674 research outputs found

    Resolving Space Plasma Species With Electrostatic Analyzers

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    Electrostatic analyzers resolve the energy-per-charge distributions of charged plasma particles. Some space plasma instruments use electrostatic analyzers among other units, such as aperture deflectors and position sensitive detectors, in order to resolve the three-dimensional energy (velocity) distribution functions of plasma particles. When these instruments do not comprise a mass analyzer unit, different species can be resolved only if there are measurable differences in their energy-per-charge distributions. This study examines the ability of single electrostatic analyzer systems in resolving co-moving plasma species with different mass-per-charge ratios. We consider examples of static plasma consisting of two species of heavy negative ions measured by a typical electrostatic analyzer design, similar to the electron spectrometer on board Cassini spacecraft. We demonstrate an appropriate modeling technique to simulate the basic features of the instrument response in the specific plasma conditions and we quantify its ability to resolve the key species as a function of the spacecraft speed and the plasma temperature. We show that for the parameter range we examine, the mass resolution increases with increasing spacecraft speed and decreasing plasma temperature. We also demonstrate how our model can analyze real measurements and drive future instrument designs

    The ExoMars Spectral Tool (ExoSpec):an image analysis tool for ExoMars 2020 PanCam imagery

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    The upcoming launch of the European Space Agency (ESA) ExoMars 2020 rover signals a need for an analysis tool to be created which can exploit the multi- and hyperspectral data that will be returned by its Panoramic Camera (PanCam), Infrared Spectrometer for Mars (ISEM), and Close-UP Imager (CLUPI) instruments. Data processed by this analysis tool will be invaluable in (i) characterising the geology local to the ExoMars rover, (ii) relating ground-based observations to orbital Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) data, (iii) detecting evidence of past habitability on Mars, and (iv) identifying drilling locations. PanCam, ISEM, and CLUPI offer spectral analysis capabilities in both spatial (140-1310 microns/pixel at 2 m working distance) and spectral (440-3300 nm) dimensions. We have developed the ExoMars Spectral Tool (ExoSpec) which functions as a GUI-based extension to ENVI + IDL and performs steps from image import and compilation into ENVI.dat format, flat-fielding, radiometric correction, radiance-toreflectance (Rāˆ—) corrections using the in-scene Gretag MacBeth ColorCheckerTM, and calculation of spectral parameters. We demonstrate the functionality of ExoSpec at its current stage of development and illustrate its utility with results from field expeditions to Mars analogue terrains in: (i) geothermally altered basalts in Ńamafjall, Iceland, and (ii) layered alluvial plains deposits in Hanksville, USA, using ExoMars PanCam, ISEM, and CLUPI emulator instruments

    Gravitational Higgs mechanism in neutron star interiors

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    We suggest that nonminimally coupled scalar fields can lead to modifications of the microphysics in the interiors of relativistic stars. As a concrete example, we consider the generation of a non-zero photon mass in such high-density environments. This is achieved by means of a light gravitational scalar, and the scalarization phase transition in scalar-tensor theories of gravitation. Two distinct models are presented, and phenomenological implications are briefly discussed

    Selecting the geology filter wavelengths for the ExoMars Panoramic Camera Instrument

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    The Panoramic Camera (PanCam) instrument will provide surface remote sensing data for the ExoMars mission. A combination of wide-angle stereo, multispectral, and high resolution imagery will generate contextual geological information to help inform which scientific targets should be selected for drilling and analysis. One component of the PanCam dataset is narrowband multispectral imaging in the visible to near infrared, which utilises a dedicated set of 12 ā€œgeologyā€ filters of predetermined wavelength and bandwidth to view the terrain, and provide information on composition and putative mineralogy. The centre wavelengths and bandwidths of these filters were optimised to account for the highly diverse mineralogical terrains the ExoMars rover will hopefully encounter. Six new alternative test filter sets were created, each optimised for the detection of either: sulfates, phyllosilicates, ferric oxides, mafic silicates, iron absorptions, and minor hydration absorptions. These six filter sets were cross-tested using database mineral reflectance spectra and Mars analogue rock multispectral data to find the best performing filter set. Once selected, the bandwidths of this filter set were also optimised. The filter set optimised to ferric oxide minerals was able to most accurately represent rock multispectral data, as well as capture subtle spectral features of hydrated minerals, including sulfates, phyllosilicates, and carbonates. These filters differ from those used on past missions (e.g., Pathfinder, Mars Exploration Rover) and represent the next evolutionary stage in PanCam instrument development. When compared to past filter sets, the updated ExoMars filters capture rock and mineral spectral data more effectively, enhancing the ability of the ExoMars PanCam to detect lithological and compositional variation within an outcrop

    The proposed Caroline ESA M3 mission to a Main Belt Comet

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    We describe Caroline, a mission proposal submitted to the European Space Agency in 2010 in response to the Cosmic Visions M3 call for medium-sized missions. Caroline would have travelled to a Main Belt Comet (MBC), characterizing the object during a flyby, and capturing dust from its tenuous coma for return to Earth. MBCs are suspected to be transition objects straddling the traditional boundary between volatileā€“poor rocky asteroids and volatileā€“rich comets. The weak cometary activity exhibited by these objects indicates the presence of water ice, and may represent the primary type of object that delivered water to the early Earth. The Caroline mission would have employed aerogel as a medium for the capture of dust grains, as successfully used by the NASA Stardust mission to Comet 81P/Wild 2. We describe the proposed mission design, primary elements of the spacecraft, and provide an overview of the science instruments and their measurement goals. Caroline was ultimately not selected by the European Space Agency during the M3 call; we briefly reflect on the pros and cons of the mission as proposed, and how current and future mission MBC mission proposals such as Castalia could best be approached

    Predictive gene signatures:molecular markers distinguishing colon adenomatous polyp and carcinoma

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    Funding: This study was supported by the Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division Food, Land and People Programme GT403 (http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Research/About/EBAR/StrategicResearch/future-research-strategy/Themes), Scottish Universities Life Science Alliance Translational Biology Studentship 10/09, (http://www.sulsa.ac.uk/), NHS Grampian Endowment Fund 12/07 (http://www.nhsgrampian.co.uk/nhsgrampian/gra_display_hospital.jsp?pContentID=65&p_applic=CCC&p_service=Content.show&). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Data Availability: The authors confirm that all data underlying the findings are fully available without restriction. All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Embryonic origin of the gnathostome vertebral skeleton.

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    The vertebral column is a key component of the jawed vertebrate (gnathostome) body plan, but the primitive embryonic origin of this skeleton remains unclear. In tetrapods, all vertebral components (neural arches, haemal arches and centra) derive from paraxial mesoderm (somites). However, in teleost fishes, vertebrae have a dual embryonic origin, with arches derived from somites, but centra formed, in part, by secretion of bone matrix from the notochord. Here, we test the embryonic origin of the vertebral skeleton in a cartilaginous fish (the skate, Leucoraja erinacea) which serves as an outgroup to tetrapods and teleosts. We demonstrate, by cell lineage tracing, that both arches and centra are somite-derived. We find no evidence of cellular or matrix contribution from the notochord to the skate vertebral skeleton. These findings indicate that the earliest gnathostome vertebral skeleton was exclusively of somitic origin, with a notochord contribution arising secondarily in teleosts
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