344 research outputs found


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    The study aimed to determine the knowledge, skills and attitudes of teachers on inclusive education and academic performance of children with special needs in public elementary schools in the District of Bay. It utilized the descriptive-correlational and descriptive survey method to test significant relationship among teachers’ knowledge, attitude, and skills in inclusive education and pupils formative and periodical test performance. The respondents of the study are the selected inclusive education teachers or the SPED teachers of the Bay District and Division of Laguna. The statistical treatment applied are r- value, p-value, mean percentage and frequency.  It sought to identify and answer the mean level of the demographic profile of the respondents and knowledge, skills and attitude on inclusive education and academic performance of pupils with special needs in terms of formative and periodical test.The study has proven that there is significant relationship between and among the knowledge and attitude of the respondents and inclusive education. Therefore, the hypothesis is rejected. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study it is highly recommended that: The schools practicing inclusive education must prioritize teacher applicants with experience in dealing with students with special needs. The school administration must provide more trainings in inclusive education to general educators who are teaching students with special needs. There must be more evident collaboration among the local community education committee, parents, teachers and the school in addressing the concerns of inclusive education in the school level

    The Impact of Rural Pensions in China on Labor Migration

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    We study the impact of China’s new rural pension program on promoting migration of labor by applying a regression discontinuity analysis to this new pension program. The results reveal a perceptible difference in labor migration among adult children whose parents are just above and below the age of pension eligibility: The adult children with a parent just attaining the pension-eligible age are more likely to be labor migrants compared with those with a parent just below the pension-eligible age. We also find that with a pension-eligible parent, the adult children are more likely to have off-farm jobs. These abrupt changes in household behavior at the cutoff suggest that these households are credit constrained. In addition, we find that the pension’s effect on migration is greater among adult children with a parent in poor health; pension-eligible elderly report that they are more likely to use inpatient services when needed and less likely to rely on adult children for care when they are ill. These results suggest that (expectations regarding) providing care for elderly parents has constrained labor migration from China\u27s rural areas to some extent, and that the new rural pension program has helped to relax this constraint


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    This study is descriptive-correlational research aimed to determine the significant relationship between Emotional Quotient, Adversity Quotient®, and the Academic Performance of Student-Parents. Chi-Square Test was utilized to test the significant relationship among variables. Purposive sampling was employed since there are only thirty (30) identified student-parents enrolled in the university. The General Weighted Average (GWA) during the second semester of AY 2016-2017 of the respondents was used to determine their academic performance. Based on the findings of the study, the majority of the student-parents are in their late 20’s and early 30’s, female, Education students, in their lower year, and have 1 – 2 children. These results suggest that the student-parents are in their matured ages since almost all of them are returnees. The respondents reported that they have a high level of emotional quotient. Therefore, the study revealed that there is no significant relationship among student-parents’ emotional quotient, adversity quotient, and academic performance. Hence, researchers fail to reject the null hypothesis. The researchers strongly recommended that the university should devise a program for student-parents dealing with life adversities. Similar studies may be conducted to explore more studies concerning adversity quotient® using other variables not included in this study

    Reclaiming the truth

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    Readiness for interprofessional learning : a cross-faculty comparison between architecture and occupational therapy students

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    Health and wellbeing includes a need for built environments to accommodate and be inclusive of the broadest range of people and a corresponding need to ensure graduates are ready to engage in this field of interprofessional and inter-industry practise. All too often, interprofessional education in higher education is neglected with a tendency towards educational silos, particularly at a cross-faculty level. This paper reports on an initiative that embedded universal design practice education into the curricula of first year architecture and third year occupational therapy students and evaluated the impact on students’ readiness for interprofessional learning. The Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) was given to students at the beginning and end of the semester during which students participated in a variety of online and face-to-face curriculum initiatives. Results showed that at the beginning of semester, occupational therapy students were significantly more positive about interprofessional learning than their architecture counterparts. Post-results showed that this trend continued but that occupational therapy students became less positive on some items after the interprofessional learning experience. This study provides insights into the interprofessional learning experiences of a group of students who have not previously been studied within the available literature

    Investigation Of Process Time-Delay On Polyimide With Different Thicknesses For Photolithography Process

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    Polyimides (PI), particularly photosensitive polyimide (PSPI) has wide applications in semiconductor industries due to their good thermal, mechanical and chemical properties. During photolithography process, there might be time delays from coat to expose and from expose to develop. The time delay could change the profile of the structures and residues of precursor might leave on the film. In Infineon technologies, those wafers are scrapped if time delay exceeded 5 hours and every scrapped cost RM37500. As such, a study is carried out to investigate the effect of time delay in photolithography process to the cured polyimide film

    Futuro e doc?ncia: representa??es de professores em forma??o em um contexto de presentismo

