3,854 research outputs found

    Design and Manufacturing of an APTF to Test Fluid Behaviour in Microgravity Environment

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    The present paper deals with the design and manufacturing of an APTF (Advanced Plateau Tank Facility) in order to carrying out earth experiments, previous to space experiments, of fluid behaviour in microgravity environment. This work has been done in collaboration between Manufacturing and Microgravity Laboratories in the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and analyses the requirements and restrictions that must be considered for an APTF design and manufacture. Mechanism employed in each part of the prototype are described in detail, emphasising those that suppose new solutions rather previous designs

    A new consensus measure based on Pearson correlation coefficient

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    Obtaining consensual solutions is an important issue in decision making processes. It depends on several factors such as experts’ opinions, principles, knowledge, experience, etc. In the literature we can find a considerable amount of consensus measurement from different research areas (from a Social Choice perspective: Alcalde-Unzu and Vorsatz [1], Alcantud, de Andres Calle and Cascon [2] and Bosch [3], among others and from Decision Making Theory: Gonzalez-Arteaga, Alcantud and de Andres Calle [4] and Gonzalez-Pachon [5], Herrera, Herrera-Viedma and Chiclana [7], Herrera-Viedma et al. [6] and Wu et al. [8], among others ). Most of them have a common point, they are based on distances or similarity functions. In the present contribution we propose a new approach based on the use of the Pearson correlation coefficient to measure consensus. Moreover, we suppose a general framework considering experts’ opinions modelled by fuzzy preference relation. The new correlation consensus measurement takes into account concordance between preferences intensities for pairs of alternatives and it verifies important properties. In addition, we prove that our proposal is a different approach to traditional consensus measures based on distances or similarities. References [1] J. Alcalde-Unzu and M. Vorsatz. Measuring the cohesiveness of preferences: An axiomatic analysis. Social Choicer and Welfare, 41:965–988, 2013. [2] J. C. R. Alcantud, R. de Andes Calle, and J. M. Cascon. Consensus and the act of voting. Studies in Microeconomics, 1(1):1–22, 2013. [3] R. Bosch. Characterizations of Voting Rules and Consensus Measures. PhD thesis, Tilburg University, 2005. [4] T. Gonzalez-Arteaga, J.C.R. Alcantud, and R. de Andres Calle. A cardinal dissensus measure based on the Mahalanobis distance. European Journal of Operational Research, In press. [5] J. Gonzalez-Pachon and C. Romero. Distance-based consensus methods: a goal programming approach. Omega, 27(3):341–347, 1999. [6] E. Herrera-Viedma, F. J. Cabrerizo, J. Kacprzyk, and W. Pedrycz. A review of soft consensus models in a fuzzy environment. Information Fusion, 17:4–13, 2014. [7] E. Herrera-Viedma, F. Herrera, and F. Chiclana. A consensus model for multiperson decision making with different preference structures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 32(3):394–402, 2002. [8] J. Wu, F. Chiclana, and E. Herrera-Viedma. Trust based consensus model for social network in an incomplete linguistic information context. Applied Soft Computing, 35:827– 839, 2015

    Sources of uncertainty in annual global horizontal irradiance data

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    The major sources of uncertainty in short-term assessment of global horizontal radiation (G) are the pyranometer type and their operation conditions for measurements, whereas the modeling approach and the geographic location are critical for estimations. The influence of all these factors in the uncertainty of the data has rarely been compared. Conversely, solar radiation data users are increasingly demanding more accurate uncertainty estimations. Here we compare the annual bias and uncertainty of all the mentioned factors using 732 weather stations located in Spain, two satellite-based products and three reanalyses. The largest uncertainties were associated to operational errors such as shading (bias = - 8.0%) or soiling (bias = - 9.4%), which occurred frequently in low-quality monitoring networks but are rarely detected because they pass conventional QC tests. Uncertainty in estimations greatly changed from reanalysis to satellite-based products, ranging from the gross accuracy of ERA-Interim (+ 6.1(-6.7)(+)(1)(8.)(8)%) to the high quality and spatial homogeneity of SARAH-1 (+ 1.4(-5.3)(+)(5.6)%). Finally, photodiodes from the Spanish agricultural network SIAR showed an uncertainty of (+6.)(9)(-5.4)%, which is far greater than that of secondary standards (+/- 1.5%) and similar to SARAH-1. This is probably caused by the presence of undetectable operational errors and the use of uncorrected photodiodes. Photodiode measurements from low-quality monitoring networks such as SIAR should be used with caution, because the chances of adding extra uncertainties due to poor maintenance or inadequate calibration considerably increase.Peer reviewe

