722 research outputs found

    The Visual Politics of the Female Form in 1920s Canada

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    In 1920s Canada, new tropes of the female form emerged in response to evolving ideas of nation, modernity and the female body. Reccurring use of images of women formed tropes that bolstered nationalism in their use as allegories for nation and their communication of ideals of citizenship, modern motherhood and propriety. The visual feast of female imagery that emerged in these years sprung from the intersections of modernity, nationalism and the female form in new and modern ways. At times artists expressed the modern in ways that spoke directly to popular international tropes and other times sought representations that were thought to be uniquely Canadian and nationalistic. This dissertation examines these visual images, exploring how artists used of the female form in high art, magazines and feature films in 1920s Canada. It asks what political work did the female form do in an era when Canada was developing its own identity as a nation state on the world stage? Did ‘woman’ matter to constructions of nation when nation was being articulated through modernist forms or as a modern project and did it take particular national form as ‘Canadian’? This research project explores how the female form was taken up by artists to express ideas of nation and modernity in the 1920s. This project draws from hundreds of visual images of the female body produced across a number of mediums. An examination of paintings, sculptures, prints, high art photographs, advertisements and feature films created by Canadian artists form the source base for this project and provide a cross medium view of image production that illuminates the parameters and complexities of using the female form in different contexts. It argues that artists in 1920s Canada used and manipulated the female body to communicate ideas about the growing nation, modernity and to bolster the nation-building project of the interwar years

    Significant life experiences in the construction of life prospects of the 11th grade students from a rural public school in the department of Santander

