36 research outputs found

    De novo pyrimidine synthesis is necessary for intestinal colonization of Salmonella Typhimurium in chicks

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    © 2017 Yang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. pyrE (STM3733) encodes orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRTase; EC, the fifth enzyme of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. We identified a ΔpyrE mutant as under selection in screening of a Salmonella mutant library in 4-day old chicks. Here, we confirm that a ΔpyrE mutant colonizes 4-day old chicks poorly in competitive infection with isogenic wild type, and that the ability of this mutant to colonize chicks could be restored by providing a copy of pyrE in trans. We further show that our ΔpyrE mutant grows poorly in nutrient poor conditions in vitro, and that the ability of this mutant to grow is restored, both in vitro and in chicks, when precursors to the pyrimidine salvage pathway were provided. This finding suggests that the environment in the chick intestine during our infections lacks sufficient precursors of the pyrimidine salvage pathway to support Salmonella growth. Finally, we show that the colonization defect of a ΔpyrE mutant during infection occurs in to chicks, but not in CBA/J mice or ligated ileal loops in calves. Our data suggest that de novo pyrimidine synthesis is necessary for colonization of Salmonella Typhimurium in the chick, a nd that the salvage pathway is not used in this niche

    Linearized Siderophore Products Secreted via MacAB Efflux Pump Protect Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium from Oxidative Stress

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    Nontyphoidal salmonellae (NTS) are exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS) during their residency in the gut. To survive oxidative stress encountered during infection, salmonellae employ several mechanisms. One of these mechanisms involves the multidrug efflux pump MacAB, although the natural substrate of this pump has not been identified. MacAB homologs in pseudomonads secrete products of nonribosomal peptide synthesis (NRPS). In Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, the siderophore enterobactin is produced by NRPS in response to iron starvation and this molecule can be processed into salmochelin and several linear metabolites. We found that Salmonella mutants lacking the key NRPS enzyme EntF are sensitive to peroxide mediated killing and cannot detoxify extracellular H2O2 Moreover, EntF and MacAB function in a common pathway to promote survival of Salmonella during oxidative stress. We further demonstrated that S. Typhimurium secretes siderophores in iron-rich media when peroxide is present and that these MacAB-secreted metabolites participate in protection of bacteria against H2O2 We showed that secretion of anti-H2O2 molecules is independent of the presence of the known siderophore efflux pumps EntS and IroC, well-described efflux systems involved in secretion of enterobactin and salmochelin. Both salmochelin and enterobactin are dispensable for S. Typhimurium protection against ROS; however, linear metabolites of enterobactin produced by esterases IroE and Fes are needed for bacterial survival in peroxide-containing media. We determined that linearized enterobactin trimer protects S. Typhimurium against peroxide-mediated killing in a MacAB-dependent fashion. Thus, we suggest that linearized enterobactin trimer is a natural substrate of MacAB and that its purpose is to detoxify extracellular reactive oxygen species. IMPORTANCE Nontyphoidal Salmonella bacteria induce a classic inflammatory diarrhea by eliciting a large influx of neutrophils, producing a robust oxidative burst. Despite substantial progress understanding the benefits to the host of the inflammatory response to Salmonella, little is known regarding how Salmonella can simultaneously resist the damaging effects of the oxidative burst. The multidrug efflux pump MacAB is important for survival of oxidative stress both in vitro and during infection. We describe a new pathway used by Salmonella Typhimurium to detoxify extracellular reactive oxygen species using a multidrug efflux pump (MacAB) to secrete a linear siderophore, a metabolite of enterobactin. The natural substrates of many multidrug efflux pumps are unknown, and functional roles of the linear metabolites of enterobactin are unknown. We bring two novel discoveries together to highlight an important mechanism used by Salmonella to survive under the oxidative stress conditions that this organism encounters during the classic inflammatory diarrhea that it also induces

    Linearized Siderophore Products Secreted via MacAB Efflux Pump Protect Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium from Oxidative Stress

