116 research outputs found

    Prospective surveillance of invasive group a streptococcal disease, Fiji, 2005-2007.

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    We undertook a prospective active surveillance study of invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) disease in Fiji over a 23-month period, 2005-2007. We identified 64 cases of invasive GAS disease, which represents an average annualized all-ages incidence of 9.9 cases/100,000 population per year (95% confidence interval [CI] 7.6-12.6). Rates were highest in those >65 years of age and in those <5 years, particularly in infants, for whom the incidence was 44.9/100,000 (95% CI 18.1-92.5). The case-fatality rate was 32% and was associated with increasing age and underlying coexisting disease, including diabetes and renal disease. Fifty-five of the GAS isolates underwent emm sequence typing; the types were highly diverse, with 38 different emm subtypes and no particular dominant type. Our data support the view that invasive GAS disease is common in developing countries and deserves increased public health attention

    Recombinational exchange of M-fibril and T-pilus genes generates extensive cell surface diversity in the global group A streptococcus population

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    Among genes present in all group A streptococci (GAS), those encoding M-fibril and T-pilus proteins display the highest levels of sequence diversity, giving rise to the two primary serological typing schemes historically used to define strain. A new genotyping scheme for the pilin adhesin and backbone genes is developed and, when combined with emm typing, provides an account of the global GAS strain population. Cluster analysis based on nucleotide sequence similarity assigns most T-serotypes to discrete pilin backbone sequence clusters, yet the established T-types correspond to only half the clusters. The major pilin adhesin and backbone sequence clusters yield 98 unique combinations, defined as “pilin types.” Numerous horizontal transfer events that involve pilin or emm genes generate extensive antigenic and functional diversity on the bacterial cell surface and lead to the emergence of new strains. Inferred pilin genotypes applied to a meta-analysis of global population-based collections of pharyngitis and impetigo isolates reveal highly significant associations between pilin genotypes and GAS infection at distinct ecological niches, consistent with a role for pilin gene products in adaptive evolution. Integration of emm and pilin typing into open-access online tools (pubmlst.org) ensures broad utility for end-users wanting to determine the architecture of M-fibril and T-pilus genes from genome assemblies. IMPORTANCE Precision in defining the variant forms of infectious agents is critical to understanding their population biology and the epidemiology of associated diseases. Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is a global pathogen that causes a wide range of diseases and displays a highly diverse cell surface due to the antigenic heterogeneity of M-fibril and T-pilus proteins which also act as virulence factors of varied functions. emm genotyping is well-established and highly utilized, but there is no counterpart for pilin genes. A global GAS collection provides the basis for a comprehensive pilin typing scheme, and online tools for determining emm and pilin genotypes are developed. Application of these tools reveals the expansion of structural-functional diversity among GAS via horizontal gene transfer, as evidenced by unique combinations of surface protein genes. Pilin and emm genotype correlations with superficial throat vs skin infection provide new insights on the molecular determinants underlying key ecological and epidemiological trends

    Global emergence and population dynamics of divergent serotype 3 CC180 pneumococci

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 3 remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, despite inclusion in the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13). Serotype 3 increased in carriage since the implementation of PCV13 in the USA, while invasive disease rates remain unchanged. We investigated the persistence of serotype 3 in carriage and disease, through genomic analyses of a global sample of 301 serotype 3 isolates of the Netherlands3–31 (PMEN31) clone CC180, combined with associated patient data and PCV utilization among countries of isolate collection. We assessed phenotypic variation between dominant clades in capsule charge (zeta potential), capsular polysaccharide shedding, and susceptibility to opsonophagocytic killing, which have previously been associated with carriage duration, invasiveness, and vaccine escape. We identified a recent shift in the CC180 population attributed to a lineage termed Clade II, which was estimated by Bayesian coalescent analysis to have first appeared in 1968 [95% HPD: 1939–1989] and increased in prevalence and effective population size thereafter. Clade II isolates are divergent from the pre-PCV13 serotype 3 population in non-capsular antigenic composition, competence, and antibiotic susceptibility, the last of which resulting from the acquisition of a Tn916-like conjugative transposon. Differences in recombination rates among clades correlated with variations in the ATP-binding subunit of Clp protease, as well as amino acid substitutions in the comCDE operon. Opsonophagocytic killing assays elucidated the low observed efficacy of PCV13 against serotype 3. Variation in PCV13 use among sampled countries was not independently correlated with the CC180 population shift; therefore, genotypic and phenotypic differences in protein antigens and, in particular, antibiotic resistance may have contributed to the increase of Clade II. Our analysis emphasizes the need for routine, representative sampling of isolates from disperse geographic regions, including historically under-sampled areas. We also highlight the value of genomics in resolving antigenic and epidemiological variations within a serotype, which may have implications for future vaccine development

