587 research outputs found

    Génese e evolução dos modelos de estrutura verde urbana na estratégia de desenvolvimento das cidades

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    A Estrutura Verde Urbana constitui um sistema de promoção dos elementos naturais nas paisagens urbanas, visando a sustentabilidade e qualidade de vida. Considerada uma estratégia fundamental de planeamento urbano, é implementada há já bastante tempo, tendo acompanhado o desenvolvimento das cidades, em resposta aos constantes desafios trazidos pela evolução das sociedades e culturas. Por todo o mundo, e ao longo da história, surgem diversos modelos de Estrutura Verde Urbana que, embora com distintas designações, conformações e objetivos, dependendo de cada paisagem urbana, tiveram em comum uma génese e, embora indiretamente, funcionalidades convergentes. Apresentam-se, aqui, os modelos mais relevantes de Estrutura Verde Urbana, surgidos em paralelo com a evolução das cidades, ajudando a compreender a história da relação do homem com o natural, mas também servindo de inspiração para novas estratégias de articulação dos elementos naturais com as necessidades humanas, face aos novos e constantes desafios de sustentabilidade emergentes.The Urban Green Structure is a system of promotion of the natural elements in urban landscapes, aiming sustainability and quality of life. Considered as a key strategy for urban planning, it has been implemented for a long time, following the cities development, in response to the challenges posed by the societies and cultures evolution. Throughout the world and over the course of history, several models of Urban Green Structure arise, with different names, conformations and objectives, depending on each urban landscape, but having in common a genesis and, although indirectly, convergent functionalities. The most relevant models of Green Urban Structure are presented here. They emerged in parallel with the evolution of cities, helping to understand the history of man’s relationship with nature, but also inspiring new strategies for articulation of natural elements with human needs, in response to the new and ongoing challenges of sustainability that arise

    Predicción de la edad de juveniles de sardina (Sardina pilchardus) a partir de las características de los otolitos y las características morfométricas

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    An age prediction model based on individual morphometric characteristics (total length; weight) and otolith morphometric characteristics (diameter; weight) was investigated for juvenile sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792). Juveniles were collected from northern Portugal between May 2004 and January 2005. Daily growth rings were counted on the otoliths of 114 juveniles of 7-16 cm total length. The sample was divided into a training sample used to develop the age prediction model and a test sample used to evaluate the predictive ability of the model. The best model for predicting the logarithm of age was a linear regression with otolith diameter. The prediction of daily age was more accurate for younger ( < 200 days) juveniles. Overall, ages predicted from the model were unbiased in relation to ages determined from otolith microincrement counts. Moreover, predicted daily ages reproduced the overall shape of the observed age distribution and provided comparable growth estimates (0.041 cm day–1). The back-calculated birthdate period ranged from 29 September 2003 to 22 July 2004, with a peak in January 2004, which is consistent with the spawning season. The model presented here could be used as a method for increasing the volume of juvenile daily age data. Since growth and survival varies spatially and temporally, relationships between age and otolith/fish morphometry should not be extrapolated outside sampled periods, areas and fish size/age.Un modelo de edad-predicción basado en las características individuales (longitud total; peso) y en las características de los otolitos (diámetro; peso) fue investigado para los juveniles de sardina, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792). Juveniles fueron recolectados en el Norte de Portugal entre Mayo de 2004 y Enero de 2005. Los anillos de crecimiento diarios fueron contados a partir de los otolitos correspondientes a 114 juveniles entre los 7-16 cm de longitud total. La muestra fue dividida en una muestra de entrenamiento para desarrollar el modelo de edad-predicción y una muestra de prueba usada para evaluar la habilidad predictiva del modelo. El mejor modelo para predecir el logaritmo de la edad fue un modelo de regresión lineal con el diámetro de otolito. La predicción de las edades diarias fue más precisa para los individuos más jóvenes ( < 200 días). En conjunto, las edades estimadas a partir del modelo no fueron significativamente diferentes de las determinadas con los contajes de microincrementos. Las edades diarias estimadas reprodujeron de forma correcta la distribución de las edades observadas y proporcionaron estimativas comparables de crecimiento (0.041 cm dia–1). El retrocálculo del período de la fecha de nacimiento osciló entre el 29 de Septiembre de 2003 y el 22 de Julio de 2004, con un pico en Enero de 2004, fecha consistente con el período reproductor. El modelo presentado en este estudio puede ser usado cómo un método para incrementar el volumen de datos referentes a edades diarias. Debido a las variaciones espaciales y temporales en el crecimiento y supervivencia de los individuos, las relaciones morfométricas referentes a edad-otolito/pez no deben ser extrapoladas fuera de los períodos de muestreo, áreas de muestreo y talla peces/edad

