150 research outputs found

    Kościół i parafia Matki Boskiej Nieustającej Pomocy w Bydgoszczy na Szwederowie w latach 1920-1945

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    This article features a brief history of the Church and Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Szwederowo, Bydgoszcz in 1920-1945. The parish was described from the time of establishing an independent pastoral district, taking into consideration statistics regarding baptisms, marriages, and deaths. It reported the most important events from the life of the parish, including visits of the clergy, retreats, and Holy Missions. The article also informed about construction of the church and parish buildings by the first parish priest, Fr. Jan Konopczyński. This study confirms the role of the Church in the Polish state formation after the return of the city to the Homeland

    Comparative study of flow condensation in conventional and small diameter tubes

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    Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Mauritius, 11-13 July, 2011.Flow boiling and flow condensation are often regarded as two opposite or symmetrical phenomena, however their description with a single correlation has yet to be suggested. In the case of flow boiling in minichannels there is mostly encountered the annular flow structure, where the bubble generation is not present. Similar picture holds for the case of inside tube condensation, where annular flow structure predominates. In such case the heat transfer coefficient is primarily dependent on the convective mechanism. In the paper a method developed earlier by D. Mikielewicz et al. [1] is applied to calculations of heat transfer coefficient for inside tube condensation. The method has been verified using experimental data from literature due to Cavallini et. al [4], Hoo-Kyu Oh et al. [5], Matkovic et. al [6], Park et al. [9] and compared to Cavallini et al. [2] and Thome et al. [11] correlations for calculations of heat transfer coefficient.mp201

    Rola oceny technologii medycznych w refundacji leków w Polsce

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    The role of health technology assessment in pharmaceuticalsreimbursement in PolandThe methodology of health technology assessment has been introduced into Polish health care system officially in 2005, and practically in 2006. It is provided by the Agency for Health Technology Assessment (AOTM, AHTAPol), the institution which role is advisory for the Minister of Health. AOTM collects evidence, performs analysis and independently delivers recommendations on financing health care benefits of public funds. The main part of AOTM tasks concerns drug technologies. We describe Agency’s procedures fulfilling the processes of the assessment of drug technologies, their background according to actual legislation as well as methodology. We explain the directions and the strength of potential impact of AOTM recommendations on the final administrative decision on financing the drug of public funds

    Interactions between canopy cover density and regeneration cores of older saplings in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands

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    Aim of study: This paper provides an analysis of growth and survival of twenty–year–old Scots pine saplings in relation to canopy cover density (CCD) gradients, from dense (D–CCD), sparse (S–CCD), and gap (G–CCD) situations. Area of study: Aladag (Bolu) in northern Turkey. Material and methods: Sparse canopy cover density (S–CCD), dense canopy cover density (D–CCD) and gap canopy (G–CCD) were chosen within ten different strip sample plots (10 × 50 m) with sapling regeneration cores. Those regeneration cores were divided into two portions (individuals at the edge and middle of the regeneration cores) and from each portion three individuals was were obtained from a sample. The growth relationships of individual saplings were calculated with stem analyses. Honowski Light Factor (HLF) (ratio of Terminal sprout length (T) to Lateral sprout length (L)) was used to present growth potential measure of seedlings. Main results: The largest sapling regeneration cores were found in the G–CCD followed by S–CCD, and finally D–CCD, all tested for significance with Kruskal–Wallis Test. Compared with saplings in the middle of regeneration cores (crop saplings), those at the edge were always reduced in terms of mean height. Significant difference was only found between the ‘Main Crop’ and the ‘Edge 1’ of the regeneration cores for G–CCD suggesting that sapling regeneration cores are more typical under G–CCD conditions. HLF ratios were greater than 1 with high growth potentials for both CCD gradients (G–CCD and S–CCD) and there were no significant variations between G–CCD and S–CCD for main crop and edges. The thinning after 12–14 years increased sapling growth. However, under D–CCD, growth had virtually ceased. Research highlights: Naturally occurring Scots pine saplings are suppressed by a dense canopy. However, they are tolerant of shade to the extent that they can survive over relatively long time–periods (10–12 years) and can exploit subsequent opportunities should a canopy gap occur

