225 research outputs found

    Walking the Maternal Tightrope: Work and Family in America

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    In the last few decades, an unprecedented number of women with children have entered the U.S. workforce. The ability to negotiate the roles of parent and employee is important to the health and financial well-being of these women and their families, but institutional and social barriers impede the process. Using the empirical and theoretical literature on women and work, this article examines these barriers. The authors address the impact of cultural ideals, psychological processes, and public policy on the maternal work-family balance. Several changes that would help create an atmosphere supportive of balance are explored, including increased support for shared parenting and improvements to the Family and Medical Leave Act

    Neuroprotective efficacy of P7C3 compounds in primate hippocampus.

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    There is a critical need for translating basic science discoveries into new therapeutics for patients suffering from difficult to treat neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions. Previously, a target-agnostic in vivo screen in mice identified P7C3 aminopropyl carbazole as capable of enhancing the net magnitude of postnatal neurogenesis by protecting young neurons from death. Subsequently, neuroprotective efficacy of P7C3 compounds in a broad spectrum of preclinical rodent models has also been observed. An important next step in translating this work to patients is to determine whether P7C3 compounds exhibit similar efficacy in primates. Adult male rhesus monkeys received daily oral P7C3-A20 or vehicle for 38 weeks. During weeks 2-11, monkeys received weekly injection of 5'-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) to label newborn cells, the majority of which would normally die over the following 27 weeks. BrdU+ cells were quantified using unbiased stereology. Separately in mice, the proneurogenic efficacy of P7C3-A20 was compared to that of NSI-189, a proneurogenic drug currently in clinical trials for patients with major depression. Orally-administered P7C3-A20 provided sustained plasma exposure, was well-tolerated, and elevated the survival of hippocampal BrdU+ cells in nonhuman primates without adverse central or peripheral tissue effects. In mice, NSI-189 was shown to be pro-proliferative, and P7C3-A20 elevated the net magnitude of hippocampal neurogenesis to a greater degree than NSI-189 through its distinct mechanism of promoting neuronal survival. This pilot study provides evidence that P7C3-A20 safely protects neurons in nonhuman primates, suggesting that the neuroprotective efficacy of P7C3 compounds is likely to translate to humans as well

    Age-dependent loss of cohesion protection in human oocytes

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    Aneuploid human eggs (oocytes) are a major cause of infertility, miscarriage, and chromosomal disorders. Such aneuploidies increase greatly as women age, with defective linkages between sister chromatids (cohesion) in meiosis as a common cause. We found that loss of a specific pool of the cohesin protector protein, shugoshin 2 (SGO2), may contribute to this phenomenon. Our data indicate that SGO2 preserves sister chromatid cohesion in meiosis by protecting a ‘‘cohesin bridge’’ between sister chromatids. In human oocytes, SGO2 localizes to both sub-centromere cups and the pericentromeric bridge, which spans the sister chromatid junction. SGO2 normally colocalizes with cohesin; however, in meiosis II oocytes from older women, SGO2 is frequently lost from the pericentromeric bridge and sister chromatid cohesion is weakened. MPS1 and BUB1 kinase activities maintain SGO2 at sub-centromeres and the pericentromeric bridge. Removal of SGO2 throughout meiosis I by MPS1 inhibition reduces cohesion protection, increasing the incidence of single chromatids at meiosis II. Therefore, SGO2 deficiency in human oocytes can exacerbate the effects of maternal age by rendering residual cohesin at pericentromeres vulnerable to loss in anaphase I. Our data show that impaired SGO2 localization weakens cohesion integrity and may contribute to the increased incidence of aneuploidy observed in human oocytes with advanced maternal age

