33 research outputs found

    Cytoprotective functions of amyloid precursor protein family members in stress signaling and aging

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    Poster presentation: Molecular Neurodegeneration: Basic biology and disease pathways Cannes, France. 10-12 September 2013. Background: The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is processed via two different metabolic pathways: the amyloidogenic and the non-amyloidogenic pathway, the latter of which leading to generation of the secreted N-terminal APP fragment sAPPα [1]. Previous studies from our group suggest that sAPPα exerts potent neuroprotective effects and inhibits stress-triggered cell death via modulation of gene expression, as well as by antagonizing different types of neurotoxic stress [2]. It was also observed that the biochemical processing of APP is downregulated during aging which in turn reduced the secretion of sAPPα [3]. Based on these observations, we have studied the potential physiological function of sAPPα/APP and APLPs (APP like proteins) on the regulation of age-associated, stress induced signaling pathways, apoptosis and senescence. Materials and methods: SH-SY5Y, PC12, IMR90 cells were used as cellular models. Depletion of APP, APLP1 (APP like protein 1) and APLP2 (APP like protein 2) in SH-SY5Y cells was achieved by stable lentiviral knockdown. To analyze the protective function of sAPPα, we have used conditioned supernatants of wild type APP overexpressing HEK cells and recombinant His-tagged sAPPα purified from yeast. The cells were treated with sAPPα prior to the addition of different stress stimuli (MG132, epoxomicin, UV, H2O2) after which cell death, gene expression and senescence were analyzed by MTT assays, caspase activity assays, Western blots and X-Gal staining respectively. Results: Our data show that sAPPα can antagonize premature senescence induced by repetitive short term induction of proteasomal stress in IMR-90 cells and apoptosis triggered by prolonged proteasomal stress and other death stimuli in PC12, SH-SY5Y and IMR90 cells which was accompanied by a sAPPα-dependent inhibition of the JNK stress signaling pathway. In contrast, no significant changes in cell viability and apoptosis were observed when APP knockdown cells were pretreated with sAPPα. Conclusions: Our observations suggest that sAPPα can antagonize both apoptosis and cellular senescence and requires expression of holo-APP to mediate its cytoprotective effects. They also support the notion that the physiological function of APP is linked to modulation of neuronal and brain aging

    Einfluss von Renin auf die linksventrikulÀre Funktion und das linksventrikulÀre Remodeling isolierter Rattenherzen und Kardiomyozyten

