44 research outputs found

    Cross-ocean patterns and processes in fish biodiversity on coral reefs through the lens of eDNA metabarcoding

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    Increasing speed and magnitude of global change threaten the world's biodiversity and particularly coral reef fishes. A better understanding of large-scale patterns and processes on coral reefs is essential to prevent fish biodiversity decline but it requires new monitoring approaches. Here, we use environmental DNA metabarcoding to reconstruct well-known patterns of fish biodiversity on coral reefs and uncover hidden patterns on these highly diverse and threatened ecosystems. We analysed 226 environmental DNA (eDNA) seawater samples from 100 stations in five tropical regions (Caribbean, Central and Southwest Pacific, Coral Triangle and Western Indian Ocean) and compared those to 2047 underwater visual censuses from the Reef Life Survey in 1224 stations. Environmental DNA reveals a higher (16%) fish biodiversity, with 2650 taxa, and 25% more families than underwater visual surveys. By identifying more pelagic, reef-associated and crypto-benthic species, eDNA offers a fresh view on assembly rules across spatial scales. Nevertheless, the reef life survey identified more species than eDNA in 47 shared families, which can be due to incomplete sequence assignment, possibly combined with incomplete detection in the environment, for some species. Combining eDNA metabarcoding and extensive visual census offers novel insights on the spatial organization of the richest marine ecosystems

    COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy in low- and middle-income countries

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    Widespread acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines is crucial for achieving sufficient immunization coverage to end the global pandemic, yet few studies have investigated COVID-19 vaccination attitudes in lower-income countries, where large-scale vaccination is just beginning. We analyze COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across 15 survey samples covering 10 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in Asia, Africa and South America, Russia (an upper-middle-income country) and the United States, including a total of 44,260 individuals. We find considerably higher willingness to take a COVID-19 vaccine in our LMIC samples (mean 80.3%; median 78%; range 30.1 percentage points) compared with the United States (mean 64.6%) and Russia (mean 30.4%). Vaccine acceptance in LMICs is primarily explained by an interest in personal protection against COVID-19, while concern about side effects is the most common reason for hesitancy. Health workers are the most trusted sources of guidance about COVID-19 vaccines. Evidence from this sample of LMICs suggests that prioritizing vaccine distribution to the Global South should yield high returns in advancing global immunization coverage. Vaccination campaigns should focus on translating the high levels of stated acceptance into actual uptake. Messages highlighting vaccine efficacy and safety, delivered by healthcare workers, could be effective for addressing any remaining hesitancy in the analyzed LMICs.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Cancer data quality and harmonization in Europe: the experience of the BENCHISTA Project – international benchmarking of childhood cancer survival by stage

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    IntroductionVariation in stage at diagnosis of childhood cancers (CC) may explain differences in survival rates observed across geographical regions. The BENCHISTA project aims to understand these differences and to encourage the application of the Toronto Staging Guidelines (TG) by Population-Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs) to the most common solid paediatric cancers.MethodsPBCRs within and outside Europe were invited to participate and identify all cases of Neuroblastoma, Wilms Tumour, Medulloblastoma, Ewing Sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma and Osteosarcoma diagnosed in a consecutive three-year period (2014-2017) and apply TG at diagnosis. Other non-stage prognostic factors, treatment, progression/recurrence, and cause of death information were collected as optional variables. A minimum of three-year follow-up was required. To standardise TG application by PBCRs, on-line workshops led by six tumour-specific clinical experts were held. To understand the role of data availability and quality, a survey focused on data collection/sharing processes and a quality assurance exercise were generated. To support data harmonization and query resolution a dedicated email and a question-and-answers bank were created.Results67 PBCRs from 28 countries participated and provided a maximally de-personalized, patient-level dataset. For 26 PBCRs, data format and ethical approval obtained by the two sponsoring institutions (UCL and INT) was sufficient for data sharing. 41 participating PBCRs required a Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) to comply with data protection regulations. Due to heterogeneity found in legal aspects, 18 months were spent on finalizing the DTA. The data collection survey was answered by 68 respondents from 63 PBCRs; 44% of them confirmed the ability to re-consult a clinician in cases where stage ascertainment was difficult/uncertain. Of the total participating PBCRs, 75% completed the staging quality assurance exercise, with a median correct answer proportion of 92% [range: 70% (rhabdomyosarcoma) to 100% (Wilms tumour)].ConclusionDifferences in interpretation and processes required to harmonize general data protection regulations across countries were encountered causing delays in data transfer. Despite challenges, the BENCHISTA Project has established a large collaboration between PBCRs and clinicians to collect detailed and standardised TG at a population-level enhancing the understanding of the reasons for variation in overall survival rates for CC, stimulate research and improve national/regional child health plans

    Peces del orden Tetraodontiformes de Colombia

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    Peces del orden Tetraodontiformes de Colombia

