6 research outputs found

    Turn a Shrimp into a Firefly: Monitoring Tissue pH in Small Crustaceans Using an Injectable Hydrogel Sensor with Infrared Excitation and Visible Luminescence

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    Various implantable optical sensors are an emerging tool in animal physiology and medicine that may provide real-time information about body fluids without tissue extraction. Such sensors are often fluorescence-based and require strong visible external illumination during signal acquisition, which causes anxiety or even stress for small animals and thus may influence the physiological parameters being measured. In order to overcome this obstacle, here, we combined a fluorescent molecular pH probe with upconverting particles within a hydrogel fiber suitable for injection into small crustaceans. The green luminescence of the particles under non-visible infrared illumination excited fluorescence of the molecular probe and allowed for pH measurements after correction of the probe readout for luminescence intensity. The developed optical setup based on a common microscope ensured effective visualization of the sensor and spectral pH measurements through the translucent exoskeleton of the amphipod (Amphipoda, Crustacea) Eulimnogammarus verrucosus, endemic to ancient Lake Baikal. Testing the sensors in these cold-loving crustaceans under environmentally relevant temperature increases showed alkalization of amphipod internal media by 0.2 soon after the start of the experiment, while further increases led to acidification by 0.5. The applied approach for simple sensor preparation can be useful in building other implantable optical sensors for light-sensitive organisms

    Identification of ancient remains through genomic sequencing. Genome Res

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    Studies of ancient DNA have been hindered by the preciousness of remains, the small quantities of undamaged DNA accessible, and the limitations associated with conventional PCR amplification. In these studies, we developed and applied a genomewide adapter-mediated emulsion PCR amplification protocol for ancient mammalian samples estimated to be between 45,000 and 69,000 yr old. Using 454 Life Sciences (Roche) and Illumina sequencing (formerly Solexa sequencing) technologies, we examined over 100 megabases of DNA from amplified extracts, revealing unbiased sequence coverage with substantial amounts of nonredundant nuclear sequences from the sample sources and negligible levels of human contamination. We consistently recorded over 500-fold increases, such that nanogram quantities of starting material could be amplified to microgram quantities. Application of our protocol to a 50,000-yr-old uncharacterized bone sample that was unsuccessful in mitochondrial PCR provided sufficient nuclear sequences for comparison with extant mammals and subsequent phylogenetic classification of the remains. The combined use of emulsion PCR amplification and high-throughput sequencing allows for the generation of large quantities of DNA sequence data from ancient remains. Using such techniques, even small amounts of ancient remains with low levels of endogenous DNA preservation may yield substantial quantities of nuclear DNA, enabling novel applications of ancient DNA genomics to the investigation of extinct phyla

    Identification of ancient remains through genomic sequencing

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    Studies of ancient DNA have been hindered by the preciousness of remains, the small quantities of undamaged DNA accessible, and the limitations associated with conventional PCR amplification. In these studies, we developed and applied a genomewide adapter-mediated emulsion PCR amplification protocol for ancient mammalian samples estimated to be between 45,000 and 69,000 yr old. Using 454 Life Sciences (Roche) and Illumina sequencing (formerly Solexa sequencing) technologies, we examined over 100 megabases of DNA from amplified extracts, revealing unbiased sequence coverage with substantial amounts of nonredundant nuclear sequences from the sample sources and negligible levels of human contamination. We consistently recorded over 500-fold increases, such that nanogram quantities of starting material could be amplified to microgram quantities. Application of our protocol to a 50,000-yr-old uncharacterized bone sample that was unsuccessful in mitochondrial PCR provided sufficient nuclear sequences for comparison with extant mammals and subsequent phylogenetic classification of the remains. The combined use of emulsion PCR amplification and high-throughput sequencing allows for the generation of large quantities of DNA sequence data from ancient remains. Using such techniques, even small amounts of ancient remains with low levels of endogenous DNA preservation may yield substantial quantities of nuclear DNA, enabling novel applications of ancient DNA genomics to the investigation of extinct phyla