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    La presente investigación aborda las experiencias vitales significativas que construyen la prospectiva de vida de adolescentes en una Institución Educativa rural en Colombia. El enfoque de la investigación es cualitativo con diseño de corte fenomenológico debido a que el propósito es centrarse en la experiencia personal. Los ejes principales del estudio son la prospectiva de vida y las experiencias vitales significativas. Los resultados obtenidos contribuyen a la reflexión del quehacer docente, a la comprensión del adolescente y los espacios que el contexto le brinda para fortalecer su construcción. Se lograron explorar los ámbitos de las experiencias vitales significativas e identificar los escenarios de la prospectiva de vida del adolescente y la elaboración de recomendaciones para el quehacer del orientador escolar.Introducción ..............................................................................................................................15 Capítulo I: Problema .................................................................................................................17 Situación Problémica ....................................................................................................17 Objetivos.......................................................................................................................22 Objetivo General ...........................................................................................................22 Objetivos Específicos. ...................................................................................................22 Supuestos cualitativos ..................................................................................................22 Justificación ..................................................................................................................24 Limitaciones y Delimitaciones .......................................................................................28 Limitaciones .............................................................................................................28 Delimitaciones..........................................................................................................29 Definición de términos...................................................................................................29 Capítulo II: Marco Referencial...................................................................................................33 Contextualización de la institución ................................................................................33 Antecedentes del problema...........................................................................................34 Referentes investigativos Internacionales ................................................................36 Eventos críticos y proyecto de vida ...............................................................................36 El proyecto como factor protector ante situaciones de riesgo ........................................38 El proyecto de vida en la escuela ..................................................................................39 La prospectiva de vida en estudiantes...........................................................................41 Referentes investigativos Nacionales.......................................................................42 Eventos críticos y proyecto de vida ...............................................................................42 El proyecto de vida como factor protector en situaciones de riesgo...............................43 El proyecto de vida en la escuela ..................................................................................45 Referentes investigativos Locales ............................................................................47 Marco Teórico...............................................................................................................50 El entorno educativo y la psicología escolar.............................................................51 La socialización un objetivo fundamental de la educación.............................................53 La perspectiva Ecológica, una mirada integradora ........................................................55 Desarrollo Humano, Adolescencia e Identidad.........................................................59 Adolescencia.................................................................................................................60 Identidad .......................................................................................................................61 Prospectiva de Vida y Proyecto de vida: pensando el futuro ....................................63 Prospectiva de vida .......................................................................................................64 Futurables y Futuribles ..................................................................................................68 Proyecto de vida............................................................................................................69 Aspectos a tener en cuenta en el análisis de la prospectiva de vida..............................71 Algunos escenarios de la Prospectiva de vida...............................................................71 El adolescente y los ámbitos del entorno.......................................................................73 Descubrimiento de habilidades y talentos......................................................................75 Aproximaciones al concepto de Experiencias vitales significativas ..........................77 Acercamiento al panorama de la escuela rural.........................................................80 La escuela y el adolescente del sector rural. .................................................................80 Algunas cifras y datos para tener en cuenta..................................................................83 Marco Legal..................................................................................................................86 Capítulo III: Metodología...........................................................................................................89 Enfoque de la investigación ..........................................................................................89 Tipo de Investigación ....................................................................................................90 Población y Muestra .....................................................................................................92 Instrumentos de recolección de datos...........................................................................93 Diario de Campo ......................................................................................................93 Entrevista a profundidad semiestructurada ..............................................................94 Proceso de Investigación ..............................................................................................99 Fase de Preparación................................................................................................99 Preguntas abiertas a través de un video........................................................................99 Cine Foro a partir de fragmentos de la película: The Kid .............................................101 Fase de Aplicación de Instrumentos.......................................................................102 Fase de análisis e interpretación de los datos........................................................102 Procedimiento en la aplicación de instrumentos y análisis de datos.......................103 Categorías de Análisis ................................................................................................ 104 Aspectos éticos........................................................................................................... 106 Capítulo IV: Análisis y discusión de resultados .......................................................................109 Primer objetivo específico: explorando los ámbitos de las Experiencias vitales significativas ................................................................................................................................... 114 Ámbito Escolar.......................................................................................................115 Ámbito Familiar ......................................................................................................118 Ámbito Contexto Local/ Vereda..............................................................................121 Ámbito relación con pares......................................................................................123 Ámbito de las habilidades personales y talentos ....................................................124 Ámbito laboral informal...........................................................................................127 Segundo objetivo específico: identificando los escenarios de la prospectiva de vida .. 130 La influencia familiar un eje que articula la Prospectiva de Vida.............................132 Escenario académico.............................................................................................133 Escenario afectivo..................................................................................................139 Escenario laboral ...................................................................................................142 Escenario alternativo..............................................................................................142 Escenario desesperanza o ausencia de prospectiva..............................................145 Las experiencias vitales significativas y la prospectiva de vida: relaciones dinámicas que construyen futuro ........................................................................................................ 147 Los obstáculos .......................................................................................................147 ¿Qué sensación experimentas al pensar en el futuro?...........................................148 La coherencia entre el escenario laboral futuro y la prospectiva de vida..................... 149 La fuerza de las palabras: familia, mamá, estudiar. .................................................... 150 Tercer objetivo específico: encuentros reflexivos en torno a la prospectiva, temáticas y estrategias de trabajo.................................................................................................. 152 Encuentros Reflexivos en torno a la prospectiva de vida........................................153 Propósitos de las jornadas de reflexión .......................................................................153 Temáticas del espacio reflexivo...................................................................................154 Capítulo V: Conclusiones y Recomendaciones.......................................................................157 Conclusiones primer objetivo específico ..................................................................... 157 Conclusiones segundo objetivo específico.................................................................. 159 Conclusiones tercer objetivo específico ...................................................................... 160 Recomendaciones ...................................................................................................... 162 Posibles líneas de investigación a partir del presente estudio..................................... 164 Apéndices ...............................................................................................................................179MaestríaThis research addresses the significant life experiences that build the prospect of life of adolescents in a rural Educational Institution in Colombia. The research approach is qualitative with a phenomenological design because the purpose is to focus on personal experience. The main axes of the study are life prospects and significant life experiences. The results obtained contribute to reflection from the teaching task, to the understanding of the adolescent and the spaces that the context provides to strengthen their construction. It was possible to explore the areas of significant life experiences and identify the scenarios of the prospective life of the adolescent and the elaboration of recommendations for the work of the school counselor.Modalidad Presencia

