320 research outputs found


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    AbstrakPenelitian yang telah dilakukan bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan UKS SD Negeri di Kecamatan Lamongan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 5 Sekolah Dasar Negeri yang berada di Kecamatan Lamongan. Instrumen yang digunakan berasal dari TIM Pembina UKS Pusat yang sudah di uji nilai reliabilitas dan validitas. Instrumen ini berisi 3 aspek dari TRIAS UKS yaitu Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan 15 butir pertanyaan, Pelayanan Kesehatan dengan 16 butir pertanyaan dan Lingkungan Sekolah sehat dengan jawaban responden “ya” atau “tidak”. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa sekolah tersebut sudah melaksanakan UKS dengan ketiga aspek TRIAS UKS yaitu pendidikan kesehatan, pelayanan kesehatan dan lingkungan sekolah sehat. Hal itu ditunjukkan dengan hasil observasi wawancara kepada guru penjasorkes atau pembina UKS bahwa pada strata UKS tertinggi yaitu paripurna sudah banyak dicapai oleh beberapa SD Negeri di kecamatan Lamongan.Kata Kunci : UKS, pendidikan kesehatan, pelayanan kesehatan, lingkungan sekolah sehatAbstractThis study aims to describe the implementation of UKS in the Lamongan District Public Elementary School. This type of research uses descriptive research. The research subjects used were 5 public elementary schools located in the Lamongan District. The instrument used came from the Central UKS Trustees Team that had been tested for reliability and validity. This instrument contains 3 aspects of the UKS TRIAS, namely Health Education with 15 questions, Health Services with 16 questions and a healthy School Environment with respondents "yes" or "no" answers. The results of the data analysis show that the school has implemented UKS with three aspects of the TRIAS UKS namely health education, health services and a healthy school environment. This is indicated by the results of observations of interviews with the Physical Education teachers or supervisors of UKS that at the highest UKS strata, which is plenary, many have been achieved by several public elementary schools in Lamongan sub-district Keyword: UKS, health education, health service, healthy school environmen

    Study of socio economic status impact and success factors of 1 Azam Niaga participants of Sarawak Economic Development Corporation / Andy Drahman, Mohd Uzairi Ahmad Hajazi

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    This paper aims to evaluate and assess the impact of 1AZAM Niaga, one of initiatives under Government Tranformation Programme (GTP) that is being carried out by Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC). As there is no research yet to study the impact and success factor of participants of this program, we attempt to provide academically sound analysis on the impact of 1AZAM Niaga towards the low income households target group, determine the factor behind the success of its participants, and also to give recommendation for further improvement. Using input gathered from the participant of the programme and data from SEDC, improvements of livelihood of participants and factors contributing to the success of participants is analyzed. Through descriptive analysis, it is found that the programme has improved income of the participant and it is significantly correlated with perception towards their improvement. Furthermore, through principal component analysis and binary logistic regression analysis, it is found that "Entrepreneurial Characteristic" and "Entrepreneurial Environment" are significantly contributing to the possibility of participant in agreeing that the programme has improved their livelihood, i.e. increasing the possibility of success of 1AZAM Niaga participant. However, it also found that none of demographic characteristic of participants have significant contribution to their success in this programme

    Valuation of Provisioning Ecosystem Services Carat Cape Mangrove for Sungsang IV Village Community Banyuasin District

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    Mangrove ecosystem valuation can be used as a reference for decision making for management and conservation of mangrove ecosystems in a sustainable manner. The range of activities and interests conducted in coastal areas is not expected to negatively impact the ecology, economic and social. Carat Cape mangrove areas provide enormous benefits to the surrounding community, especially Sungsang IV village. From the results of the study illustrate the provosioning ecosystem service utilized community Sungsang IV village consists of materials construction (timber and nypa leaves), a source of livelihood or subsistance (nypa fruit, fish, shrimp, crab, and scallops). The total value of provosioning ecosystem services mangrove Carat Cape utilized by the Sungsang IV village Rp. Rp. 1.715.590.000, - per year dominated by income generated by marine species of fish which is the main livelihood of the fishermen Sungsang IV village  reached Rp. 1.302.600.000,- per year

    The Effectiveness of National Insights Based Virtual Classroom Education and Training

