjects were elementary school teachers in West Sumatra, which consisted of five districts or cities covering 50 primary schools. The results of the research findings included: (1) the disabilities possessed by students with special needs in 50 elementary schools in West Sumatra were relatively the same, namely slow learning and mild mentally disabled, (2) the implementation of inclusive education in primary schools of West Sumatra was not running well, and (3) the obstacles of inclusive educational implementation were the lack of facilities and infrastructure owned by schools, relatively few costs for the provision of inclusive education facilities, and teachers' understanding of students with special needs was still limited.

    STEAM approach to enhance the creativity of students with special needs in inclusive primary schools

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    This research is motivated by the lack of 21st-century skills, especially among students with special needs in the slow learner category. The study aims to enhance students' creativity in learning science by implementing the STEAM approach in class VD of Elementary School 24 Ujung Gurun. This research follows the classroom action research method, conducted in two cycles, with each cycle comprising two meetings. The process involves four essential stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research employed teacher observation sheets and student creativity observation sheets as instruments. The data analysis technique used is comparative descriptive statistical analysis, comparing learning creativity between cycle I and cycle II. The specific creativity indicator observed is elaboration, with sub-indicators focusing on developing or enriching other people's ideas. The results indicate that the application of the STEAM approach led to an increase in the creativity of students with special needs. The observation and data analysis results demonstrate a rise in students' creativity from an average of 64% in cycle I to 81% in cycle II. In conclusion, the study revealed an improvement in the creativity of students with special needs through the implementation of the STEAM approach at Primary School 24 Ujung Gurun. Despite challenges such as assessing work based on student's abilities and some students lacking honesty in their efforts, it is recommended to continue using the STEAM approach as an alternative method to enhance the creativity of slow learners in learning, given its positive impact on students' creative abilities

    Development of Augmented Learning Media Reality for Students Learning Difficulties in Elementary School

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    This study aims to produce interactive augmented reality media in science learning for students with special needs that are valid and practical. To achieve the goal, the method used is the research and development method, adopting the ADDIE model, namely 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation, 5) Evaluation. The instrument used is the validity observation sheet and the practicality observation sheet. Based on data analysis, it was found that the validity of the Augmented Reality-based learning media for fifth grade elementary school students that was developed was declared valid with an average score of 3.32. Therefore, this learning media can be used as a supporting tool in the learning process in class V elementary school. Practicality The learning media based on Augmented Reality for grade V Elementary School students that was developed was stated to be very practical with a percentage of 91.8% consisting of 90.6% of teacher response questionnaires and 93.2% of student response questionnaires, so that augmented reality-based learning media developed belongs to the very practical category, so this media can be used as one of the learning materials, especially in science subjects on the water cycle material for fourth grade elementary school students

    Pengembangan Virtual-Lab Berbasis STEM Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa

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    Innovative and creative learning media are needed to overcome online practicum during the pandemic to improve students' critical thinking skills, namely the development of STEM-Based Virtual-lab media. The purpose of this research is to produce a STEM-based Virtual-Lab media to improve students' critical thinking skills that are valid, practical and effective. The development model used is 4-D development which consists of define, design, develop and disseminate. However, in this study only the development stage was carried out. The research instrument was a validity questionnaire that was assessed by media, material and language experts, a product usability practicality questionnaire by students and a critical thinking ability test for 30 PGSD students at Bung Hatta University. Sampling was carried out non-probability with purposive sampling technique. The level of understanding of students' concepts was analyzed by ngain. The results of the study stated that the virtual lab media produced for students of the Bung Hatta University Elementary School Teacher Education study program was declared valid by material, language and design experts. Based on the trial implementation of the Virtual Lab media, it is in the very practical category. Assessment of student learning outcomes shows that completeness exceeds the minimum limit for calculating ngain at 0.66 with moderate criteria. Therefore, the virtual laboratory media developed for students of the STEM-based primary school teacher education study program was declared effective. Thus, it can be concluded that STEM-based Virtual-Lab media is produced to improve students' critical thinking skills that are valid, practical and effectiv

    Analysis of Knowledge and Understanding of Regarding Waste Management in the Aie Dingin Landfill Area in Balai Gadang Koto Tangah District Padang City

