27 research outputs found

    Effects of Acute Vitamin C plus Vitamin E Supplementation on Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Runners: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Considering the existing controversy over the possible role of acute antioxidant vitamins in reducing exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD), this doubled-blind, randomized and controlled trial aimed to determine whether supplementation with vitamins C and E could mitigate the EIMD in endurance-trained runners (n = 18). The exercise protocol involved a warm-up followed by 6 to 8 bouts of 1 km running at 75% maximum heart rate (HRmax). Two hours before the exercise protocol, participants took the supplementation with vitamins or placebo, and immediately afterwards, blood lactate, rate of perceived exertion and performance were assessed. At 24 h post-exercise, CK, delayed onset muscle soreness and performance were determined (countermovement jump, squat jump and stiffness test). The elastic index and vertical stiffness were calculated using a stiffness test. Immediately after the exercise protocol, all participants showed improved maximum countermovement jump, which only persisted after 24 h in the vitamin group (p 0.05). Vitamin C and E supplementation does not seem to help with EIMD in endurance-trained individual

    Bioindicadores da qualidade da água: subsídios para um projeto de educação ambiental no jardim botânico municipal de Bauru, SP

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    Aquatic macroinvertebrates can be used as biological indicators for numerous reasons: it is easily collected and handled, it is visible to the naked eye and their characteristics can be easily recognized by students. The aim of the study was to discuss with the students and teachers who visit the Botanic Garden in Bauru information about the use of biological indicators of water quality. This paper describes the implementation, characteristics and activities developed within the extension project: “Bioindicators of water quality: subsidies for an environmental education project”. The results indicated there was a satisfactory exploitation of the students who participated of the activities proposed.La comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos puede ser utilizada como indicador biológico por incontables razones: por la facilidad de colecta y manoseo, por su visibilidad y porqué, sus características son reconocidas fácilmente por los estudiantes. El objetivo de este estudio es discutir, con alumnos y profesores que visitan el Jardín Botánico Municipal de Bauru, informaciones sobre el uso de los indicadores biológicos de la calidad del agua. Este artículo describe la implementación, las características y las actividades desarrolladas dentro del Proyecto de Extensión “Bioindicadores de la calidad del agua: subsidios para un proyecto de Educación Ambiental”. Los resultados indican que los alumnos sacaron provecho de las actividades.A comunidade de macroinvertebrados aquáticos pode ser usada como indicador biológico por inúmeras razões: é facilmente coletada e manuseada, é visível a olho nu e suas características podem ser facilmente reconhecidas pelos estudantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi discutir com alunos e docentes que visitam o Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru informações sobre o uso de indicadores biológicos da qualidade da água. Este artigo descreve a implementação, as características e as atividades desenvolvidas dentro do projeto de extensão: “Bioindicadores da qualidade da água: subsídios para um projeto de Educação Ambiental”. Os resultados indicaram que houve um aproveitamento satisfatório dos estudantes que participaram das atividades propostas

    Bioindicadores da qualidade da água: subsídios para um projeto de educação ambiental no jardim botânico municipal de Bauru, SP

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    Aquatic macroinvertebrates can be used as biological indicators for numerous reasons: it is easily collected and handled, it is visible to the naked eye and their characteristics can be easily recognized by students. The aim of the study was to discuss with the students and teachers who visit the Botanic Garden in Bauru information about the use of biological indicators of water quality. This paper describes the implementation, characteristics and activities developed within the extension project: “Bioindicators of water quality: subsidies for an environmental education project”. The results indicated there was a satisfactory exploitation of the students who participated of the activities proposed.La comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos puede ser utilizada como indicador biológico por incontables razones: por la facilidad de colecta y manoseo, por su visibilidad y porqué, sus características son reconocidas fácilmente por los estudiantes. El objetivo de este estudio es discutir, con alumnos y profesores que visitan el Jardín Botánico Municipal de Bauru, informaciones sobre el uso de los indicadores biológicos de la calidad del agua. Este artículo describe la implementación, las características y las actividades desarrolladas dentro del Proyecto de Extensión “Bioindicadores de la calidad del agua: subsidios para un proyecto de Educación Ambiental”. Los resultados indican que los alumnos sacaron provecho de las actividades.A comunidade de macroinvertebrados aquáticos pode ser usada como indicador biológico por inúmeras razões: é facilmente coletada e manuseada, é visível a olho nu e suas características podem ser facilmente reconhecidas pelos estudantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi discutir com alunos e docentes que visitam o Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru informações sobre o uso de indicadores biológicos da qualidade da água. Este artigo descreve a implementação, as características e as atividades desenvolvidas dentro do projeto de extensão: “Bioindicadores da qualidade da água: subsídios para um projeto de Educação Ambiental”. Os resultados indicaram que houve um aproveitamento satisfatório dos estudantes que participaram das atividades propostas

    Bioindicators of water quality: subsidies for an environmental education project in the city botanic garden in Bauru - SP.

