278 research outputs found

    Designing Whole Journey, Multimodal Transport Provision

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    New England Technical Services Librarians Spring 2011 Conference: 2020 Vision: A New Decade for Technical Services

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    Report on the 2011 New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) Spring Conference, held on April 8, 2011 at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts

    Ciceronian Officium and Kantian Duty

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    In this paper we examine the genealogy and transmission of moral duty in Western ethics. We begin with an uncontroversial account of the Stoic notion of the kathēkon, and then examine the pivotal moment of Cicero’s translation of it into Latin as ‘officium’. We take a deflationary view of the impact of Cicero’s translation and conclude that his translation does not mark a departure from the Stoic ideal. We find further confirmation of our deflationary position in the development of the notion of ‘duty’ in Germany between the 16th and 18th centuries. We examine Pufendorf’s critique of ancient eudaimonism and his appropriation of officium, and claim that it foreshadows Kant’s rejection of Garve’s Ciceronian ethics. We demonstrate the undeniable parallels between Kant’s Groundwork and Garve’s influential translation of Cicero’s De Officiis, thereby indicating a novel way in which we should understand Cicero’s contribution to the development of modern moral philosophy

    Standard methods for Apis mellifera anatomy and dissection

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    An understanding of the anatomy and functions of internal and external structures is fundamental to many studies on the honey bee Apis mellifera. Similarly, proficiency in dissection techniques is vital for many more complex procedures. In this paper, which is a prelude to the other papers of the COLOSS BEEBOOK, we outline basic honey bee anatomy and basic dissection techniques

    Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga Berdasarkan Undang – Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 di Pengadilan Negeri Brebes

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga Berdasarkan Undang – Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Brebes Nomor 87/Pid.Sus/2021/Pn.Bbs). Ada 2 Permasalahan yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana upaya penegakan hukum terhadap tindakan kekerasan rumah tangga? (2) Apakah pertimbangan hakim dalam studi kasus nomor perkara: Nomor 87/Pid.Sus/2021/Pn.Bbs sudah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang KDRT?. Dari penelitian hukum yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa, pada permasalah yang pertama mengenai upaya penegakan penegakan hukum dalam UU Penghapusan KDRT melibatkan sanksi pidana berupa penjara dan denda yang ditentukan oleh Hakim. Selain itu, Hakim juga dapat menjatuhkan pidana tambahan, seperti pembatasan gerak pelaku dan program konseling. Pengadilan juga memiliki kewenangan untuk menetapkan perlindungan sementara bagi korban sebelum persidangan dimulai. Selain itu, belum ada putusan pengadilan yang menjatuhkan pidana tambahan sebagaimana diatur dalam UU tersebut. Perlindungan bagi korban KDRT melalui penetapan pengadilan juga belum banyak dikenal dan diterapkan oleh masyarakat. Sedangkan, dalam permasalah kedua disimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan Berdasarkan Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Nomor 87/Pid.Sus/2021/PN Bbs, telah terjadi tindak pidana Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) yang sesuai dengan definisi dalam Pasal 1 Ayat (1) UU Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan KDRT. Korban dalam kasus ini memenuhi syarat sebagai korban KDRT berdasarkan Pasal 1 Ayat (3) UU tersebut. Namun, dalam penilaian hakim berdasarkan surat dakwaan, terdakwa hanya didakwa dengan dakwaan subsidair, yaitu Pasal 44 Ayat (2) UU Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan KDRT yang mencakup unsur perbuatan kekerasan fisik dalam lingkup rumah tangga. Keywords: Penegakan Hukum; Perlindungan Hukum; Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga

    Empathy Thresholds in Transport Design Students

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    Threshold concept models offer a useful way of understanding aspects of design education. A threshold concept represents a gateway, or portal, to a more developed understanding and level of capability (Meyer, Land & Davies, 2008). Passing through a threshold can be transformative, irreversible, integrative and troublesome. Key transformations for design have been identified, such as gaining sufficient confidence in design thinking to enable solution concepts to be generated which are crucial to achieving capability as a designer. Empathy has been recognised as a key skill by practicing designers, but one which is seldom formally taught in classrooms. Drawing on the experience of five workshops held with transport and engineering design students which aimed to broaden their empathic understanding, the authors discuss the extent to which empathy may be considered as a threshold capability

