65 research outputs found

    Czy logistyka może rewitalizować miasto?

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    Coraz większe problemy dla rozwoju miast stwarzają negatywne konsekwencje procesów urbanizacyjnych. Dlatego też potrzebne stają się działania dotyczące rewitalizacji i rozwoju miast, i obszarów z nimi związanych, dzięki czemu następowałoby przywrócenie korzystnych warunków do zamieszkania i podejmowania inwestycji sektora prywatnego. Czy logistyka, a zwłaszcza inwestycje w obiekty zlokalizowane wokół wielkich miast, pomagają rewitalizować i rozwijać małe oraz średnie miejscowości? Z badań przeprowadzonych przez zespół Katedry Logistyki SGH wynika, że szansę na rewitalizację i zrównoważony rozwój poprzez logistykę mają przede wszystkim małe i średnie miejscowości, które są położone wokół wielkich miast i powiązane z krajową infrastrukturą drogową. W artykule zostały omówione wyniki badań, które przeprowadzono w województwie mazowieckim, oraz rekomendacje dla innych miast Polski

    Time-Course Microarray Analysis Reveals Differences between Transcriptional Changes in Tomato Leaves Triggered by Mild and Severe Variants of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid

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    Viroids are small non-capsidated non-coding RNA replicons that utilize host factors for efficient propagation and spread through the entire plant. They can incite specific disease symptoms in susceptible plants. To better understand viroid-plant interactions, we employed microarray analysis to observe the changes of gene expression in ‘Rutgers’ tomato leaves in response to the mild (M) and severe (S23) variants of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). The changes were analyzed over a time course of viroid infection development: (i) the pre-symptomatic stage, (ii) early symptoms, (iii) full spectrum of symptoms and (iv) the so-called ‘recovery’ stage, when stem regrowth was observed in severely affected plants. Gene expression profiles differed depending on stage of infection and variant. In S23-infected plants, the expression of over 3,000 genes was affected, while M-infected plants showed 3-fold fewer differentially expressed genes, only 20% of which were specific to the M variant. The differentially expressed genes included many genes related to stress; defense; hormone metabolism and signaling; photosynthesis and chloroplasts; cell wall; RNA regulation, processing and binding; protein metabolism and modification and others. The expression levels of several genes were confirmed by nCounter analysis

    Prevalence of estrogen receptor alpha PvuII and XbaI polymorphism in population of Polish postmenopausal women.

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    Numerous data indicate that polymorphism of estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) may predict lipid levels, lipid response to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), myocardial infarction risk, bone fracture risk, bone mineral density (BMD) and changes in BMD over time. In this study we aimed to evaluate distribution of ERalpha PvuII and XbaI genotypes in population of Polish postmenopausal women qualified to different protocols of HRT. Subject of the study were 64 consecutive postmenopausal women aged from 45 to 65 years (mean 56.6) assigned to HRT. ERalpha PvuII and XbaI polymorphism was determined by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The absence of PvuII and XbaI restriction sites were indicated by "P" and "X" and presence by "p" and "x", respectively. PvuII genotype was distributed as follows: PP 17.2% (n=11), Pp 50% (n=32), pp 32.83% (n=21). Frequency of XbaI genotype was: XX 6.25% (n=4), Xx 34.4% (n=22), xx 59.4% (n=38). Four haplotypes with following frequencies were recognized: PX 17.3%, px 47.4%, Px 24.4% and pX 10.9%. Prevalence of estrogen receptor alpha PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms in Polish women is similar to previously studied population

    Mapping the meaning of "difference' in Europe: A social topography of prejudice

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    This paper draws on original empirical research to investigate popular understandings of prejudice in two national contexts: Poland and the United Kingdom. The paper demonstrates how common-sense meanings of prejudice are inflected by the specific histories and geographies of each place: framed in terms of ‘distance’ (Poland) and ‘proximity’ (United Kingdom), respectively. Yet, by treating these national contexts as nodes and linking them analytically the paper also exposes a connectedness in these definitions which brings into relief the common processes that produce prejudice. The paper then explores how inter-linkages between the United Kingdom and Poland within the wider context of the European Union are producing – and circulating through the emerging international currency of ‘political correctness’ – a common critique of equality legislation and a belief that popular concerns about the way national contexts are perceived to be changing as a consequence of super mobility and super diversity are being silenced. This raises a real risk that in the context of European austerity and associated levels of socioeconomic insecurity, negative attitudes and conservative values may begin to be represented as popular normative standards which transcend national contexts to justify harsher political responses towards minorities. As such, the paper concludes by making a case for prejudice reduction strategies to receive much greater priority in both national and European contexts