    Artificial Intelligence Framework Identifies Candidate Targets for Drug Repurposing in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Background: Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified numerous susceptibility loci for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, utilizing GWAS and multi-omics data to identify high-confidence AD risk genes (ARGs) and druggable targets that can guide development of new therapeutics for patients suffering from AD has heretofore not been successful. Methods: To address this critical problem in the field, we have developed a network-based artificial intelligence framework that is capable of integrating multi-omics data along with human protein–protein interactome networks to accurately infer accurate drug targets impacted by GWAS-identified variants to identify new therapeutics. When applied to AD, this approach integrates GWAS findings, multi-omics data from brain samples of AD patients and AD transgenic animal models, drug-target networks, and the human protein–protein interactome, along with large-scale patient database validation and in vitro mechanistic observations in human microglia cells. Results: Through this approach, we identified 103 ARGs validated by various levels of pathobiological evidence in AD. Via network-based prediction and population-based validation, we then showed that three drugs (pioglitazone, febuxostat, and atenolol) are significantly associated with decreased risk of AD compared with matched control populations. Pioglitazone usage is significantly associated with decreased risk of AD (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.916, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.861–0.974, P = 0.005) in a retrospective case-control validation. Pioglitazone is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) agonist used to treat type 2 diabetes, and propensity score matching cohort studies confirmed its association with reduced risk of AD in comparison to glipizide (HR = 0.921, 95% CI 0.862–0.984, P = 0.0159), an insulin secretagogue that is also used to treat type 2 diabetes. In vitro experiments showed that pioglitazone downregulated glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK5) in human microglia cells, supporting a possible mechanism-of-action for its beneficial effect in AD. Conclusions: In summary, we present an integrated, network-based artificial intelligence methodology to rapidly translate GWAS findings and multi-omics data to genotype-informed therapeutic discovery in AD

    Network medicine links SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 infection to brain microvascular injury and neuroinflammation in dementia-like cognitive impairment

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    Background Dementia-like cognitive impairment is an increasingly reported complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, the underlying mechanisms responsible for this complication remain unclear. A better understanding of causative processes by which COVID-19 may lead to cognitive impairment is essential for developing preventive and therapeutic interventions. Methods In this study, we conducted a network-based, multimodal omics comparison of COVID-19 and neurologic complications. We constructed the SARS-CoV-2 virus-host interactome from protein-protein interaction assay and CRISPR-Cas9-based genetic assay results and compared network-based relationships therein with those of known neurological manifestations using network proximity measures. We also investigated the transcriptomic profiles (including single-cell/nuclei RNA-sequencing) of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) marker genes from patients infected with COVID-19, as well as the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 entry factors in the brains of AD patients not infected with SARS-CoV-2. Results We found significant network-based relationships between COVID-19 and neuroinflammation and brain microvascular injury pathways and processes which are implicated in AD. We also detected aberrant expression of AD biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood of patients with COVID-19. While transcriptomic analyses showed relatively low expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry factors in human brain, neuroinflammatory changes were pronounced. In addition, single-nucleus transcriptomic analyses showed that expression of SARS-CoV-2 host factors (BSG and FURIN) and antiviral defense genes (LY6E, IFITM2, IFITM3, and IFNAR1) was elevated in brain endothelial cells of AD patients and healthy controls relative to neurons and other cell types, suggesting a possible role for brain microvascular injury in COVID-19-mediated cognitive impairment. Overall, individuals with the AD risk allele APOE E4/E4 displayed reduced expression of antiviral defense genes compared to APOE E3/E3 individuals. Conclusion Our results suggest significant mechanistic overlap between AD and COVID-19, centered on neuroinflammation and microvascular injury. These results help improve our understanding of COVID-19-associated neurological manifestations and provide guidance for future development of preventive or treatment interventions, although causal relationship and mechanistic pathways between COVID-19 and AD need future investigations

    The Democratic Biopolitics of PrEP

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    PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a relatively new drug-based HIV prevention technique and an important means to lower the HIV risk of gay men who are especially vulnerable to HIV. From the perspective of biopolitics, PrEP inscribes itself in a larger trend of medicalization and the rise of pharmapower. This article reconstructs and evaluates contemporary literature on biopolitical theory as it applies to PrEP, by bringing it in a dialogue with a mapping of the political debate on PrEP. As PrEP changes sexual norms and subjectification, for example condom use and its meaning for gay subjectivity, it is highly contested. The article shows that the debate on PrEP can be best described with the concepts ‘sexual-somatic ethics’ and ‘democratic biopolitics’, which I develop based on the biopolitical approach of Nikolas Rose and Paul Rabinow. In contrast, interpretations of PrEP which are following governmentality studies or Italian Theory amount to either farfetched or trivial positions on PrEP, when seen in light of the political debate. Furthermore, the article is a contribution to the scholarship on gay subjectivity, highlighting how homophobia and homonormativity haunts gay sex even in liberal environments, and how PrEP can serve as an entry point for the destigmatization of gay sexuality and transformation of gay subjectivity. ‘Biopolitical democratization’ entails making explicit how medical technology and health care relates to sexual subjectification and ethics, to strengthen the voice of (potential) PrEP users in health politics, and to renegotiate the profit and power of Big Pharma

