53 research outputs found

    Marital Rape in Indonesian Criminal Law Perspective

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    At the initial phase of the regulation setting, the potential ineffectiveness of Law Number 23 Year 2004 (The Eliminination Of Domestic Act) has been indicated prior to the enactment of the related law as there was an emergence of pros and cons toward the criminalization of rape in marriage.  The debate on rape in marriage involves at least two different views that are opposed each other. First, the view that rejects the criminalization of marital rape. The view derives from the basic assumption that the marriage rape enactment in criminal law will against the religious and cultural values. This view assumes that sexual intercourse is understood as an obligation of a wife in serving her husband. Second, the view that supports the marital rape enactment in criminal law as criminal offense. The view argues that no one including the husband is allowed to impose his will on others, especially toward his wife. Every individual is equal before the law. Keywords: Reconstruction, Marital Rape, Certainty of La

    Fulfillment of Workers’ Rights in Remote Working: The Perspective of Labor Development Principle in Indonesia

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    The popularity of working from home or remote working is rising globally. In Indonesia, the existence of the internet underpins the trend of working from home since accessing this technology is effortless. However, existing regulatory provisions mostly govern matters regarding office work, while the rights and responsibilities between employers and employees in the remote working scheme have never been specifically regulated. This situation creates a huge gap between what is stated in a written law and law in action. This research aims to analyze the congruence of agreements with the fulfilment of rights of workers working from home from the perspective of legislation and the principles of labor development. This research employed sociological and legal methods. The research results indicate that the fulfilment of labors’ rights in both the agreement and implementation has not met the principles of labor development. The conflict of rights and criminal violations regarding this matter is obvious since workers’ rights governed in the legislation are not governed in the work agreement. Moreover, there is still incongruence between the regulations and implementation of the rights of workers regarding the portion of break/leave and overtime wages

    Akibat Hukum Insinkronisasi Pengaturan Bidang Pertanahan di Kota Batam

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    Conflict over land in Batam occurred in some areas of Batam which initially not identified as forest land by forest SK.463/Menhut-II/2013, such as: Cape kitbag, Cape Gudap, Batuampar, Batam Center, and Batuaji. With the conflict over land that describes the land sector by setting asynchronization SK.463/Menhut-II/2013, which resulted in the status of management rights. Therefore, the authors conducted research related to the legal effect of setting asynchronization land sector with the publication of case studies SK.463/Menhut-II/2013 in the city of Batam. This study aims to describe and analyze the cause and effect of law asynchronization land sector settings with SK.463/Menhut-II/2013, as well as formulate legal solutions to these problems to achieve legal certainty the status of land in Batam. The method of this research using this type of juridical-empirical research with research sites in Batam. The analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis Teknisk. Furthermore, the author obtained the result that the cause of the land sector by setting asynchronization SK.463/Menhut-II/2013. This is the dispute BP Batam authority and the Ministry of Forestry of the existence of the forest area in Batam which occurred in 1985 and eventually led to the publication of SK.463/Menhut-II/2013. In fact the field, the legal consequences that arise are: Management Rights owned by BP Batam be no binding legal effect, the legal uncertainty arising Land Management Rights BP Batam which the certificate has been issued by the Land Office, and the banks are still hesitant to accept the security certificate land rights that are in the forest location. The existence SK.463/Menhut-II/2013 based on the principle of lex superior and inferior derogat legi principle Lex specialis legi generali derogat not appropriate as opposed to a special arrangement in the formation of Batam Industrial Region. Key words: asynchronization arrangement, management rights, land rights Abstrak Konflik pertanahan di Kota Batam terjadi di beberapa wilayah Kota Batam yang pada awalnya bukan kawasan hutan diindentifikasi sebagai kawasan hutan oleh SK.463/Menhut-II/2013, seperti: Tanjung Uncang, Tanjung Gudap, Batuampar, Batam Center, dan Batuaji. Dengan adanya konflik pertanahan tersebut menggambarkan adanya insinkronisasi pengaturan bidang pertanahan dengan SK.463/Menhut-II/2013 yang berakibat pada status Hak Pengelolaan. Oleh karena itu, Penulis melakukan penelitian terkait akibat hukum insinkronisasi pengaturan bidang pertanahan dengan studi kasus penerbitan SK.463/Menhut-II/2013 di Kota Batam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis penyebab dan akibat hukum insinkronisasi pengaturan bidang pertanahan dengan SK.463/Menhut-II/2013, serta merumuskan solusi hukum dari permasalahan tersebut untuk mewujudkan kepastian hukum status tanah di Batam. Adapun metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis-empiris dengan lokasi penelitian di Kota Batam. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu teknisk analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Selanjutnya, Penulis memperoleh hasil bahwa penyebab insinkronisasi pengaturan bidang pertanahan dengan SK.463/Menhut-II/2013 ini adalah adanya perselisihan kewenangan BP Batam dan Kementrian Kehutanan tentang keberadaan kawasan hutan di Batam yang terjadi pada tahun 1985 dan pada akhirnya berujung pada penerbitan SK.463/Menhut-II/2013. Secara fakta lapangan, akibat hukum yang timbul yaitu: Hak Pengelolaan yang dimiliki BP Batam menjadi tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat, timbul ketidakpastian hukum Hak Pengelolaan Lahan BP Batam yang sertifikatnya telah diterbitkan oleh Kantor Pertanahan, dan pihak perbankan masih ragu-ragu untuk menerima jaminan sertipikat hak atas tanah yang berada di lokasi kawasan hutan. Keberadaan SK.463/Menhut-II/2013 berdasarkan asas Lex superior derogat legi inferior dan asas Lex specialis derogat legi generali tidaklah tepat karena bertentangan dengan pengaturan khusus dalam pembentukan Daerah Industri Kota Batam. Kata kunci: insinkronisasi pengaturan, hak pengelolaan, hak atas tana


