86 research outputs found

    How do frontline staff use patient experience data for service improvement? Findings from an ethnographic case study evaluation

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to thank the following: the ward teams and senior management teams at the six participating case study sites. Neil Churchill, Angela Coulter, Ray Fitzpatrick, Crispin Jenkinson, Trish Greenhalgh and Sian Rees who were co-investigators on the study, contributing to the original design and conduct of the study. Esther Ainley and Steve Sizmur from Picker Institute Europe, who contributed to data collection and analysis. Prof. John Gabbay and Prof. Andr? le May, University of Southampton, for facilitating the learning community meetings. The members of the lay advisory panel: Barbara Bass, Tina Lonhgurst, Georgina McMasters, Carol Munt, Gillian Richards, Tracey Richards, Gordon Sturmey, Karen Swaffield, Ann Tomlime and Paul Whitehouse. The external members of the Study Steering Committee: Joanna Foster, Tony Berendt, Caroline Shuldham, Joanna Goodrich, Leigh Kendall, Bernard Gudgin and Manoj Mistry. At the time of conducting the research LL and SP were employed by the University of Oxford. Preliminary findings from the study have been presented publicly at the following conferences: European Association for Communication in Healthcare 2016; The International Society for Quality in Healthcare 2017; Health Services Research UK 2017; Medical Sociology 2018. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2020. Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Antidepressants, Depression, and Venous Thromboembolism Risk: Large Prospective Study of UK Women

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    Background: Some investigators have reported an excess risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) associated with depression and with use of antidepressant drugs. We explored these associations in a large prospective study of UK women. Methods and Results: The Million Women Study recruited 1.3 million women through the National Health Service Breast Screening Programme in England and Scotland. Three years after recruitment, women were sent a second questionnaire that enquired about depression and regular use of medications in the previous 4 weeks. The present analysis included those who responded and did not have prior VTE, cancer, or recent surgery. Follow‐up for VTE was through linkage to routinely collected National Health Service statistics. Cox regression analyses yielded adjusted hazard ratios and 95% CIs. A total of 734 092 women (mean age 59.9 years) were included in the analysis; 6.9% reported use of antidepressants, 2.7% reported use of other psychotropic drugs, and 1.8% reported being treated for depression or anxiety but not use of psychotropic drugs. During follow‐up for an average of 7.3 years, 3922 women were hospitalized for and/or died from VTE. Women who reported antidepressant use had a significantly higher risk of VTE than women who reported neither depression nor use of psychotropic drugs (hazard ratio, 1.39; 95% CI, 1.23–1.56). VTE risk was not significantly increased in women who reported being treated for depression or anxiety but no use of antidepressants or other psychotropic drugs (hazard ratio, 1.19; 95% CI, 0.95–1.49). Conclusions: Use of antidepressants is common in UK women and is associated with an increased risk of VTEThis study was funded by Cancer Research UK, the UK Medical Research Council, and Lifebloo

    Understanding how front-line staff use patient experience data for service improvement: an exploratory case study evaluation

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    Background and aim: The NHS collects a large number of data on patient experience, but there are concerns that it does not use this information to improve care. This study explored whether or not and how front-line staff use patient experience data for service improvement. Methods: Phase 1 – secondary analysis of existing national survey data, and a new survey of NHS trust patient experience leads. Phase 2 – case studies in six medical wards using ethnographic observations and interviews. A baseline and a follow-up patient experience survey were conducted on each ward, supplemented by in-depth interviews. Following an initial learning community to discuss approaches to learning from and improving patient experience, teams developed and implemented their own interventions. Emerging findings from the ethnographic research were shared formatively. Phase 3 – dissemination, including an online guide for NHS staff. Key findings: Phase 1 – an analysis of staff and inpatient survey results for all 153 acute trusts in England was undertaken, and 57 completed surveys were obtained from patient experience leads. The most commonly cited barrier to using patient experience data was a lack of staff time to examine the data (75%), followed by cost (35%), lack of staff interest/support (21%) and too many data (21%). Trusts were grouped in a matrix of high, medium and low performance across several indices to inform case study selection. Phase 2 – in every site, staff undertook quality improvement projects using a range of data sources. The number and scale of these varied, as did the extent to which they drew directly on patient experience data, and the extent of involvement of patients. Before-and-after surveys of patient experience showed little statistically significant change. Making sense of patient experience ‘data’ Staff were engaged in a process of sense-making from a range of formal and informal sources of intelligence. Survey data remain the most commonly recognised and used form of data. ‘Soft’ intelligence, such as patient stories, informal comments and daily ward experiences of staff, patients and family, also fed into staff’s improvement plans, but they and the wider organisation may not recognise these as ‘data’. Staff may lack confidence in using them for improvement. Staff could not always point to a specific source of patient experience ‘data’ that led to a particular project, and sometimes reported acting on what they felt they already knew needed changing. Staff experience as a route to improving patient experience Some sites focused on staff motivation and experience on the assumption that this would improve patient experience through indirect cultural and attitudinal change, and by making staff feel empowered and supported. Staff participants identified several potential interlinked mechanisms: (1) motivated staff provide better care, (2) staff who feel taken seriously are more likely to be motivated, (3) involvement in quality improvement is itself motivating and (4) improving patient experience can directly improve staff experience. ‘Team-based capital’ in NHS settings We propose ‘team-based capital’ in NHS settings as a key mechanism between the contexts in our case studies and observed outcomes. ‘Capital’ is the extent to which staff command varied practical, organisational and social resources that enable them to set agendas, drive process and implement change. These include not just material or economic resources, but also status, time, space, relational networks and influence. Teams involving a range of clinical and non-clinical staff from multiple disciplines and levels of seniority could assemble a greater range of capital; progress was generally greater when the team included individuals from the patient experience office. Phase 3 – an online guide for NHS staff was produced in collaboration with The Point of Care Foundation. Limitations: This was an ethnographic study of how and why NHS front-line staff do or do not use patient experience data for quality improvement. It was not designed to demonstrate whether particular types of patient experience data or quality improvement approaches are more effective than others. Future research: Developing and testing interventions focused specifically on staff but with patient experience as the outcome, with a health economics component. Studies focusing on the effect of team composition and diversity on the impact and scope of patient-centred quality improvement. Research into using unstructured feedback and soft intelligence