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    Hintergrund und Ziele: Das kardiale Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-System (RAAS) ist an der Entwicklung und Progredienz einer chronischen Herzinsuffizienz wesentlich beteiligt. Welche kardiospezifische Rolle das SchlĂŒsselenzym Renin ĂŒbernimmt, wurde bisher jedoch nur unzureichend erforscht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es deshalb, die linksventrikulĂ€re Funktion von Herzen aus adulten, transgenen ReninĂŒberexprimierenden Ratten (TGR) sowohl an der Langendorffanlage als auch molekulargenetisch zu untersuchen, um so Hinweise auf ein Renin-induziertes, linksventrikulĂ€res „Remodeling“ zu bekommen. Anschließend sollten die Befunde an isolierten und kultivierten Herzmuskelzellen verifiziert werden. Methoden: Anhand von isolierten und salin-perfundierten Rattenherzen sowie isolierten und kultivierten ventrikulĂ€ren Herzmuskelzellen aus adulten TGR [(mREN2)27] und nicht transgene Sprague-Dawley Ratten (SDR) wurden die Basalfunktion, die funktionelle Ansprechbarkeit auf Isoprenalin und die molekularbiologische Ansprechbarkeit der Herzmuskelzellen auf Einzelebene mittels Langendorff Perfusion, qRT-PCR und Western-Blot untersucht. Ergebnisse: Die in dieser Studie erhobenen Daten zeigen eine deutlich gesteigerte linksventrikulĂ€re Funktion bei Herzen aus transgenen Reninratten verglichen mit ihren nicht-transgenen Kontrollen. Insbesondere der linksventrikulĂ€re Druckaufbau (LVDP) war bei TGR, bezogen auf das jeweilige Herzgewicht (HW) durchschnittlich doppelt so hoch als bei den SDR-Kontrolltieren (MW des LVDP/HW: 83 mmHg/g bei TGR, n=9 Herzen vs. 44 mmHg/g bei SDR, n=9 Herzen, p<0,05). Molekulargenetisch spiegelte sich die gute linksventrikulĂ€re Funktion der TGR in einer verbesserten Calcium- Homöostase wieder. DarĂŒber hinaus konnte im Zellkulturversuch (24h) gezeigt werden, dass Renin die Expression des Calcium-handling-Proteins SERCA2a direkt stimulieren kann. Desweiteren wurde in dieser Arbeit eine erniedrigte Genexpressionsrate des Wachstumsfaktors TGF&#946;1 bei TGR beobachtet. Dies kann als mögliche Ursache fĂŒr die bereits publizierte und auch in dieser Arbeit gemessene, verminderte &#946;-adrenerge Ansprechbarkeit auf &#946;-adrenerge Stimuli (z.B. Isoprenalin) bei TGR gewertet werden. Neben einer reduzierten TGF&#946;1-AktivitĂ€t weisen die vorliegenden Daten ebenfalls auf erniedrigte Syntheseraten extrazellulĂ€rer Matrixproteine (z.B. Kollagen) hin. Die chronische Reninstimulation scheint somit einer Myokardfibrose vorzubeugen. Schlussfolgerung: Zusammenfassend lĂ€sst sich feststellen, dass Renin ein spezifisches linksventrikulĂ€res „Remodeling“ induziert, in dem es die maladaptiven VerĂ€nderungen von Angiotensin-II antagonisiert und so den Übergang von einer druckinduzierten Myokardhypertrophie in eine Herzinsuffizienz verhindern kann. Interessanterweise sind diese direkten kardialen Wirkungen des Renins denen der systemischen RAAS-Aktivierung entgegengesetzt.Background and Aims: The cardiac renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system (RAAS) is substantially involved in the development and progress of heart failure. What cardiospecific role the key-enzyme renin takes on, has so far only insufficiently been explored. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyze the left ventricular performance in isolated hearts from adult transgenic rats (TGR) overexpressing renin both by Langendorff-perfusion-system and molecular genetics in order to find evidence of a renin-induced remodeling. Afterwards, the findings were to be verified in isolated and cultured cardiomyocytes. Methods: Based on isolated and salin-perfused rat hearts as well as isolated and cultured cardiomyocytes from adult TGR [(mREN2)27] and non-transgenic Sprague- Dawley rats, the basic function and the functional responsiveness to isoprenalin as well as the molecular biological responsiveness of cardiomyocytes were investigated by the Langendorff-perfusion-system, RT-PCR and western-blot. Results: The data collected in this study show a significantly increased left ventricular performance in hearts from transgenic renin rats compared with their non-transgenic controls. Especially the left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP), based on the specific heart weight (HW), was in TGR twice as high as in the SDR-control-animals (Mean value of the LVDP/HW: 83 mmHg/g in TGR, n=9 hearts vs. 44 mmHg/g in SDR, n=9 hearts, p<0,05). Molecular biologically, the good left ventricular performance of TGR was reflected in an improved calcium-homoeostasis. Moreover, it was shown in cell culture experiments (24 h) that renin can stimulate the expression of the calciumhandling- protein SERCA2a directly. Furthermore, in this study a decreased rate of gene expression of the growth factor TGF&#946;1 was observed in TGR. This may be a possible cause of the reduced &#946;-adrenergic responsiveness of TGR on &#946;-adrenergic stimuli (e.g. isoprenalin), which was measured in this study and has already been published by an older study. Apart from the reduced activity of TGF&#946;1 the available data also indicate decreased rates of extracellular matrix proteins. The chronic stimulation of renin appears to prevent a myocardial fibrosis. Conclusion: In summary, it can be stated, that renin induces a specific left ventricular remodeling by antagonizing the maladaptive changes of angiotensin-2 and so may prevent the transition from pressure-induced cardiac hypertrophy to heart failure. Interestingly, the direct cardiac effects of renin are opposite to those of systemic activation of the RAAS

    Tod und Sterben als Risiken:Sterbehilfe und vorzeitige Lebensbeendigung im Spiegel persönlicher Erwartungen und religiöser Vorstellungen – Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter HausĂ€rzten

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    Kern der Arbeit ist die Analyse von Risikoerwartungen zu Tod und Sterben auf Grundlage der Soziologie des Risikos von Niklas Luhmann. Luhmanns Risikobegriff wird erweitert durch die BerĂŒcksichtigung des Einflusses von Todesvorstellungen und religiösen Weiterexistenzhoffnungen. Die zentralen Elemente der Debatte um Sterbehilfe, Suizid und vorzeitige Lebensbeendigung werden aus soziologischer Perspektive beleuchtet. Anhand der Ergebnisse einer 2014 selbst durchgefĂŒhrten Befragung von HausĂ€rzten werden Hypothesen ĂŒber Risiken und Risikoerwartungen am Lebensende empirisch ĂŒberprĂŒft und Einstellungstypen konstruiert. Dabei wird deutlich, dass nichtreligiöse Argumente gegen Praktiken der vorzeitigen Lebensbeendigung meistens mit einer konservativen religiösen Fundierung gekoppelt sind.The main subject of this study is the analysis of risk calculations applying to death and dying, based on Niklas LuhmannÂŽs sociology of risk. This is an expansion of LuhmannÂŽs conception (which did not include this form of risk). The individually perceived risk of death and dying is influenced by ideas of death and religious hopes for life after death. The recent discussion about euthanasia is presented from a sociological viewpoint. Hypotheses regarding risks and risk expectations are examined empirically using the results of a 2014 survey among German family physicians. The attitudes of these physicians where grouped via cluster analysis. One important finding is a close connection between conservative religious beliefs and non-religious objections against euthanasia.<br