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Basal fatty acid oxidation increases after recurrent low glucose in human primary astrocytes

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    YesAims/hypothesis Hypoglycaemia is a major barrier to good glucose control in type 1 diabetes. Frequent hypoglycaemic episodes impair awareness of subsequent hypoglycaemic bouts. Neural changes underpinning awareness of hypoglycaemia are poorly defined and molecular mechanisms by which glial cells contribute to hypoglycaemia sensing and glucose counterregulation require further investigation. The aim of the current study was to examine whether, and by what mechanism, human primary astrocyte (HPA) function was altered by acute and recurrent low glucose (RLG). Methods To test whether glia, specifically astrocytes, could detect changes in glucose, we utilised HPA and U373 astrocytoma cells and exposed them to RLG in vitro. This allowed measurement, with high specificity and sensitivity, of RLG-associated changes in cellular metabolism. We examined changes in protein phosphorylation/expression using western blotting. Metabolic function was assessed using a Seahorse extracellular flux analyser. Immunofluorescent imaging was used to examine cell morphology and enzymatic assays were used to measure lactate release, glycogen content, intracellular ATP and nucleotide ratios. Results AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) was activated over a pathophysiologically relevant glucose concentration range. RLG produced an increased dependency on fatty acid oxidation for basal mitochondrial metabolism and exhibited hallmarks of mitochondrial stress, including increased proton leak and reduced coupling efficiency. Relative to glucose availability, lactate release increased during low glucose but this was not modified by RLG. Basal glucose uptake was not modified by RLG and glycogen levels were similar in control and RLG-treated cells. Mitochondrial adaptations to RLG were partially recovered by maintaining euglycaemic levels of glucose following RLG exposure. Conclusions/interpretation Taken together, these data indicate that HPA mitochondria are altered following RLG, with a metabolic switch towards increased fatty acid oxidation, suggesting glial adaptations to RLG involve altered mitochondrial metabolism that could contribute to defective glucose counterregulation to hypoglycaemia in diabetes.Diabetes UK (RD Lawrence Fellowship to CB; 13/0004647); the Medical Research Council (MR/N012763/1) to KLJE, ADR and CB; and a Mary Kinross Charitable Trust PhD studentship to CB, ADR and RW to support PGWP. Additional support for this work came from awards from the British Society for Neuroendocrinology (to CB and KLJE), the Society for Endocrinology (CB), Tenovus Scotland (CB) and the University of Exeter Medical School (CB and KLJE). AR was also supported by a Royal Society Industry Fellowship

    Geographical migration and fitness dynamics of Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of pneumonia and meningitis worldwide. Many different serotypes co-circulate endemically in any one location1,2. The extent and mechanisms of spread and vaccine-driven changes in fitness and antimicrobial resistance remain largely unquantified. Here using geolocated genome sequences from South Africa (n = 6,910, collected from 2000 to 2014), we developed models to reconstruct spread, pairing detailed human mobility data and genomic data. Separately, we estimated the population-level changes in fitness of strains that are included (vaccine type (VT)) and not included (non-vaccine type (NVT)) in pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, first implemented in South Africa in 2009. Differences in strain fitness between those that are and are not resistant to penicillin were also evaluated. We found that pneumococci only become homogenously mixed across South Africa after 50 years of transmission, with the slow spread driven by the focal nature of human mobility. Furthermore, in the years following vaccine implementation, the relative fitness of NVT compared with VT strains increased (relative risk of 1.68; 95% confidence interval of 1.59–1.77), with an increasing proportion of these NVT strains becoming resistant to penicillin. Our findings point to highly entrenched, slow transmission and indicate that initial vaccine-linked decreases in antimicrobial resistance may be transient

    Digital Immersive Virtual Environments and Instructional Computing

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    This article reviews theory and research relevant to the development of digital immersive virtual environment-based instructional computing systems. The review is organized within the context of a multidimensional model of social influence and interaction within virtual environments that models the interaction of four theoretical factors: theory of mind, communicative realism, behavioral systems level, and situational self-relevance. The ways in which social interactional processes in digital immersive virtual environments may be easily filtered and transformed in ways relevant to instructor–learner interactions are discussed. Relevant experimental investigations are reviewed that indicate their potential to increase the adaptivity of immersive virtual environment systems for learners and instructors