238 research outputs found

    The Dinamos of the Magdalena River in Mexico. A route through the industrial heritage of the XIX century

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    openCe travail o propose un plan de valorisation de la route industrielle qui existait le long du cours de la rivière Magdalena à Mexico, en présentant l'analyse des aspects naturels,historiques, culturels et socio-économiques autour de la zone d'étude avec l'objectif de développer une nouvelle proposition de parc écotouristique, qui envisage les critères de valorisation du patrimoine pour la création d'un projet rentable et durableThis thesis proposes a plan for the valorization of the industrial route that existed alongside the course of the Magdalena River in Mexico City, presenting the analysis of natural, historical, and cultural and socio-economic aspects around the study area with the objective of the development of a new proposal of an ecotourism park, that contemplates the heritage valorization criteria for the creation of a profitable and sustainable project.This thesis proposes a plan for the valorization of the industrial route that existed alongside the course of the Magdalena River in Mexico City, presenting the analysis of natural, historical, and cultural and socio-economic aspects around the study area with the objective of the development of a new proposal of an ecotourism park, that contemplates the heritage valorization criteria for the creation of a profitable and sustainable project

    Micrografía cuantitativa y perfiles de HPLC y FTIR de Melissa officinalis y Nepeta cataria (Lamiaceae) de Argentina

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    Melissa officinalis L., so called "Melissa" or "Toronjil", is a perennial aromatic herb, whose leaves are used in traditional medicine as a carminative, digestive and sedative, both in simple as in mixtures. Meanwhile, Nepeta cataria L., commonly called "Cat mint" or "Toronjil", with some similar properties, often replacing M. officinalis in the market, although their chemical composition is not completely matched, and contains an iridoid potentially toxic (nepetalactone). It is therefore necessary to establish diacritic parameters to differentiate these species, both at crude drug level, mixtures and extracts. Samples from various sources in Argentina were studied and documental specimens are preserved in the Herbarium UNSL. Anatomical sections were analyzed, and quantitative micrographic parameters were obtained, together with HPLC and FTIR spectra from methanolic and aqueous lyophilized extracts. Significant differences were detected in the prevailing smell foliage, morphology of leaves and inflorescences, trichomata type, palisade ratio, veinlet termination number, rosmarinic acid concentration (with distinctive HPLC profiles), and the CO/CH relationships obtained by FTIR from the extracts, that together allow adequate differentiation of both drugs, even when they were ground or powdered.Melissa officinalis L., llamada vulgarmente "melisa" o "toronjil", es una hierba perenne, aromática, cuyas hojas son empleadas en medicina popular como carminativo, digestivo y sedante, tanto en droga simple como en asociación. Por su parte Nepeta cataria L., llamada vulgarmente "menta de los gatos" y también "toronjil", con algunas propiedades similares, sustituye con frecuencia a M. officinalis en el mercado, aunque su composición química no es del todo coincidente y contiene un iridoide potencialmente tóxico (nepetalactona). Por ello es necesario establecer parámetros diacríticos para diferenciar ambas especies, a nivel de droga cruda, mezclas y extractos. Fueron estudiados especímenes de diversas procedencias en Argentina, y los ejemplares documentales son conservados en el Herbario UNSL. Se analizaron cortes anatómicos, se registraron los parámetros micrográficos cuantitativos y se obtuvieron espectros de HPLC y FTIR a partir de extractos metanólicos y acuosos liofilizados. Fueron detectadas diferencias significativas entre ambas especies en cuanto al aroma prevaleciente del follaje, la exomorfología de hojas e inflorescencias, los tipos tricomáticos, la relación de empalizada, el número de terminales de nerviación, la concentración de ácido rosmarínico (con perfiles HPLC distintivos), y las relaciones CO/CH obtenidas por FTIR a partir de los extractos, caracteres que en conjunto permiten una diferenciación adecuada de ambas drogas, aún cuando se presenten molidas o reducidas a polvo.Fil: Petenatti, Marta E.. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Gette, Maria de Los Angeles. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Camí, Gerardo Enrique. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Popovich, Mariana C.. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Marchevsky, Eduardo Jorge. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: del Vitto, Luis Angel. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Petenatti, Elisa Margarita. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentin

    Treatment and seroconversion in a cohort of children suffering from recent chronic Chagas infection in Yoro, Honduras