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    Nontyphoidal salmonellae (NTS) are exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS) during their residency in the gut. To survive oxidative stress encountered during infection, salmonellae employ several mechanisms. One of these mechanisms involves the multidrug efflux pump MacAB, although the natural substrate of this pump has not been identified. MacAB homologs in pseudomonads secrete products of nonribosomal peptide synthesis (NRPS). In Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, the siderophore enterobactin is produced by NRPS in response to iron starvation and this molecule can be processed into salmochelin and several linear metabolites. We found that Salmonella mutants lacking the key NRPS enzyme EntF are sensitive to peroxide mediated killing and cannot detoxify extracellular H2O2. Moreover, EntF and MacAB function in a common pathway to promote survival of Salmonella during oxidative stress. We further demonstrated that S. Typhimurium secretes siderophores in iron-rich media when peroxide is present and that these MacAB-secreted metabolites participate in protection of bacteria against H2O2. We showed that secretion of anti-H2O2 molecules is independent of the presence of the known siderophore efflux pumps EntS and IroC, well-described efflux systems involved in secretion of enterobactin and salmochelin. Both salmochelin and enterobactin are dispensable for S. Typhimurium protection against ROS; however, linear metabolites of enterobactin produced by esterases IroE and Fes are needed for bacterial survival in peroxide-containing media. We determined that linearized enterobactin trimer protects S. Typhimurium against peroxide-mediated killing in a MacAB-dependent fashion. Thus, we suggest that linearized enterobactin trimer is a natural substrate of MacAB and that its purpose is to detoxify extracellular reactive oxygen species

    Novel two-step hierarchical screening of mutant pools reveals mutants under selection in chicks

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    © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.Contaminated chicken/egg products are major sources of human salmonellosis, yet the strategies used by Salmonella to colonize chickens are poorly understood. We applied a novel two-step hierarchical procedure to identify new genes important for colonization and persistence of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium in chickens. A library of 182 S. Typhimurium mutants each containing a targeted deletion of a group of contiguous genes (for a total of 2,069 genes deleted) was used to identify regions under selection at 1, 3, and 9 days postinfection in chicks. Mutants in 11 regions were under selection at all assayed times (colonization mutants), and mutants in 15 regions were under selection only at day 9 (persistence mutants). We assembled a pool of 92 mutants, each deleted for a single gene, representing nearly all genes in nine regions under selection. Twelve single gene deletion mutants were under selection in this assay, and we confirmed 6 of 9 of these candidate mutants via competitive infections and complementation analysis in chicks. STM0580, STM1295, STM1297, STM3612, STM3615, and STM3734 are needed for Salmonella to colonize and persist in chicks and were not previously associated with this ability. One of these key genes, STM1297 (selD), is required for anaerobic growth and supports the ability to utilize formate under these conditions, suggesting that metabolism of formate is important during infection. We report a hierarchical screening strategy to interrogate large portions of the genome during infection of animals using pools of mutants of low complexity. Using this strategy, we identified six genes not previously known to be needed during infection in chicks, and one of these (STM1297) suggests an important role for formate metabolism during infection

    Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Lacking hfq Gene Confers Protective Immunity against Murine Typhoid

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    Salmonella enterica is an important enteric pathogen and its various serovars are involved in causing both systemic and intestinal diseases in humans and domestic animals. The emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of Salmonella leading to increased morbidity and mortality has further complicated its management. Live attenuated vaccines have been proven superior over killed or subunit vaccines due to their ability to induce protective immunity. Of the various strategies used for the generation of live attenuated vaccine strains, focus has gradually shifted towards manipulation of virulence regulator genes. Hfq is a RNA chaperon which mediates the binding of small RNAs to the mRNA and assists in post-transcriptional gene regulation in bacteria. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of the Salmonella Typhimurium Δhfq strain as a candidate for live oral vaccine in murine model of typhoid fever. Salmonella hfq deletion mutant is highly attenuated in cell culture and animal model implying a significant role of Hfq in bacterial virulence. Oral immunization with the Salmonella hfq deletion mutant efficiently protects mice against subsequent oral challenge with virulent strain of Salmonella Typhimurium. Moreover, protection was induced upon both multiple as well as single dose of immunizations. The vaccine strain appears to be safe for use in pregnant mice and the protection is mediated by the increase in the number of CD4+ T lymphocytes upon vaccination. The levels of serum IgG and secretory-IgA in intestinal washes specific to lipopolysaccharide and outer membrane protein were significantly increased upon vaccination. Furthermore, hfq deletion mutant showed enhanced antigen presentation by dendritic cells compared to the wild type strain. Taken together, the studies in murine immunization model suggest that the Salmonella hfq deletion mutant can be a novel live oral vaccine candidate

