34 research outputs found

    Farmakoterapija arterijske hipertenzije u ambulantnim uslovima - troškovi na godišnjem nivou na teret sredstava zdravstvenog osiguranja

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    Expenditures for the treatment of hypertension and its complication differ among countries and represent huge burden for National Health Funds. The aim of this study is to determine the expenditures charged off obligated health insurance funds and also the prescribing practice of ambulatory treatment of arterial hypertension (AH) in 2006. Retrospective study included 2764 patients with diagnosis AH (I10-I15) and its complications (I20, I21, I25, I50 and I69). Therapy was analyzed according to complexity (number of diagnosis) and frequency of the prescribed medications. The annual expenditures for antihypertensive drugs were compared with total expenditures from National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) for prescribed medicines. Uncomplicated AH was diagnosed in 1856 (67,15%), while complicated AH in 908 (32,85%) patients. ACE inhibitors were the most frequently prescribed medications (37,01%). NHIF participated with 86,47% in total expenditures for the treatment of AH. More then 55% of total NHIF expenditures for prescribed medications gone on therapy AH. High percentage of patients with complications show late beginning of therapy, irregular visits to general practitioner and inadequate compliance. The expenditures of ambulatory treatment of AH demonstrate that NHIF participate in therapy expenditures with great amount, making the therapy available to patients.Troškovi terapije arterijske hipertenzije (AH) i njenih komplikacija razlikuju se od zemlje do zemlje i istovremeno predstavljaju veliko opterećenje za nacionalne zdravstvene fondove. Cilj ove studije je određivanje troška farmakoterapije AH u ambulantnim uslovima za 2006.godinu na teret sredstava obaveznog zdravstvenog osiguranja, kao i propisivačke prakse. Retrospektivna studija je uključila 2764 pacijenta sa dijagnozom AH (I10-I15) i njenim komplikacijama (I20, I21, I25, I50 i I69). Terapija je analizirana po kompleksnosti (br. dijagnoza) i učestalosti propisivanja farmakoloških grupa lekova. Godišnji troškovi terapije AH su poređeni sa ukupnim izdvajanjem Republičkog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje (RZZO) za lekove na recept. Pacijenata bez komplikacija AH bilo je 1856 (67,15%), a pacijenata sa komplikacijama 908 (32,85%). Najpropisivanija grupa AH lekova su ACE inhibitori (37,01%). RZZO učestvuje sa 86,47% u ukupnim troškovima terapije AH. Preko 55% svih sredstava RZZO utrošeno je na medikamentoznu terapiju obolelih od AH. Visok procenat obolelih od komplikacija AH u Srbiji ukazuje na kasno započinjanje lečenja AH, neredovno javljanje lekaru, kao i nedovoljnu komplijansu. Analizom troška terapije pacijenata sa AH u ambulantnim uslovima pokazano je da RZZO u trošku terapije učestvuje sa visokim procentom, čineći terapiju AH dostupnu pacijentima

    Cost of outpatient hypertension pharmacotherapy: Comparative study between Bulgaria and Serbia

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    Objective: To compare the prescribing practice and pharmacotherapy outpatient cost of hypertension and its common complications between two neighboring countries, Bulgaria and Serbia. The study questions focus on consistency of the prescribing practice with the treatment guidelines, comparability of the treatment patterns among both countries, and burden of hypertension cost to the population and third party payer in the countries under consideration. Methods: Retrospective study, one year time horizon is for outpatient therapy. Results: Patients with arterial hypertension in Bulgaria are most often on monotherapy (61% vs 6% in Serbia), as well as those with complications (66% vs 0% Serbia). In both countries the first choice of therapy are the ACE inhibitors (37.01% in Serbia and 41% in Bulgaria) and then follows the calcium antagonists, beta-blockers, and diuretics. The weighed monthly cost of hypertension and complicated hypertension is almost doubled in Serbia (12.56 vs 8.23 EUR for hypertension, and 13.39 vs 8.23 EUR) and prevailing part is reimbursed (88% vs 44% in Bulgaria). Conclusion: Our study confirms that hypertension and its complications therapy consumes a huge amount of financial resources. In both countries under consideration the therapy is corresponding with the European treatment guidelines. The international cost comparisons are possible but they depend on many external factors as the regulatory measures, prescribing habits and reimbursement policy and should be analysed within this framework