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    Between 1999-2002, Médécins Sans Frontières-Spain implemented a project seeking to determine the efficacy and safety of benznidazole in the treatment of recent chronic Chagas disease in a cohort of seropositive children in the Yoro Department, Honduras. A total of 24,471 children were screened for Trypanosoma cruzi IgG antibodies through conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) on filter paper. Recombinant ELISA (0.93% seroprevalence) showed 256 initially reactive cases, including 232 confirmed positive cases. Of these, 231 individuals were treated with benznidazole (7.5 mg/kg/day) for 60 days and were followed with a strict weekly medical control and follow-up protocol. At the end of the project, 229 patients were examined by the Honduras Secretariat of Health for post-treatment serological assessments; 88.2% seroconverted after 18 months and 93.9% seroconverted after three years. No differences were found in the seroconversion rates according to age or sex. Most of the side effects of the treatment were minor. These results support the argument that in areas where T. cruzi I is predominant and in areas affected by T. cruzi II, when vector transmission has been interrupted, Chagas disease diagnosis and treatment are feasible, necessary and ethically indisputable

    Radical-mediated C–H functionalization : a strategy for access to modified cyclodextrins

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    A simple and efficient radical C–H functionalization to access modified cyclodextrins (CDs) has been developed. The well-defined conformation of glycosidic and aglyconic bonds in α-, β-, and γ-CDs favors the intramolecular 1,8-hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) promoted by the 6I-O-yl radical, which abstracts regioselectively the hydrogen at C5II of the contiguous pyranose. The C5II-radical evolves by a polar crossover mechanism to a stable 1,3,5-trioxocane ring between two adjacent glucoses or alternatively triggers the inversion of one α-d-glucose into a 5-C-acetoxy-β-l-idose unit possessing a 1C4 conformation. The 6I,IV- and 6I,III-diols of α- and β-CDs behave similarly to the monoalcohols, forming mostly compounds originating from two 1,8-HAT consecutive processes. In the case of 6I,II-diols the proximity of the two 6-O-yl radicals in adjacent sugar units allows the formation of unique lactone rings within the CD framework via a 1,8-HAT−β-scission tandem mechanism. X-ray diffraction carried out on the crystalline 1,4-bis(trioxocane)-α-CD derivative shows a severe distortion toward a narrower elliptical shape for the primary face

    Easy access to modified cyclodextrins by an intramolecular radical approach

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    A simple method to modify the primary face of cyclodextrins (CDs) is described. The 6I-O-yl radical of a-, b-, and g-CDs regioselectively abstracts the H5II, located in the adjacent d-glucose unit, by an intramolecular 1,8-hydrogenatom-transfer reaction through a geometrically restricted ninemembered transition state to give a stable 1,3,5-trioxocane ring. The reaction has been extended to the 1,4-diols of a- and b-CD to give the corresponding bis(trioxocane)s. The C2-symmetric bis(trioxocane) corresponding to the a-CD is a stable crystalline solid whose structure was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. The calculated geometric parameters confirm that the primary face is severely distorted toward a narrower elliptical shape for this rim

    Intervención estratégica para la transición de la enseñanza-aprendizaje mediada por tecnologías digitales

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    El presente artículo atiende la contextualización y el problema de enseñanza del diseño desde la perspectiva de formación de profesores, derivado de la contingencia sanitaria por COVID-19 y la transición hacia el Proyecto Emergente de Enseñanza Remota. El proyecto de intervención se plantea desde metodologías de acción participativa, que orientan la práctica del docente como agente transformador, a partir de la detección de una problemática subyacente que demanda actuar, contener e incidir

    ¿Para qué sirve la literatura en una clase de español?

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    El presente trabajo pretende problematizar, a partir de experiencias de enseñanza y aprendizaje del español en inmersión, el papel de la literatura en la clase de español como segunda lengua. La literatura abre un abanico cultural sumamente interesante para los alumnos; sin embargo su función como herramienta de aprendizaje de la lengua propiamente dicha dista mucho del imaginario con que los profesores inexpertos suelen abordar sus clases. A partir de una serie de casos, pretendemos analizar cuál es el aporte (si es que lo hay) de la literatura en el aprendizaje concreto del español. Nuestro análisis estará organizado de la siguiente manera: en primera instancia, intentaremos abordar la compleja definición de literatura en relación a culturas diferentes y dentro de la clase (con alumnos lectores no necesariamente expertos). En segundo lugar presentaremos los estudios de caso propiamente dichos, para finalizar con una reflexión que blanquee la función de la literatura en las prácticas docentes de la enseñanza del español.El presente trabajo pertenece al volumen 4b (Español para extranjeros: enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura) de la II Memoria del CongresoCentro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literari

    Estudos farmacobotânicos comparativos e utilizações ethnopharmacológicas do "botões d'ouro" da medicina popular Argentina

