297 research outputs found

    Seguridad Social y sistemas complementarios de pensiones

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    Seguridad Social y sistemas complementarios de pensiones

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    L’aparença de les coses (les paraules i les coses)

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    "L’aparença de les coses (Les paraules i les coses)” és un projecte de recerca a través de plasmar la ideació, construcció, producció, i reflexió sobre el procés creatiu de(ls meus) 4 projectes (min., Polimin, Useful i After Schmuck) amb els canvis d’actitud i resolució, dins del context de la de Joieria Contemporània i en relació a l’Art i el Disseny. After Schmuck es presenta com a part pràctica com a resultat del (meu) posicionament actual en el fer joies, per reflexionar sobre l’aparença de les coses (el que són i el que semblan ser

    Experimental results of an innovative NIR- solar façade panels-based polygeneration system

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    This paper intends to present the experimental results of an integrated polygeneration system based on innovative thermal solar façade panels working with Near-InfraRed (NIR) radiation. The research goal is the evaluation of thermal energy performances of the integrated system based on innovative NIR façade panels and including different other devices for thermal and electrical energy production (i.e. prototype heat pump and CHP mGT). The innovative solution has been developed in the framework of ‘ENVISION’ H2020 European Project whose aim is the demonstration of a full renovation concept that harvests energy from all available building surfaces allowing visible aspects to be retained. In this paper, the ‘ENVISION’ Southern Demosite, located at the Savona University Campus (one of the venues of the University of Genoa), is presented together with the description of the solar panels’ main characteristics, their site installation, and the thermal power calculation performed using experimental dat

    Numerical evaluation of tyre/road contact pressures using a multi-asperity approach

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    International audienceThe interaction between the tyre and the road surface is responsible for many physical problems such as skid resistance, rolling resistance or noise generation. This paper deals with the numerical study of tyre/road contact. A two-scale iterative method is used for solving the contact problem between a multi-asperity road surface and an elastic half-space. This method has been used successfully for idealized rough surfaces. However, for efficient applications to real surfaces, an appropriate partition of the surfaces is required. A partitioning method is proposed to describe road surfaces using classical image processing and a new load/penetration relation for a single road asperity is introduced. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the method, numerical results for a small sample of road are compared to a classical matrix inversion method, which show at macro-scale a rather good accuracy to predict tyre/road noise. At micro-scale both methods give the same results, but the multi-asperity method is much less time-consuming. Then numerical evaluation of tyre/road static contact pressures for different road textures at full contact area is presented. This approach with new preconditioning can be a reliable and efficient method to simulate contact problems with large surfaces

    Assessment of the performance of asphalt rubber layers on noise abatement

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    Layers with a very high content of rubber have shown to be very effective on noise abatement despite their reduced durability. On the contrary, layers with a rubberized asphalt binder have shown to be durable, but their performance regarding noise abatement is not consensual yet. This paper aims at assessing the effect of the use of layers with rubberized asphalt binder on noise abatement. For this purpose seven road sections with different surface types, among which five gap graded and three with rubberized asphalt have been selected. In these road sections the tyre-road noise generated by a heavy truck and two light vehicles at three levels of speed were measured by means of pass-by tests. Surface texture tests were also performed. The results focused on the noise level variation versus speed, the average noise level for each speed level versus type of surface and the average noise level variation with regards to a reference surface. Mixtures with rubberized asphalt did not show a significantly better performance. In fact, the same performance may be achieved with other type of gap graded thin mixtures. The results obtained might be better explained if other parameters than the rubberized asphalt binder are taken into account. Further research on the effect of porosity and texture on noise generation is being done. It is intended to perform absorption tests in all the surfaces analysed in order to study this issue in depth and fully understand the effect of the rubber on noise generation