    Exploring Uncoupling Proteins and Antioxidant Mechanisms under Acute Cold Exposure in Brains of Fish

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    Exposure to fluctuating temperatures accelerates the mitochondrial respiration and increases the formation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) in ectothermic vertebrates including fish. To date, little is known on potential oxidative damage and on protective antioxidative defense mechanisms in the brain of fish under cold shock. In this study, the concentration of cellular protein carbonyls in brain was significantly increased by 38% within 1 h after cold exposure (from 28°C to 18°C) of zebrafish (Danio rerio). In addition, the specific activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the mRNA level of catalase (CAT) were increased after cold exposure by about 60% (6 h) and by 60%–90% (1 and 24 h), respectively, while the specific glutathione content as well as the ratio of glutathione disulfide to glutathione remained constant and at a very low level. In addition, cold exposure increased the protein level of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) by about 50% and the mRNA level of the glucose transporter zglut3 in brain by 50%–100%. To test for an involvement of uncoupling proteins (UCPs) in the cold adaptation of zebrafish, five UCP members were annotated and identified (zucp1-5). With the exception of zucp1, the mRNA levels of the other four zucps were significantly increased after cold exposure. In addition, the mRNA levels of four of the fish homologs (zppar) of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) were increased after cold exposure. These data suggest that PPARs and UCPs are involved in the alterations observed in zebrafish brain after exposure to 18°C. The observed stimulation of the PPAR-UCP axis may help to prevent oxidative damage and to maintain metabolic balance and cellular homeostasis in the brains of ectothermic zebrafish upon cold exposure

    Adaptation and Preadaptation of Salmonella enterica to Bile

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    Bile possesses antibacterial activity because bile salts disrupt membranes, denature proteins, and damage DNA. This study describes mechanisms employed by the bacterium Salmonella enterica to survive bile. Sublethal concentrations of the bile salt sodium deoxycholate (DOC) adapt Salmonella to survive lethal concentrations of bile. Adaptation seems to be associated to multiple changes in gene expression, which include upregulation of the RpoS-dependent general stress response and other stress responses. The crucial role of the general stress response in adaptation to bile is supported by the observation that RpoS− mutants are bile-sensitive. While adaptation to bile involves a response by the bacterial population, individual cells can become bile-resistant without adaptation: plating of a non-adapted S. enterica culture on medium containing a lethal concentration of bile yields bile-resistant colonies at frequencies between 10−6 and 10−7 per cell and generation. Fluctuation analysis indicates that such colonies derive from bile-resistant cells present in the previous culture. A fraction of such isolates are stable, indicating that bile resistance can be acquired by mutation. Full genome sequencing of bile-resistant mutants shows that alteration of the lipopolysaccharide transport machinery is a frequent cause of mutational bile resistance. However, selection on lethal concentrations of bile also provides bile-resistant isolates that are not mutants. We propose that such isolates derive from rare cells whose physiological state permitted survival upon encountering bile. This view is supported by single cell analysis of gene expression using a microscope fluidic system: batch cultures of Salmonella contain cells that activate stress response genes in the absence of DOC. This phenomenon underscores the existence of phenotypic heterogeneity in clonal populations of bacteria and may illustrate the adaptive value of gene expression fluctuations

    In Vivo Structure of the E. coli FtsZ-ring Revealed by Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM)