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    Hate speech is a word, behavior, writing, or performance that is prohibited because it can trigger acts of violence and prejudice either from the perpetrator of the statement or the victim of the action. Hate speech can be in the form of insults, defamation , defamation, unpleasant acts, provocation, inciting, spreading false news. Crimes against hate speech are carried out because these actions can have an impact on acts of discrimination, violence, loss of life, and or social conflict. Hate speech can occur due to individual or group misunderstandings about the information obtained. Studying national insight aims to provide an understanding of the Indonesian nation and the basics of this nation in order to realize unity. National insight has an important meaning in strengthening the sense of nationality and increasing the spirit of nationalism. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method. The results showed that the learning of national insight using virtual learning on field trial results was very good, and could motivate and attract the attention of education and training participants to be able to take part in the learning process in nationalism with an average score of 4.46 on a scale of 1-5 . The results of the assessment carried out before and after learning about national insight using a virtual classroom 31% seeing the results of field trials indicate that the material for developing learning insight using virtual learning can be used in the process of learning about national insigh


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    ABSTRACTComparative studies on the percentage of coral reef substrate cover have been carried out in 3 (three) management zones (protection zone, utilization and Non-MPA) Karimunjawa National Park (KNP). The Manta Tow broadscale coral reef assessment method was applied to the north side of Bengkoang Island and the south side of Cemara Besar Island (protection zone), southern side of Bengkoang Island and northern side of Cemara Besar Island (utilization zone) and Non-MPA (Seruni Island) to observe live coral cover, dead coral, coral rubble and soft coral. Substrate cover variations from 10-12 towing (track length 200m) from each side of the island have formed a spatial pattern of coral reef conditions. Furthermore, the condition of the coral reefs was confirmed using the UPT (Underwater Photo Transect) detailed assessment method with one station on each side of the island. The results showed that there were differences in the spatial pattern of coral reef conditions as indicated by significant differences in the percentage of live coral cover, dead coral, rubble and coral lifeform among management zones of the KNP. The condition of coral reefs of the MPA is better and has a higher diversity of coral species than Non-MPA of the Karimunjawa National Park. The spatial pattern of coral reef conditions can be used as an indicator of disturbances in the coral reef ecosystem and can be used for periodic analysis of coral reef monitoring data in conservation areas.Keywords: spatial pattern, coral reef condition, manta tow, underwater photo transect, Karimunjawa National Park.ABSTRAKStudi perbandingan persentase tutupan substrat terumbu karang telah di lakukan pada 3 (tiga) zona pengelolaan (zona perlindungan, pemanfaatan dan luar kawasan) Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Metode penilaian terumbu karang skala luas Manta Tow diaplikasikan di sisi utara P. Bengkoang dan sisi selatan P. Cemara Besar (zona perlindungan), sisi selatan P. Bengkoang dan sisi utara P. Cemara Besar (zona pemanfaatan) dan luar kawasan (P. Seruni) untuk mengamati tutupan karang hidup, karang mati, pecahan karang dan karang lunak. Variasi persentase tutupan substrat dari 10-12 tarikan Manta Tow (panjang lintasan 200m) dari masing-masing sisi pulau telah membentuk pola spasial kondisi terumbu karang. Selanjutnya penilaian kondisi terumbu karang dikonfirmasi dengan menggunakan metode penilaian rinci UPT (Underwater Photo Transect) dengan satu stasiun setiap sisi pulau. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan pola spasial kondisi terumbu karang yang ditunjukkan oleh perbedaan yang signifikan persentase tutupan karang hidup, karang mati, pecahan karang dan lifeform karang antar zona pengelolaan.  Kondisi terumbu karang di dalam kawasan lebih baik dan memiliki keragaman jenis karang lebih tinggi daripada di luar kawasan Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Pola spasial kondisi terumbu karang dapat dijadikan indikator terjadinya gangguan pada ekosistem terumbu karang di suatu kawasan dan dapat digunakan untuk analisis data pemantauan terumbu karang secara berkala di kawasan konservasi.Kata Kunci: pola pasial, kondisi terumbu karang, manta tow, underwater photo transect, Taman Nasional Karimunjawa

    Implementation of Incremental Models on Development of Web-Based Loan Cooperative Applications

