43 research outputs found
Diseño hidráulico de losas en pavimento poroso rÃgido como estructuras complementarias al drenaje pluvial de Bogotá
Los pavimentos tradicionales, incrementan las áreas impermeables en la ciudad, ocasionando inundaciones y contaminaciones diferidas a los cuerpos acuáticos receptores. Como solución a estos problemas, los pavimentos porosos se han utilizado como una de las conocidas técnicas alternativas de drenaje. El objetivo de este trabajo de grado fue revisar y aplicar las metodologÃas de diseño hidráulico existentes para pavimentos porosos rÃgidos, para luego ser adaptadas a una zona de estudio especÃfica (área de parqueadero de un establecimiento localizado en el noroccidente de Bogotá) utilizando los resultados obtenidos a través del método de validación propuesto para unos datos de precipitación de 3.5 años (2008-2011), con una resolución horaria, aplicado a una mezcla de concreto con propiedades hidráulicas y de envejecimiento conocidas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el método de la curva envolvente y el de los volúmenes son las metodologÃas mas apropiadas para el diseño de pavimentos porosos en el área de estudio para periodos de diseño de 2 y 3 años, respectivamente.Traditional pavements increase impervious surfaces on urban areas, causing flooding and pollution of receiving water bodies. As a solution, the pervious concrete pavements are used as one of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). The objective of this study is to review and apply existing hydraulic design methodologies for concrete pervious pavements, and then to adapt them to a specific study zone (parking area of an establishment located at the Northwest part of Bogota) by using simulation results obtained for a one-hour resolution rainfall data set on 3.5 years (2008-2011) applied to a mixture of pavement with known hydraulic and aging properties. The results obtained show that the Envelope Curve and the Volume Methods are the most appropriate ones for designing pervious pavements in the study area for 2-years and 3-years design periods, respectively.Ingeniero (a) CivilPregrad
Estrategias Metodológicas utilizadas en la Educación Ambiental Formal en los centros de educación primaria: Escuela El Progreso, Colegio Diocesano San Luis y Escuela Enmanuel Mongalo del municipio de Matagalpa durante el II Semestre del año 2007
Para realizar el seminario de graduación se abordó el tema de la educación ambiental formal en los centros de educación primaria del municipio de Matagalpa.
La educación Ambiental surge en Estocolmo en 1972 producto de la necesidad de encontrar soluciones a las necesidades del medio ambiente, por esta razón se hace necesario abordarla desde el ámbito formal; en Nicaragua toma mayor relevancia durante la década de los noventas hasta la actualidad; en la nueva transformación curricular se aborda como una asignatura aparte y también se incluye en las otras materias, como lo reflejan los estudios realizado siendo que 5.4% en español,8.85% en matemática, 67.5% en CCNN, 9.55 en EESSS y el 6.1% en moral y cÃvica creando individuos que amen y respeten la madre naturaleza, para ello se hace necesario dotar al estudiante de los conceptos generales referentes al medio ambiente para que puedan analizarlos y apropiarse de los mismos.
Otro aspecto que se abordó fue el marco legal de la educación ambiental en Nicaragua lo que permite darse cuenta que tanto hacen los nicaragüenses por enfrentar los problemas medioambientales presentes y la forma que los maestros dan a conocer a los estudiantes las leyes que están establecidas para aquellas personas que atenten con el bienestar de la naturaleza; en los centros seleccionados se puede decir que los estudiantes conocen poco de éstas leyes ya que no existe todavÃa un mecanismo que les permita empaparse más de las mismas, alterando de esta manera los fines de la educación ambiental en Nicaragua.
El trabajo realizado por el docente se hace con el objetivo principal de desarrollar la conciencia ambiental en los individuos a través de la educación, siendo que el 76.6% brinda charlas ambientales, el 93.6% motiva a los estudiantes a sembrar árboles, el 48.9% promueven la clasificación de la basura partiendo que esta es la base de la formación ciudadana, permitiendo reflexionar y llevar a la práctica los valores, morales, sociales, y religioso
Extracción y caracterización fisicoquÃmica de extracto fluido y extracto seco de orégano (Lippia graveolens HBK) a escala laboratorio y planta piloto y su aplicación conservante en la producción de embutidos
Obtener a escala laboratorio y planta piloto el extracto fluido y extracto seco de orégano (Lippia graveolens HBK, asà comparar el rendimiento extractivo en función de la escala a utilizar, asà analizar el potencial conservante de los extractos como aplicación en la producción de embutidos
Determinación de actividad antioxidante de polifenoles en la trilla de Coffea arabica (CAFE) del beneficiado Honey
En la investigación determinó de la Actividad Antioxidante de polifenoles presentes en la trilla de Coffea arabica (café) del beneficiado honey. Se extrajeron los metabolitos polifenolicos presentes en el analito, utilizando tres tipos de solventes: mezcla hidroalcohólica 70:30, 50:50 y solvente acuoso, empleando el método ultrasónico para obtener el extracto en estado lÃquido, posteriormente se concentraron las muestras en el equipo Genevac EZ-Plus para obtener extracto en estado sólido. Para cuantificar la actividad antioxidante se utilizó el reactivo 2,2-difenil-picril hidrazilo (DPPH), que en su forma de radical libre, sufre una reducción en presencia de un antioxidante, por medio de espectrofotometrÃa UV-Visible, tomando en cuenta el reactivo Trolox como estándar comparativo en el análisis obteniendo resultados positivos
Patient and public involvement to inform priorities and practice for research using existing healthcare data for children’s and young people’s cancers
In the United Kingdom, healthcare data is collected on all patients receiving National Health Service (NHS) care, including children and young people (CYP) with cancer. This data is used to inform service delivery, and with special permissions used for research. The use of routinely collected health data in research is an advancing field with huge potential benefit, particularly in CYP with cancer where case numbers are small and the impact across the life course can be significant.