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    Aquatic macroinvertebrates can be used as biological indicators for numerous reasons: it is easily collected and handled, it is visible to the naked eye and their characteristics can be easily recognized by students. The aim of the study was to discuss with the students and teachers who visit the Botanic Garden in Bauru information about the use of biological indicators of water quality. This paper describes the implementation, characteristics and activities developed within the extension project: “Bioindicators of water quality: subsidies for an environmental education project”. The results indicated there was a satisfactory exploitation of the students who participated of the activities proposed

    Photobiomodulation Therapy at 808 nm Does Not Improve Biceps Brachii Performance to Exhaustion and Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness in Young Adult Women: A Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Trial

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    ObjectiveThis study aims to investigate the effects of laser photobiomodulation (PBM) at 808 nm on biceps brachii performance to exhaustion, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in untrained young women.MethodsThirteen young women (20.1 ± 2.9 years) participated in a crossover study in which they received, in a counterbalanced manner, active and placebo laser PBM on two occasions (T1 and T2), separated by a 7-day washout period. During T1 and T2, participants received active (100 mW output power, irradiance of 35.7 W cm–2, and total energy of 28 J/arm) or placebo laser irradiation on the biceps brachii muscle at 20 min before the repetitions-to-failure test [six sets at 60% of one-repetition maximum (1RM) until failure] for elbow flexion exercise. The number of repetitions performed and RPE over the six sets, as well as DOMS from basal up to 72 h after the repetitions-to-failure test, were recorded.ResultsThere was a significant (time, p < 0.05) reduction in the number of repetitions performed and an increase in RPE over six sets, with no statistical differences between placebo and active laser conditions (treatment × time, p > 0.05). DOMS increased at 24 h postexercise and progressively returned to baseline after 72 h in both conditions (time, p < 0.05; treatment × time, p > 0.05).ConclusionOur results indicate that acute laser PBM at 808 nm does not improve biceps brachii performance to exhaustion, RPE, and DOMS in untrained women

    Effect of Photobiomodulation Combined with Physiotherapy on Functional Performance in Children with Myelomeningo-Cele-Randomized, Blind, Clinical Trial.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: This study aimed to evaluate the electrical activity of the rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, and lateral gastrocnemius muscles during the sit-to-stand task and functional mobility after a neurofunctional physiotherapy protocol associated with PBM. METHODS: Twenty-five children were randomly allocated to either Active PBM + physiotherapy (n = 13) or PBM sham + physiotherapy (n = 12). PBM was carried out with a LED device (850 nm, 25 J, 50 s per point and 200 mW) at four points over the area with absence of a spiny process. Both groups completed a twelve-week supervised program with two weekly 45-60 min sessions. Pre-training and post-training assessments involved the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Muscle activity was assessed using portable electromyography (BTS Engineering) and the electrodes were positioned on the lateral gastrocnemius, anterior tibialis, and rectus femoris muscles. The RMS data were recorded and analyzed. RESULTS: After 24 sessions of the treatment protocol, improvements were found in the PEDI score. The participants presented greater independence in performing the tasks, requiring less assistance from their caregivers. More significant electrical activity was found in the three muscles evaluated between the rest period and execution of the sit-to-stand tasks, both in the more compromised or less compromised lower limbs. CONCLUSION: Neurofunctional physiotherapy with or without PBM improved functional mobility and electrical muscle activity in children with myelomeningocele

    City Statute as an instrument of urban policy: analysis of imperative legal institutes present in the City Statute based on social function and the current legal treatment of property