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    Para pengusaha terkadang memulai atau menjalankan usahanya dengan meminjam uang dari bank, penanaman modal, atau penerbitan obligasi. Kegiatan pengusaha meminjam uang di salah satu lembaga keuangan tersebut telah menimbulkan permasalahan dalam penyelesaian utang piutang dalam masyarakat dan berakhir dengan kepailitan. Salah satu permasalahan dalam kepailitan, yaitu kehadiran kreditur fiktif dapat merugikan pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan kepailitan, yaitu debitur itu sendiri atau kreditur-kreditur sebenarnya lainnya. Akibat adanya kreditur fiktif tersebut, maka  peran Pengadilan Niaga sangat penting mulai dari proses permohonan hingga putusan kepailitan terhadap suatu utang.Kata Kunci : Kepailitan, Pengadilan Niaga, Kreditur Fikti

    Development of Indonesian Free Trade and Port Zone: Analysis of Historical in Batam Island

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    Batam Island is one of the areas designated as National Strategic Areas in Indonesia. The development and direction of the Government's policy towards Batam Island underwent several policy changes in each period of government that began in 1973 to the present. Therefore, the author will examine about: What is the history of the development of Batam Island as the Free Trade and Port Zone in Indonesia? It certainly aims to find out the development and direction of the Government's policy towards Batam Island and can be used as a framework in making policies and legislation on Batam Island in the future to improve its function as a national strategic area. The study of normative juridical law with the method of approach which includes: The legal approach, the concept approach, and the historical approach. The history of the development of Batam Island as a Free Trade and Port Zone in Indonesia to date has 5 periods. These periods are: 1) The preparation period; 2) The period of infrastructure development and investment; 3) Development period for infrastructure development and investment; 4) Period of improvement of facilities and infrastructure, investment and environmental quality; and 5) The preparation period for establishing Batam as a Special Economic Zone in the Free Trade and Port Zone. Kata kunci: Development history, Free Trade and Port Zone, Batam Island. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/99-03 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Protection of Children in Indonesia Through Child-friendly Family

