460 research outputs found

    Empirical Likelihood: Improved Inference within Dynamic Panel Data Models

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    This paper proposes and analyses an hybrid of Owen's (1988, 1990, 1991) Empirical Likelihood (EL) and bootstrap, EL-bootstrap, as an alternative to the General Method of Moments (GMM) within dynamic panel data models. We concentrate on the finite-sample size properties of their overidentification tests. Our results show that EL-bootstrap may be a good alternative to GMM estimation within this setting. The practical usefulness of our findings is illustrated via application on an AR(1) univariate panel data model with individual effects using the cash-flow series of 174 firms in the United States.

    Giambattista Vico en el contexto contemporáneo y su relación con la "Divina Providencia"

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    Análisis de la categoría de "Historia Ideal" desde el rol que juega la Divina Providencia en la filosofía de la historia de Giambattista VicoGiambattista Vico (1668–1744) es el inaugurador de la Filosofía de la Historia en una época en la cual aún no existía una denominación específica para designar ese tipo de estudio, una filosofía fundada en la naturaleza común de las naciones, dentro de un plan providencialista, centrada en un esquema cíclico: etapa divina, heroica y humana. Desarrolló su pensamiento entre finales del siglo XVII y mediados del siglo XVIII.Nuestra investigación tiene como objetivo hacer una separación sobre lo que implica en Giambattista Vico su constante referencia a la “Divina Providencia” y su relación con el libre albedrío del hombre. Considerado como una de las figuras más importantes de la historia intelectual europea, su Ciencia nueva es apreciada como una de las obras fundamentales de dicha historia.Vico reivindica el protagonismo del hombre dentro de la historia; cada ser individual es importante en tanto existe un bien común para todos, admitiendo con ello la conciencia del hombre de que existe un fin providencial, y que sus acciones alcancen un fin superior y positivo establecido por la misma Providencia, denominado por algunos autores con la expresión “heterogénesis de los fines”.El presente trabajo está dividido en cuatro capítulos. En un primer término hablaremos del contexto histórico que envuelve al autor. El segundo capítulo está dirigido a la “Storia ideale eterna” como ámbito de la Providencia. El tercer capítulo pretende delimitar la noción de “Providencia” y finalmente se analiza cómo actúa la Providencia como sentido de la historia humana. El cuarto capítulo, tiene como objetivo analizar la actualidad de los planteamientos del filósofo napolitano, en el contexto contemporáneo. Los aportes de Vico son múltiples: abre el estudio al mundo civil hecho por los hombres ; da a luz a la historia como ciencia; reconoce que la historia no se apega a la verdad de los hechos, pero sí nos revela el sistema de creencias, de valores e ideas propias de una época a través del estudio del conjunto de sucesos de dicho periodo. Es reconocido como un precursor de la antropología y de la etnología.Se cierra la investigación con unas reflexiones finales en torno al objeto de estudio. SUMMARYGiambattista Vico (1668-1744) is the inaugurator of the Philosophy of History at a time when there was not yet a specific denomination to designate this type of study, a philosophy based on the common nature of nations, within a plan Providentialist, centered in a cyclical scheme: divine, heroic and human stage. He developed his thinking between the end of the seventeenth century and the mid-eighteenth century.Our research aims to make a separation on what implies in Giambattista Vico his constant reference to "Divine Providence" and its relation to the free will of man.Considered as one of the most important figures in European intellectual history, his New Science is appreciated as one of the fundamental works of this history.Vico claims the protagonist of man within history; each individual being is important insofar as there is a common good for all, thereby admitting the conscience of man that there is a providential end, and that his actions reach a higher and positive end established by the same Providence, called by some authors with the expression "heterogenesis of the ends".This paper is divided into four chapters. In a first term we will talk about the historical context that surrounds the author. The second chapter is directed to the "Storia ideale eterna" as the domain of Providence.The third chapter tries to delimit the notion of "Providence" and finally analyzes how Providence acts as a sense of human history. The fourth chapter aims to analyze the current situation of the Neapolitan philosopher in the contemporary context.Vico's contributions are multiple: he opens the study to the civil world made by men ; gives birth to history as science; recognizes that history does not cling to the truth of facts, but does reveal the system of beliefs, values and ideas proper to an era through the study of the set of events of that period. It is recognized as a precursor of anthropology and ethnology.The research is closed with some final reflections on the object of study

    The Rule of Lenity in the State of Montana: Is There Lenity?

