2,525 research outputs found

    Changes in the microflora of Serra cheese: evolution throughout ripening time, lactation period and axial location

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    Changes in the microflora and physicochemical characteristics in Serra da Estrela cheese were examined using a three-way factorial design over a 3.5 day ripening period, throughout the lactation period, and for several slices taken normal to the cheese axis. Lactic acid bacteria were the major components of the microflora during ripening throughout the lactation period, but no statistically signtficant differences were detected between the surface and the interior of the cheese. Both enterobacteriaceae and staphylococci in the curd were at maximum numbers during the first week and were still at significant numbers towards the end of the maturation period. The numbers of staphylococci were statistically different between slices and at different times within the lactation period, whereas the numbers of enterobacteriaceae showed statisticalty signrficant variations only throughout the lactation period. Ripening time, lactation period and axial location signtficantly affected the number of yeasts. AN factors studied had statistically significant effects on pH, salt and moisture content; the hypotheses that ripening time, lactation period, and axial location had effects on salt and moisture contents were accepted, in this order, at increasingly lower levels of signtficance; the hypotheses that ripening time, axial location, and lactation period had effects on pH were accepted, in this order, at increasingly lower levels of significance

    Milk somatic cell count and its relationship with milk yield and quality traits in Italian water buffaloes.

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    ABSTRACT In Southern Italy, buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) milk is mostly intended for the manufacture of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) cheese. Despite the economic boost of the last 2 decades, the buffalo farming system should be improved to maximize the efficiency of the dairy industry, improve yield and quality of milk and cheese, and work toward better animal welfare. Milk somatic cell count (SCC) is used worldwide as an indicator of udder health in individual milk and is useful for monitoring farm hygiene in bulk milk. Mastitis data are currently not available on a large scale in Italy; thus, SCC is essential for identifying animals with suspected udder infection and inflammation. Moreover, high milk SCC is associated with altered composition and acidity, and poor technological properties of milk. However, payment systems of the PDO area are based simply on the delivered volume of milk rather than on quality characteristics. Hence, currently there are no penalties for elevated SCC in bulk milk in the Italian buffalo dairy industry. In addition, SCC for buffalo milk is not mentioned by either the European Community regulations or the PDO protocol, evidencing a lack of rules for the maximum SCC limit. To provide a phenotypic characterization of SCC at the population level and to improve knowledge on buffalo milk quality, 876,299 test-day records of 70,156 buffaloes reared in the PDO area were analyzed. Data revealed that around 11% of herd-test-dates (≥5 animals sampled each) showed average milk SCC ≥400,000 cells/mL (i.e., above the threshold fixed by the European Community for bovine milk). This suggests that there is room to improve SCC at both the farm and individual level. Within first parity, more than 28 and 15% of lactations had average SCC ≥200,000 and ≥300,000 cells/mL, respectively. Both percentages increased with parity and were 39 and 25% in sixth parity, respectively. Supporting this, the proportion of lactations with average SCC ≥500,000 cells/mL increased from 6% in first parity to 12% in sixth parity. Milk yield and SCC were negatively correlated with each other, especially when SCC level was high. An ANOVA was carried out on test-day record milk yield and composition traits, with fixed effects of parity, lactation stage, class of somatic cell score (n = 6), month of calving, and their interactions; buffalo, herd-test-date, and residual were considered random effects. Significantly lower milk yield and lactose percentage were estimated in progressively higher classes of somatic cell score, whereas no significant differences were observed for fat and protein percentages. This is the first attempt to investigate milk SCC in a large data set of Italian dairy buffaloes. These findings may be helpful for defining reliable and effective SCC thresholds to be adopted whenever specific penalties for high SCC are included in milk payment systems. Finally, these results could be used in mastitis monitoring plans aiming to reduce SCC and udder issues at both the individual and farm levels in the Italian buffalo population

    Genetic relationships of lactose and freezing point with minerals and coagulation traits predicted from milk mid-infrared spectra in Holstein cows