    Práticas e comportamentos de liderança na gestão dos recursos humanos escolares

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    Num mundo globalizado e complexo em que o capital humano assume centralidade em temáticas associadas à liderança das organizações escolares e consequente Gestão de Recursos Humanos, urge perceber que perceções têm os liderados, pessoal docente e não docente, acerca das práticas e comportamentos da liderança do Diretor escolar. Esta pesquisa de natureza mista, privilegiou como estratégia metodológica o estudo de caso, incidindo sobre uma Escola Básica dos 2º e 3º Ciclos da Região Autónoma da Madeira. Foi administrado, ao pessoal docente e não docente da escola, o questionário LPI - Observer (Leadership Practice Inventory) de Kouzes e Posner. A análise de conteúdo recaiu sobre o Projecto Educativo de Escola e o Plano Anual de Escola. Concluíu-se que, na opinião dos inquiridos, as práticas de liderança que deverão ser privilegiadas por um líder eficaz são “Permitir que os outros ajam” e “Encorajar a vontade”

    Assessment of polymer-based nanocomposites biodegradability

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    The management of solid waste is a growing concern in many countries. Municipal solid waste is a major component of the total solid waste generated by society, and the composting of municipal solid waste has gained some attention even though a composting treatment for it is not yet widespread. It may not be realistic to replace large portions of these plastics with biodegradable materials, and it may be more important to separate plastics unsuitable for the composting process at the generating spots. However, for food packaging, there is still a great deal of interest in using biodegradable plastics that are difficult to sort at the generation spots. Under these circumstances, nanocomposites of biodegradable polymers as matrix and nanoparticles, that can be degraded along with organic wastes during composting could be a solution. Therefore, this chapter aims to give an overview on the biodegradability studies of bio-nanocomposites. It will focus on different polymers, nanocomposites containing different clay types and inorganic particles exposed under different environments.(undefined

    Inorganic Coordination Chemistry: Where We Stand in Cancer Treatment?

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    Metals have unique characteristics such as variable coordination modes, redox activity, and reactivity being indispensable for several biochemical processes in cells. Due to their reactivity, their concentration is tightly regulated inside the cells, and abnormal concentrations are associated with many disorders, such as cancer. As such metal complexes turned out to be very attractive as potential anticancer agents. The discovery of cisplatin was a crucial moment, which prompted the interest in Pt(II) and other metal complexes as potential anticancer agents. This chapter highlights the state of the art on metal complexes in cancer therapy, highlighting their uptake mechanisms, biological targets, toxicity, and drug resistance. Finally, based on the importance of selective target of cancer cells, drug delivery systems will also be discussed

    Raising Awareness on Health Impact of the Chemicals Used in Consumer Products: Empirical Evidence from East-Central Europe

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    Recent research and guidance provided by regulatory authorities address the growing concerns on the control of chemicals used in consumer products. In this context, this study responds to literature alerts emphasizing the need for promoting risk reduction by decreasing the use of damaging chemicals and raising public awareness on this issue. It focuses on East-Central Europe and investigates whether consumers are worried about the impact on health of chemicals, and whether they think there is enough information available in this sense. The study uses logistic regression in order to analyze the secondary data from Special Eurobarometer No. 416 (part of Eurobarometer Wave EB 81.3, European Commission, 2014), namely 27,998 interviews collected in all 28 EU countries, of which 11,460 are from East-Central Europe. The research reveals a profile of East-Central Europeans, who consider that they lack information on the topic, and identifies the most effective way of reaching these people according to their perceptions and habits. Reporting results on a representative sample in East-Central Europe, the study indicates the channels, sources of information, and trusted institutions in order to support a campaign for raising public awareness on the health impact of chemicals used in consumer products