    Target-specific glioma therapy in an immunocompetent mouse model : meeting abstract

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    Objective: Establishment of an immunocompetent mouse model representing the typical progressive stages observed in malignant human gliomas for the in vivo evaluation of novel target-specific regimens. Methods: Isolated clones from tumours that arose spontaneously in GFAP-v-src transgenic mice were used to develop a transplantable brain tumour model in syngeneic B6C3F1 mice. STAT3 protein was knocked down by infection of tumour cells with replication-defective lentivirus encoding STAT3-siRNA. Apoptosis is designed to be induced by soluble recombinant TRAIL + chemical Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibitors. Results: Striatal implantation of 105 mouse tumour cells resulted in the robust development of microscopically (2 – 3 mm) infiltrating malignant gliomas. Immunohistochemically, the gliomas displayed the astroglial marker GFAP and the oncogenic form of STAT3 (Tyr-705-phosphorylated) which is found in many malignancies including gliomas. Phosphorylated STAT3 was particularly prominent in the nucleus but was also found at the plasma membrane of peripherally infiltrating glioma cells. To evaluate the role of STAT3 in tumour progression, we stably expressed siRNA against STAT3 in several murine glioma cell lines. The effect of STAT3 depletion on proliferation, invasion and survival will be first assessed in vitro and subsequently after transplantation in vivo. Upstream and downstream components of the STAT3 signalling pathway as well as possible non-specific side effects of STAT3-siRNA expression after lentiviral infection will be examined, too. Conclusions: Its high rate of engraftment, its similarity to the malignant glioma of origin, and its rapid locally invasive growth should make this murine model useful in testing novel therapies for malignant gliomas

    Sustainable and resource efficient intensivation of crop production – Perspectives of agro-ecosystem researchPolicy paper of the DFG Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research

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    Mit dem vorliegenden Grundsatzpapier zeigt die Senatskommission fĂŒr Agrarökosystemforschung Perspektiven fĂŒr die Grundlagenforschung zur nachhaltigen Erhöhung der Kulturpflanzenproduktion auf.Agrarsysteme stehen im Spannungsfeld zwischen steigendem Bedarf an landwirtschaftlichen Produkten, der Verknappung der Ressourcen, dem Verlust der BiodiversitĂ€t und dem Klimawandel. Die fĂŒr das Jahr 2050 prognostizierte notwendige Ertragssteigerung zur Sicherstellung des Bedarfs an Nahrungsmitteln kann, ohne die Belastbarkeitsgrenzen ökologischer Systeme zu ĂŒberschreiten, nur durch wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt bewĂ€ltigt werden (Abb. 1), der eine nachhaltige und ressourcen­effiziente Steigerung der Agrarproduktion ermöglicht (FAO, 2011; Dobermann und Nelson, 2013). Die nachhaltige Intensivierung stellt die Agrarwissenschaften vor neue Aufgaben, die weit ĂŒber ihre klassischen Grenzen hinausgehen.Die Senatskommission plĂ€diert daher fĂŒr eine Erweiterung der agrarwissenschaftlichen Perspektive. Die meist auf einzelne FeldfrĂŒchte bezogene Bewertung der Rela­tion zwischen Input und Ertrag muss ergĂ€nzt werden um die Optionen, die sich aus der rĂ€umlichen und zeitlichen Diversifikation der Produktionssysteme unter Einbeziehung der standörtlichen Eigenschaften, des Landschaftskontextes sowie des Klimawandels ergeben. Um Ökosystemleistungen einzubeziehen, mĂŒssen Produktionsstrategien entwickelt werden, die sich auf ganze Landschaften und Regionen richten und auch entsprechende sozio­öko­no­mische und agrarpolitische Rahmenbedingungen berĂŒcksichtigen.Vor diesem Hintergrund schlĂ€gt die Senatskommission drei interdisziplinĂ€re Forschungsschwerpunkte zur ressourceneffizienten Erhöhung der FlĂ€chenproduktivitĂ€t vor:(1) Ausnutzung des Potentials von Kulturpflanzen zur umweltschonenden Ertragssteigerung im Kontext öko­systemarer Bedingungen.(2) Nachhaltige Steigerung der Pflanzenproduktion im Landschaftskontext.(3) Ökonomische, gesellschaftliche und politische Dimensionen der Ertragssteigerung von Kulturpflanzen. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.07.01, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.07.01With its policy paper the Senate Commission on Agro-ecosystem Research of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) summarizes potential benefits of basic research for the sustainable intensification of crop production. Agro-ecosystems critically contribute to fulfilling the need for increasing food and fiber production, diminishing resource depletion as well as counteracting biodiversity loss and climate change. Yield demands that are needed to ensure the food supply predicted for the year 2050 can only be achieved by scientific progress that allows the intensive yet environmentally friendly production of plant biomass (Figure 1), (FAO, 2011; Dobermann und Nelson, 2013; Ray et al., 2013). Sustainable intensification requires a scientific realignment that allows for broadening the scope of agricultural research. The productivity of farming systems should be evaluated with regard to their efficiency (input-output relation). In addition, the spatial and temporal variability of these systems must be considered by addressing local conditions, the landscape context and climate change. With respect to ecosystem services, new production strategies must be developed that take all aspects of landscape and regional complexity as well as socio-economic conditions and agricultural policy into account.Against this background, the Senate Commission on Agro-ecosystem Research proposes three priority areas of interdisciplinary research on resource efficient intensification of crop production:(1) Exploiting the biological potential of the individual crop plants for an environmentally friendly intensification in an ecosystem approach(2) Exploring sustainable intensification of crop production within a landscape context(3) Taking full account of the economic, social and political dimensions of sustainable intensification of crop production DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.07.01, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.07.0