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    La mayoría de las especies aquí listadas (56%) existen en Colombia en aguas caribeñas, sin incluir aquellas que aparecen en ambas costas (15%). El alto número de especiesque viven en las dos costas colombianas se explica por la frecuente aparición (16%) de distribuciones circuntropicales en el orden, a su vez sin duda relacionada a las largas etapas pelágicas que las larvas y juveniles de los Tetraodontiformes pueden experimentar. Como es natural, la mayoría de las especies registradas en Colombia (70%) son conocidas solamente de la región Atlántico-Pacífico oriental, en tanto que apenas un 11% tienen mayor afinidad con la región Indo-Pacífica occidental. Es de interés la presencia en la Amazonia colombiana de una especie confinada a agua dulce, pues sólo una docena de especies del orden es netamente dulceacuícola

    Tetraodontiform fishes of Colombia

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    Batrachoidiformes de aguas colombianas

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    In order to establish the group diversity and to clarify the status of some species, a taxonomic review of the teleostean fishes included in the order Batrachoidiformes (toadfishes) from Colombian waters was made, based on available samples in the main fish collections of the country. The Batrachoidiformes include a single family, Batrachoididae, with three subfamilies (Porichthyinae, Batrachoidinae y Thalassophryninae) in the New World. In Colombia there are five genera deposited in the Colombian Marine Natural History Museum - MHNMC and the referenced collections: Porichthys, Batrachoides, Sanopus, Daector, and Thalassophryne. Those genera include 15 species: P. margaritatus, P. oculellus, P. pauciradiatus, P. plectrodon, B. boulengeri, B. manglae, B. pacifici, B. surinamensis, Sanopus sp., D. dowi, D. gerringi, D. quadrizonatus, T. amazonica, T. maculosa, and T. nattereri. The most representative species of referenced collections because of the number of samples and wide distribution in Colombian water are D. dowi, P. plectrodon, P. margaritatus, and T. maculosa. An identification key for Colombian species of Batrachoidiformes is included.Se realizó una revisión taxonómica de los peces óseos pertenecientes al orden Batrachoidiformes (peces sapo) de aguas colombianas que se encuentran disponibles en las principales colecciones ictiológicas del país, con el fin de determinar la diversidad del grupo y aclarar la presencia de algunas especies en el territorio nacional. El orden Batrachoidiformes tiene una sola familia, Batrachoididae y tres subfamilias (Porichthyinae, Batrachoidinae y Thalassophryninae) en el Nuevo Mundo. En Colombia existen hasta el momento cinco géneros depositados en el Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia - MHNMC y las colecciones de referencia: Porichthys, Batrachoides, Sanopus, Daector y Thalassophryne. Estos géneros comprenden 15 especies: P. margaritatus, P. oculellus, P. pauciradiatus, P. plectrodon, B. boulengeri, B. manglae, B. pacifici, B. surinamensis, Sanopus sp., D. dowi, D. gerringi, D. quadrizonatus, T. amazonica, T. maculosa y T. nattereri. Las especies más representativas debido al número de ejemplares presentes en las colecciones de referencia y amplia distribución en aguas colombianas son D. dowi, P. plectrodon, P. margaritatus y T. maculosa. En este trabajo se presenta una clave de identificación de las especies colombianas de Batrachoidiformes

    Batrachoidiformes de aguas colombianas

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    Se realizó una revisión taxonómica de los peces óseos pertenecientes al orden Batrachoidiformes (peces sapo) de aguas colombianas que se encuentran disponibles en las principales colecciones ictiológicas del país, con el fin de determinar la diversidad del grupo y aclarar la presencia de algunas especies en el territorio nacional. El orden Batrachoidiformes tiene una sola familia, Batrachoididae y tres subfamilias (Porichthyinae, Batrachoidinae y Thalassophryninae) en el Nuevo Mundo. En Colombia existen hasta el momento cinco géneros depositados en el Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia - MHNMC y las colecciones de referencia: Porichthys, Batrachoides, Sanopus, Daector y Thalassophryne. Estos géneros comprenden 15 especies: P. margaritatus, P. oculellus, P. pauciradiatus, P. plectrodon, B. boulengeri, B. manglae, B. pacifici, B. surinamensis, Sanopus sp., D. dowi, D. gerringi, D. quadrizonatus, T. amazonica, T. maculosa y T. nattereri. Las especies más representativas debido al número de ejemplares presentes en las colecciones de referencia y amplia distribución en aguas colombianas son D. dowi, P. plectrodon, P. margaritatus y T. maculosa. En este trabajo se presenta una clave de identificación de las especies colombianas de Batrachoidiformes.Artículo revisado por pare

    Redescubrimiento de dupouyichthys sapito (pisces: siluriformes: aspredinidae) en la cuenca del río magdalena (colombia)

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    La especie Dupouyichthys sapito fue descrita por Schultz (1944) para la cuenca del río Catatumbo. Solo había sido reportada una vez para la cuenca del Magdalena por Miles (1947), con base en dos ejemplares capturados en el río Lebrija y que se encuentran depositados en la colección (USMN 1323798) de Estados Unidos (J. Friel, como pers.). El ictiólogo G. Dahl a pesar de su trabajo intenso en la cuenca del Magdalena, nunca capturó la especie y en su libro sobre los peces del norte de Colombia se limita a repetir la cita de Miles, mencionando que la especie es aparentemente rara en la cuenca del río Magdalena