1,323 research outputs found

    "Und dann Wort für Wort und schlegerei hat sich angefangen" - Missverständnisse durch Nutzung latenter russischsprachiger Ressourcen im Deutschen

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    Seit einem Jahrzehnt zählt Russisch zu den häufig gesprochenen Migrationssprachen an deutschen Schulen und rückt nun als weitere Lernersprache in den Fokus der linguistischen Migrationsforschung. Russischsprachige Schüler und Schülerinnen, die als Aussiedler vornehmlich aus Russland und Kasachstan immigrieren, bilden seit Beginn der 90er Jahre die bedeutendste Gruppe jugendlicher Einwanderer nach Deutschland. Aussiedlerjugendliche erhalten zwar in den meisten Fällen kurz nach ihrer Einreise die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit, diese ist jedoch längst kein Garant mehr für eine reibungslose Integration. Neuere Befunde zeigen, dass eine wachsende Zahl junger AussiedlerInnen aus den GUS-Staaten Gefahr läuft, den Anschluss an eine adäquate schulische und berufliche Ausbildung zu verpassen (vgl. Dietz/Roll 1998, Strobl/Kühnel 2000). Ihre Bildungsbeteiligung hat sich der benachteiligten Bildungssituation anderer Immigrantenjugendlicher angenähert

    Valor diagnostico de la radiografia panoramica en la evaluacion de las asimetrias mandibulares y su comparacion con la radiografia submentovertex y fotografias frontales

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    60 p.Con el propósito de comprobar o verificar la validez de la información que nos aporta la radiografía panorámica en los casos de asimetrías mandibulares, se realizó el presente estudio, tomando como referencia la radiografía axial SMV; con el fin de pesquisar discrepancias al momento de iniciar un tratamiento integral, y así incorporarla como elemento de diagnostico, considerando que la ortopantomografia es la (Mica radiografía disponible en muchos casos. El objetivo general fue determinar el valor diagnostico de la radiografía panorámica dentro de las denominadas asimetrías mandibulares, comparándola con una técnica radiográfica en el piano axial (SMV) y fotografías clínicas faciales en una vista frontal. Se tomo un a muestra de 35 pacientes de los cuales se obtuvo las radiografías panorámica, SMV y una fotografía frontal. Se realizaron trazados cefalometricos en ambas radiografías, previa ubicación de estructuras y puntos. Se midieron las distancias Go-Sin y Co-Sin.El análisis estadístico midió la concordancia entre las mediciones de las distancias de ambas radiografías, e indico una ligera concordancia de la medida Co-Sin. La calidad de la radiografía panorámica como prueba diagnostica de asimetrías mandibulares, con respecto a la radiografía submentovertex, registro una Sensibilidad del 53%, por lo tanto la probabilidad de diagnosticar correctamente a un paciente asimétrico es baja. El análisis fotográfico, en este caso, carece de significancia para corroborar la existencia o ausencia de asimetría mandibular


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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Tills for this study were analyzed from sites in East Antarctica (EA), West Antarctica (WA) and along a transect in the Ross Sea. Particle size, sand petrography, and detrital zircons were used to provide new information on the subglacial geology of Antarctica, as well as assisting in the reconstruction of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice flow paths. Statistical analyses using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S test) reveal that EA and WA zircon age distributions are distinct at a P-value <0.05. This makes it possible to trace the unique signatures from EA and WA into the Ross Sea

    Injectable thermoresponsive hydrogels as drug delivery system for the treatment of central nervous system disorders: A review.