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    Children's behavior can be changed by building awareness to keep the environment clean and healthy. To determine the level of knowledge and understanding of elementary school students regarding waste management in the final disposal site (FDS) area, it is necessary to conduct this research with the aim of determining the level of knowledge and understanding of elementary school students regarding waste management in the FDS area. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach with a survey method. The population of this study was 75 students of class V SDN 30 Aie Dingin. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Data collection uses valid and reliable test instruments. Data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative. Based on the research results, it was obtained that elementary school students' knowledge and understanding of waste management in the Aie Dingin area of Balai Gadang, Koto Tangah District, was in the medium category with a value of 46%, where the level of student knowledge about waste was 66% and the level of understanding of waste management was 54%. It can be said that the knowledge and understanding of fifth grade elementary school students regarding waste management is still lo


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    The research was aimed to reveal the difference between learning achievement of the students involving taught by using media interactive Compact Disk (CD) media and worksheet and interactive compact disk (CD) media and those taught by using conventional media. This was a quasi-experiment research. The population of this research was class IX of SMP Negeri 5 Kerinci. The researcher then chose class IXC as the experimental class I taught by using interactive CD media with a worksheet, class IXD as the experimental class II taught by using media interactive CD media, and class IXE as the control class taught by using conventional method. The data it was analyzed by using One Way ANOVA and Post hoc Tukey HSD. The results of One Way ANOVA test is Fcalculated (13,76)>Ftable (3,45). Based on the hypothesis acceptance criteria, if Fcalculated >Ftable, HI was accepted. After analyzing the data by using Way ANOVA, the data then was tested by using Post hoc Tukey HSD, and the result were: the result of te study suggested taught by using media interactive Compact Disk (CD) media and worksheet and interactive compact disk (CD) media had significant effect on the learning outcome, which means media interactive Compact Disk (CD) media and worksheet and interactive compact disk (CD) media had positive effect on the biology learning outcome.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakan media CD interaktif disertai LKS dan media CD interaktif. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen semu. Sampel penelitian siswa kelas IXC sebagai eksperimen I, sedangkan siswa kelas IXD sebagai eksperimen II dan siswa kelas IXE sebagai kontrol Analisis data menggunakan uji Anova satu arah dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjutan (Post hoc) Tuket HSD. Hasil penelitian uji Anova Satu Arah adalah hasil belajar  Fhitung (13,76) > Ftabel (3,45). Berdasarkan kriteria penerimaan hipotesis jika Fhitung > Ftabel, maka H1 diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media Compact Disk (CD) interaktif disertai LKS memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar, artinya penggunaan media Compact Disk (CD) interaktif disertai LKS berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar Biologi

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Bung Hatta dalam Mengembangkan Bahan Ajar IPA Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Bung Hatta dalam mengembangkan bahan ajar IPA di sekolah dasar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa kelas D yang mengambil mata kuliah pengembangan bahan ajar semester genap tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa skor pada: (1) lembar penilaian silabus dan RPP, (2) lembar penilaian bahan ajar dan instrumen validasi bahan ajar. Data hasil penelitian kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskripif yang meliputi mereduksi data, penyajian data dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 79% mahasiswa sudah mampu menyusun silabus pembelajaran IPA dengan baik dan sangat baik, 81% mahasiswa sudah mampu menyusun RPP pembelajaran IPA dengan baik dan sangat baik, dan 41 mahasiswa sudah mampu mengembangkan bahan ajar dengan kategori layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Bung Hatta sudah mampu mengembangkan bahan ajar IPA sekolah dasar yang baik sesuai dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan bahan ajar. This research aims to describe the ability of student of the Elementary School Teacher Education Department at Bung Hatta University in developing science teaching materials for elementary school. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative with the research subject being class D students taking courses in the development of teaching materials for even semester 2017/2018 school year. Data collection instruments were in the form of scores on: (1) syllabus and lesson plan assessment sheets, (2) teaching material assessment sheet and teaching material validation instruments. The research data is then analyzed using descriptive analysis which includes reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results showed that 79% of students had been able to compile a syllabus of science learning well and very well, 81% of students had been able to compile the lesson plan of science learning well and very well, and 41 students had been able to develop teaching materials in the good category for use in the learning process. So it can be concluded that the students of Elementary School Teacher Education Department at Bung Hatta University have been able to develop science teaching materials in accordance with the steps of developing teaching materials