    Kategoryzacja pojęcia tożsamości w perspektywie społeczno-kulturowej / Categorization of the concept of identity in a socio-cultural perspective

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    Tożsamość jest zagadnieniem poruszanym w różnych dziedzinach naukowych. Jest to zjawisko wielopłaszczyznowe ujmowane z wielu perspektyw. Najogólniejsza definicja tożsamości dotyczy określenia „samego siebie” w rzeczywistości społecznej. Odnosząc się do zjawiska, należy podkreślić dwa charaktery tożsamości: jednostkowy i zbiorowy. Tożsamość jednostkowa rozumiana jest jako zbiór przekonań i sądów aktora społecznego o samym sobie. W przypadku tożsamości zbiorowej definicja odnosi się do zbiorowości lub grupy społecznej, dzięki której jednostka umiejscawia się w danym obszarze rzeczywistości społecznej lub jest osadzana w niej przez obserwatora zewnętrznego. Biorąc pod uwagę zróżnicowane aspekty tożsamości, warto określić odmienne punkty widzenia zjawiska. Artykuł ma na celu kategoryzację tożsamości pod względem różnych dziedzin naukowych. Dzięki rozróżnieniu perspektyw tożsamości na podstawie literatury, można będzie zapoznać się ze zróżnicowanym podłożem naukowym, określającym to samo zjawisko. Metoda analityczno-syntetyczna pozwoli ująć całokształt zjawiska w odniesieniu do poszczególnych płaszczyzn. Materiał i metody: metoda analityczno-syntetyczna na podstawie literatury. Wyniki: Analiza zjawiska „tożsamości” na podstawie przedstawionej literatury z uwzględnieniem wybranych obszarów naukowych. Wnioski: Fakt występowania zagadnienia tożsamości w tak wielu dziedzinach naukowych świadczy o złożoności zjawiska. Analiza poruszonej problematyki uwzględniająca zróżnicowane obszary naukowe pozwala zobrazować zagadnienie tożsamości biorąc pod uwagę różne punkty odniesienia. Dziedzina psychologii przedstawia indywidualny aspekt tożsamości koncentrujący się na zachowaniach człowieka i funkcjonowaniu psychiki ludzkiej. Socjologia porusza aspekt indywidualny i zbiorowy tożsamości, uwzględniając interakcje ludzkie ze światem zewnętrznym. Antropologia sięga do korzeni istnienia i pochodzenia człowieka, filozofia natomiast szuka odpowiedzi na pytanie „kim jestem”? Zestawiając ze sobą wymienione dziedziny naukowe, przybliżona zostaje ogólna charakterystyka „tożsamości”. W związku z tym, że tożsamość jest szerokim zagadnieniem, warto poznać jej znaczenie w każdej z omówionych dziedzin naukowych, które w całościowym obrazie „tożsamości” tworzą jej całokształt.Identity is an issue raised in various scientific fields. It is a multifaceted phenomenon seen from many perspectives. The most general definition of identity concerns the definition of “oneself” in social reality. When referring to the phenomenon, two types of identity should be emphasized: individual and collective. Taking into account the various aspects of identity, it is worth identifying different points of view of the phenomenon. The article aims to categorize identities in terms of various scientific fields. By distinguishing between the perspectives of identity on the basis of literature, it will be possible to get acquainted with the diverse scientific background defining the same phenomenon. The analytical-synthetic method will allow to capture the entire phenomenon in relation to individual planes. Material and methods: analytical-synthetic method based on the literature. Results: Analysis of the phenomena of “identity” based on the analysis of literature in selected areas. Conclusions: The fact that the issue of identity is present in so many scientific fields is evidenced about the complexity of the phenomenon. The analysis of the issues raised, taking into account various scientific areas, allows to illustrate the issue of identity taking into account various points of reference. The field of psychology presents an individual aspect of identity focusing on human behavior and the functioning of the human psyche. Sociology deals with the individual and collective aspects of identity, taking into account human interactions with the outside world. Anthropology goes to the roots of human existence and origins, while philosophy seeks an answer to the question “who am I?” By juxtaposing the above-mentioned scientific fields, the general characteristics of “identity” are approximated. In relation with however, identity is a broad issue, it is worth knowing its meaning in each from the discussed scientific fields, which constitute its entirety in the overall image of “identity”