    Contextual Coding in Qualitative Research Involving Participants with Diverse Sociocultural Backgrounds

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    Understanding participants’ perspectives in qualitative research is contingent on unravelling the essential meaning of their speech. When data are collected in native language and translated into English language, the underlying sociocultural meaning of participants’ speech can be missed. This paper discusses a new contextual coding approach and illustrates its application in research. The technique was used in a phenomenological study in Pakistan and a mixed methods study in Europe. Contextual coding entails a preliminary coding stage involving data reading in native language, choosing socially and culturally relevant words and phrases, and developing preliminary codes. The concluding coding stage focuses on creating a sociocultural query list, seeking answers through discussions among multilingual individuals, and finding a common language for code description. Contextual coding can enable researchers to understand sociocultural meaning of their data at an early stage, rather than waiting at the later stage of theme development to contextualize the findings

    Análisis de las tendencias del cambio de uso de suelo en el Municipio de Marqués de Comillas, Chiapas

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    La Selva Lacandona es considerada el área de mayor diversidad biológica de Norteamérica y parte de su extensión es protegida por la Reserva de la Biosfera Montes Azules. Dentro de la Selva Lacandona se encuentra el municipio Marqués de Comillas en Chiapas, que colinda con la Reserva de la Biosfera Montes Azules, por lo que es considerado una zona de amortiguamiento y forma parte del Corredor Biológico Mesoaméricano que promueve la conservación de hábitats para u n gran número de especies de flora y fauna de Mesoamérica. Desafortunadamente, el municipio de Marqués de Comillas ha sufrido una intensa deforestación y degradación de la vegetación natural debido a las actividades antropogénicas. En este trabajo se realizó un modelo de detección de cambios en el municipio Marqués de Comillas en Chiapas, con el cual se pudo conocer la dinámica de los cambios de uso del suelo que tuvo la Selva Alta Perennifolia de 1986 al 2007. A partir de este análisis en un periodo de 21 años, se generaron escenarios a futuro que consideraron algunas variantes antropogénicas. Estos escenarios prospectivos muestran las posibles tendencias de cambio de uso del suelo, que podrían resultar de gran ayuda en la toma de decisiones para la conservación y restauración de la selva. En la primer fecha de análisis la selva ocupaba 80,469.7 ha que corresponden al 87% del territorio municipal, en 1997 su extensión ocupó 6 6 ,064. 9 ha (71%) y para el 2007 disminuyó hasta 48,246.9 ha (52%), además, en ese mismo año, la vegetación recuperó 3,285.9 ha; dicho escenario coincidió con varios programas gubernamentales de apoyo al campo. A partir de los datos anteriores se predice que la selva disminuirá, para el año 2022, constantemente hasta llegar al 43% del territorio municipal y esta pérdida se ubicará principalmente a los costados de las carreteras y los poblados. Dado que en el área de estudio se están llev ando a cabo procesos de recuperación de la vegetación sería conveniente realizar estudios de monitore o a mediano y largo plazo en las áreas recuperadas para conocer qué dirección toman y qué características van adquiriendo con el tiempo. Por último, gracias a las características que presenta la zona de estudio y de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos e n este análisis, no sería aventurado decir que el municipio Marqués de Comillas es un escenario ideal para implementar una estrategia en el uso del suelo, que establezca las posibles actividades antropogénicas que se adapten mejor a las necesidades de los pobladores y que cubran los requerimientos de una zona de amortiguamiento.The Selva Lacandona is considered the most biologically diverse area in North America and part of its extension is protected by the Biosphere Reserve Montes Azules. With in the Lacandon Jungle is the municipality Marqués de Comillas in Chiapas, adjoins the Biosphere Reserve Montes Azules so is considered a buffer zone and is part of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor that promotes conservation of habitat for a large numb er of flora and fauna of Mesoamerica. Unfortunately the municipality of Marques de Comillas has suffered intense deforestation and degradation of natural vegetation due to anthropogenic activities. This paper presents a model change detection in the munic ipality Marqués de Comillas in Chiapas, with which it was known the dynamics of changes in land use that had the Selva Alta Perennifolia 1986 to 2007. From held this analysis in the period of 21 years, future scenarios that anthropogenic considered some va riants were generated. These prospective scenarios show possible trends of land use change, which could be helpful in making decisions for the conservation and restoration of the forest. In the first analysis date the jungle occupied 80469.7 has correspon ding to 87% of the municipal territory, in 1997 its extension took 66,064.9 ha (71%) and for 2007 decreased to 48,246.9 ha (52%) also in the same year, vegetation has recovered 3285.9; this scenario coincided with various government support programs field. From the above data it is predicted that the forest decline, 2022, constantly to 43% of the municipal territory and this loss is mainly located on the sides of the roads and towns. Since in the study area are ongoing recovery processes would be desirable vegetation monitoring studies medium and long term in the areas recovered to know which direction to take and what characteristics they acquire over time. Finally, thanks to the features found in the study area and according to the results of this analys is, it would be safe to say that the municipality Marqués de Comillas is an ideal place to implement a strategy on land use scenario established possible anthropogenic activities to the needs of the people adapt and cover the requirements of a buffer zone