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    The central nervous system (CNS), consisting of the brain, spinal cord, and retina, superintends to the acquisition, integration and processing of peripheral information to properly coordinate the activities of the whole body. Neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, trauma, stroke, and brain tumors can dramatically affect CNS functions resulting in serious and life-long disabilities. Globally, the societal and economic burden associated with CNS disorders continues to grow with the ageing of the population thus demanding for more effective and definitive treatments. Despite the variety of clinically available therapeutic molecules, medical interventions on CNS disorders are mostly limited to treat symptoms rather than halting or reversing disease progression. This is attributed to the complexity of the underlying disease mechanisms as well as to the unique biological microenvironment. Given its central importance, multiple barriers, including the blood brain barrier and the blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier, protect the CNS from external agents. This limits the access of drug molecules to the CNS thus contributing to the modest therapeutic successes. Loco-regional therapies based on the deposition of thermoresponsive hydrogels loaded with therapeutic agents and cells are receiving much attention as an alternative and potentially more effective approach to manage CNS disorders. In this work, the current understanding and challenges in the design of thermoresponsive hydrogels for CNS therapy are reviewed. First, the biological barriers that hinder mass and drug transport to the CNS are described, highlighting the distinct features of each barrier. Then, the realization, characterization and biomedical application of natural and synthetic thermoresponsive hydrogels are critically presented. Advantages and limitations of each design and application are discussed with the objective of identifying general rules that could enhance the effective translation of thermoresponsive hydrogel-based therapies for the treatment of CNS disorders

    Methods of Assessing Frailty in the Critically Ill: A Systematic Review of the Current Literature.

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    INTRODUCTION As new treatments have become established, more frail pre-ICU patients are being admitted to intensive care units (ICUs); this is creating new challenges to provide adequate care and to ensure that resources are allocated in an ethical and economical manner. This systematic review evaluates the current standard for assessing frailty on the ICU, including methods of assessment, time point of measurements, and cut-offs. METHODS A systematic search was conducted on MEDLINE, Clinical Trials, Cochrane Library, and Embase. Randomized and non-randomized controlled studies were included that evaluated diagnostic tools and ICU outcomes for frailty. Exclusion criteria were the following: studies without baseline assessment of frailty on ICU admission, studies in paediatric patients or pregnant women, and studies that targeted very narrow populations of ICU patients. Eligible articles were included until January 31, 2021. Methodological quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. No meta-analysis was performed, due to heterogeneity. RESULTS N = 57 articles (253,376 patients) were included using 19 different methods to assess frailty or a surrogate. Frailty on ICU admission was most frequently detected using the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) (n = 35, 60.3%), the Frailty Index (n = 5, 8.6%), and Fried's frailty phenotype (n = 6, 10.3%). N = 22 (37.9%) studies assessed functional status. Cut-offs, time points, and manner of baseline assessment of frailty on ICU admission varied widely. Frailty on ICU admission was associated with short- and long-term mortality, functional and cognitive impairment, increased health care dependency, and impaired quality of life post-ICU discharge. CONCLUSIONS Frailty assessment on the ICU is heterogeneous with respect to methods, cut-offs, and time points. The CFS may best reflect frailty in the ICU. Frailty assessments should be harmonized and performed routinely in the critically ill

    Physics-regularized neural network of the ideal-MHD solution operator in Wendelstein 7-X configurations

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    The stellarator is a promising concept to produce energy from nuclear fusion by magnetically confining a high-pressure plasma. In a stellarator, the confining field is three-dimensional, and the computational cost of solving the 3D MHD equations currently limits stellarator research and design. Although data-driven approaches have been proposed to provide fast 3D MHD equilibria, the accuracy with which equilibrium properties are reconstructed is unknown. In this work, we describe an artificial neural network (NN) that quickly approximates the ideal-MHD solution operator in Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) configurations. This model fulfils equilibrium symmetries by construction. The MHD force residual regularizes the solution of the NN to satisfy the ideal-MHD equations. The model predicts the equilibrium solution with high accuracy, and it faithfully reconstructs global equilibrium quantities and proxy functions used in stellarator optimization. The regularization term enforces that the NN reduces the ideal-MHD force residual, and solutions that are better than ground truth equilibria can be obtained at inference time. We also optimize W7-X magnetic configurations, where desiderable configurations can be found in terms of fast particle confinement. This work demonstrates with which accuracy NN models can approximate the 3D ideal-MHD solution operator and reconstruct equilibrium properties of interest, and it suggests how they might be used to optimize stellarator magnetic configurations.Comment: 46 pages, 23 figures, to be submitted to Nuclear Fusio