    Clinical practice guideline for best practice management of pediatric patients by chiropractors: Results of a Delphi consensus process

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    Objective: To build upon existing recommendations on best practices for chiropractic management of children by conducting a formal consensus process and best evidence synthesis. Design: Best practice guide based on recommendations from current best available evidence and formal consensus of a panel of experienced practitioners, consumers, and experts for chiropractic management of pediatric patients. Methods: Synthesis of results of a literature search to inform the development of recommendations from a multidisciplinary steering committee, including experts in pediatrics, followed by a formal Delphi panel consensus process. Results: The consensus process was conducted June to August 2022. All 60 panelists completed the process and reached at least 80% consensus on all recommendations after three Delphi rounds. Recommendations for best practices for chiropractic care for children addressed these aspects of the clinical encounter: patient communication, including informed consent; appropriate clinical history, including health habits; appropriate physical examination procedures; red flags/contraindications to chiropractic care and/or spinal manipulation; aspects of chiropractic management of pediatric patients, including infants; modifications of spinal manipulation and other manual procedures for pediatric patients; appropriate referral and comanagement; and appropriate health promotion and disease prevention practices. Conclusion: This set of recommendations represents a general framework for an evidence-informed and reasonable approach to the management of pediatric patients by chiropractors

    Women bargaining with patriarchy in coastal Kenya:contradictions, creative agency and food provisioning

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    Gender analysts have long recognised that challenging existing patriarchal structures involves risks for women, who may lose both long-term support and protection from kin. However, understanding the specific ways in which they ‘bargain with patriarchy’ in particular contexts is relatively poorly understood. We focus on a Mijikenda fishing community in coastal Kenya to explore contradictions in gendered power relations and how women deploy these to reinterpret gendered practices without directly challenging local patriarchal structures. We argue that a more complex understanding of women’s creative agency can reveal both the value to women of culturally-specific gendered roles and responsibilities and the importance of subtle changes that they are able to negotiate in these. With reference to food provisioning, the analysis contributes to more nuanced understandings of gendered household food security and women’s creative approaches to maintaining long-term security in their lives

    An innovative hydrological model for the sparsely-gauged Essequibo River basin, northern Amazonia

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    Tropical river basins – crucial components of global water and carbon cycles – are threatened by logging, mining, agricultural conversion, and climate change. Thus, decision-makers require hydrological impact assessments to sustainably manage threatened basins, such as the ∌68,000 km2 Essequibo River basin in Guyana. Emerging global data products offer the potential to better understand sparsely-gauged basins. We combined new global meteorological and soils data with established in situ observations to build the first physically-based spatially-distributed hydrological model of the Essequibo. We developed new, open source, methods to translate global data (ERA5-Land, WFDE5, MSWEP, and IMERG) into a grid-based SHETRAN model. Comparing the performance of several global and local precipitation and evaporation datasets showed that WFDE5 precipitation, combined with ERA5-Land evaporation, yielded the best daily discharge simulations from 2000 to 2009, with close water balances (PBIAS = −3%) and good discharge peaks (NSE = 0.65). Finally, we tested model sensitivity to key parameters to show the importance of actual to potential evapotranspiration ratios, Strickler runoff coefficients, and subsurface saturated hydraulic conductivities. Our data translation methods can now be used to drive hydrological models nearly anywhere in the world, fostering the sustainable management of the Earth’s sparsely-gauged river basins

    Identifying related cancer types based on their incidence among people with multiple cancers