    Bibliotecas públicas, exclusão social e o fim da esfera pública

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    Esta comunicação apresenta e discute os fundamentos teóricos essenciais das bibliotecas públicas no que diz respeito à definição e real prossecução dos seus papéis sociais, explorando a utilização do conceito de capital social. Analisa igualmente de um modo crítico a sua real - ou desejada - intervenção enquanto instrumento de inclusão social e na luta ativa contra a exclusão social, bem como a conceção de biblioteca pública enquanto elemento constitutivo da esfera pública, detetando uma tendência ou um perigo do enfraquecimento progressivo desta. Esta discussão é feita com base numa revisão da literatura com origem nos países do eixo latino-americano (incluindo Portugal, Espanha, França e a América Latina em geral), anglo-saxónico e escandinavo, depois de uma secção que faz a apresentação de uma série de dados com o propósito de traçar uma caracterização de Portugal em termos socioeconómicos, concluindo pela existência e mesmo o agravamento de diversos fatores de exclusão e desigualdade social, logo de grandes assimetrias no acesso, não só aos bens materiais como à cultura e à educação. Conclui-se que a biblioteca pública pode desempenhar e tem efetivamente desempenhado, nos últimos anos, em diversas partes do mundo, importantes papéis sociais, contribuindo para aumentar o capital social das comunidades, para a inclusão e na luta contra a exclusão social. As bibliotecas são um elemento importante da esfera pública, mas todas estas funções ou atributos são muitas vezes resultado de iniciativas locais e/ou de profissionais individualmente, faltando geralmente políticas, orientações nacionais, e muitas vezes recursos para o cumprimento destes papéis. A tudo isto acresce a crescente perda de importância da esfera pública, com um grande desinvestimento nas funções sociais do Estado. É neste contexto que os profissionais podem ser decisivos na defesa e reafirmação dos valores e do impacto social das bibliotecas públicas

    Casa Pinto de Sousa em Ofir: a relação entre a arquitetura e a paisagem

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    A Casa Pinto de Sousa, construída em 1984, em Ofir (conce lho de Esposende), constitui uma das obras de maior relevo do arquiteto Alcino Soutinho. Detentora de uma arquitetura funcional, especificamente dirigida ao cliente e inspirada no território, é notória uma forte ligação com a paisagem en volvente, marcada pelo caráter natural. Situando-se num pinhal costeiro, na restinga que separa o oceano do estuário do Rio Cávado, esta zona carateriza-se pela sua relevância ecológica, fragilidade ambiental, mas também pelo am biente de tranquilidade e contacto com a natureza. Neste artigo, pretende-se estudar a relação entre o natural e o construído, analisando a forma como o edifício se enquadra na paisagem envolvente, verificando as relações visuais, funcionais e representativas existentes, na perspetiva de que toda a obra arquitetónica se encontra, desde o projeto à sua utilização, associada com a paisagem em que se integra e à qual passa a pertencer.Pinto de Sousa House, built in 1984, in Ofir (municipality of Esposende), is one of the most important works by the architect Alcino Soutinho. Having a functional architecture, specifically aimed at the client and inspired by the territory, it has noticeable strong connection with the surrounding landscape, distinct by the natural character. Located in a coastal pine forest, in the sandbank separating the ocean from the Cávado River estuary, this area is characterized by its ecological relevance, environmental fragility, but also by the atmosphere of tranquility and contact with nature. In this article, we intend to analyze the relationship between the natural and the built, investigating the way in which the building is articulated with the surrounding landscape, verifying the existing visual, functional and representative relationships, in the perspective that all the architectural work is, from the project to its use, associated with the landscape in which it is integrated and to which it belongs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysing sulphate and chloride in mineral drinking water by flow injection analysis with a single acoustic wave sensor

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    Sulphate is a very hydrophilic anion, and, therefore, difficult to be selectively determined in aqueous solution with a coated sensor. Zinc(II) 2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24-Octatosylaminophthalocyanine was used for the first time as a sensitive coating. Selectivity to sulphate regarding chloride was not enough to ignore its contribution in mineral waters, and, therefore, an analytical protocol was carefully designed to allow the determination of both anions with this sensor. Results displayed on the label of eight commercial bottles of mineral waters are within the confidence interval of the values obtained with the FIA-sensor system, both for chloride and sulphate. However, results for chloride obtained by titrimetry are, in half of the cases, statistically different from the ones obtained by the sensor, and in 7 out of 8 of them more precise. There is an evidence of a systematic error in the chloride titrimetric analysis, consistent with a small overtaking of the equivalence point. Precision of the results obtained by the titrimetric analysis of sulphate were in 6 out of 8 of the analysis less precise than with the sensor, probably due to losses of the barium sulphate precipitate, which is consistent with the occurrence of lower values.publishe