13 research outputs found

    Job Satifaction Among Civil Servants: How Organizational Culture And Work Environment Inspire Performance

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    This study analyzes the determining factors for job satisfaction and performance among Civil Servants in Indonesia. The data were analyzed from 380 responses by using the AMOS-SEM. The results showed that organizational culture, work environment, and job satisfaction positively and significantly affect the apparatus's performance in all direct relationships. Indirect relationships are partially significant, illustrating that the better and superior construction of better state management requires specific approaches to increase the expected outcomes.This study analyzes the determining factors for job satisfaction and performance among the Civil Servants in Indonesian Regency. The data were analyzed using the AMOS SEM from 380 responses. The results showed that organizational culture, work environment, and job satisfaction have positive and significant effects on the apparatus's performance in all direct relationships. Indirect relationships are partially significant illustrating the better and ideal construction of better state management requires specific approaches to increase the expected outcomes


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    Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk memberikan edukasi melalui pengenalan alat produksi, pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada kelompok nelayan dalam mengatasi masalah hasil tangkapan nelayan sebagai upaya peningkatan usaha mitra.  Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dengan pelatihan dan pendampingan secara partisipatif. Instrument evaluasi kegiatan ini dengan evaluasi comparative before-after yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Jumlah peserta yang terlibat pada pengabdian ini sebanyak 20 orang. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta terhadap inovasi produk dari bahan dasar ikan menjadi olahan ikan bakar vacuum dan abon sangrai ditambah dengan alat produksi yang memberikan kemudahan memulai usaha ini. Target luaran dari pengabdian ini adalah penerapan iptek berupa: rumah suhu pembakaran ikan, mesin pengaduk pintar sangrai, resep standar abon sangrai, desain label kemasan dan akun toko online. Hasil evaluasi pada kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan 83% peserta merasa “sangat puas” dengan adanya bantuan alat dan pelatihan untuk memulai usaha baru di desa Madello, 17% peserta merasa “puas”, 0% “tidak puas” dan 0% “sangat tidak puas”. Pendampingan pada kelompok ini akan terus dilaksanakan hingga usaha baru mandiri terbentuk, memiliki perizinan NIB (Nomor Induk Berusaha) dan PIRT (Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga) sehingga produk layak di edarkan secara legal

    Analisis Peran Komunikasi Internal Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Perusahaan Distributor Plastik Nasional

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    This study describes the influence of Work Discipline and Internal Communication and its effect on Employee WorkPerformance. The object of this research is PT Dwi Indah. This study discusses the theory of Work Discipline andInternal Communication. This study uses a quantitative method through a questionnaire survey which was distributeddirectly to 70 respondents which was then processed using SPSS version 20.0 with the sampling method being non-probability sampling. The results of the hypothesis test (t test) that work discipline has a significant effect on workperformance with a t count of 2,153 and a table of 1,996. Internal communication has a significant effect on workperformance with t count of 3.398 T table 1.996 with a coefficient of determination 41.7%. Work Discipline and InternalCommunication have a significant and simultaneous effect on employee work performance. The implications of thisresearch can provide an understanding for the management to pay attention to Work Discipline and good internalcommunication, especially at PT Dwi Indah.   Keywords: Work Discipline, Communication, Performanc


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    This study aims to determine the effect of regional original income (PAD) and investment on economic growth in East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. The data processed is secondary data from Regional Original Income, Investment and Economic Growth in East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province in 2011-2020. The results of the study show that simultaneously Regional Original Income and Investment have a significant effect on Economic Growth in East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province, this is evidenced by the significance value is smaller than the probability (0.010 0.05). Partially Local Original Income (PAD) has a significant effect on economic growth in East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province, as evidenced by the significance value is smaller than the significance probability value (0.027 0.05) and partially Investment has a significant effect on economic growth in East Luwu Regency, Province South Sulawesi, as evidenced by the significance value is smaller than the significance probability value (0.030 0.05)

    The Effect Of Training Needs On Human Resources Development In Public Works Offices (PU) Jeneponto District