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    Minister of Empowerment of Women and Children No. 11 of 2011 concerning childfriendly City/District Policy is part of a government policy that aims to protect children in all aspects of life. Child-friendly districts/cities (KLA) are those that have a development system based on children’s rights through the integration of government, community, and business commitments and resources that are planned comprehensively and sustainably in policies, programs, and activities to ensure the fulfillment of children’s rights. The KLA is basically based on fulfilling children’s rights, covering civil rights and freedoms, family environment and alternative care, basic health and welfare, education, usage of leisure time, cultural activities, and special protection. To build a child-friendly district or city requires a village’s existence to realize the fulfillment of a child-friendly city. A child-friendly village (DLA) is a village and sub-district development that brings together the commitment and resources of the village government, the community, and the business community in the framework of fulfilling children’s rights, protecting children from acts of violence, exploitation, and abuse. Hearing children’s opinions, which are planned consciously, comprehensively, and continuously. To create a child-friendly village community, participation in establishing child-friendly homes will greatly influence success in learning child-friendly villages. Keywords: protect, children, child-friendly famil


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    Para pengusaha terkadang memulai atau menjalankan usahanya dengan meminjam uang dari bank, penanaman modal, atau penerbitan obligasi. Kegiatan pengusaha meminjam uang di salah satu lembaga keuangan tersebut telah menimbulkan permasalahan dalam penyelesaian utang piutang dalam masyarakat dan berakhir dengan kepailitan. Salah satu permasalahan dalam kepailitan, yaitu kehadiran kreditur fiktif dapat merugikan pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan kepailitan, yaitu debitur itu sendiri atau kreditur-kreditur sebenarnya lainnya. Akibat adanya kreditur fiktif tersebut, maka  peran Pengadilan Niaga sangat penting mulai dari proses permohonan hingga putusan kepailitan terhadap suatu utang.Kata Kunci : Kepailitan, Pengadilan Niaga, Kreditur Fikti

    Constitutional Rights of Labour During Covid 19 Pandemic: A Study of India and Indonesia

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    The Covid 19 pandemic, and the legal sanction for lockdowns and curfews in 2020, had a profound impact on workers even as economic downturn, reduction of labour demand, unemployment, severe financial distress, forced migration or confinement, assailed the labour sector. The informal, contractual, migratory, daily wage, and blue-collar workers across the world were especially vulnerable and most deleteriously affected, by the pandemic. A review of the legislative, legal, and judicial responses to labour rights during the pandemic, in different States provides crucial insights into how the variegated national Constitutional philosophies regarding labour and associated rights, were originally conceived, and are presently perceived, negotiated, and implemented resulting in divergent outcomes in praxis. This article based on secondary sources, critically analyses the jurisprudence underlying the legislative, legal and judicial reflexivity to labour rights during the pandemic lockdown in 2020 and 2021 in India and Indonesia, which are the two hegemonic developing economies of Asia in their respective regions, to identify the lacunae and susceptibilities in constitutional conception and its legal articulation which may be amenable to reforms for making law more socially responsive for a more egalitarian and humane society


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    The issue of the position of power over movable property often raises the question of whether the party in control is the owner. This is very important in the realm of law, especially if an object that is controlled by one party will be made the object of a transaction with another person. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further legal identification and analysis related to the concept of the position of control of the movable property, both in the perspective of civil law and criminal law so that in the end it can find differences and similarities in the concept of the position of control of the movable property so that it can create legal certainty and protection for the public. parties involved in an engagement or legal relationship. Therefore, the implementation of control of objects in civil law cannot be separated from the provisions in criminal law which ultimately require pawnshops to apply the principle of prudence in control of objects

    Catcalling From the Perspective of Criminal Law in Indonesia

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    Sexual harassment that often occurs is physical or verbal. Catcalling is an act of verbal sexual harassment. Catcalling has become a social problem that is considered common among the public. The act of catcalling has unknowingly reduced a person’s human right. Therefore, by using a normative juridical approach, researchers will examine how the construction of catcalling law in criminal law in Indonesia will analyze catcalling as a crime and will have an impact on legal consequences. This study shows that catcalling is an act that can be punished by a report from the victim and can be followed up by law enforcement apart. Keywords: catcalling, sexual harassment, criminal ac
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