558 research outputs found

    A Critical Examination to the Unitarized ππ\pi\pi Scattering Chiral Amplitudes

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    We discuss the Pad\'e approximation to the ππ\pi\pi scattering amplitudes in 1--loop chiral perturbation theory. The approximation restores unitarity and can reproduce the correct resonance poles, but the approximation violates crossing symmetry and produce spurious poles on the complex ss plane and therefore plagues its predictions on physical quantities at quantitative level. However we find that one virtual state in the IJ=20 channel may have physical relevance.Comment: 13 pages + 4 eps figures submit to Commun. Theor. Phy

    Effect of lighting schedule, intensity, and colour on reproductive performance of rabbit does

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    [EN] In order to establish a lighting regime suitable for rabbit farms in East China, the effects of lighting schedule, intensity and colour on the reproductive performance of rabbit does were evaluated by three experiments, respectively. In experiment 1, does were exposed to different lighting schedules: 16L:8D-continuous, 16L:8D-18d (6 d before artificial insemination (AI) to 12 d post-AI), 16L:8D-6d (6 d before AI to the day of AI) and 12L:12D-continuous. In experiment 2, does were exposed to different light intensities: 40 lx, 60 lx, 80 lx and 120 lx. In experiment 3, does were exposed to different light colours: white, yellow, blue and red. For all experiments, conception rate, kindling rate and pre-weaning mortality were calculated; litter size at birth, litter weight at birth, litter size at weaning, litter weight at weaning and individual kit weight at weaning were recorded. Results showed that none of the reproductive parameters of does were affected by the application of 16L:8D-18d lighting schedule compared with the continuous 16L:8D group(P>0.05). Moreover, rabbits does exposed to 80 lx light performed as well as those under 120 lx light in conception rate, kindling rate, litter size (total and alive) at birth and litter weight at birth (P>0.05). Furthermore, the exposures of 60 lx and 80 lx light were beneficial for litter weight at weaning. In addition, red light had a positive effect, as it led to a larger litter size and litter weight at weaning and lower pre-weaning mortality than white light (P<0.05). In summary, a 16L:8D photoperiod with 80 lx red light from 6 d before AI to 12 d post-AI is recommended for use in breeding of rabbit does according to our results.We would like to thank the support of Earmarked Fund for Modern Agro-Industry Technology Research System (CARS-44).Wu, Y.; Zhao, A.; Qin, Y. (2021). Effect of lighting schedule, intensity, and colour on reproductive performance of rabbit does. World Rabbit Science. 29(1):59-64. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2021.14623OJS5964291Abdo M., Haddad S., Emam M. 2017. Development of the New Zealand White Rabbit eye: I. pre- and postnatal development of eye tunics. Anat Histol Embryol., 46: 423-430. https://doi.org/10.1111/ahe.12284Gerencsér Zs., Matics Zs., Nagy I., Szendrő Zs. 2011. Effect of light color and reproductive rhythm on rabbit doe performance. World Rabbit Sci., 19: 161-170. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2011.827Gidenne T., Fortun-Lamothe L. 2002. Feeding strategy for young rabbits around weaning: a review of digestive capacity and nutritional needs. Anim. Sci., 75: 169-184. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1357729800052942Hoy St. 2012. German regulations and guidelines on rabbit housing. In Proc.: 10th World Rabbit Congress, 3-6 September, 2012. Sharm-El Sheikh, Egypt. 1: 999-1003.Li Y., Zhang J., Xu Y., Han Y., Jiang B., Huang L., Zhu H., Xu Y., Yang W., Qin C. 2016. The histopathological investigation of red and blue light emitting diode on treating skin wounds in Japanese big-ear white rabbit. PLoS One, 11: e0157898. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0157898.Maertens L., Luzi F. 1995. Effect of diluents and storage time of rabbit semen on the fertility of does reared under two different lighting schedules. World Rabbit Sci., 3: 57-61. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.1995.237Matics Zs., Gerencsér Zs., Radnai I., Kasza R., Szendrő Zs. 2016. Effect of light intensities on reproductive performance, nursing behaviour and preference of rabbit does. World Rabbit Sci., 24: 139-144. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2016.4112Mattaraia V.G.M., Bianospino E., Fernandes S., Vasconcelos J.L.M., Moura A.S.A.M.T. 2005. Reproductive responses of rabbit does to a supplemental lighting program. Livest. Prod. Sci., 94: 179-184. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livprodsci.2004.10.012Mousa-Balabel T.M., Mohamed R.A. 2011. Effect of different photoperiods and melatonin treatment on rabbit reproductive performance. Vet Q., 31: 165-171. https://doi.org/10.1080/01652176.2011.642533Nuboer J. F.W. 1985. A comparative view on color vision. Neth. J. Zool., 36: 344-380. https://doi.org/10.1163/002829686X00126Reyne Y., Prud'hon M., Angerian J. 1978. Influence d'une réduction de la durée d'éclairement du lapin en engraissement. In Proc.: 2émes Journ. Rech. Cunicole, Comm. No 7.Salehpour F., Mahmoudi J., Kamari F., Sadigh-Eteghad S., Rasta S.H., Hamblin M.R. 2018. Brain photobiomodulation therapy: a narrative review. Mol. Neurobiol., 55: 6601-6636. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12035-017-0852-4Shi H.J., Song H.B., Zhao Q.Y., Tao C.X., Liu M., Zhu Q.Q. 2018. Efficacy and safety of combined high-dose interferon and red light therapy for the treatment of human papillomavirus and associated vaginitis and cervicitis: A prospective and randomized clinical study. Medicine (Baltimore), 97: e12398. https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000012398Szendrő Zs., Gerencsér Zs., McNitt J.I., Matics Zs. 2016. Effect of lighting on rabbits and its role in rabbit production: A review. Livest. Sci., 183: 12-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2015.11.012Theau-Clement M., Malpaux B., Lamothe E., Milcent N., Juin H., Bodin L. 2008. Influence of photoperiod on the sexual behaviour of non-lactating rabbit does: preliminary results. In Proc.: 9th World Rabbit Congress, 10-13 June, 2008. Verona, Italy. 1: 465-469.Uzcategui M.E., Johnston N.P. 1992. The effect of 10, 12 and 14 hour continuous and intermittent photoperiods on the reproductive performance of female rabbits. In Proc.: 5th World Rabbit Congress, 25-30 July, 1992. Corvallis, USA. 1: 553-559