    Needs and problems related to sociodemographic factors of informal caregiving of people with heart failure: A mixed methods study in three European countries

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    Aims To explore caregivers' needs and problems in three European countries and associate the clusters of caregivers' needs with their sociodemographic characteristics. Design A qualitative focused mixed methods design was used. Methods In total, 52 caregivers of heart failure (HF) people were interviewed in three European countries between March 2017 and December 2018. Transcripts were analysed using the seven-phase method of the exploratory multidimensional analysis according to Fraire with Reinert lexical classes findings were organized in dendrograms. Mayring's content analysis was also performed. Results Three clusters of caregivers were identified: spouses, adult children and non-family members. Caregivers not only provide HF patients with vital unpaid support for their physical and emotional needs, but they are continually trying to cope with their social isolation and deteriorating health. Conclusions Informal caregiving emerged as a complex process influenced by various sociodemographic factors. Gender, relationship type and economic status are the important factors to be considered planning to develop approaches to address the needs of caregivers serving people with heart failure. Impact A comprehensive understanding of the nature of informal caregiving of individuals with heart failure, the complexity of the real-world sociodemographic and cultural factors is warranted. The use of the EMDA method gave us the possibility of processing large masses of qualitative data through rapid, complex calculations. In detail, AATD allowed us to study in deep the significant fuzziness of what caregivers expressed and to analyse the content of the entire interviews and to produce global knowledge by using multi-dimensional statistical methods to grasp the fundamental sense of the interviews, beyond the simple words. Three clusters were identified in the samples, including spouses, adult children and non-family members. This study demonstrated that some sociodemographic characteristics could lead to everyday needs. Therefore, these demographic characteristics should be considered in developing targeted interventions. The research was conducted in Europe, but the technique shown can be replicated everywhere. The findings not only impact nursing but can be extended to all those stakeholders who concur with a public health educational mission. Patient or Public Contribution Carers were involved in this study after the discharge of their loved ones or at the time of the outpatient visit. They were involved after they had been observed in their dynamics of involvement in caring of the familiars or friends with heart failure

    Burden among informal caregivers of individuals with heart failure: A mixed methods study