    Myosin VI small insert isoform maintains exocytosis by tethering secretory granules to the cortical actin.

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    Before undergoing neuroexocytosis, secretory granules (SGs) are mobilized and tethered to the cortical actin network by an unknown mechanism. Using an SG pull-down assay and mass spectrometry, we found that myosin VI was recruited to SGs in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Interfering with myosin VI function in PC12 cells reduced the density of SGs near the plasma membrane without affecting their biogenesis. Myosin VI knockdown selectively impaired a late phase of exocytosis, consistent with a replenishment defect. This exocytic defect was selectively rescued by expression of the myosin VI small insert (SI) isoform, which efficiently tethered SGs to the cortical actin network. These myosin VI SI-specific effects were prevented by deletion of a c-Src kinase phosphorylation DYD motif, identified in silico. Myosin VI SI thus recruits SGs to the cortical actin network, potentially via c-Src phosphorylation, thereby maintaining an active pool of SGs near the plasma membrane

    Beirat und Aufsichtsrat im Familienunternehmen

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    Familienunternehmen jeder Gesellschaftsform begrĂŒnden mit zunehmender HĂ€ufigkeit einen Beirat und/oder Aufsichtsrat, um ihre komplexen Strukturen und wirtschaftlichen Risiken besser kontrollieren und ihre Entwicklung zielfĂŒhrend steuern zu können. Dieser speziellen Thematik widmet sich das Werk in einer praxisorientierten, mit Schaubildern, Checklisten und Textmustern angereicherten Darstellungsform. Es geht speziell auf die Besonderheiten kleinerer, im Familienbesitz gehaltener Gesellschaften ein und grenzt sich so von den bereits erhĂ€ltlichen Werken zu den Aufsichts- und BeirĂ€ten der großen Publikumsgesellschaften ab

    At the crossroads of apoptosis and autophagy: multiple roles of the co-chaperone BAG3 in stress and therapy resistance of cancer

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    BAG3, a multifunctional HSP70 co-chaperone and anti-apoptotic protein that interacts with the ATPase domain of HSP70 through its C-terminal BAG domain plays a key physiological role in cellular proteostasis. The HSP70/BAG3 complex determines the levels of a large number of selective client proteins by regulating their turnover via the two major protein degradation pathways, i.e. proteasomal degradation and macroautophagy. On the one hand, BAG3 competes with BAG1 for binding to HSP70, thereby preventing the proteasomal degradation of its client proteins. By functionally interacting with HSP70 and LC3, BAG3 also delivers polyubiquitinated proteins to the autophagy pathway. BAG3 exerts a number of key physiological functions, including an involvement in cellular stress responses, proteostasis, cell death regulation, development, and cytoskeletal dynamics. Conversely, aberrant BAG3 function/expression has pathophysiological relevance correlated to cardiomyopathies, neurodegeneration, and cancer. Evidence obtained in recent years underscores the fact that BAG3 drives several key hallmarks of cancer, including cell adhesion, metastasis, angiogenesis, enhanced autophagic activity, and apoptosis inhibition. This review provides a state-of-the-art overview on the role of BAG3 in stress and therapy resistance of cancer, with a particular focus on BAG3-dependent modulation of apoptotic signaling and autophagic/lysosomal activity