    Curb-intersection feature based Monte Carlo Localization on urban roads

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    One of the most prominent features on an urban road is the curb, which defines the boundary of a road surface. An intersection is a junction of two or more roads, appearing where no curb exists. The combination of curb and intersection features and their idiosyncrasies carry significant information about the urban road network that can be exploited to improve a vehicle's localization. This paper introduces a Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) method using the curb-intersection features on urban roads. We propose a novel idea of “Virtual LIDAR” to get the measurement models for these features. Under the MCL framework, above road observation is fused with odometry information, which is able to yield precise localization. We implement the system using a single tilted 2D LIDAR on our autonomous test bed and show robust performance in the presence of occlusion from other vehicles and pedestrians

    Curb-intersection feature based Monte Carlo Localization on urban roads

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    One of the most prominent features on an urban road is the curb, which defines the boundary of a road surface. An intersection is a junction of two or more roads, appearing where no curb exists. The combination of curb and intersection features and their idiosyncrasies carry significant information about the urban road network that can be exploited to improve a vehicle's localization. This paper introduces a Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) method using the curb-intersection features on urban roads. We propose a novel idea of “Virtual LIDAR” to get the measurement models for these features. Under the MCL framework, above road observation is fused with odometry information, which is able to yield precise localization. We implement the system using a single tilted 2D LIDAR on our autonomous test bed and show robust performance in the presence of occlusion from other vehicles and pedestrians

    Utilizing the infrastructure to assist autonomous vehicles in a mobility on demand context

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    In this paper we describe an autonomous vehicle that aims at providing shared transportation services in a mobility on demand context. As the service is limited to a known urban environment, prior knowledge of the environment can be exploited, as well as existing infrastructure sensors such as security cameras. We argue that utilizing infrastructure sensors yields greater safety of operation and allows reduction in the number of sensors required on-board, hereby reducing the cost of the vehicle. We describe the role that infrastructure sensors can play and show the resulting improved performances of the system, supported by simulation and field experiment results

    The establishment of the infant intestinal microbiome is not affected by rotavirus vaccination

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    The microbial colonization of the intestine during the first months of life constitutes the most important process for the microbiota-induced host-homeostasis. Alterations in this process may entail a high-risk for disease in later life. However, the potential factors affecting this process in the infant are not well known. Moreover, the potential impact of orally administered vaccines upon the establishing microbiome remains unknown. Here we assessed the intestinal microbiome establishment process and evaluated the impact of rotavirus vaccination upon this process. Metagenomic, PCR-DGGE and faecal short chain fatty acids analyses were performed on faecal samples obtained from three infants before and after the administration of each dose of vaccine. We found a high inter-individual variability in the early life gut microbiota at microbial composition level, but a large similarity between the infants' microbiomes at functional level. Rotavirus vaccination did not show any major effects upon the infant gut microbiota. Thus, the individual microbiome establishment and development process seems to occur in a defined manner during the first stages of life and rotavirus vaccination appears to be inconsequential for this process.This work was funded by a CSIC intramural project (Ref. 201370E019) and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness project AGL2013-43770R.Peer Reviewe

    Multiphoton graph states from a solid-state single-photon source

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    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 11575174, No. 11674308, No. 11704424, and No. 11774326), the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the National Key Research and Development Program of China.Photonic graph states are underlying resources for one-way optical quantum computation, quantum error correction, fundamental testing of quantum mechanics, and quantum communication networks. Most existing works, however, are based on the spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources that intrinsically suffer from probabilistic generation and double pair components. Here, we create two important classes of graph states, a polarization-encoded four-photon Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) state and a linear cluster state, by actively demultiplexing a deterministic single-photon source from a semiconductor quantum dot embedded in a micropillar. A state fidelity of 0.790 ± 0.009 (0.763 ± 0.004) and a count rate of ∼13 Hz are observed for the four-photon GHZ (cluster) state. The results constitute a new route toward the multiphoton entanglement with deterministic single-photon sources.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Autonomous personal vehicle for the first- and last-mile transportation services

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    This paper describes an autonomous vehicle testbed that aims at providing the first- and last- mile transportation services. The vehicle mainly operates in a crowded urban environment whose features can be extracted a priori. To ensure that the system is economically feasible, we take a minimalistic approach and exploit prior knowledge of the environment and the availability of the existing infrastructure such as cellular networks and traffic cameras. We present three main components of the system: pedestrian detection, localization (even in the presence of tall buildings) and navigation. The performance of each component is evaluated. Finally, we describe the role of the existing infrastructural sensors and show the improved performance of the system when they are utilized