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    AIMS: To develop a comprehensive understanding of caregiver burden and its predictors from a dyadic perspective. METHOD: A convergent mixed methods design was used. This study was conducted in three European countries, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands. A sample of 229 HF patients and caregivers was enrolled between February 2017 and December 2018 from the internal medicine ward, outpatient clinic, and private cardiologist medical office. In total, 184 dyads completed validated scales to measure burden, and 50 caregivers participated in semi-structured interviews to better understand the caregiver experience. The Care Dependency Scale, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and SF-8 Health Survey were used for data collection. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to identify the predictors and qualitative content analysis was performed on qualitative data. The results were merged using joint displays. RESULTS: Caregiver burden was predicted by the patient's worse cognitive impairment, lower physical quality of life, and a higher care dependency perceived by the caregivers. The qualitative and mixed analysis demonstrated that caregiver burden has a physical, emotional, and social nature. CONCLUSIONS: Caregiver burden can affect the capability of informal caregivers to support and care for their relatives with heart failure. Developing and evaluating individual and community-based strategies to address caregiver burden and enhance their quality of life are warranted

    New frontiers for qualitative textual data analysis: a multimethod statistical approach

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    In recent years, the increase in textual data production has meant that researchers require faster text analysis techniques and software to reliably produce knowledge for the scientific-nursing community. Automatic text data analysis opens the frontiers to a new research area combining the depth of analysis typical of qualitative research and the stability of measurements required for quantitative studies. Thanks to the statistical-computational approach, it proposes to study more or less extensive written texts produced in natural language to reveal lexical and linguistic worlds and extract useful and meaningful information for researchers. This article aims to provide an overview of this methodology, which has been rarely used in the nursing community to date

    Diversidade e índices arbóreos em ambientes escolares

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    Studies have shown the importance of tree diversity in terms of environmental education and for ethical behavior of the students in environmental school. However, there are few studies with a standard proposed method for determining the arboreal vegetation existing inside the schools environmental. There is also a lack of index trees that can be used to design areas for vegetation inside these environments. This study aimed to conduct an environmental assessment in three schools located the Cuiabá city. It was carried out an arboreal inventory and vegetation indexes, in order to evaluate indexes that can be used as references for designing landscape projects for educational environments, as well as to be used in planning, conservation and maintenance of arboreal vegetation existing in these spaces. It was noted in school environment investigated that there was equilibrium between the native and exotic species and it was observed high relative frequency of two species. The largest values of leaf area index was determined in exotic trees such as Manguifera Indica L. and Ficus benjamina, as well as in the native one, like Licania tomentosa (Oiti). The results suggest shading arborization index equal or greater than 40% and school arboreal vegetation index at least equal to 12m2 per student for educational environments.Estudos têm demonstrado a importância da diversidade arbórea nos ambientes escolares, tanto em termos de aspecto ambiental, quanto em temos educacionais. No entanto, verifica-se que são escassos os estudos com propostas de um método padrão para avaliar as condições ambientais da arborização existente nas escolas. Constata-se, também, a inexistência de índices arbóreos que possam ser utilizados na definição das áreas a serem destinadas à vegetação nesses ambientes. Assim, neste trabalho objetivou-se realizar um diagnóstico ambiental em três escolas da cidade de Cuiabá-MTatravés de inventário da vegetação arbórea e estimativa de índices arbóreos,com vistas à definição de índices que possam ser utilizados como referência para a elaboração de projetos paisagísticos em ambientes escolares, bem como no planejamento, conservação e manutenção da vegetação existente nestes espaços. Nos ambientes educacionais pesquisados, notou-se que há equilíbrio entre asespécies nativas e exóticas e frequência relativa elevada de duas ou uma espécie. Os maiores índice de área foliar (IAF) foram determinados em espécies exóticas, como Manguifera Indica L. e Ficus benjamina, bem como em nativas, como a Licania tomentosa (Oiti). Os resultados encontrados sugerem índice desombreamento arbóreo (ISA) igual ou superior a 40% e índice de área verdeescolar (IAVE) de pelo menos a 12m2/aluno nos ambientes escolares