    Differential Transcriptional Regulation of meis1 by Gfi1b and Its Co-Factors LSD1 and CoREST

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    Gfi1b (growth factor independence 1b) is a zinc finger transcription factor essential for development of the erythroid and megakaryocytic lineages. To elucidate the mechanism underlying Gfi1b function, potential downstream transcriptional targets were identified by chromatin immunoprecipitation and expression profiling approaches. The combination of these approaches revealed the oncogene meis1, which encodes a homeobox protein, as a direct and prominent target of Gfi1b. Examination of the meis1 promoter sequence revealed multiple Gfi1/1b consensus binding motifs. Distinct regions of the promoter were occupied by Gfi1b and its cofactors LSD1 and CoREST/Rcor1, in erythroid cells but not in the closely related megakaryocyte lineage. Accordingly, Meis1 was significantly upregulated in LSD1 inhibited erythroid cells, but not in megakaryocytes. This lineage specific upregulation in Meis1 expression was accompanied by a parallel increase in di-methyl histone3 lysine4 levels in the Meis1 promoter in LSD1 inhibited, erythroid cells. Meis1 was also substantially upregulated in gfi1b2/2 fetal liver cells along with its transcriptional partners Pbx1 and several Hox messages. Elevated Meis1 message levels persisted in gfi1b mutant fetal liver cells differentiated along the erythroid lineage, relative to wild type. However, cells differentiated along the megakaryocytic lineage, exhibited no difference in Meis1 levels between controls and mutants. Transfection experiments further demonstrated specific repression of meis1 promoter driven reporters by wild type Gfi1b but neither by a SNAG domain mutant nor by a DNA binding deficient one, thus confirming direct functional regulation of this promoter by the Gfi1b transcriptional complex. Overall, our results demonstrate direct yet differential regulation of meis1 transcription by Gfi1b in distinct hematopoietic lineages thus revealing it to be a common, albeit lineage specific, target of both Gfi1b and its paralog Gfi1

    Przemieszczenie implantu do gałęzi tętnicy płucnej jako wczesne powikłanie przezskórnego zamknięcia przetrwałego przewodu tętniczego u noworodka

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    Device displacement with pulmonary artery embolisation (PDA) is a rare complication after percutaneous closure ofa patent arterial duct. An 11-day old neonate with PDA was admitted to the Department of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery fortreatment. The newborn was qualified for a transcatheter closure of PDA. Device displacement to the pulmonary arterywas observed during the procedure. The patient was qualified for a surgical procedure of PDA closure, with removal ofthe implant via midline sternotomy to provide an additional safeguard with extracorporeal circulation. The procedure andearly postoperative course were uneventful. The patient was discharged home in good general condition.Interventional cardiology can provide effective minimally-invasive solutions for congenital heart disease treatment, butthere is always a risk of potentially life-threatening complications.Uwolnienie implantu z przemieszczeniem i embolizacją gałęzi tętnicy płucnej stanowi rzadkie powikłanie interwencyjnego zamknięcia przetrwałego przewodu tętniczego (PDA). Jedenastodniowy noworodek z wrodzoną wadą serca i wielkich naczyń pod postacią PDA został przyjęty na oddział kardiochirurgii dziecięcej w celu zamknięcia przewodu. Chłopca zakwalifikowano do przezskórnego zamknięcia PDA. Podczas zabiegu stwierdzono uwolnienie implantu z jego przemieszczeniem do pnia płucnego. W trybie pilnym chłopca zakwalifikowano do operacji. Wykonano zabieg zamknięcia PDA z usunięciem uwolnionego implantu z prawej gałęzi tętnicy płucnej, z dostępu przez sternotomię pośrodkową, w zabezpieczeniu krążenia pozaustrojowego. Zabieg oraz wczesny okres pooperacyjny przebiegały bez powikłań; dziecko wypisano do domu w dobrym stanie ogólnym. Kardiologia interwencyjna daje szansę leczenia wielu wad serca przy mniejszej inwazyjności, jednak należy pamiętać o ryzyku wystąpienia potencjalnie groźnych dla życia powikłań