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    The aerial parts of six Argentinean plants - commonly known as "botones de oro"-are indistinctly used either in folk medicine or to obtain herbal remedies and phytotherapics. However, these entities belong to three different genera of the Tribe Helenieae (Asteraceae): Gaillardia, Helenium and Hymenoxys, being the most used species Gaillardia megapotamica var. megapotamica (Spreng.) Bak.; G. megapotamica var. scabiosoides (Arn.) Bak.; G. megapotamica var. radiata (Griseb.) Bak.; Helenium donianum (Hook. & Arn.) Seckt; H. argentinum Ariza and Hymenoxys anthemoides (Juss.) Cass. In this work, we studied the relationships between the mentioned taxa from the morphological point of view, their coexistence in natural populations and their reputed pharmacological actions. Their histological features are described and illustrated, in order to obtain an accurate botanical identification of the products found in the market so as to guarantee their quality, especially because the samples are often already powdered or grounded.As partes aéreas de seis plantas argentinas - conhecidas geralmente como “botões d’ouro” - são usadas indistintamente na medicina popular ou para obter remédios ervais e fitoterápicos. No entanto, estas entidades pertencem a três gêneros da tribo Helenieae (Asteraceae): Gaillardia, Helenium e Hymenoxys, sendo as espécies mais utilizadas Gaillardia megapotamica var. megapotamica (Spreng.) Bak.; G. megapotamica var. scabiosoides (Arn.) Bak.; G. megapotamica var. radiata (Griseb.) Bak.; Helenium donianum (Hook. & Arn.) Seckt; H. argentinum Ariza e Hymenoxys anthemoides(Juss.) Cass. Neste trabalho, foram estudadas as relações entre os táxons mencionados a partir do ponto de vista morfológico, a sua coexistência em populações naturais e suas ações farmacológicas reputadas. As suas características histológicas são descritas e ilustradas, a fim de obter uma exata identificação botânica dos produtos encontrados no mercado, de forma a garantir a sua qualidade, especialmente porque as amostras são freqüentemente já pulverizadas ou em pó.Fil: Gette, Maria de Los Angeles. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Petenatti, Marta Elena. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: del Vitto, Luis Angel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Zacchino, Susana Alicia Stella. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Petenatti, Elisa Margarita. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentin

    Flexibilidad académica en la educación en diseño

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    La investigación conceptualiza la educación en diseño desde el planteamiento de la flexibilidad académica y cómo esta influye en las formas de enseñar y aprender diseño bajo contextos de emergencia y de cara a los retos de la educación superior para las próximas décadas del siglo XXI. El sustento teórico se expone desde el enfoque socioconstructivista, así como una metodología de educación comparada, a partir de la cual se analizan tres casos de implementación de flexibilidad curricular aplicados a las licenciaturas de Diseño Arquitectónico, Diseño de la Comunicación Gráfica y Diseño Industrial. Con lo cual, se presentan resultados y se propone un modelo para la implementación de flexibilidad académica desde el aula para la educación en diseño.The research conceptualizes design education from the perspective of academic flexibility and how this influences the ways of teaching and learning design under emergency contexts and facing the challenges of higher education for the coming decades of the 21st century. The theoretical support is exposed from the socio-constructivist approach, as well as a comparative education methodology, from which three cases of implementation of curricular flexibility applied to the degrees of Architectural Design, Graphic Communication Design and Industrial Design are analyzed. With which, results are presented and a model for the implementation of academic flexibility from the classroom for design education is proposed

    Early Detection of COVID-19 in Female Athletes Using Wearable Technology

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    Background: Heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate (RR), and resting heart rate (RHR) are common variables measured by wrist-worn activity trackers to monitor health, fitness, and recovery in athletes. Variations in RR are observed in lower-respiratory infections, and preliminary data suggest changes in HRV and RR are linked to early detection of COVID-19 infection in nonathletes. Hypothesis: Wearable technology measuring HRV, RR, RHR, and recovery will be successful for early detection of COVID-19 in NCAA Division I female athletes. Study Design: Cohort study. Level of Evidence: Level 2. Methods: Female athletes wore WHOOP, Inc. bands through the 2020 to 2021 competitive season. Of the athletes who tested positive for COVID (n = 33), 14 had enough data to be assessed (N = 14; 20.0 ± 1.3 years; 69.8 ± 7.2 kg; 172.0 ± 8.3 cm). Roughly 2 weeks of noninfected days were used to set baseline levels of HRV, RR, recovery, and RHR to compare with -3, -2, and -1 days before a positive COVID-19 result. Results: Increases in RR (P = 0.02) were detected on day -3. RHR (P \u3c 0.01) and RR increased (P \u3c 0.01), while HRV decreased (P \u3c 0.05) on day -1, compared with baseline. Differences were noted in all variables on the day of the positive COVID-19 result: decreased HRV (P \u3c 0.05) and recovery scores (P \u3c 0.01), and increased RHR (P \u3c 0.01) and RR (P \u3c 0.01). Conclusion: In female athletes, wearable technology was successful in predicting COVID-19 infection through changes in RR 3 days before a positive test, and also HRV and RHR the day before a positive test. Clinical Relevance: Wearable technology may be used, as part of a multifaceted approach, for the early detection of COVID-19 in elite athletes through monitoring of HRV, RR, and RHR for overall team health