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    The 1988 Brazilian Republican Constitution consolidated the fundamental precept of property social function, this way, all the current brazilian legal order was affected by this new concept and, also, the legislator has been linked to this constitutional disposition when creating a new legislation. Nonetheless, despite multiples irradiations from the social function throughout the brazilian legal order, remain the question if the infraconstitutional legislation was capable to fully materialize the property social function. This way, the present research started from the explanatory theories of property with their evolution over time to the current legal principiological scenario and, later, analyze the social function in the 1988 Constitution and in the microsystem of the City Statute. In addition, it was selected the mandatory institutes present in the City Statute (compulsory subdivision, building and use, progressive IPTU over time and urban expropriation) to find out if they are in accordance with the treatment applied to the property and if they are effective for the concretization of the function of urban property.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)A Constituição de República de 1988 consolidou o preceito fundamental da função social da propriedade, com isto, todo o ordenamento jurídico vigente passou a sofrer os efeitos desta nova máxima e, também, o legislador pátrio se vinculou a esta disposição constitucional na criação de novas legislações. Entretanto, apesar das múltiplas irradiações da função social em toda ordem jurídica nacional, remanesce a indagação se a legislação infraconstitucional foi capaz de concretizar inteiramente a função social da propriedade urbana. Dito isto, o presente trabalho partiu das teorias explicativas da propriedade com a evolução delas ao longo do tempo até o cenário jurídico-principiológico atual e, posteriormente, buscou-se analisar o papel da função social na Constituição de 1988 e no microssistema do Estatuto da Cidade. Ademais, selecionou os institutos imperativos presentes no Estatuto da Cidade (parcelamento, edificação e utilização compulsórios, IPTU progressivo no tempo e desapropriação urbanística) para se apurar se estão de acordo com o atual tratamento jurídico empregado a propriedade e se são eficazes para concretização da função social da propriedade urbana

    Bioindicadores da qualidade da água: subsídios para um projeto de educação ambiental no Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru, SP

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    Aquatic macroinvertebrates can be used as biological indicators for numerous reasons: it is easily collected and handled, it is visible to the naked eye and their characteristics can be easily recognized by students. The aim of the study was to discuss with the students and teachers who visit the Botanic Garden in Bauru information about the use of biological indicators of water quality. This paper describes the implementation, characteristics and activities developed within the extension project: “Bioindicators of water quality: subsidies for an environmental education project”. The results indicated there was a satisfactory exploitation of the students who participated of the activities proposed.La comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos puede ser utilizada como indicador biológico por incontables razones: por la facilidad de colecta y manoseo, por su visibilidad y porqué, sus características son reconocidas fácilmente por los estudiantes. El objetivo de este estudio es discutir, con alumnos y profesores que visitan el Jardín Botánico Municipal de Bauru, informaciones sobre el uso de los indicadores biológicos de la calidad del agua. Este artículo describe la implementación, las características y las actividades desarrolladas dentro del Proyecto de Extensión “Bioindicadores de la calidad del agua: subsidios para un proyecto de Educación Ambiental”. Los resultados indican que los alumnos sacaron provecho de las actividades.A comunidade de macroinvertebrados aquáticos pode ser usada como indicador biológico por inúmeras razões: é facilmente coletada e manuseada, é visível a olho nu e suas características podem ser facilmente reconhecidas pelos estudantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi discutir com alunos e docentes que visitam o Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru informações sobre o uso de indicadores biológicos da qualidade da água. Este artigo descreve a implementação, as características e as atividades desenvolvidas dentro do projeto de extensão: “Bioindicadores da qualidade da água: subsídios para um projeto de Educação Ambiental”. Os resultados indicaram que houve um aproveitamento satisfatório dos estudantes que participaram das atividades propostas

    Photobiomodulation Using Different Infrared Light Sources Promotes Muscle Precursor Cells Migration and Proliferation

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    Photobiomodulation (PBM) has demonstrated positive effects on the muscle repair process. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of infrared PBM using different light sources—low-level laser (LLL) at 780 nm (40 or 70 mW, 10 J/cm2, 0.4 J) or LED at 850 nm (40 or 70 mW, 0.13 J/cm2, 0.4 J)—and dosimetric parameters on the proliferation and migration of muscle cells. The results showed that LLL 40 mW and 70 mW, with the same radiation exposure, led to an increase in proliferation after 24 h, but no differences at 48 and 72 h. Cells irradiated with LED 70 mW exhibited an increase in proliferation in comparison to the control group and 40mW after 24 and 48 h, but not at 72 h. Moreover, cell migration was greater in comparison to the control after 6 and 24 h, and no differences were found at 12 h when LLL was used with an output power of 70 mW. Furthermore, no differences were found at 6 and 12 h with the 70 mW output power-LED, but an increase was observed in the cell migration after 24 h. In conclusion, PBM using different light sources and dosimetric parameters was able to modulate the proliferation of C2C12 myoblasts, but only PBM at 70 mW was able to modulate the migration of these cells

    A single set of exhaustive exercise before local muscular endurance training improves quadriceps strength and endurance in young men

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an additional set of exhaustive exercise before local muscular endurance (LME) training on maximal dynamic strength and endurance of quadriceps muscle in young men