711 research outputs found

    Deep Reinforcement Learning based Continuous Control for Multicopter Systems

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    In this paper we apply deep reinforcement learning techniques on a multicopter for learning a stable hovering task in a continuous action state environment. We present a framework based on OpenAI GYM, Gazebo and RotorS MAV simulator, utilized for successfully training different agents to perform various tasks. The deep reinforcement learning method used for the training is model-free, on-policy, actor-critic based algorithm called Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO). Two neural networks have been used as a nonlinear function approximators. Our experiments showed that such learning approach achieves successful results, and facilitates the process of controller design

    The importance of using models in the teaching and learning process of the nature of light

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    Analysis of registered experiences on orienting a course –“the problem of light”- is presented with the aim at contributing to overcome failures related with wrong ideas both for teachers and students. Both the students and teachers are orientated in the study of the nature of light throughout the knowledge of the different models or theories explaining the light phenomena in order to have a significant learning and make a change both conceptual and methodological so it can be applied in their basic, medium or superior education work

    Model predictive cooperative localization control of multiple UAVs using potential function sensor constraints: a workflow to create sensor constraint based potential functions for the control of cooperative localization scenarios with mobile robots.

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    The global localization of multiple mobile robots can be achieved cost efficiently by localizing one robot globally and the others in relation to it using local sensor data. However, the drawback of this cooperative localization is the requirement of continuous sensor information. Due to a limited sensor perception space, the tracking task to continuously maintain this sensor information is challenging. To address this problem, this contribution is presenting a model predictive control (MPC) approach for such cooperative localization scenarios. In particular, the present work shows a novel workflow to describe sensor limitations with the help of potential functions. In addition, a compact motion model for multi-rotor drones is introduced to achieve MPC real-time capability. The effectiveness of the presented approach is demonstrated in a numerical simulation, an experimental indoor scenario with two quadrotors as well as multiple indoor scenarios of a quadrotor obstacle evasion maneuver

    Real-time graph-based SLAM in unknown environments using a small UAV

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    Autonomous navigation of small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in cluttered environments is still a challenging problem. In this work, we present an approach based on graph slam and loop closure detection for online mapping of unknown outdoor environments using a small UAV. Here, we used an onboard front facing stereo camera as the primary sensor. The data extracted by the cameras are used by the graph-based slam algorithm to estimate the position and create the graph-nodes and construct the map. To avoid multiple detections of one object as different objects and to identify re-visited locations, a loop closure detection is applied with optimization algorithm using the g2o toolbox to minimize the error. Furthermore, 3D occupancy map is used to represent the environment. This technique is used to save memory and computational time for the online processing. Real experiments are conducted in outdoor cluttered and open field environments.The experiment results show that our presented approach works under real time constraints, with an average time to process the nodes of the 3D map is 17.79ms

    Modeling and Control of Aerial Manipulation Vehicle with Visual sensor

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    Modeling and control of a Quadrotor with robotic arm which uses vision sensor is discussed. A quadrotor model coupled with a two link manipulator is first developed and then the integrated control mechanism is investigated. An Image Based Visual Servo system is introduced and then used with the aerial manipulator to successfully perform specific tasks of positioning and stabilization during manipulation

    Evasive Maneuvering for UAVs: An MPC Approach

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    Flying autonomously in a workspace populated by obstacles is one of the main goals when working with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). To address this challenge, this paper presents a model predictive flight controller that drives the UAV through collision-free trajectories to reach a given pose or follow a way-point path. The major advantage of this approach lies on the inclusion of three-dimensional obstacle avoidance in the control layer by adding ellipsoidal constraints to the optimal control problem. The obstacles can be added, moved and resized online, providing a way to perform waypoint navigation without the need of motion planning. In addition, the delays of the system are considered in the prediction by an experimental first order with delay model of the system. Successful experiments in 3D path tracking and obstacle avoidance validates its effectiveness for sense-and-avoid and surveillance applications presenting the proper structure to extent its autonomy and applications


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    Robotics navigation on the lunar surface is crucial for future lunar prospection missions. Visual Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping (vSLAM) bears several advantages over traditional Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping (SLAM) methods, such as mitigating wheel slip and using sensors with space heritage. Still, extreme environments create challenges for optical sensors. This work proposes a qualitative analysis of which elements influence the performance of vSLAM for lunar environments through an experimental approach in an analogue lunar facility

    Real time degradation identification of UAV using machine learning techniques

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    The usages and functionalities of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have grown rapidly during the last years. They are being engaged in many types of missions, ranging from military to agriculture passing by entertainment and rescue or even delivery. Nonetheless, for being able to perform such tasks, UAVs have to navigate safely in an often dynamic and partly unknown environment. This brings many challenges to overcome, some of which can lead to damages or degradations of different body parts. Thus, new tools and methods are required to allow the successful analysis and identification of the different threats that UAVs have to manage during their missions or flights. Various approaches, addressing this domain, have been proposed. However, most of them typically identify the changes in the UAVs behavior rather than the issue. This work presents an approach, which focuses not only on identifying degradations of UAVs during flights, but estimate the source of the failure as well

    A real-time model predictive position control with collision avoidance for commercial low-cost quadrotors

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are the future technology for autonomous fast transportation of individual goods. They have the advantage of being small, fast and not to be limited to the local infrastructure. This is not only interesting for delivery of private consumption goods up to the doorstep, but also particularly for smart factories. One drawback of autonomous drone technology is the high development costs, that limit research and development to a small audience. This work is introducing a position control with collision avoidance as a first step to make low-cost drones more accessible to the execution of autonomous tasks. The paper introduces a semilinear state-space model for a commercial quadrotor and its adaptation to the commercially available AR.Drone 2 system. The position control introduced in this paper is a model predictive control (MPC) based on a condensed multiple-shooting continuation generalized minimal residual method (CMSCGMRES). The collision avoidance is implemented in the MPC based on a sigmoid function. The real-time applicability of the proposed methods is demonstrated in two experiments with a real AR.Drone quadrotor, adressing position tracking and collision avoidance. The experiments show the computational efficiency of the proposed control design with a measured maximum computation time of less than 2ms
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