    Rare and common epilepsies converge on a shared gene regulatory network providing opportunities for novel antiepileptic drug discovery

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    Background The relationship between monogenic and polygenic forms of epilepsy is poorly understood, and the extent to which the genetic and acquired epilepsies share common pathways is unclear. Here, we use an integrated systems-level analysis of brain gene expression data to identify molecular networks disrupted in epilepsy. Results We identify a co-expression network of 320 genes (M30), which is significantly enriched for non-synonymous de novo mutations ascertained from patients with monogenic epilepsy, and for common variants associated with polygenic epilepsy. The genes in M30 network are expressed widely in the human brain under tight developmental control, and encode physically interacting proteins involved in synaptic processes. The most highly connected proteins within M30 network are preferentially disrupted by deleterious de novo mutations for monogenic epilepsy, in line with the centrality-lethality hypothesis. Analysis of M30 expression revealed consistent down-regulation in the epileptic brain in heterogeneous forms of epilepsy including human temporal lobe epilepsy, a mouse model of acquired temporal lobe epilepsy, and a mouse model of monogenic Dravet (SCN1A) disease. These results suggest functional disruption of M30 via gene mutation or altered expression as a convergent mechanism regulating susceptibility to epilepsy broadly. Using the large collection of drug-induced gene expression data from Connectivity Map, several drugs were predicted to preferentially restore the down-regulation of M30 in epilepsy toward health, most notably valproic acid, whose effect on M30 expression was replicated in neurons. Conclusions Taken together, our results suggest targeting the expression of M30 as a potential new therapeutic strategy in epilepsy


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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo proponer un plan de marketing para posicionar la marca de una empresa de capacitación empresarial, en la provincia de Lambayeque. Se utilizó una metodología deductiva, utilizando un tipo de investigación descriptiva, propositiva. Se encuestaron a 59 estudiantes, entre 17 y 25 años, de la casa de estudio en cuestión, ubicada en la provincia de Lambayeque, el instrumento de investigación fue un cuestionario conformado por 21 ítems que permitieron investigar las dimensiones de estudio. Posteriormente los resultados fueron tabulados e interpretados a con la utilización del software SPSS 20. Se encontró que la empresa objeto de estudio tiene un nivel de posicionamiento bajo, afectado directamente por los factores de diferenciación, relevancia, y el conocimiento de marca y de los beneficios de la propuesta de valor de la empresa en cuestión.Tesi

    Propuesta de un plan de marketing, basado en el marketing experiencial, para posicionar la marca de una empresa de capacitación empresarial.

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo proponer un plan de marketing para posicionar la marca de una empresa de capacitación empresarial, en la provincia de Lambayeque. Se utilizó una metodología deductiva, utilizando un tipo de investigación descriptiva, propositiva. Se encuestaron a 59 estudiantes, entre 17 y 25 años, de la casa de estudio en cuestión, ubicada en la provincia de Lambayeque, el instrumento de investigación fue un cuestionario conformado por 21 items que permitieron investigar las dimensiones de estudio. Posteriormente, los resultados fueron tabulados e interpretados a con la utilización del software SPSS 20. Se encontró que la empresa objeto de estudio tiene un nivel de posicionamiento bajo, afectado directamente por los factores de diferenciación, relevancia, estima y el conocimiento de marca y de los beneficios de la propuesta de valor de la empresa en cuestión.Tesi

    Arctic ocean chronology confirmed by accelerator 14C dating

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    The role of the Arctic Ocean in Earth's climatic and oceanographic development is significant but has become controversial because of disagreements concerning a reliable Arctic chronology. The first Arctic Ocean chronology based on U-Th and 14C data was in agreement with magnetostratigraphy developed later but these data have been challenged by recent amino acid diagenesis dates. New accelerator 14C data support the earlier U-Th-magnetostratigraphic dates and confirm the reliability of the established Arctic Ocean chronology