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    BACKGROUND: There are several reasons that someone might be diagnosed with more than one primary cancer. The aim of this analysis was to determine combinations of cancer types that occur more often than expected. The expected values in previous analyses are based on age-and-gender-adjusted risks in the population. However, if cancer in people with multiple primaries is somehow different than cancer in people with a single primary, then the expected numbers should not be based on all diagnoses in the population. METHODS: In people with two or more cancer types, the probability that a specific type is diagnosed was determined as the number of diagnoses for that cancer type divided by the total number of cancer diagnoses. If two types of cancer occur independently of one another, then the probability that someone will develop both cancers by chance is the product of the individual probabilities for each type. The expected number of people with both cancers is the number of people at risk multiplied by the separate probabilities for each cancer. We performed the analysis on records of cancer diagnoses in British Columbia, Canada between 1970 and 2004. RESULTS: There were 28,159 people with records of multiple primary cancers between 1970 and 2004, including 1,492 people with between three and seven diagnoses. Among both men and women, the combinations of esophageal cancer with melanoma, and kidney cancer with oral cancer, are observed more than twice as often as expected. CONCLUSION: Our analysis suggests there are several pairs of primary cancers that might be related by a shared etiological factor. We think that our method is more appropriate than others when multiple diagnoses of primary cancer are unlikely to be the result of therapeutic or diagnostic procedures

    A role of BRCA1 and BRCA2 germline mutations in breast cancer susceptibility within Sardinian population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In recent years, numerous studies have assessed the prevalence of germline mutations in <it>BRCA1 </it>and <it>BRCA2 </it>genes in various cohorts. We here extensively investigated the prevalence and geographical distribution of <it>BRCA1-2 </it>mutations in the entire genetically-homogeneous Sardinian population. The occurrence of phenotypic characteristics which may be predictive for the presence of <it>BRCA1-2 </it>germline mutations was also evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three hundred and forty-eight breast cancer patients presenting a familial recurrence of invasive breast or ovarian carcinoma with at least two affected family members were screened for <it>BRCA1-2 </it>mutations by DHPLC analysis and DNA sequencing. Association of <it>BRCA1 </it>and <it>BRCA2 </it>mutational status with clinical and pathological parameters was evaluated by Pearson's Chi-Squared test.</p> <p>Results and Conclusion</p> <p>Overall, 8 <it>BRCA1 </it>and 5 <it>BRCA2 </it>deleterious mutations were detected in 35/348 (10%) families; majority (23/35;66%) of mutations was found in <it>BRCA2 </it>gene. The geographical distribution of <it>BRCA1-2 </it>mutations was related to three specific large areas of Sardinia, reflecting its ancient history: <it>a</it>) the Northern area, linguistically different from the rest of the island (where a <it>BRCA2 c.8764_8765delAG </it>mutation with founder effect was predominant); <it>b</it>) the Middle area, land of the ancient Sardinian population (where <it>BRCA2 </it>mutations are still more common than <it>BRCA1 </it>mutations); and <it>c</it>) the South-Western area, with many Phoenician and Carthaginian locations (where <it>BRCA1 </it>mutations are prevalent). We also found that phenotypic features such as high tumor grading and lack of expression of estrogen/progesterone receptors together with age at diagnosis and presence of ovarian cancer in the family may be predictive for the presence of <it>BRCA1-2 </it>germline mutations.</p

    Associations between an Obesity Related Genetic Variant (FTO rs9939609) and Prostate Cancer Risk

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    Observational studies suggest that obese men have a lower risk of incident prostate cancer, but an increased risk of advanced and fatal cancers. These observations could be due to confounding, detection bias, or a biological effect of obesity. Genetic studies are less susceptible to confounding than observational epidemiology and can suggest how associations between phenotypes (such as obesity) and diseases arise. To determine whether the associations between obesity and prostate cancer are causal, we conducted a genetic association study of the relationship between a single nucleotide polymorphism known to be associated with obesity (FTO rs9939609) and prostate cancer. Data are from a population-based sample of 1550 screen-detected prostate cancers, 1815 age- and general practice matched controls with unrestricted prostate specific antigen (PSA) values and 1175 low-PSA controls (PSA <0.5 ng/ml). The rs9939609 A allele, which was associated with higher BMI in the sample, was inversely associated with overall (odds ratio (OR) versus all controls  = 0.93; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.85–1.02 p = 0.12 per allele) and low-grade (OR = 0.90; 0.81–0.99 p = 0.03 per allele) prostate cancer risk, but positively associated with high-grade cancer among cases (OR high- versus low-grade cancer  = 1.16; 0.99–1.37 p = 0.07 per allele). Although evidence for these effects was weak, they are consistent with observational data based on BMI phenotypes and suggest that the observed association between obesity and prostate cancer is not due to confounding. Further research should confirm these findings, extend them to other BMI-related genetic variants and determine whether they are due to detection bias or obesity-related hormonal changes