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    The FtsZ protein, a tubulin-like GTPase, plays a pivotal role in prokaryotic cell division. In vivo it localizes to the midcell and assembles into a ring-like structure-the Z-ring. The Z-ring serves as an essential scaffold to recruit all other division proteins and generates contractile force for cytokinesis, but its supramolecular structure remains unknown. Electron microscopy (EM) has been unsuccessful in detecting the Z-ring due to the dense cytoplasm of bacterial cells, and conventional fluorescence light microscopy (FLM) has only provided images with limited spatial resolution (200–300 nm) due to the diffraction of light. Hence, given the small sizes of bacteria cells, identifying the in vivo structure of the Z-ring presents a substantial challenge. Here, we used photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM), a single molecule-based super-resolution imaging technique, to characterize the in vivo structure of the Z-ring in E. coli. We achieved a spatial resolution of ∼35 nm and discovered that in addition to the expected ring-like conformation, the Z-ring of E. coli adopts a novel compressed helical conformation with variable helical length and pitch. We measured the thickness of the Z-ring to be ∼110 nm and the packing density of FtsZ molecules inside the Z-ring to be greater than what is expected for a single-layered flat ribbon configuration. Our results strongly suggest that the Z-ring is composed of a loose bundle of FtsZ protofilaments that randomly overlap with each other in both longitudinal and radial directions of the cell. Our results provide significant insight into the spatial organization of the Z-ring and open the door for further investigations of structure-function relationships and cell cycle-dependent regulation of the Z-ring

    Intraspecies Variation in the Emergence of Hyperinfectious Bacterial Strains in Nature

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    Salmonella is a principal health concern because of its endemic prevalence in food and water supplies, the rise in incidence of multi-drug resistant strains, and the emergence of new strains associated with increased disease severity. Insights into pathogen emergence have come from animal-passage studies wherein virulence is often increased during infection. However, these studies did not address the prospect that a select subset of strains undergo a pronounced increase in virulence during the infective process- a prospect that has significant implications for human and animal health. Our findings indicate that the capacity to become hypervirulent (100-fold decreased LD50) was much more evident in certain S. enterica strains than others. Hyperinfectious salmonellae were among the most virulent of this species; restricted to certain serotypes; and more capable of killing vaccinated animals. Such strains exhibited rapid (and rapidly reversible) switching to a less-virulent state accompanied by more competitive growth ex vivo that may contribute to maintenance in nature. The hypervirulent phenotype was associated with increased microbial pathogenicity (colonization; cytotoxin production; cytocidal activity), coupled with an altered innate immune cytokine response within infected cells (IFN-β; IL-1β; IL-6; IL-10). Gene expression analysis revealed that hyperinfectious strains display altered transcription of genes within the PhoP/PhoQ, PhoR/PhoB and ArgR regulons, conferring changes in the expression of classical virulence functions (e.g., SPI-1; SPI-2 effectors) and those involved in cellular physiology/metabolism (nutrient/acid stress). As hyperinfectious strains pose a potential risk to human and animal health, efforts toward mitigation of these potential food-borne contaminants may avert negative public health impacts and industry-associated losses

    De novo pyrimidine synthesis is necessary for intestinal colonization of Salmonella Typhimurium in chicks

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    © 2017 Yang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. pyrE (STM3733) encodes orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRTase; EC, the fifth enzyme of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. We identified a ΔpyrE mutant as under selection in screening of a Salmonella mutant library in 4-day old chicks. Here, we confirm that a ΔpyrE mutant colonizes 4-day old chicks poorly in competitive infection with isogenic wild type, and that the ability of this mutant to colonize chicks could be restored by providing a copy of pyrE in trans. We further show that our ΔpyrE mutant grows poorly in nutrient poor conditions in vitro, and that the ability of this mutant to grow is restored, both in vitro and in chicks, when precursors to the pyrimidine salvage pathway were provided. This finding suggests that the environment in the chick intestine during our infections lacks sufficient precursors of the pyrimidine salvage pathway to support Salmonella growth. Finally, we show that the colonization defect of a ΔpyrE mutant during infection occurs in to chicks, but not in CBA/J mice or ligated ileal loops in calves. Our data suggest that de novo pyrimidine synthesis is necessary for colonization of Salmonella Typhimurium in the chick, a nd that the salvage pathway is not used in this niche