2,170 research outputs found

    The Role of E2F3 in the Macrophage Assisted Metastasis of Breast Cancer

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    Many studies have shown that macrophages play a critical role in metastasis within the tumor microenvironment. The aim of this study was to shed more light on the particular role of macrophages, and how the cell cycle transcription factor E2F3 affects tumor development and tumor metastasis. MMTV-PyMT was used to induce tumors in the mammary glands of female mice. It has been shown that Lys cre is very effective at specifically deleting genes in the macrophages. Lys cre was used to knock out the floxed E2F3 allele in the macrophages of these PyMT mice. E2F3 PCR was used to confirm that the Lys cre was working at an effective level in terms of deletion efficiency. Three groups of mice were generated from the breeding scheme. There was the control group (E2F3+/loxp - cre), the conditional group (E2F3+/loxp + cre), and the homozygous group (E2F3loxp/loxp + cre). Tumor onset in the PyMT mice population was on average 80.2 days. After 110 days, the mice were harvested and their tumors and lungs removed for analysis. The analysis of the tumors showed that the three groups of mice had very similar tumor burden and dimensions. However, the analysis of the lungs showed more then a three fold difference in total area of metastasis between the +/loxP -cre and +/loxP +cre groups. Advisor: Gustavo Leon

    Experimentally Attainable Optimal Pulse Shapes Obtained with the Aid of Genetic Algorithms

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    We propose a methodology to design optimal pulses for achieving quantum optimal control on molecular systems. Our approach constrains pulse shapes to linear combinations of a fixed number of experimentally relevant pulse functions. Quantum optimal control is obtained by maximizing a multi-target fitness function with genetic algorithms. As a first application of the methodology we generated an optimal pulse that successfully maximized the yield on a selected dissociation channel of a diatomic molecule. Our pulse is obtained as a linear combination of linearly chirped pulse functions. Data recorded along the evolution of the genetic algorithm contained important information regarding the interplay between radiative and diabatic processes. We performed a principal component analysis on these data to retrieve the most relevant processes along the optimal path. Our proposed methodology could be useful for performing quantum optimal control on more complex systems by employing a wider variety of pulse shape functions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The Spectacle of Violence in Duterte's "War on Drugs"

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    This article argues that, in Duterte's "war on drugs", state power is exercised through the body in a spectacle of humiliation and violence. The analysis draws from the work of Foucault (1979) on the political value of a spectacle of the body to explain the distinctive character of Duterte's violent war on drugs; of Feldman (1991) on the use of the body as an object in which violence is embodied to send political messages; of Agamben (1995) on eliminating life supposedly devoid of value; and on Mumford et al. (2007), who pointed to the popularity of "violent ideological leaders". I argue that, under the Duterte administration, criminals are humiliated and killed in a spectacle of violence that politicises their lives, sending a message that intimidates others. In the process, law-abiding citizens are meant to feel safe, which is seen as likely to increase the newly elected president's popularity and his power as chief executive. Duterte has thereby politicised life, not only putting criminals outside the benefit of state protection but actively targeting them. Duterte is the first mayor and president to have actively targeted criminals and, in doing so has encouraged other politicians to follow his example. The politicisation of the bodies of criminals is distinctive in Duterte's form of violence. This article is drawn from data sets of individual killings when Duterte was either serving as or acting behind the mayor of Davao, and compared with cases of drug-related killings since he became president on 30 June 2016

    Incorporating Service-Learning into the ESL Curriculum: What Aspiring Practitioners Need to Know

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    As an ESL teacher at a community college, my constant goal is to synergize teaching approaches and strategies so that in addition to maximizing students\u27 language learning, their critical thinking skills, cultural competence, and reflectivity - as members of an increasingly growing multicultural society - are heightened. Most recently, I have been pursuing service-learning as a philosophy, pedagogy, and practice that can help students connect their classroom learning to concrete, exciting, and challenging learning situations beyond the classroom. This paper is an attempt to highlight service-learning as a powerful tool that can make a difference in students\u27 lives as they take on important challenges and issues in their communities. Service-learning\u27s power as a philosophy, pedagogy, and practice is examined, and its connections to current education trends, practices, and concepts are considered. Finally, practical ways of utilizing service-learning are presented, with the hope of inspiring other teachers (ESL or otherwise) to test drive service-learning with their students and communities

    Life cycle analysis of electric and hydrogen buses to improve decision making

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    Els problemes de contaminació i canvi climàtic estan impulsant un impacte sense precedents en el medi ambient. No obstant això, també està produint un augment de les solucions tecnològiques disruptives. Quant al transport públic, les tendències es dirigeixen a la necessitat de limitar les externalitats negatives generades pel servei. En conseqüència, la introducció d'autobusos elèctrics i d'hidrogen dins de les flotes regulars de les agències de transport ha tingut un impacte rellevant. No obstant això, aquest tipus de vehicles té altres impactes rellevants a tenir en compte, i per a determinar adequadament l'impacte es requereix una perspectiva a llarg termini (no sols la perspectiva de la fase d'ús) i no sols es considera la perspectiva econòmica. Per això, en el present estudi es procedeix a l'avaluació del cicle de vida de dos models d'autobús, un elèctric i un altre d'hidrogen. Els models són el Volvo Sèrie 7900, per a l'opció elèctrica, i el CaetanoBus H2 City Gold, per a l'autobús d'hidrogen. Per tant, es busca una perspectiva holística de tots els impactes ambientals potencials relacionats amb la fabricació, la fase d'ús (que inclou el cicle del combustible i el cicle del vehicle) i les fases de fi de vida. La metodologia ReCiPe 2008 s'utilitza per a classificar i mesurar els possibles impactes ambientals. A més, també es realitza una anàlisi de la competència per a determinar els aspectes rellevants que han de canviar-se per a millorar l'opció del model d'autobús més desfavorable.Los problemas de contaminación y cambio climático están impulsando un impacto sin precedentes en el medio ambiente. Sin embargo, también está produciendo un aumento de las soluciones tecnológicas disruptivas. En cuanto al transporte público, las tendencias se dirigen a la necesidad de limitar las externalidades negativas generadas por el servicio. En consecuencia, la introducción de autobuses eléctricos y de hidrógeno dentro de las flotas regulares de las agencias de transporte ha tenido un impacto relevante. Sin embargo, este tipo de vehículos tiene otros impactos relevantes a tener en cuenta, y para determinar adecuadamente el impacto se requiere una perspectiva a largo plazo (no sólo la perspectiva de la fase de uso) y no sólo se considera la perspectiva económica. Por ello, en el presente estudio se procede a la evaluación del ciclo de vida de dos modelos de autobús, uno eléctrico y otro de hidrógeno. Los modelos son el Volvo Serie 7900, para la opción eléctrica, y el CaetanoBus H2 City Gold, para el autobús de hidrógeno. Por lo tanto, se busca una perspectiva holística de todos los impactos ambientales potenciales relacionados con la fabricación, la fase de uso (que incluye el ciclo del combustible y el ciclo del vehículo) y las fases de fin de vida. La metodología ReCiPe 2008 se utiliza para clasificar y medir los posibles impactos ambientales. Además, también se realiza un análisis de la competencia para determinar los aspectos relevantes que deben cambiarse para mejorar la opción del modelo de autobús más desfavorable.Pollution and climate change issues are boosting unprecedented impacts on the environment. However, it is also producing an increase of disruptive technological solutions. Regarding public transportation, the trends are heading to the need to limit the negative externalities generated by the service. Consequently, the introduction of electric and hydrogen buses within the regular fleets of transit agencies has had a relevant impact. However, this type of vehicles has other relevant impact to take into account, and to determine properly the impact a long-term perspective is required (not only the use-phase perspective) and the economical perspective is not only considered. For that reason, the present study proceeds a Life Cycle Assessment of two bus models, an electrical and hydrogen buses. The models are the Volvo 7900 Series, for the electrical option, and the CaetanoBus H2 City Gold, for the hydrogen bus. Therefore, it is seeking a holistically perspective of all the potential environmental impacts related to the manufacture, use-phase (which includes the fuel cycle and the vehicle cycle) and the end-of-life phases. The ReCiPe 2008 methodology is used to categorise and measures the potential environmental impacts. Furthermore, a competitive analysis is also conducted in order to determine the relevant aspects to be changed to enhance the most unfavourable bus model option

    Beyond the Classroom: Teaching ESL to Adult Indochinese Refugees via Experiential Activities

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    This paper deals with the use of beyond-the-classroom experiential activities to teach ESL and aspects of U.S. culture to adult Indochinese refugees in the U.S. The paper begins with a discussion of the needs of refugees as they come face to face with their new setting, the U.S. The following section discusses the importance of experiential activities as a tool to address the needs of refugees. The next section contains an experiential activities guide based on six major topics: supermarket, post office, transportation, telephone, hospital and employment. The guide presents activities that can be used with adult Indochinese refugees to bring them in touch with the English language and U.S. culture. Finally, the author shares some of his thoughts about the use of experiential activities with refugees

    Ein integriertes Modell zur Diagnostik der psychischen Gesundheit von Schülerinnen und Schülern in inklusiven Schulen

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    Mental health problems impact students’ social, emotional, and academical development, and as such these problems strongly predict learning difficulties and academic achievement generally. Students with disabilities and special needs are at greater risk for mental health problems. The assessment of mental health problems in students is therefore an important task for service providers in inclusive classrooms (especially special education teachers) in order to inform evidence-based school mental health services. In this paper, we propose an integrated conceptual model for assessing mental health in students in inclusive classrooms. The new model incorporates the consideration of teachers\u27 professional competence in assessment, early identification of mental health problems, the contextualization of multi-informant data (e.g., students, parents, teachers), and the use of evidence-based yet usable methods. The model is specified to inclusive school contexts, and incorporated into a Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework. (DIPF/Orig.)Probleme der psychischen Gesundheit beeinflussen die soziale, emotionale und akademische Entwicklung von Schülerinnen und Schülern. Dementsprechend können sie Lernschwierigkeiten und Schulleistungen der betroffenen Kinder und Jugendlichen bedingen. Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Behinderungen bzw. sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf haben ein erhöhtes Risiko für die Entwicklung von psychischen Problemen. Die Diagnostik der psychischen Gesundheit ist dementsprechend eine wichtige Aufgabe für professionelle Fachkräfte (insbesondere Lehrkräfte für sonderpädagogische Förderung) in inklusiven Klassen, um eine Datengrundlage für evidenzbasierte schulische Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit zu schaffen. In diesem Beitrag schlagen wir ein integriertes konzeptionelles Modell für die Diagnostik der psychischen Gesundheit von Schülerinnen und Schülern in inklusiven Klassen vor. Das neue Modell verbindet die professionelle diagnostische Kompetenz von Lehrkräften, die frühzeitige Erkennung psychischer Probleme, die Kontextualisierung diagnostischer Daten aus Schüler-, Lehrkraft und Elternsicht sowie die Nutzung von evidenzbasierten und gleichzeitig anwendbaren Diagnose- und Fördermethoden. Das Modell wird für inklusive Settings spezifiziert und in den Kontext mehrstufiger Diagnose- und Fördersysteme eingebettet. (DIPF/Orig.