    Objawy pooperacyjnego zespołu Hornera po korekcji wrodzonej wady serca prowadzące ostatecznie do rozpoznania zespołu Axenfelda-Riegera

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    Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome (ARS) is an uncommon, autosomal dominant disorder characterized by anomalies of the anterior segment of the eye, face, teeth, and abdominal region. The coincidence of congenital heart defects and eye anomalies have been recently reported, as well as the genetic origin of these disorders. Clinical manifestation of the both the Horner’s and ARS resemble very similar therefore they could be easily misdiagnosed. The ARS is induced by spontaneous mutations in PITX2 and FOXC1 genes though. As in 50% cases of ARS the glaucoma develops, permanent ophthalmological care is necessary. 14-years-old patient in an early postoperative course after successful ostium secundum atrial septal defect surgery was observed with mild, iatrogenic Horner’s syndrome which coexisted with increased pericardial fluid. The ophthalmological examination revealed the iridial dysgenesis suggesting the ARS diagnosis. There were no recent abnormalities found in the optical coherent tomography (OCT) of the optic nerve. Thus, further OCT repeats and intraocular pressure measures under ophtalmological supervision were deputed. This case report confirms the coexistence of ARS and congenital heart defects, and emphasize the need of meticulous examination of any possible postoperative complications, and additional genetic defects.Zespół Axenfelda-Riegera (ZA-R) to rzadki zbiór genetycznie uwarunkowanych wad wrodzonych, dziedziczony w sposób autosomalnie dominujący, dający objawy między innymi w obrębie przedniego segmentu narządu wzroku, twarzy, uzębienia oraz okolic brzucha. Najnowsze publikacje wskazują na możliwość współwystępowania wad narządu wzroku z wrodzonymi wadami serca, najprawdopodobniej o wspólnym podłożu genetycznym. Manifestacja kliniczna w zakresie gałki ocznej jest łudząco podobna do zmian występujących w zespole Hornera, jednak etiologię ZA-R wiąże się z obecnością mutacji w obrębie genów PITX2 oraz FOXC1. Zespół ten w ok. 50% prowadzi do jaskry oraz ślepoty, dlatego u pacjentów z podejrzeniem ZA-R wskazana jest stała kontrola okulistyczna. U 14-letniej pacjentki we wczesnym okresie pooperacyjnym po korekcji wrodzonej wady serca- ubytku przegrody międzyprzedsionkowej typu ASD II, wystąpiły dyskretne objawy wskazujące na prawostronny zespół Hornera, które początkowo wiązano z czasowym wprowadzeniem szyjnej kaniuli centralnej. Jednocześnie stwierdzono odczynowy płyn w osierdziu, który ustąpił po intensyfikacji leczenia farmakologicznego. Diagnostyka okulistyczna potwierdziła cechy hipoplazji zrębu tęczówki, na jej podstawie wysunięto podejrzenie zespołu Axenfelda-Riegera. W wykonanym badaniu OCT nerwu wzrokowego nie stwierdzono świeżych zmian, zalecono stałą kontrolę okulistyczną, powtarzanie badania OCT oraz ciśnienia śródgałkowego. Prezentowany przypadek potwierdza opisywany związek występowania zespołu Axenfelda-Riegera z wrodzonymi wadami serca, wskazuje również na konieczność wnikliwej oceny potencjalnych powikłań pooperacyjnych, i dodatkowych wad genetycznych