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    This note examines how the rule of lenity is applied in the Montana Supreme Court and ultimately demonstrates that the Court’s understanding of the rule’s application is not always clear. The first application of the rule of lenity occurred in 1922. From 1922 to 1933, the Montana Supreme Court applied the rule of lenity, despite it not being codified in Montana since 1895. In 1934, the Court correctly cited to the statute that abrogated the common law rule of strict construction in Montana by looking to the Revised Codes of 1921. However, only four years later, in 1938, the Court returned to the application of the rule of strict construction until 1993. In 1993, in State v. Turner, the Court notably did not apply the rule of lenity to the penal code in Montana. Defendants continued to challenge the Court’s holding in Turner by raising the rule of lenity, but the Court continued to follow the rule of strict construction, without regard to whether that construction favors the defendant, after Turner. Since 1993, the Court has not actually applied the rule of lenity. The Court allows the rule of lenity to cause commotion in cases but refuses to give it force. Without its application in cases where it has been raised, the rule is simply a noisemaker rather than a tool of statutory interpretation

    Empirical Likelihood Estimation in Dynamic Panel Models

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    This paper proposes and analyses an hybrid of Owen.s (1988, 1990, 1991) Empirical Likelihood (EL) and bootstrap, EL-bootstrap, as an alternative to the General Method of Moments (GMM) within dynamic panel data models. We concentrate on the .nite-sample size properties of their over-identification tests. Our results show that EL-bootstrap may be a good alternative to GMM estimation within this setting. The practical usefulness of our findings is illustrated via application on an AR(1) univariate panel data model with individual e¤ects using the cash-flow series of 174 firms in the United States.

    The Digital Divide: The Path Towards Digital Inclusivity

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    The gap between those Americans who use or have access to ICTs and those who do not is referred to as the digital divide (PACEs, 2002). The pandemic has increased dependence on technology and exacerbated the digital divide, which perpetuates existing systems of racism and poverty (Early et al., 2021). In this study, a mixed-method approach was conducted to understand what digital literacy skills parents need to overcome the digital divide and support their child\u27s education. Specifically, the study explored how the program Impact Technology training has affected parents\u27 involvement with their child\u27s education. There were 175 Latinx parents that received digital literacy training with Impact Technology. Pre and post-surveys from 2021-2022 were used to conduct a linear regression and paired sample t-tests. Six qualitative interviews were also conducted with parents to understand the impacts of the digital literacy classes. After comparing means the quantitative data showed that the intervention had a large effect size, and that parents need digital literacy training in addition to access to computers and technology. Qualitative data revealed three central themes in parents’ experiences, Impact Technology not only improved parents\u27 digital literacy skills but also led to improvement in other aspects of their well-being; positive class experiences led to greater motivation to pursue further training in ICTs; and despite the success of the training, there is a continued need for the school district to remove technological barriers that are perpetuating a system of educational inequity

    A construção imaginativa de cuidados: a experiência de profissionais de enfermagem em um serviço de assistência remota

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloThe direction of care delivery goes from the action to the being; a process built from professional experience, which gains special characteristics when the service is delivered by telephone. The goal of this research was to understand the interaction between professionals and users in a remote care service; to do so, a research is presented, using Grounded Theory and Symbolic Interactionism as theoretical references. Data were collected through eight interviews with professionals who deliver care by telephone. The theoretical understanding permitted the creation of the theoretical model of the Imaginative Construction of Care, which shows the interaction processes the professional experiences when delivering care by telephone. In this model, individual and social facts are added, showing the link between the concepts, with special emphasis on uncertainty, sensitivity and professional responsibility, as essential components of this experience.http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0104-11692012000400009&nrm=isohttp://ref.scielo.org/44chq

    Let me sleep on it:Sleep and investor reactions to earnings surprises

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    We explore if sleep deprivation affects how investors react to relevant news. Using the transition to Daylight Saving Time (DST) in spring as a disruption to sleeping patterns, we show that investors underreact to a firm’s earnings surprise in the days after the transition to DST. Further, an earnings surprise in the days after the transition to DST is associated with a positive drift in the post-announcement period. Our findings are consistent with sleep-deprived investors mispricing and subsequently revisiting relevant information. Overall, our results highlight the importance of investors’ cognitive ability for efficient market pricing.</p


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    Most of the creative writing included in this thesis are nonfiction pieces; there are only a few that can be classified as fiction. They all connect to my own growth and development as a writer, and also as an individual struggling to find and establish my own identity. In the last four years I tried to make sense of my life and my struggles, especially my personal history of trauma. I can confidently say that I am in a much better place than I was when I first started my adventure at LC. Writing has been an important part of this adventure

    Boards with many female directors take as many risks as more male-dominated ones

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    Fairness, not economics, justifies gender diversity, argue Vathunyoo Sila, Angelica Gonzalez and Jens Hagendorf