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    Organizzato da CEM e dalla Libera Università dell’autobiografia di Anghiari, il seminario residenziale alla Penicina ha visto valorizzata l’esperienza della scrittura di sé – scrittura autobiografica come cura di sé e autobiografia linguistica -  anche grazie ad un contesto inserito in splendidi paesaggi evocativi di racconti personali. Qui i docenti hanno appreso metodi di lavoro da utilizzare nelle scuole e sono stati condotti in una dimensione esperienziale che ha lasciato spazio a grandi emozioni. L’autobiografia parte da parole che vengono lanciate per camminare verso di sé, in particolare le parole dell’infanzia perché la memoria autobiografica è connettiva, è connotativa e crea un legame tra queste parole e l’esperienza adulta. Scrivere la propria autobiografia significa mettere nero su bianco ciò che non si può dire per allenarsi a scavare,  ricucire, trovare significati ancora sconosciuti. È cura di sé. L’autobiografia linguistica si intreccia perfettamente al discorso autobiografico generale, costituendo un aspetto non secondario, perché con i codici linguistici e le parole favorisce autoconsapevolezza e decentramento, mostrando il contatto di ciascuno con la propria stranierità.   At Penicina. Writing about ourselves together. Memories of a residential seminar A residential seminar at Penicina, organized by CEM Pavia and Libera Università dell’autobiografia di Anghiari (AR), gave value to the experience of enhanced self-writing - autobiographical writing as self-care and linguistic autobiography - also thanks to the location where splendid landscapes evoked personal stories. Participants learned methods to use in schools in an experiential dimension that made space for deep emotion. Each autobiography started with words that that moved inwards, towards the self particularly words from childhood, since autobiographical memory is connective, connotative and creates a link between these words and adult experience. Writing one’s own autobiography means putting on paper what cannot be said, in order to train oneself to dig up, fix and find still unknown meanings. It is self-care. Linguistic autobiography is perfectly intertwined with general autobiographical discourse, representing a significant aspect, because with linguistic codes and words it fosters self-awareness and decentralization, showing each person's contact with their own uniqueness

    A new algorithm for computing the indentation of a rigid body of arbitrary shape on a viscoelastic half-space

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    In this paper the contact problem between a rigid indenter of arbitrary shape and a viscoelastic half-space is considered. Under the action of a normal force the penetration of the indenter and the distribution of contact pressure change. We wish to find the relations which link the pressure distribution, the resultant force on the indenter and the penetration on the assumption that the surfaces are frictionless. For indenters of arbitrary shape the problem may be solved numerically by using the Matrix Inversion Method (MIM), extended to viscoelastic case. In this method the boundary conditions are satisfied exactly at specified "matching points" (the mid-points of the boundary elements). It can be validated by comparing the numerical results to the analytic solutions in cases of a spherical asperity (loading and unloading) and a conical asperity (loading only)

    Skewed Differentiation of Circulating Vγ9Vδ2 T Lymphocytes in Melanoma and Impact on Clinical Outcome

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    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate over time circulating γδ T lymphocytes in melanoma patients in terms of frequency, effector functions, and relationship with clinical stage and evolution, by comparing preoperative values to those obtained at a mean follow-up of 36 months or in the event of recurrence or disease progression, and to those of healthy controls. Also, we correlated the presence of tumor-infiltrating γδ T lymphocytes with clinical evolution of melanoma. Results Mean frequencies of circulating γδ T cells before and after melanoma removal were very similar and comparable to healthy subjects, but patients who progressed to stage III or IV showed a significantly decreased frequency of circulating Vγ9Vδ2 T cells. The distribution of Vγ9Vδ2 memory and effector subsets was similar in healthy subjects and melanoma patients at diagnosis, but circulating γδ T cells of patients after melanoma removal had a skewed terminally-differentiated effector memory phenotype. Highly suggestive of progressive differentiation toward a cytotoxic phenotype, Vγ9Vδ2T cells from patients at follow up had increased cytotoxic potential and limited cytokine production capability, while the opposite pattern was detected in Vγ9Vδ2T cells from patients before melanoma removal. Conclusions Follow-up data also showed that tumor infiltrating γδ T cells were significantly associated with lower mortality and relapse rates, suggesting that they may serve as a prognostic biomarker, for human melanom

    L'aparença de les coses (les paraules i les coses)

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    "L'aparença de les coses (les paraules i les coses)" és un projecte de recerca a través de plasmar la ideació, construcció, producció i reflexió sobre el procés creatiu de(ls meus) 4 projectes (min., Polimin, Useful i After Schmuck) amb els canvis d'actitud i resolució, dins del context de la de joieria contemporània i en relació a l'art i el disseny. After Schmuck es presenta com a part pràctica com a resultat del (meu) posicionament actual en el fer joies, per reflexionar sobre l'aparença de les coses (el que són i el que semblen ser)