    Anti-Hyperglycemic and Anticholinergic Effects of Natural Antioxidant Contents in Edible Flowers

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    In this study, 16 selected edible flowers were evaluated for their content of bioactive compounds (polyphenols, carotenoids, triterpenoids) and for their anti-diabetic (ability to inhibit α-amylase and α-glucosidases) and anti-aging (ability to inhibit acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase) activities. Most of the flowers analyzed in this study have not been examined in this respect until now. Contents of the analyzed bioactive compounds differed significantly among the flowers. In particular, the highest contents of carotenoids and triterpenoids were determined in marigold, arnica, lavender, and daisy; in turn, the highest contents of phenolic acids, procyanidin polymers, and total polyphenols were assayed in hawthorn, primrose, and linden blossom. There was a positive correlation between the content of isoprenoids in edible flowers and their anti-aging activity, and between the content of polymeric procyanidins and flowers’ ability to inhibit α-glucosidase. In conclusion, edible flowers may be used to produce functional foods as well as for medical purposes

    Degradation Kinetics of Anthocyanins in Sour Cherry Cloudy Juices at Different Storage Temperature

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    The aim of this study was to characterize in detail 25 sour cherry cultivars and provide data on their industrial processing into high-quality sour cherry cloudy juices (ScCJ). Anthocyanin composition was identified and quantified by LC-PDA-ESI-MS QTof, UPLC-PDA. Kinetic degradation (k × 103, t1/2, D value) and color (CIE La*b*) were measured before and after 190 days of storage at 4 °C and 30 °C. A total of five anthocyanins, four cyanidins (-3-O-sophoroside, -3-O-glucosyl-rutinoside, -3-O-glucoside, and -3-O-rutinoside) and one peonidin-3-O-rutinoside were detected across all investigated juices. Total anthocyanin content ranged from ~590 to ~1160 mg/L of juice, with the highest levels in Skierka, Nagy Erdigymulscu, Wilena, Wiblek, and Safir cvs., and the lowest in Dradem and Nanaones. During 190 days of storage a significant change was observed in the content of anthocyanins. Their degradation depended rather on the storage conditions (time and temperature) than on the type of anthocyanin compounds present in the ScCJ. Half-life values of ScCJ ranged from 64.7 to 188.5 days at 4 °C and from 45.9 to 112.40 days at 30 °C. Sample redness changed more rapidly than yellowness or lightness and Chroma or hue angel. These results may be useful for the juice industry and serve as a starting point for the development of tasty sour cherry juices with high levels of bioactive compounds

    Chemical, enzymatic and physical characteristic of cloudy apple juices

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    In this study cloudy juices from six apple cultivars: ‘Alwa’, ‘Fiesta’, ‘Gloster’, ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Mutsu’ and ‘Pinova’ were characterized in respect of polyphenols content by UPLC, PME (pectin methylesterase) activity, color, viscosity, and stability of turbidity. Apple cultivar affected significantly the chemical, enzymatic and physical properties of juices. Total quantitated polyphenols ranged from 686.63 mg l-1 (‘Gloster’) to 988.63 mg l-1 (‘Alwa’), and polymeric proanthocyanidins were a dominant group of these compounds. All of products contained also high content of phenolic acids, mainly chlorogenic. The thermal treatment of juices did not cause a complete inactivation of pectin methylesterase. Taking into account the % of residual enzyme activity, the pasteurization was more efficient in the case of ‘Fiesta’ and ‘Pinova’ juices (13% and 14% of the initial activity, respectively). Examined juices were characterized by low values of a stable turbidity (18.07–37.75%), despite relatively high viscosity (2.40–9.60 mPas)