Patient and public involvement (PPI) exercise aims:
Identify current barriers to trust relating to the use of healthcare data for research.
Determine ways to increase public and patient confidence in the use of healthcare data in research.
Define areas of research importance to CYP and their carers using healthcare data.
Young people currently aged between 16 and 25 years who had a cancer diagnosis before the age of 20 years and carers of a young person with cancer were invited to take part via social media and existing networks of service users. Data was collected during two interactive online workshops totalling 5 h and comprising of presentations from health data experts, case-studies and group discussions. With participant consent the workshops were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic analysis.
Ten young people and six carers attended workshop one. Four young people and four carers returned for workshop two. Lack of awareness of how data is used, and negative media reporting were seen as the main causes of mistrust. Better communication and education on how data is used were felt to be important to improving public confidence. Participants want the ability to have control over their own data use. Late effects, social and education outcomes and research on rare tumours were described as key research priorities for data use.
In order to improve public and patient trust in our use of data for research, we need to improve communication about how data is used and the benefits that arise
Impact of sitagliptin on endometrial mesenchymal stem-like progenitor cells : a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled feasibility trial
Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is associated with the loss of endometrial mesenchymal stem-like progenitor cells (eMSC). DPP4 inhibitors may increase homing and engraftment of bone marrow-derived cells to sites of tissue injury. Here, we evaluated the effect of the DPP4 inhibitor sitagliptin on eMSC in women with RPL, determined the impact on endometrial decidualization, and assessed the feasibility of a full-scale clinical trial.
A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled feasibility trial on women aged 18 to 42 years with a history of 3 or more miscarriages, regular menstrual cycles, and no contraindications to sitagliptin. Thirty-eight subjects were randomised to either 100 mg sitagliptin daily for 3 consecutive cycles or identical placebo capsules. Computer generated, permuted block randomisation was used to allocate treatment packs. Colony forming unit (CFU) assays were used to quantify eMSC in midluteal endometrial biopsies. The primary outcome measure was CFU counts. Secondary outcome measures were endometrial thickness, study acceptability, and first pregnancy outcome within 12 months following the study. Tissue samples were subjected to explorative investigations.
CFU counts following sitagliptin were higher compared to placebo only when adjusted for baseline CFU counts and age (RR: 1.52, 95% CI: 1.32–1.75, P<0.01). The change in CFU count was 1.68 in the sitagliptin group and 1.08 in the placebo group. Trial recruitment, acceptability, and drug compliance were high. There were no serious adverse events. Explorative investigations showed that sitagliptin inhibits the expression of DIO2, a marker gene of senescent decidual cells.
Sitagliptin increases eMSCs and decreases decidual senescence. A large-scale clinical trial evaluating the impact of preconception sitagliptin treatment on pregnancy outcome in RPL is feasible and warranted.
Tommy's Baby Charity.
Clinical trial registration:
EU Clinical Trials Register no. 2016-001120-54
Assessing and investigating children with suspected bone and abdominal tumours: an e-Delphi consensus process
Background The incidence of childhood cancer has risen by 15% since the 1990s. Early diagnosis is key to optimising outcomes, however diagnostic delays are widely reported. Presenting symptoms are often non-specific causing a diagnostic dilemma for clinicians. This Delphi consensus process was conducted to develop a new clinical guideline for children and young people presenting with signs/symptoms suggestive of a bone or abdominal tumour. Methods Invitation emails were sent to primary and secondary healthcare professionals to join the Delphi panel. 65 statements were derived from evidence review by a multidisciplinary team. Participants were asked to rank their level of agreement with each statement on a 9-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 9=strongly agree), with responses ≥7 taken to indicate agreement. Statements not reaching consensus were rewritten and reissued in a subsequent round. Results All statements achieved consensus after two rounds. 96/133 (72%) participants responded to round 1 (R1) and 69/96 (72%) completed round 2 (R2). 62/65 (94%) statements achieved consensus in R1 with 29/65 (47%) gaining more than 90% consensus. Three statements did not reach consensus scoring between 61% and 69%. All reached numerical consensus at the end of R2. Strong consensus was reached on best practice of conducting the consultation, acknowledging parental instinct and obtaining telephone advice from a paediatrician to decide the timing and place of review, rather than adult cancer urgent referral pathways. Dissensus in statements was due to unachievable targets within primary care and valid concerns over a potential overinvestigation of abdominal pain