    Effect of Lead Position and Polarity on Paresthesia Coverage in Spinal Cord Stimulation Therapy: A Computational Study

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    [EN] Objectives: The effect of lead placement and programming strategies on spinal cord stimulation (SCS) therapy has been widely studied; however, there is a need to optimize these parameters to favor dorsal column (DC) over dorsal root (DR) stimulation in complex pain treatment. This study aimed to determine the optimal lateral distance between two leads and the effect of transverse stimulation using a mathematical model. Materials and Methods: A three-dimensional computational SCS and a nerve fiber model were used to determine the effect of the lateral distance between two leads at the same vertebral level T8 and the effect of the addition of anodes with two parallel leads at T8 and three different lateral distances on the model-based results (perception thresholds, activated DC fiber area and depth, and position of the first stimulated fiber). Results: With two parallel leads programmed with symmetrical polarities, the maximal DC fiber area stimulated was found for a lateral distance of 5 mm. The results also show a higher preference for DR stimulation as the lateral distance increased. The addition of positive contacts at the same level of active contacts in the second lead produces a displacement of the first stimulated fiber laterally. Conclusions: A lateral distance of 5 mm shows a DC stimulated fiber area greater than when leads are placed contiguously. The addition of anodes creates an effect whereby the area of paresthesia is not displaced to the midline, but in the opposite direction. This may be useful when the leads are too close and stimulation of one of the sides is compromised.Dura, JL.; Solanes, C.; De Andres, J.; Saiz Rodríguez, FJ. (2022). Effect of Lead Position and Polarity on Paresthesia Coverage in Spinal Cord Stimulation Therapy: A Computational Study. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface. 25(5):680-692. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neurom.2021.12.01368069225

    Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm: History and Chronology of the Main Discoveries

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    Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm (AIVR) is a ventricular rhythm consisting of three or more consecutive monomorphic beats, with gradual onset and gradual termination. It can rarely manifest in patients with completely normal hearts or with structural heart disease. It is usually seen during acute myocardial infarction reperfusion. This manuscript aims to review the history of the main discoveries that lead to the identification and comprehension of this fascinating arrhythmia

    Investigation of Galactic open cluster remnants: The case of NGC 7193

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    Galactic open clusters (OCs) that survive the early gas-expulsion phase are gradually destroyed over time by the action of disruptive dynamical processes. Their final evolutionary stages are characterized by a poorly populated concentration of stars called an open cluster remnant (OCR). This study is devoted to assessing the real physical nature of the OCR candidate NGC 7193. GMOS/Gemini spectroscopy of 53 stars in the inner target region were obtained to derive radial velocities and atmospheric parameters. We also employed photometric and proper motion data. The analysis method consists of the following steps: (i) analysis of the statistical resemblance between the cluster and a set of field samples with respect to the sequences defined in color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs); (ii) a 5-dimensional iterative exclusion routine was employed to identify outliers from kinematical and positional data; (iii) isochrone fitting to the Ks × (J-Ks) CMD of the remaining stars and the dispersion of spectral types along empirical sequences in the (J-H) × (H-Ks)diagram were checked. A group of stars was identified for which the mean heliocentric distance is compatible with that obtained via isochrone fitting and whose metallicities are compatible with each other. Fifteen of the member stars observed spectroscopically were identified together with another 19 probable members. Our results indicate that NGC 7193 is a genuine OCR, of a once very populous OC, for which the following parameters were derived: d = 501±46 pc, t = 2.5±1.2Gyr, 〈[Fe/H]〉 = -0.17±0.23 and E(B-V) = 0.05±0.05. Its luminosity and mass functions show depletion of low mass stars, confirming the OCR is in a dynamically evolved state.Fil: de Souza Angelo, Mateus. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Coelho Dos Santos, Joao Francisco. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Barbosa Corradi, Wagner José. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: De Souza Maia, Francisco Ferreira. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Piatti, Andres Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentin

    Controle de gramíneas em solos de várzea

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of herbicides and tillage systems used to control weeds, on corn, soybeans and sorghum crops, cultivated in sequence of irrigated rice. These crops were grown in no-till, minimum tillage and conventional systems in Hidromorfic Soil. The best results for these crops in that kinds of soil were achieved with the conventional system. The sorghum crop stood out that objective, when compared to the other two crops. The atrazine herbicide used in sorghum, attained 80% of grasses control, while s-metolachlor (soybean) and atrazine + s-metolachlor (corn) accomplished 70% and 50%, respectively. The maximum technical efficiency ratio for atrazine and smetolachlor herbicides was, respectively 3.85 and 3.26 l/ha (c.p.), no matter the tillage system used. There were interactions with ratios and tillage systems when atrazine + smetolachlor was used (corn). The maximum technical efficiency ratio to that herbicide on minimum tillage was 5.7 l/ha (c.p.), on no-till was 3.9 l/ha (c.p.) and on conventional system was 3.65 l/ha (c.p.).      O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito de herbicidas e sistemas de cultivo no controle de gramíneas, nas culturas do milho, soja e sorgo implantadas nos sistemas de cultivo mínimo, de semeadura direta e de semeadura convencional, em Planossolo Hidromórfico (resteva de arroz irrigado). O sistema convencional apresentou os melhores resultados para essas culturas, neste tipo de solo. A cultura do sorgo apresentou o melhor desempenho, independentemente do sistema de cultivo utilizado, enquanto o milho teve o pior comportamento e a soja comportamento intermediário. Os herbicidas atrazine (sorgo), s-metolachlor (soja) e atrazine + s-metolachlor (milho) controlaram, respectivamente, 80%, 70% e 50% das invasoras, independentemente da dose empregada. As doses de máxima eficiência técnica foram respectivamente, 3,85 e 3,26 l/ha p.c., para atrazine e s-metolachlor, independentemente do sistema de cultivo. Para atrazine + s-metolachlor (milho), houve interação de doses e sistemas e as doses de máxima eficiência técnica foram 5,7; 3,9 e 3,65 l/ha p.c., respectivamente, para os sistemas de cultivo mínimo, de semeadura direta e de semeadura convencional

    A Plateau Tank Facility (PTF) for Liquid Bridge Experimentation by Using Buoyancy Technique for Microgravity Simulation

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    Plateau tank is just a reservoir filled with a liquid inside of which there is another immiscible liquid of the same density. The behaviour of the inner liquid can be studied in some respects as in weightlessness. Several Plateau tank facilities have been built-up in the last decade at Lamf/ETSIA. In this paper a new apparatus for liquid bridge experimentation in simulated microgravity conditions is presented. Such equipment allows to impose to the experimental configuration a wide range of controlled mechanical disturbances and incorporates appropriate diagnosis means. The apparatus' may be operated either manually or from a desktop computer to which a remote controller can be linked for telescience operation

    Regional collaborations as a way forward for maternal, newborn and child health:the South Asian healthcare professional workshop

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    This article reviews the importance of regional initiatives in the context of global efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goal 4 and 5 and describes the action-oriented multi-country healthcare professional association (HCPA) workshops organized by the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. The South Asian HCPA workshop served as a catalyst for strengthening the ability of HCPAs in South Asian countries to organize and coordinate their activities effectively, play a larger role in national planning, and collaborate with other key stakeholders in maternal, newborn and child health

    Analysis of Spanish Radiometric Networks with the Novel Bias-Based Quality Control (BQC) Method

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    Different types of measuring errors can increase the uncertainty of solar radiation measurements, but most common quality control (QC) methods do not detect frequent defects such as shading or calibration errors due to their low magnitude. We recently presented a new procedure, the Bias-based Quality Control (BQC), that detects low-magnitude defects by analyzing the stability of the deviations between several independent radiation databases and measurements. In this study, we extend the validation of the BQC by analyzing the quality of all publicly available Spanish radiometric networks measuring global horizontal irradiance (9 networks, 732 stations). Similarly to our previous validation, the BQC found many defects such as shading, soiling, or calibration issues not detected by classical QC methods. The results questioned the quality of SIAR, Euskalmet, MeteoGalica, and SOS Rioja, as all of them presented defects in more than 40% of their stations. Those studies based on these networks should be interpreted cautiously. In contrast, the number of defects was below a 5% in BSRN, AEMET, MeteoNavarra, Meteocat, and SIAR Rioja, though the presence of defects in networks such as AEMET highlights the importance of QC even when using a priori reliable stations.Peer reviewe