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    This study aims to determine the extent of the influence of training needs on human resource development at the Jeneponto Regency Public Works Office. This type of research used a quantitative approach. The processed data is the result of respondents from the employees of the Jeneponto Regency Public Works Office (PU) as many as 30 respondents. The data analysis method used in this study uses simple linear regression, namely the approach method for modeling the relationship between one dependent variable and one independent variable using SPSS v 18. Based on the data analysis that has been done, the simple regression equation model is obtained Y= 4.858 + 0,807 which means that the influence of the X variable has a positive effect on the development of Human Resources and from the results of the t test analysis, a significant value of 0,01 (6.772 t table 2.048) dan koefisien regresi bernilai positif sebesar 0,788

    Analisis Peningkatan Performa Dosen Menggunakan Konsep Job Demand-Control Support

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    This study aims to determine the effect of work stress which includes role conflict and workload on employee performance, especially at university lecturers in Banten. Respondents in this study were 106 lecturers from 13 universities in Banten. Data analysis using multiple linear regression with the help of the SPSS 20 program. The results of this study indicate that workload has a negative and significant effect on employee performance, but role conflict has a negative and not significant effect on employee performance. Simultaneously, role conflict and workload have a significant effect on employee performance. The implication of this research is expected to provide information and input to relevant institutions (university leaders), especially universities in Banten in their efforts to minimize the impact of negative work stress on employee performance

    The Influence of Organizational Commitment on Teacher’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at Islamic Education Institution

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    This study's objective is to show how organizational commitment to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) among teachers in academic institutions. A quantitative methodology is used in this research, employing the causal relationship research method, with path analysis in answering the hypothesis. A questionnaire and a documentation study were used to gather the data, and a sample of 42 teachers was chosen using a simple random sampling approach. Based on the data processing and calculation results of SPSS Version 22, statistical testing resulted in Ho being rejected and Ha being accepted, it shows that in educational institutions, organizational commitment has a 0.727 influence on instructors' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The results of the t-test, which had a significance level of 0.000 5% and a t-count of 6.689 > t-table, or 2.021 (0.05). As a result, the hypothesis also establishes that organizational commitment has a considerable impact on teachers' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in educational institutions. According to the computation of the coefficient of determination, the organizational commitment variable accounts for 52.8% of the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) variable. Variables not examined account for the remaining 47.2% of the variance

    Improving Teacher Performance By Implementing Reward and Punishment Effective and Measurable Program

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    The objective of this investigation is to comprehend how implementing incentives and penalties enhances the efficiency of educators. The analysis conducted is qualitative and descriptive. The approaches employed to collect data are observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis of the information was executed by employing techniques such as data reduction, data demonstration, and deduction of conclusions. To ensure the accuracy of the data, data triangulation was implemented. The findings of the research exhibit that rewards come in the form of financial incentives, such as wages, salaries, teacher stipends, and bonuses. Non-financial awards such as promotion, training to improve skills, holidays, cooperative colleagues and superiors, and a good work environment. As for the application of punishment or punishment in the form of intellectual punishment, getting a reprimand, postponement of promotions, or periodically. According to the aforementioned research findings, using rewards and penalties can improve teacher effectiveness. Researchers are aware of how crucial the use of rewards and penalties is to raising teacher performance. The use of rewards and sanctions can help improve teacher effectiveness

    The Effect of Certification Learning Model and Principle’s Leadership Style on Teachers’ Work Motivation

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    In order to help instructors complete their work in accordance with the required standards and help the school reach its objectives, work motivation plays a significant role. The goal of this study is to evaluate and analyze how the teacher certification model and the principal's leadership style affect the work motivation of teachers. Ex-Post Facto research with a 3x2 level design is what this study is. SEM measuring method and two-way ANOVA were utilized for data gathering. The findings showed that instrument created using the measurement model is valid and consistently measures teacher work motivation with a value of construct realibility (CR = 0.90; VE = 0.58); principal leadership style has an impact on teacher work motivation; the teacher certification model has an impact on teacher work motivation; there is a relationship between the principle leadership style and the teacher certification model, and leadership style, the teacher certification model, and the interaction between the principal leadership style and the teacher certification model all have an impact on the work motivation of teachers. The study's findings suggest that the teacher certification scheme and the principal's leadership style might both influence teachers' levels of motivation at work


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