10 research outputs found

    Cultivation of immature Capsicum spp. embryos for incompatible-crossing embryo rescue

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      The in vitro culture of embryos is an important technique to enable the rescue of embryos from incompatible crosses. Studies analyzing the factors that affect the in vitro culture of zygotic embryos are scarce. This study evaluated the effect of the genotype (Capsicum baccatum and C. frutescens), the composition of the culture medium (MS and ½ MS medium with different concentrations of sucrose, IAA and GA3) and the stage of development (globular, cordiform, torpedo and cotyledonary) in the in vitro culture of immature embryos. Embryo germination was influenced primarily by the stage of development of the embryo and the composition of the culture medium. Regardless of the species, the most suitable culture medium for the germination of globular and cordiform embryos was ½ MS with 0.05 mg L-1 of GA3 and IAA and 40 g L-1 of sucrose. For torpedo and cotyledonary embryos, ½ MS culture medium with 20 g L-1 of sucrose without phytoregulators is recommended for germination. These results were better than those described in the literature for all development stages in the two species. The results in the present study will be useful for geneticists and genetic enhancers interested in applying germination techniques conducted in vitro for immature Capsicum embryos

    Proposal for qualitative and quantitative descriptors to characterise bamboo germplasm

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    ABSTRACT Bamboo is a genetic resource with evident potential for use from construction until the recovery of degraded areas. Although, characterization and evaluation studies involving bamboo species are scarce and it is difficult to define a list of specific descriptors to better meet the different genres and or bamboo species. Thus, the objective of this work were propose and test the effectiveness of qualitative and quantitative descriptors for phenotypic characterization and the study of genetic diversity among six species of bamboo introduced in Brazil. Fifteen qualitative and nine quantitative descriptors were proposed and tested in clones with one year of planting. Individuals belonging to six species of bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris, Bambusa vulgaris var. vittata, Drepanostachyum falcatum, Dendrocalamus latiforus, Phyllostachys aurea var. albovariegada and Phyllostachys edulis) were characterized on the basis of vegetative descriptors, pseudopetiole, sheath, ligule, gems and culm. The genetic divergence between the clones was estimated by the methods of grouping of Tocher and UPGMA with use of average Euclidean distance and the principal component in two-dimensional plane. Qualitative and quantitative descriptors proposed were efficient to differentiate the six species studied and quantify genetic diversity. The quantitative descriptor of sheath length was the largest contributor to differentiate the species studied

    The genetic diversity of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) hybrids based on ISSR markers - doi: 10.4025/actasciagron.v35i4.16737

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    The strawberry is an important agricultural crop in Brazil. However, most of the commercial genotypes currently in cultivation in Brazil were developed in other countries with environmental adaptations often inadequate for the regional conditions. In this work, inter-simple sequence repeat markers were used to determine the genetic variability and the loci segregation profiles of 84 strawberry hybrids obtained from a genetic breeding program at the ‘Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais.’ The hybrids were produced from crosses involving the following progenitors: ‘Toyonoka’ x ‘Sweet Charlie’, ‘Camino Real’ x ‘Sweet Charlie’, ‘Oso Grande’ x ‘Sweet Charlie’, ‘Oso Grande’ x ‘Toyonoka’, ‘Dover’ x ‘Oso Grande’, and ‘Camino Real’ x ‘Toyonoka’. Fourteen genotypes were randomly sampled for each hybrid combination and evaluated. The results showed that the genetic profiles of the hybrids from each test cross were very diverse, most likely due to the high heterozygosity of the genome of each progenitor involved, which might indicate the presence of adequate genetic diversity among the hybrids to allow for the selection of new cultivars with agronomic traits that are more suitable to environmental conditions in Brazil.   The strawberry is an important agricultural crop in Brazil. However, most of the commercial genotypes currently in cultivation in Brazil were developed in other countries with environmental adaptations often inadequate for the regional conditions. In this work, inter-simple sequence repeat markers were used to determine the genetic variability and the loci segregation profiles of 84 strawberry hybrids obtained from a genetic breeding program at the ‘Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais.’ The hybrids were produced from crosses involving the following progenitors: ‘Toyonoka’ x ‘Sweet Charlie’, ‘Camino Real’ x ‘Sweet Charlie’, ‘Oso Grande’ x ‘Sweet Charlie’, ‘Oso Grande’ x ‘Toyonoka’, ‘Dover’ x ‘Oso Grande’, and ‘Camino Real’ x ‘Toyonoka’. Fourteen genotypes were randomly sampled for each hybrid combination and evaluated. The results showed that the genetic profiles of the hybrids from each test cross were very diverse, most likely due to the high heterozygosity of the genome of each progenitor involved, which might indicate the presence of adequate genetic diversity among the hybrids to allow for the selection of new cultivars with agronomic traits that are more suitable to environmental conditions in Brazil.

    An improved method for genomic DNA extraction from strawberry leaves Otimização de um método para extração de DNA genômico a partir de folhas de morangueiro

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    Several extraction methods of genomic DNA for identification and characterization of genetic diversity in different plant species are routinely applied during molecular analysis. However, the presence of undesirable compounds such as polyphenols and polysaccharides is one of the biggest problems faced during the isolation and purification of high quality DNA in plants. Therefore, achievement of fast and accurate methods for DNA extraction is crucial in order to produce pure samples. Leaves of strawberry genotypes (Fragaria ananassa) have high contents of polysaccharides and polyphenols which increase the sample viscosity and decrease the DNA quality, interfering with the PCR performance. Thereby, in this study we evaluated the quality and amount of genomic DNA extracted from young leaves of strawberry after tissue lyophilization and maceration in presence of polivinilpirrolidone (PVP). The CTAB method was used as reference procedure and it was modified to improve the DNA extraction. The modifications consisted of tissue lyophilization overnight until it was completely freeze-dried and addition of PVP during the tissue maceration in liquid nitrogen. The results showed the efficiency and reliability of the modified method compared to the unmodified method, indicating that combination of lyophilization and PVP improve the quality and amount of the DNA extracted from strawberry leaves.<br>Vários métodos de extração de DNA genômico para a identificação e caracterização da diversidade genética em diferentes espécies de plantas são rotineiramente aplicados durante a análise molecular. Entretanto, a presença de compostos indesejáveis, tais como polifenóis e polissacarídeos, é um dos maiores problemas que ocorrem durante o isolamento e purificação de DNA de alta qualidade em plantas. Dessa forma, o sucesso no desenvolvimento de métodos de extração de DNA rápidos e acurados é crucial para produzir amostras puras. Folhas de genótipos de morangueiro (Fragaria ananassa) têm elevado conteúdo de polissacarídeos e polifenóis que aumentam a viscosidade da amostra e reduzem a qualidade do DNA, interferindo no desempenho da PCR. Neste estudo, avaliamos a qualidade e a quantidade de DNA genômico extraído de folhas jovens de morangueiro após a liofilização do tecido e a maceração na presença de polivinilpirrolidona (PVP). O método CTAB foi utilizado como procedimento de referência e foi modificado para melhorar a extração do DNA. As modificações consistiram na liofilização do tecido a baixa temperatura até que ele tivesse sido desidratado completamente, associada à adição de PVP durante a maceração do tecido no nitrogênio líquido. Os resultados demonstraram a eficiência e a confiabilidade do método modificado comparado ao método não modificado, indicando que a combinação da liofilização com PVP melhora a qualidade e quantidade do DNA extraído de folhas de morangueiro

    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiva

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    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiv

    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiva

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    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiv