4,757 research outputs found

    The human side of leadership: Inspirational leadership effects on follower characteristics and happiness at work (HAW)

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    Leadership has received significant attention over the past years. Now is the time to refine how leaders impact on followers and their attitudes. This study examines how inspirational leaders influence follower characteristics (FC), and in turn, their happiness at work. In this study, the mediating effect of follower characteristics in the relationship between inspirational leadership and happiness at work was specifically examined. Data was gathered from 389 frontline banking employees working in Italian and Spanish banks. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed a positive partial mediating role of follower characteristics in the relationship between inspirational leadership and happiness at work. Results showed that inspirational leadership exerts a more positive influence on followers' happiness at work when follower characteristics are more positive. Our discussion highlights the importance of understanding the role of the follower characteristics that are involved in the effectiveness of inspirational leadership

    Fair Coexistence of Scheduled and Random Access Wireless Networks: Unlicensed LTE/WiFi

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    We study the fair coexistence of scheduled and random access transmitters sharing the same frequency channel. Interest in coexistence is topical due to the need for emerging unlicensed LTE technologies to coexist fairly with WiFi. However, this interest is not confined to LTE/WiFi as coexistence is likely to become increasingly commonplace in IoT networks and beyond 5G. In this article we show that mixing scheduled and random access incurs and inherent throughput/delay cost, the cost of heterogeneity. We derive the joint proportional fair rate allocation, which casts useful light on current LTE/WiFi discussions. We present experimental results on inter-technology detection and consider the impact of imperfect carrier sensing.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, journa

    2005-2017 Ozone trends and potential benefits of local measures as deduced from air quality measurements in the north of the Barcelona metropolitan area

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    We analyzed 2005–2017 data sets on ozone (O3) concentrations in an area (the Vic Plain) frequently affected by the atmospheric plume northward transport of the Barcelona metropolitan area (BMA), the atmospheric basin of Spain recording the highest number of exceedances of the hourly O3 information threshold (180¿µg¿m-3). We aimed at evaluating the potential benefits of implementing local-BMA short-term measures to abate emissions of precursors. To this end, we analyzed in detail spatial and time variations of concentration of O3 and nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2, including OMI remote sensing data for the latter). Subsequently, a sensitivity analysis is done with the air quality (AQ) data to evaluate potential O3 reductions in the north of the BMA on Sundays compared with weekdays as a consequence of the reduction in regional emissions of precursors. The results showed a generalized decreasing trend for regional background O3 as well as the well-known increase in urban O3 and higher urban NO decreasing slopes compared with those of NO2. The most intensive O3 episodes in the Vic Plain are caused by (i) a relatively high regional background O3 (due to a mix of continental, hemispheric–tropospheric and stratospheric contributions); by (ii) intensive surface fumigation from mid-troposphere high O3 upper layers arising from the concatenation of the vertical recirculation of air masses; but also by (iii) an important O3 contribution from the northward transport/channeling of the pollution plume from the BMA. The high relevance of the local-daily O3 contribution during the most intense pollution episodes is clearly supported by the O3 (surface concentration) and NO2 (OMI data) data analysis. A maximum decrease potential (by applying short-term measures to abate emissions of O3 precursors) of 49¿µg¿O3¿m-3 (32¿%) of the average diurnal concentrations was determined. Structurally implemented measures, instead of episodically, could result in important additional O3 decreases because not only the local O3 coming from the BMA plume would be reduced, but also the recirculated O3 and thus the intensity of O3 fumigation in the plain. Therefore, it is highly probable that both structural and episodic measures to abate NOx and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in the BMA would result in evident reductions of O3 in the Vic PlainPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Depolarizing collisions with hydrogen: neutral and singly ionized alkaline earths

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    Depolarizing collisions are elastic or quasielastic collisions that equalize the populations and destroy the coherence between the magnetic sublevels of atomic levels. In astrophysical plasmas, the main depolarizing collider is neutral hydrogen. We consider depolarizing rates on the lowest levels of neutral and singly ionized alkaly-earths Mg I, Sr I, Ba I, Mg II, Ca II, and Ba II, due to collisions with H. We compute ab initio potential curves of the atom-H system and solve the quantum mechanical dynamics. From the scattering amplitudes we calculate the depolarizing rates for Maxwellian distributions of colliders at temperatures T <10000 K. A comparative analysis of our results and previous calculations in the literature is done. We discuss the effect of these rates on the formation of scattering polarization patterns of resonant lines of alkali-earths in the solar atmosphere, and their effect on Hanle effect diagnostics of solar magnetic fields.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. Summitted to ApJ (2014

    Pancreatic Necrosectomy Through a Novel Double-flange Lumen-apposing Covered Metal Stent (Video)

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    AbstractPancreatic fluid collections (PFCs) represent a complication of acute pancreatitis. Endoscopic management of PFCs is an alternative to surgery [1]. Classic strategies include access to the collection under endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guidance and placement of several double-pigtail stents. PFCs containing organized necrosis are classified as walled-off necrosis (WON). In those cases necrosis is hardly evacuated and will require necrosectomy in most cases. Every necrosectomy session needs prior removal of the stents, dilatation of the tract, debridement and placement of new stents adding up a considerable overall cost to the intervention. A novel double-flanged lumen-apposing fully-covered self-expandable metal stent (FC-SEMS) with a 15mm diameter accelerates exit of the necrosis and facilitates multiple necrosectomy sessions.We present a 60 year old patient admitted to the intensive care unit for severe acute pancreatitis that developed WON with superinfection. The intensivists and surgeons indicated endoscopic cystgastrostomy to evacuate the collection. Using the echoendoscope we found a large collection adherent to the gastric wall. The collection was accessed under EUS-guidance using the Hot AXIOS™ catheter that features a cautery tip, then a 15mm AXIOS™ stent was deployed through the cystgastrostomy orifice to keep it patent. The patient required two necrosectomy sessions to clean the cavity. The WON resolved in 6 weeks and the stent was removed unevently. The patient was discharged.A double flange lumen apposing FC-SEMS used as a port for necrosectomy significantly improves management of walled-off pancreatic necrosis. Placement of this stents should be considered when multiple necrosectomy sessions are anticipated. Procedure time can be significantly decreased using a catheter that combines a cautery tip and stent delivery system

    Incidencia y determinantes del desempleo en el Ecuador

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    En este documento analiza la evolución del desempleo en el Ecuador; y señala las variables más significativas que intervienen para que una persona se encuentre en desempleo. Para conocer la evolución del desempleo, se especifica un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Dividiendo a la población por grupos para puntualizar sus características y distribución. Sobre este punto se examina a los individuos entre 1998 y 2003. Se indica qué variables son más significativas usando modelos de probabilidad lineal (PROBIT). Esta especificación se basa en la distribución normal. Los datos corresponden al 2001. Los resultados muestran que es mayor la probabilidad de encontrarse en desempleo si se posee un nivel de escolaridad básico o incompleto; se incrementa si no posee experiencia laboral o por no tener una especialización u ocupación en alguna área determinada; estas características son relevantes en el caso de que el encuestado sea mujer

    Seljaajusong ja hüdrotsefaalia: üldine ülevaade ning 30 aastat registriandmete kogumist Eestis

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    Seljaajusong ja hüdrotsefaalia on kesknärvisüsteemi arenguhäired, mis tekivad lootel varajase embrüonaalse arengu käigus. Haiguste summaarne esinemissagedus on üle maailma keskmiselt 1–2 juhtu 1000 elussünni kohta. Teadaolevalt on neuraaltorudefektidel valdavalt mitmeteguriline etioloogia, hõlmates nii geneetilisi variante kui ka keskkonnategureid. 1985. aastal Tallinna Lastehaigla lastekirurgia osakonna baasil loodud Eesti Seljaajusonga ja Vesipeahaigete Seltsi register on võimaldanud saada ülevaate Eesti neuraaltorudefektidega patsientidest. 2017. aasta alguse seisuga oli Eestis elus 127 seljaajusonga ja 234 hüdrotsefaaliaga haiget ning viimase 30 aasta registriandmete põhjal on leitud vastavad sünniprevalentsid. Siiani kogutud andmete analüüsimise ja eelkõige geneetiliste uuringutega sidumise põhjal tuleb rõhutada foolhappe profülaktilise tarvitamise vajadust. Registriandmed on aidanud laiendada ka teadmisi haigustega kaasnevatest probleemidest ning suunata tähelepanu lapseeast täiskasvanuteks sirgunud haigete ravivõimaluste parendamise vajadusele. Lisaks uutele teadmistele neuraaltorudefektide olukorrast Eestis on oluline laiendada teadmisi nende harvikhaiguste suhtes ka rahvusvahelistes uuringutes


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    [EN] Information and Communications Technology (ICT)/Information and Technology Services (ITS) can play an important role in the transport sector, helping in maintaining accessibility and contemporarily optimizing the use of the vehicles. Among these ICT measures, ecorouting seems a promising one. Drivers normally follow the route which minimizes their generalized costs, normally time and money. But environmental concern is increasing, and drivers are starting to think about the effects of their driving. This means including CO2 emissions or fuel consumption in their route choice. But is this always positive, independently of the traffic situation and the penetration level of green drivers? This articles aims to analyze what happens in terms of fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and travel time, when different penetration levels of drivers, and with different traffic situations, follow the route of minimum fuel consumption instead of the conventional generalized costs. The analysis is based on a modelling process using a transport model of the whole region of Madrid. A total of 18 scenarios are considered: 3 reference scenarios (for congested, medium and low flow traffic situations), and 5 different penetration levels of green drivers for each traffic situation. Results show how impact varies substantially with the level of traffic and, also, that the more the best is not always trueValdés Serrano, C.; Perez Prada, F.; Monzon De Caceres, A. (2016). ECO-ROUTING: MORE GREEN DRIVERS MEANS MORE BENEFITS?. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1261-1268. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2015.3250OCS1261126