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the relationships of lactose percentage (LP), lactose yield (LY), and freezing point (FRP) with minerals and coagulation properties predicted from mid-infrared spectra in bovine milk. To achieve this purpose, we analyzed 54,263 test-day records of 4,297 Holstein cows to compute (co)variance components with a linear repeatability animal model. Parity, stage of lactation, season of calving, and herd-test-date were included as fixed effects in the model, and additive genetic animal, within- and across-lactation permanent environment, and residual were included as random effects. Lactose percentage was more heritable (0.405 ± 0.027) than LY (0.121 ± 0.021) and FRP (0.132 ± 0.014). Heritabilities (± standard error) of predicted milk minerals varied from 0.375 ± 0.027 for Na to 0.531 ± 0.028 for P, and those of milk coagulation properties ranged from 0.348 ± 0.052 for rennet coagulation time to 0.430 ± 0.026 for curd firming time. Lactose percentage showed favorable (negative) genetic correlations with milk somatic cell score (SCS) and FRP, and it was almost uncorrelated with casein-related minerals (Ca and P) and coagulation properties. Moreover, LP was strongly correlated with Na (−0.783 ± 0.022), a mineral known to increase in the presence of intramammary infection (IMI) and high somatic cell count. Indeed, Na is the main osmotic replacer of lactose in mastitic milk when the blood–milk barrier is altered during IMI. Being strongly associated with milk yield, LY did not favorably correlate with coagulation properties, likely because of the negative correlation of this trait with protein and casein percentages. Milk FRP presented moderate and null genetic associations with Na and SCS, respectively. Results of the present study suggest that the moderate heritability of LP and its genetic correlations with IMI-related traits (Na and SCS) could be exploited for genetic selection against mastitis. Moreover, selection for LP would not impair milk coagulation characteristics or Ca and P content, which are important for cheesemaking

    Invited review: Milk lactose—Current status and future challenges in dairy cattle

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    peer-reviewedLactose is the main carbohydrate in mammals' milk, and it is responsible for the osmotic equilibrium between blood and alveolar lumen in the mammary gland. It is the major bovine milk solid, and its synthesis and concentration in milk are affected mainly by udder health and the cow's energy balance and metabolism. Because this milk compound is related to several biological and physiological factors, information on milk lactose in the literature varies from chemical properties to heritability and genetic associations with health traits that may be exploited for breeding purposes. Moreover, lactose contributes to the energy value of milk and is an important ingredient for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Despite this, lactose has seldom been included in milk payment systems, and it has never been used as an indicator trait in selection indices. The interest in lactose has increased in recent years, and a summary of existing information about lactose in the dairy sector would be beneficial for the scientific community and the dairy industry. The present review collects and summarizes knowledge about lactose by covering and linking several aspects of this trait in bovine milk. Finally, perspectives on the use of milk lactose in dairy cattle, especially for selection purposes, are outlined

    Heritability and repeatability of milk lactose and its relationships with traditional milk traits, somatic cell score and freezing point in Holstein cows

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    Lactose percentage (LP) in milk is currently determined in most herd-testing schemes, and globally, it is usually routinely recorded in the framework of the official milk recording procedures. However, few studies have investigated the phenotypic and genetic variability of this component. Data used in the present paper consisted of 59 811 test-day records from 4355 Holstein cows in 266 herds. Heritabilities of LP and lactose yield (LY) were estimated through single-trait repeatability animal models, whereas genetic and phenotypic correlations of LP and LY with milk composition and production traits, somatic cell score and milk freezing point were estimated using bivariate models. Fixed effects included in the analyses were herd-test-date, season of calving, parity, stage of lactation and the interaction between parity and stage of lactation. Random effects were animal additive genetic, within and across lactation permanent environment and the residual. Lactation curves of LP and LY increased from parturition to the peak of lactation and decreased thereafter, mirroring the typical curve of milk yield. Lactose percentage was greater in first- than later-parity cows. Heritabilities of LP and LY were 0.43 ± 0.03 and 0.14 ± 0.02, respectively, and LP and protein percentage were the most repeatable traits. Genetic correlations (ra) of LP with somatic cell score, LY and milk freezing point were −0.22 ± 0.08, 0.28 ± 0.08 and −0.46 ± 0.05, respectively. Genetic relationships of LY with milk yield (ra = 0.97 ± 0.00), fat percentage (ra = −0.71 ± 0.06), protein percentage (ra = −0.57 ± 0.06) and protein yield (ra = 0.64 ± 0.06) were moderate to strong. Results suggest that milk LP could be considered in breeding strategies to accelerate the gain of correlated low heritable traits. Further research is needed to evaluate the feasibility of including LP in the selection index of Italian Holstein population to address country-specific needs and market demands

    Genetic (co)variances between milk mineral concentration and chemical composition in lactating Holstein-Friesian dairy cows