    Multimodal Single-Cell/Nucleus RNA Sequencing Data Analysis Uncovers Molecular Networks Between Disease-Associated Microglia and Astrocytes With Implications for Drug Repurposing in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Because disease-associated microglia (DAM) and disease-associated astrocytes (DAA) are involved in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), we systematically identified molecular networks between DAM and DAA to uncover novel therapeutic targets for AD. Specifically, we develop a network-based methodology that leverages single-cell/nucleus RNA sequencing data from both transgenic mouse models and AD patient brains, as well as drug-target network, metaboliteenzyme associations, the human protein-protein interactome, and large-scale longitudinal patient data. Through this approach, we find both common and unique gene network regulators between DAM (i.e., PAK1, MAPK14, and CSF1R) and DAA (i.e., NFKB1, FOS, and JUN) that are significantly enriched by neuro-inflammatory pathways and well-known genetic variants (i.e., BIN1). We identify shared immune pathways between DAM and DAA, including Th17 cell differentiation and chemokine signaling. Last, integrative metabolite-enzyme network analyses suggest that fatty acids and amino acids may trigger molecular alterations in DAM and DAA. Combining network-based prediction and retrospective case-control observations with 7.2 million individuals, we identify that usage of fluticasone (an approved glucocorticoid receptor agonist) is significantly associated with a reduced incidence of AD (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.86, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.83-0.89, P \u3c 1.0 × 10 - 8). Propensity score-stratified cohort studies reveal that usage of mometasone (a stronger glucocorticoid receptor agonist) is significantly associated with a decreased risk of AD (HR = 0.74, 95% CI 0.68-0.81, P \u3c 1.0 × 10 - 8) compared to fluticasone after adjusting age, gender, and disease comorbidities. In summary, we present a network-based, multimodal methodology for single-cell/nucleus genomics-informed drug discovery and have identified fluticasone and mometasone as potential treatments in AD

    Development and validation of a targeted gene sequencing panel for application to disparate cancers

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    Next generation sequencing has revolutionised genomic studies of cancer, having facilitated the development of precision oncology treatments based on a tumour’s molecular profile. We aimed to develop a targeted gene sequencing panel for application to disparate cancer types with particular focus on tumours of the head and neck, plus test for utility in liquid biopsy. The final panel designed through Roche/Nimblegen combined 451 cancer-associated genes (2.01 Mb target region). 136 patient DNA samples were collected for performance and application testing. Panel sensitivity and precision were measured using well-characterised DNA controls (n = 47), and specificity by Sanger sequencing of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Interacting Protein (AIP) gene in 89 patients. Assessment of liquid biopsy application employed a pool of synthetic circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA). Library preparation and sequencing were conducted on Illumina-based platforms prior to analysis with our accredited (ISO15189) bioinformatics pipeline. We achieved a mean coverage of 395x, with sensitivity and specificity of >99% and precision of >97%. Liquid biopsy revealed detection to 1.25% variant allele frequency. Application to head and neck tumours/cancers resulted in detection of mutations aligned to published databases. In conclusion, we have developed an analytically-validated panel for application to cancers of disparate types with utility in liquid biopsy

    Mutations in the UBIAD1 Gene, Encoding a Potential Prenyltransferase, Are Causal for Schnyder Crystalline Corneal Dystrophy

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    Schnyder crystalline corneal dystrophy (SCCD, MIM 121800) is a rare autosomal dominant disease characterized by progressive opacification of the cornea resulting from the local accumulation of lipids, and associated in some cases with systemic dyslipidemia. Although previous studies of the genetics of SCCD have localized the defective gene to a 1.58 Mbp interval on chromosome 1p, exhaustive sequencing of positional candidate genes has thus far failed to reveal causal mutations. We have ascertained a large multigenerational family in Nova Scotia affected with SCCD in which we have confirmed linkage to the same general area of chromosome 1. Intensive fine mapping in our family revealed a 1.3 Mbp candidate interval overlapping that previously reported. Sequencing of genes in our interval led to the identification of five putative causal mutations in gene UBIAD1, in our family as well as in four other small families of various geographic origins. UBIAD1 encodes a potential prenyltransferase, and is reported to interact physically with apolipoprotein E. UBIAD1 may play a direct role in intracellular cholesterol biochemistry, or may prenylate other proteins regulating cholesterol transport and storage
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