    Contamination of cattle feed with molds and mycotoxins

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    The total number of potentially toxigenic molds (fungi), total aflatoxins, zearalenone (ZON), and deoxynivalenol (DON), as well as the joint appearance of ZON and DON have been investigated in 67 samples of cattle feed (concentrate (n=21), silage of whole maize plant (n=18), beet pulp (n=4), brewer's malt (n=2), alfalfa and grass (n=1), alfalfa hay (n=12), meadow hay (n=7), pea and oat hay (n=1), and red clover hay (n=1) originating from private farms from 10 districts of the Republic of Serbia. The total number of fungi per 1 g feed ranged from 0 (silage of brewer’s malt) to 12 x 104 (concentrate). Eight fungi genus species have been identified: Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor, Penicillum, Rhizopus and Trichoderma. The presence of ZON (100%) was established in all the examined cattle feed samples, while 98.5% samples were contaminated with total aflatoxins and 92.5% samples were DON positive. The joint appearance of ZON and DON was established in 92.5% samples. ZON was present in the highest average concentration in the sample of alfalfa and grass silage (2477.5 μg kg-1) and in the lowest in beet pulp silage samples (64.9 μg kg-1). Total aflatoxins were established in the highest average concentration in the pea and oat hay silage sample (7.9 μg kg-1) and in the lowest average concentration in beet pulp silage samples (1.6 μg kg-1). DON was detected in the highest average concentration in concentrate samples (694.2 μg kg-1) and in the lowest average concentration in the red clover hay sample (11.0 μg kg-1), while DON was not detected in brewer's malt silage samples (0.0 μg kg-1). In all the examined cattle feed samples, between moisture content (up to 20%) and the concentration of examined mycotoxins, a negative correlation was established (r=-0.26) with total aflatoxins and a positive correlation with ZON (r=0,36) and DON (r=0,60). Furthermore, a positive correlation (r=0.22) was established between ZON and DON concentrations. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31023 i br. TR-31053

    Histological and morphometric aspects of ridge preservation with a moldable, in situ hardening bone graft substitute

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    Biphasic calcium phosphates (BCP) are widely used in alveolar ridge regeneration as a porous scaffold for new bone formation. The aim of this case series was to evaluate the regenerative effect of the combination of BCP and polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) which can serve as a barrier membrane during bone regeneration. The study included five patients. Four months into the healing period, bone samples were collected for histological and morphometric analyses. The results of morphometric analysis showed that newly formed bone represented 32.2 ± 6.8% of the tissue, 31.9 ± 8.9% was occupied by residual graft and 35.9 ± 13.5% by soft tissue. Active osteogenesis was seen around the particles of the graft. The particles were occupied mostly by immature woven bone and connective tissue. The quality and quantity of newly formed bone, after the use of BCP/PLGA for ridge preservation, can be adequate for successful implant therapy after tooth extraction


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    Whole-plant corn silage is a starting point for economical and modern animal husbandry. It is a quality green feed replacement and the most important cattle feed. The quality of whole-plant corn silage is of great importance in milk production. Continuous monitoring of silage quality is an important part of feeding programmes. The aim of this study was to use chemical and microbiological analyses to determine the quality of whole-plant corn silage produced on family farms. The analysed samples contained, on average, 66.37% moisture (58.79-72.01%), 33.63% dry matter (27.99-41.21%), 2.07% crude protein (1.07-3.06%), 1.26% crude fat (0.72 -1.84%) and 8.09% crude cellulose (5.72-9.98%). The average pH value, taken as an indicator of the quality of fermentation, was 3.90 (3.50-4.16). Total volatile fatty acid comprised 1.87% (0.67-2.47%) lactic acid, 0.68% acetic acid (12.20-1.52%) and 0.02% (0-0.27%) butyric acid. The average proportions of lactic, acetic and butyric acids in the silage were 72.80% (33.3-88.81%), 26.45% (9.35-66.67%) and 0.75% (0-10.16%). The authors determined silage quality using the Flieg score. The samples from 12 farms were graded as very good, while the silage from the other farms was evaluated as good (4 farms) and satisfactory (2 farms). The analysis of microbiological quality showed that the samples on average contained 405,556 (10,000-3,000,000) of silage bacteria and 7,000 (0-80,000) of mould. Sulphate-reducing Clostridia and Salmonella were not identified. The samples matched quality requirements prescribed by the rulebook

    Infekcija ovaca sa Strongyloides papillosus - uticaj intenziteta parazitske infekcije i terapije albendazolom na vrednosti osnovnih hematoloških parametara