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    Technology is an integral part of application development. Utilization of technology under the target user application becomes one assessment in the success of a software. The XYZ Savings and Loan Cooperative is a non-bank financial company engaged in savings and loans. In the employee payroll process so far it still uses the manual method, start from recording attendance, up to the salary calculation process. Web-based application development developed by researchers is used to overcome the problems of XYZ Savings and Credit Cooperatives. Development of Savings and Loan Cooperative applications developed using the incremental model. 31 respondents from the company tested the application. Application testing based on usability factor ISO 9126-3. Applications get a value of 82.66% in terms of ease of understanding, 81.50% in terms of ease of study, 81% in terms of ease of operation, 81.33% in terms of interest and 82% in terms of usage compliance. The average total rating in terms of the usefulness of the application get 82.66% so the application is very useful for companies in helping to calculate employee payroll


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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran wawasan kebangsaan menggunakan virtual classroom bagi Pegawai Negeri di Pendidikan dan Pelatihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R and D). Penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan model Step of System Approach Model Of Educational Research And Development Dick and Carey dan model pengembangan Lee & Owen. Pengembangan model pembelajaran pendidikan dan pelatihan ini telah dilakukan evaluasi formatif, dengan prosedur yang harus dilaksanakan. Penilaian para pakar, evaluasi one to one dengan peserta mendapat nilai rata-rata 3,9 hasil kesimpulan bahwa memenuhi keterbacaan dan bisa digunakan. Evaluasi small group dengan 8 peserta mendapat nilai rata-rata (3,88) dan bahan pembelajaran layak digunakan, dan evaluasi field trial dengan 15 peserta dihasilkan nilai rata-rata (4,46) yang dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan model pembelajaran wawasan kebangsaan berbasis virtual classroom layak digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran wawasan kebangsaan menggunakan virtual learning pada hasil field trial sangat baik, dan dapat menarik perhatian bagi peserta pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk dapat mengikuti proses pembelajaran dalam wawasan kebangsaan dengan rata-rata nilai 4,46 dengan skala 1-5. Hasil penilaian yang dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran wawasan kebangsaan berbasis virtual classroom meningkat 31% melihat hasil uji coba lapangan menandakan pengembangan wawasan belajar menggunakan virtual learning dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran wawasan kebangsaan. Efektivitas pembelajaran wawasan kebangsaan menggunakan virtual classroom berhasil mengembangkan kognigtif wawasan kebangsaan dengan perolehan nilai thitung sebesar 10,02 lebih besar dari pada ttabel 0,69. Hal ini artinya model pembelajaran wawasan kebangsaan berbasis virtual learning terbukti efektif. Kata kunci: Model Pembelajaran, Virtual Classroom, Wawasan Kebangsaan This study aims to produce a learning model for national insight using a virtual classroom for Civil Servants in Education and Training. This study uses research and development methods. This research and development uses the Step of System Approach Model of Educational Research and Development Dick and Carey and the Lee & Owen development model. The development of this education and training learning model has carried out a formative evaluation, with procedures that must be implemented. Assessment of experts, evaluation one to one with participants, received an average score (3.9) the conclusion that meets readability and can be used. The small group evaluation with 8 participants received an average score (3.88) and the learning materials were suitable for use, and the field trial evaluation with 15 participants produced an average score (4.46) which can be concluded that the development of a national insight learning model uses virtual classroom is worth using. The results showed that learning about national insight using virtual learning on field trial results was very good, and could attract the attention of education and training participants to be able to take part in the learning process on nationalism with an average score of 4.46 on a scale of 1-5. The results of the assessment carried out before and after learning about national insight using a virtual classroom 31.1% seeing the results of field trials indicate that the material for developing learning insight using virtual learning can be used in the process of learning about national insight. The effectiveness of learning about national insight using a virtual classroom has succeeded in developing cognitive national insight with the acquisition of a tcount of 10.02 greater than the ttable of 0.69. This means that the national insight learning model using virtual learning has proven to be effective. Keywords: Learning Model, National Insight, Virtual Classroo


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    This study aims to examine the causality relationship between real effective exchange rate and foreign direct investment in Indonesia as the host country. This study uses a quantitative approach with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Vector Autoregressive (VAR) methods based on the monthly data of the total Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Indonesia and the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) of rupiah during January 2000 to December 2015 period. This study is a reference to the research that has been done before in various countries including Asian countries such as China. According to the results of the empirical test, the real effective exchange rate has a positive impact on the foreign direct investment and statistically significance, this shows that the appreciation of rupiah promotes FDI inflow into Indonesia. The empirical result also shows that there is a correlation between the two variable and the causality of both variables are significant. The author believes that this phenomenon might be possible because the relationship between the two variable is dependent on the motives and the expectation of the future earning by the investing firms
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