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    Milk mineral concentration is important from both the perspective of processing milk into dairy products and its nutritive value for human consumption. Precise estimates of genetic parameters for milk mineral concentration are lacking because of the considerable resources required to collect vast phenotypes quantities. The milk concentration of calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) and phosphorus (P) in the present study was quantified from mid-IR spectroscopy on 12 223 testday records from 1717 Holstein-Friesian cows. (Co)variance components were estimated using random regressions to model both the additive genetic and within-lactation permanent environmental variances of each trait. The coefficient of genetic variation averaged across days-in-milk (DIM) was 6.93%, 3.46%, 6.55%, 5.20% and 6.68% for Ca, K, Mg, Na and P concentration, respectively; heritability estimates varied across lactation from 0.31 ± 0.05 (5 DIM) to 0.67 ± 0.04 (181 DIM) for Ca, from 0.18 ± 0.03 (60 DIM) to 0.24 ± 0.05 (305 DIM) for K, from 0.08 ± 0.03 (15 DIM) to 0.37 ± 0.03 (223 DIM) for Mg, from 0.16 ± 0.03 (30 DIM) to 0.37 ± 0.04 (305 DIM) for Na and from 0.21 ± 0.04 (12 DIM) to 0.57 ± 0.04 (211 DIM) for P. Genetic correlations within the same trait across different DIM were almost unity between adjacent DIM but weakened as the time interval between pairwise compared DIM lengthened; genetic correlations were weaker than 0.80 only when comparing both peripheries of the lactation. The analysis of the geometry of the additive genetic covariance matrix revealed that almost 90% of the additive genetic variation was accounted by the intercept term of the covariance functions for each trait. Milk protein concentration and mineral concentration were, in general, positively genetically correlated with each other across DIM, whereas milk fat concentration was positively genetically correlated throughout the entire lactation with Ca, K and Mg; the genetic correlation with fat concentration changed from negative to positive with Na and P at 243 DIM and 50 DIM, respectively. Genetic correlations between somatic cell score and Na ranged from 0.38 ± 0.21 (5 DIM) to 0.79 ± 0.18 (305 DIM). Exploitable genetic variation existed for all milk minerals, although many national breeding objectives are probably contributing to an indirect positive response to selection in milk mineral concentration

    Epidemiology and social impact of early onset dementia in the province of Modena, Northern Italy

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    Aims of the study. Early onset dementia (EOD), defined as onset of dementia <65 years, has a much higher social impact compared to the more common late onset dementia. EOD epidemiologic data in Italy are extremely scarce, and international estimates of prevalence are considerably variable, ranging between 15.1 and 153/100.000 in the age 45-65. We present data from an ongoing study aimed at establishing EOD epidemiology in a Northern Italy community (Modena province, around 700.000 inhabitants). Materials. We retrospectively recruited all patients residing in Modena province referred to the Modena Baggiovara Hospital Neurologic Clinic CDCD (Centro disturbi cognitivi e demenze), by family practitioners and geriatricians of the province. Eligible patients were those affected by EOD from 2012 to January 2019. EOD was diagnosed in patients <65 years presenting with cognitive/behavioral symptoms, following a comprehensive neurological examination by a cognitive neurologist, as well as brain MRI, FDG PET scanning and CSF analyses when appropriate. Methods. We collected clinical data such as age at onset, disease severity at time of diagnosis, time delay from onset to diagnosis, and epidemiologic data including residence and occupational status. Results. We identified 223 patients with an EOD diagnosis from 2012 to January 2019. Of these, 103 are males (46,2%). 97 patients have AD (21 lvPPA, 13 PCA, 2 frontal variant), 47 have FTD (33 bvFTD, 14 svPPA), 6 have leucoencephalopathy. Mean onset age was 58,6 years (SD 5,1). Median time from symptoms onset to diagnosis was 3.1 years (SD 29,83). Mean MMSE score at diagnosis was 22,63/30 (SD 5,2). 24 patients were working at time of diagnosis (10,76%) and had to quit working due to the cognitive impairment. Two patients (0,89%) had young children (<18) at time of diagnosis. Discussion. We provide the first epidemiological data on EOD in Italy. These are consistent with the estimates calculated by transposing European data to the population of Modena province (estimated prevalence=200 patients, detected prevalence=223 patients)1. Our data show a higher percentage of atypical AD phenotypes and FTD in the EOD group compared to late onset disease2. Also, CAA and leucoencephalopaties were over-represented compared to LOD. From a social perspective, EOD has significant impacts on patients and their families: patients are generally forced to leave work, and their children are expected to need psychological support, currently not routinely available. Conclusions. Our population study provides the first data regarding EOD epidemiology and social impact in Italy