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    The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the basic haematological parameters in conditions of natural infection of sheep with Strongyloides papillosus, as well as after the administration of antihelminthic albendazole (ABZ). Based on the intensity of infection with S. papillosus the sheep were divided into three groups: mild, moderate and high, and after that the sheep received a single dose of ABZ of 5mg/kg per body weight, per orally. Sampling of faeces and blood for parasitological and haematological assaying respectively, was performed on the 0 and the 21st day after the treatment with ABZ. The presence of parasitic infection with S. papillosus leads to a decrease of erythrocyte count, while the lowest values were established in the group with the highest intensity of parasitic infection (p ˂ 0.001). After treatment with ABZ the decrease of erythrocyte count was more prominent, which was, based on comparison with control groups C1 and C2, unequivocally established to be the consequence of treatment with ABZ. Detected values of haematocrit and erythrocyte indices indicated the presence of parasitic infection: the lowest values were established in the group with the highest intensity of parasitic infection. After treatment with ABZ haematocrit levels in control group C2 were statistically significantly lower compared to the control group C1 (p ˂ 0.001). In the presence of parasitic infection, the neutrophil and eosinophil counts increased almost linearly up to the value of 44.24±2.50% and 13.29±0.61% respectively, in the group of sheep with the highest intensity of parasitic infection (p ˂ 0.001; compared to control group C1). After treatment with ABZ the decrease of the number of these white blood cells is statistically significant (p ˂ 0.001). Bearing in mind our previous research and the connection of disbalanced redox equilibrium after the treatment with ABZ with changes, it is necessary to include antioxidative substances in the anti-parasitic treatment protocols.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde i procene osnovni hematološki parametri u uslovima prirodne infekcije ovaca sa Strongyloides papillosus, kao i nakon primene antihelmintika albendazola (ABZ). Na osnovu intenziteta infekcije sa S. papillosus ovce su podeljene u tri grupe: niski, srednji i visoki intenzitet infekcije, a zatim su ovce jednokratno dobile peroralno ABZ, u terapijskoj dozi od 5 mg/kg telesne mase. Uzorkovanje fecesa za parazitološka i za hematološka ispitivanja obavljeno je nultog i 21. dana od primene ABZ. Utvrđeno je da prisustvo parazitske infekcije sa S. papillosus dovodi do pada broja eritrocita, pri čemu su najniže vrednosti utvrđene u grupi sa najvećim intenzitetom parazitske infekcije (p ˂ 0,001). Nakon terapije sa ABZ pad broja eritrocita je izraženiji, što je nesumnjivo nastalo kao posledica terapije ABZ (na osnovu poređenja C1 i C2). Utvrđene vrednosti hematokrita i eritrocitnih indeksa su ukazivali na postojanje parazitske infekcije; najniže vrednosti su utvrđene kod grupe sa najvećim intenzitetom parazitske infekcije. Nakon terapije sa ABZ vrednosti hematokrita kod C2 bile su statistički značajno niže u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu C1 (p ˂ 0,001). U prisustvu parazitske infekcije broj neutrofila i eozinofila povećava se gotovo linearno, do vrednosti od 44,24±2,50% kod neutrofila, odnosno od 13,29±0,61% kod eozinofila u grupi ovaca sa najvećim intenzitetom parazitske infekcije (p ˂ 0,001). Nakon terapije sa ABZ broj ovih ćelija bele krvne loze smanjuje se statistički značajno (p ˂ 0,001). Imajući u vidu naša prethodna istraživanja i povezanost narušene redoks ravnoteže posle terapije sa ABZ sa promenama utvrđenim u ovom istraživanju, neophodno je u antiparazitske terapijske protokole uključiti antioksidativne supstance

    Histological and morphometric aspects of ridge preservation with a moldable, in situ hardening bone graft substitute

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    Biphasic calcium phosphates (BCP) are widely used in alveolar ridge regeneration as a porous scaffold for new bone formation. The aim of this case series was to evaluate the regenerative effect of the combination of BCP and polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) which can serve as a barrier membrane during bone regeneration. The study included five patients. Four months into the healing period, bone samples were collected for histological and morphometric analyses. The results of morphometric analysis showed that newly formed bone represented 32.2 ± 6.8% of the tissue, 31.9 ± 8.9% was occupied by residual graft and 35.9 ± 13.5% by soft tissue. Active osteogenesis was seen around the particles of the graft. The particles were occupied mostly by immature woven bone and connective tissue. The quality and quantity of newly formed bone, after the use of BCP/PLGA for ridge preservation, can be adequate for successful implant therapy after tooth extraction.Projekat ministarstva br. OI 175021 i br. OI 17300