    Licit and illicit substance use patterns among university students in Germany using cluster analysis

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    Schilling L, Zeeb H, Pischke C, et al. Licit and illicit substance use patterns among university students in Germany using cluster analysis. SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT PREVENTION AND POLICY. 2017;12(1): 44.The use of multiple licit and illicit substances plays an important role in many university students' lives. Previous research on multiple substance use patterns of university students, however, often fails to examine use of different illicit substances and/or hookah. Our objective was to complement and advance the current knowledge about common consumption patterns regarding illicit substances and hookah use in this group. Students from eight German universities completed an online survey as part of the INSIST study ('INternet-based Social norms Intervention for the prevention of substance use among STudents') regarding their consumption of alcohol, tobacco, hookah, cannabis and other illicit substances. Cluster analysis identified distinct consumption patterns of concurrent and non-concurrent substance use and multinomial logistic regressions described key sociodemographic factors associated with these clusters. Six homogeneous groups were identified: 'Alcohol Abstainers' (10.8%), 'Drinkers Only' (48.2%), 'Drinkers and Cigarette Smokers' (14.6%), 'Cannabis and Licit Substance Users' (11.2%), 'Hookah Users with Co-Use' (9.8%) and 'Illicit Substance Users with Co-Use' (5.4%). Illicit substance use clustered with the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis. Hookah use was regularly associated with alcohol consumption, less commonly associated with tobacco or cannabis use and very rarely associated with use of other illicit substances. Individuals consuming licit and illicit substances or hookah were mostly male and lived together with other students. Characteristics such as the number of years an individual had spent studying at a university, subject of study, immigrant background and religious affiliation were less commonly associated with cluster membership. Although we found substance use patterns in our sample largely similar to previous reports, we identified an important subgroup of individuals using both illicit and licit substances. These individuals may benefit especially from targeted interventions that focus on modifying addictive behavior patterns

    Exploiting macrophage autophagy-lysosomal biogenesis as a therapy for atherosclerosis

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    Macrophages specialize in removing lipids and debris present in the atherosclerotic plaque. However, plaque progression renders macrophages unable to degrade exogenous atherogenic material and endogenous cargo including dysfunctional proteins and organelles. Here we show that a decline in the autophagy-lysosome system contributes to this as evidenced by a derangement in key autophagy markers in both mouse and human atherosclerotic plaques. By augmenting macrophage TFEB, the master transcriptional regulator of autophagy-lysosomal biogenesis, we can reverse the autophagy dysfunction of plaques, enhance aggrephagy of p62-enriched protein aggregates and blunt macrophage apoptosis and pro-inflammatory IL-1β levels, leading to reduced atherosclerosis. In order to harness this degradative response therapeutically, we also describe a natural sugar called trehalose as an inducer of macrophage autophagy-lysosomal biogenesis and show trehalose's ability to recapitulate the atheroprotective properties of macrophage TFEB overexpression. Our data support this practical method of enhancing the degradative capacity of macrophages as a therapy for atherosclerotic vascular disease

    Accelerated Bayesian inference of plasma profiles with self-consistent MHD equilibria at W7-X via neural networks

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    High-⟨β⟩\langle \beta \rangle operations require a fast and robust inference of plasma parameters with a self-consistent MHD equilibrium. Precalculated MHD equilibria are usually employed at W7-X due to the high computational cost. To address this, we couple a physics-regularized NN model that approximates the ideal-MHD equilibrium with the Bayesian modeling framework Minerva. We show the fast and robust inference of plasma profiles (electron temperature and density) with a self-consistent MHD equilibrium approximated by the NN model. We investigate the robustness of the inference across diverse synthetic W7-X plasma scenarios. The inferred plasma parameters and their uncertainties are compatible with the parameters inferred using the VMEC, and the inference time is reduced by more than two orders of magnitude. This work suggests that MHD self-consistent inferences of plasma parameters can be performed between shots.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure
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