    Federalismo no Brasil: análise da descentralização financeira da perspectiva das cidades médias

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the impacts upon the intermediate size cities of the administrative and fiscal decentralization policy put under way by the Federal Constitution of 1988. By intermediate size cities is meant those ones with urban population in the range 100,000 - 500,000 inhabitants. Our interest in this set of cities lies in the fact that they are the ones with the highest population growth rates in the 1970/96 period. This demographic expansion puts pression on the demand for public social services available in these cities, with no assurance thatthese municipalities will be financially able to expand them. This article adresses to this question using agregated and regional data on financial revenues/expenditures for these cities and their social infraestructure indicators as well. One of the major results is that the metropolitan medium size cities, besides showing high demographic growth rates, are the ones with the smallest social indices and in which, due to thenhigh poverty levels, are consequently the municipalities for which the fiscal extraction is harder

    WNK2 inhibits autophagic flux in human glioblastoma cell line

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    The following are available online at http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/2/485/s1, Figure S1: Validation of WNK2 overexpression by RT-PCR.Autophagy is a cell-survival pathway with dual role in tumorigenesis, promoting either tumor survival or tumor death. WNK2 gene, a member of the WNK (with no lysine (K)) subfamily, acts as a tumor suppressor gene in gliomas, regulating cell migration and invasion; however, its role in autophagy process is poorly explored. The WNK2-methylated human glioblastoma cell line A172 WT (wild type) was compared to transfected clones A172 EV (empty vector), and A172 WNK2 (WNK2 overexpression) for the evaluation of autophagy using an inhibitor (bafilomycin A1—baf A1) and an inducer (everolimus) of autophagic flux. Western blot and immunofluorescence approaches were used to monitor autophagic markers, LC3A/B and SQSTM1/p62. A172 WNK2 cells presented a significant decrease in LC3B and p62 protein levels, and in LC3A/B ratio when compared with control cells, after treatment with baf A1 + everolimus, suggesting that WNK2 overexpression inhibits the autophagic flux in gliomas. The mTOR pathway was also evaluated under the same conditions, and the observed results suggest that the inhibition of autophagy mediated by WNK2 occurs through a mTOR-independent pathway. In conclusion, the evaluation of the autophagic process demonstrated that WNK2 inhibits the autophagic flux in glioblastoma cell line.This project was supported by the Barretos Cancer Hospital Internal Research Funds (PAIP) to Rui Manuel Reis and by the Public Ministry of Labor Campinas (Research, Prevention, and Education of Occupational Cancer Project), Campinas, Brazil. Ana Laura Vieira Alves is the recipient of a FAPESP master fellowship (2016/18907-0)

    Classe invertida (flipped classroom). Experiència en el grau d'Infermeria.

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    Projecte finalitzat desembre 2015En l’aula invertida (flipped classroom) (FC), els estudiants treballen fora de classe, tasques prèviament preparades amb aquest fi pel professorat. L’objectiu del estudi es motivar als estudiants suplint per FC les classes teòriques magistrals. Superar favorablement FC evita l’examen final (30% de l’avaluació). Context d’aplicació: grup C, 89 estudiants (finalitzen n=81). Programa de Ciències Psicosocials Aplicades a la Salut, assignatura anual, formació bàsica, 9 ECTS, primer curs, Grau d’Infermeria, tarda, segon semestre, curs 2014-15. Metodologia: resposta escrita a preguntes amb suport bibliogràfic i avaluació amb instruments específics estandaritzats. A classe: avaluació per parells i contrastos verbals sobre continguts, tutelats per la professora, que presenta una segona avaluació setmanal (campus virtual). Resultats: Contrast estadístic de notes FC amb examen test, igual al realitzat en grup A (intraclasse). Puntuació (sobre 10) superior a FC (mitja: 7,96 + DE: 0,67) que en l’examen (mitja 5,89 + DE: 1,26), <0.001. També es contrasten resultats d’examen de FC i de grup A (mitja: 6,02 + DE 1,18) (interclasse) i no es troben diferencies estadísticament significatives 0.508 . Degut a que el grup C (FC) no s’havia preparat ni estudiat l’examen, la diferencia de dècimes mostra una adquisició de coneixements favorable per la experiència flipped classroom.2014PID-UB/5
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