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    This paper is based on research and studies developed by the International Center for Studies in Social Representations and Subjectivity ? Education (CIERS-ed), part both of UNESCO Chair on the Professional Development of Teachers and of the French-Brazilian Serge Moscovici Chair. This study deals with the representations by teachers in training about the teaching practice and the future perspectives of the teaching profession, amidst a landscape where the past is perceived as abandoned and the future, uncertain. Hartog (2015) named this way of viewing the world, with too much focus on the present, as presentism, a worldview that can impact the representations about the teaching profession and, consequently, the future activity of young teachers in training. If a future-related crisis is a reality, and if the teaching profession is targeted at the future, then the following issue presents itself in this research: ?How do young teachers in training who chose a profession whose goal is to educate the future generation represent the possibilities envisaged for the future?? The goal of the survey was to identify the social representations that support the possible future projects ? or the lack thereof ? by young teachers currently in training, with the aid of the theoretical tools of SRT (Social Representation Theory, as proposed by some of the most eminent scholars, such as Moscovici, Jodelet, S? and Abric). Concerning the theoretical support for elucidating the conception of presentist time, the study drew on research on the conception and representation of time in modern times (HARTOG 2015, KOSELLECK 2006), and went on to describe how they stand from a more psychosocial standpoint. SRT provides the theoretical support for this research and helps conduct the methodological process, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, inherent to STR-based studies. This research targeted a specific area in Brazil, namely the Santa Catarina state. The participants are students graduating in Math and Physics from the IFC, the Santa Catarina Federal Institute. This study is based on the hypothesis that both the insecurity observed in the labor market and the declared reality of presentism as a trait of modern times had an impact on the representations by young teachers in training, thwarting long-term projections, both in relation to the teaching career and to future education projects. However, this research found that a significant share of the subjects project themselves in their future teaching activities. By applying Free Word Association Technique, we found projections of a stable future, materialized in the family, with the profession acting as a bridge to that stability. Among other findings, the value given to the furthering of education shows to be a gateway to the profession and to stability for the family. Also featuring prominently is the image of the teacher as dedicated individuals imbued with a sense of responsibility ? although the image of the other-student features less prominently in the representation of the profession. What?s more, it was found that although the subjects are aware of the difficulties involved in the profession, they still perceive it as a project for their future.A pesquisa proposta encontra-se alicer?ada em estudos e pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo Centro Internacional de Estudos em Representa??es Sociais e Subjetividade ? Educa??o (CIERS-ed), que integra a C?tedra UNESCO em Profissionaliza??o Docente, e a C?tedra Franco Brasileira Serge Moscovici. O presente estudo tem como tema as representa??es de professores em forma??o sobre a doc?ncia e sobre as perspectivas de futuro na doc?ncia, diante de um contexto tido como de abandono do passado e de futuro incerto. A esta forma de conceber o mundo, com foco excessivo no presente, Hartog (2015) deu o nome de presentismo, uma vis?o de mundo que pode afetar as representa??es sobre a profiss?o docente e, consequentemente, a futura atua??o dos jovens professores em forma??o. Se h? uma crise em rela??o ao futuro, e sendo a doc?ncia uma profiss?o voltada para o futuro, apresentou-se para a pesquisa o seguinte problema: ?Como jovens professores em forma??o que escolheram uma profiss?o que tem por objetivo formar a gera??o futura, representam eles mesmos possibilidades projetadas no futuro?? Assim, a pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer as representa??es sociais que sustentam os poss?veis projetos de futuro ? ou a aus?ncia destes ? de jovens professores em forma??o, no momento contempor?neo, contando com o instrumental te?rico da TRS ? Teoria das Representa??es Sociais, baseada em alguns dos seus principais autores, como Moscovici, Jodelet, S?, Abric. Quanto ao suporte te?rico para o esclarecimento da concep??o do tempo presentista, a pesquisa recorreu a estudos sobre concep??es e representa??es do tempo na contemporaneidade (HARTOG 2015, KOSELLECK 2006), bem como fez rela??o destes com uma abordagem psicossocial (SOUSA E VILLAS B?AS, 2011). A Teoria das Representa??es Sociais sustenta teoricamente a pesquisa, al?m de orientar a condu??o metodol?gica, a partir de abordagem quanti-qualitativa, inerente aos estudos que a utilizam como aporte te?rico. O presente trabalho buscava uma abordagem regional, no Estado de Santa Catarina. Participaram formandos dos cursos de licenciaturas em Matem?tica e em F?sica do Instituto Federal Catarinense ? IFC. Este estudo teve como hip?tese que a inseguran?a observada no mundo do trabalho e o anunciado contexto de presentismo como caracter?stica da contemporaneidade teriam impactos nas representa??es dos jovens professores em forma??o, dificultando proje??es a longo prazo tanto em rela??o ? carreira docente como aos projetos de futuro na educa??o. A pesquisa descobriu, entretanto, que grande parte dos sujeitos projeta a si mesmo na doc?ncia no futuro. Por meio da TALP, revelaram-se proje??es de um futuro assentado, materializado na fam?lia, com a profiss?o como ponte para alcan?ar essa estabilidade. Entre outros achados, a valoriza??o da sequ?ncia nos estudos mostrou-se como porta para a profiss?o e para a estabilidade familiar. Tamb?m se evidenciou uma imagem de professor como sujeito dedicado e imbu?do de grande responsabilidade, embora n?o seja muito presente a imagem do outro-aluno na representa??o da profiss?o. Al?m disso, foi revelado que, embora os sujeitos tenham ci?ncia das dificuldades da profiss?o, ainda assim a veem como um projeto de futuro


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    The definition of gait events and phases have been well established in the literature through the use of qualitative movement descriptors. The repeatable, objective definitions of gait events and phases is the cornersone of sucess when performin a multi-center trial. A correlation-based multi-feature automated segmentation algorithm was developed and applied to treadmill running data. The features used were soley from 3D kinematic marker trajectory data, including generated features such as vectors between kinematic markers. The algorithm was compared against a trained tester who used visual inspection and threshold limits of the vGRF to segment stance. The automated segmentation approach was shown to consistently identify the same gait events as the trained tester, representing a significant time savings for the signal processing of large volume treadmill running data