44 research outputs found

    Stereoselektivna redukcija karbonilnih spojeva pomoću enzimskih sustava iz biljnog materijala

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    Kiralni alkoholi su važne građevne jedinice za sintezu farmaceutskih pripravaka, pesticida, feromona, aroma, mirisa i materijala poput tekućih kristala. U ovome je radu opisana redukcija jednostavnih ketona, aromatskih ketona s halogenom i ß-ketoestera u kiralne alkohole korištenjem enzima iz biljnih materijala. Acetofenon je reduciran u 1 - feniletanol korištenjem različitih biljnih kultura. Kao biokatalizatori korišteni su mrkva (Daucus carota), komorač (Foeniculum vulgare) i tikvice (Cucurbita pepo). Uz pomoć kulture Daucus carota dobiven je čisti (S)-feniletanol uz enantiomerni višak od 100 %. Z. H. Yang i suradnici su proveli redukciju 4'-kloracetofenona u (R)- ili (S)-1-(4- klorfenil)etanol i etil-4-kloracetoacetata u etil-(S)-(-)-4-klor-3-hidroksibutanoat korištenjem različitih biljnih kultura. Najbolji rezultati dobiveni su korištenjem kulture Daucus carota.Chiral alcohols are important building blocks for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, pheromones, flavors, fragrances and advanced materials such as liquid crystals. This work describes reduction of simple ketones, halogen-containing aromatic ketones and ß-ketoesters to chiral alcohols by enzymes from plant systems. Acetophenone is reduced to 1-phenylethanol by various plant tissues. As biocatalysts were used carrot (Daucus carota), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and marrow (Cucurbita pepo). Reduction of acetophenone by cultures Daucus carota afforded pure (S)-phenylethanol with 100% enantiomeric excess. Z. H. Yang and co-workers performed reduction of 4'- chloroacetophenone to (R)- or (S)-1-(4-chloro-phenyl)ethanol and ethyl-4- chloroacetoacetate to ethyl-(S)-(-)-4-chloro-3-hidroxybutanoate by various plant tissues. The best results were obtained using cultures Daucus carota

    Employee Assistance Programs : Relevanz für Schweizer Arbeitnehmende und Krankentaggeldversicherer

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    Versicherungsunternehmen befinden sich in einem schwierigen Marktumfeld, welches von Kosten- und Margendruck sowie steigenden Kundenanforderungen geprägt ist. Ob im Privatkunden- oder Unternehmensgeschäft, die Nähe zum Kunden spielt eine zentrale Rolle, um neue Kundenbedürfnisse abzudecken und innovative Dienstleistungen anzubieten. Die Krankentaggeldversicherung bildet dabei im Unternehmensgeschäft einen fundamentalen Bestandteil der angebotenen Versicherungsleistungen. Mit neuen Präventionslösungen versuchen Versicherungen sich dem verändernden Marktumfeld anzupassen. Für Versicherungsunternehmen bieten Employee Assistance Programs eine interessante Gelegenheit die Kundenbeziehung zu den Unternehmenskunden zu stärken und neue Präventionsmassnahmen anzubieten. Während die Employee Assistance Programs bislang mehrheitlich in den Vereinigten Staaten untersucht wurden, mangelt es in der Schweiz an wissenschaftlicher und praxisorientierter Forschung. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht, inwiefern das Interesse seitens Schweizer Arbeitnehmenden an Employee Assistance Programs besteht und von welchen Faktoren die Nutzung solcher Programme beeinflusst wird. Auf Basis bestehender Forschung wurden vier Hypothesen formuliert und vier Dimensionen von Einflussfaktoren definiert. Anschliessend wurde eine quantitative Umfrage mit 359 Teilnehmenden durchgeführt und statistisch ausgewertet. Die Analyse der Ergebnisse ergab ein generelles Interesse an Employee Assistance Programs seitens Schweizer Arbeitnehmenden. Dabei lässt sich sagen, dass die Präsenz von digitalen wie auch physischen Zugangskanälen eine positive Wirkung auf die Nutzung solcher Programme aufweist. Nichtsdestotrotz bestehen auch Bedenken bezüglicher der Effektivität von Employee Assistance Programs, des Datenschutzes und des benötigten Zeitaufwandes. Diese Bedenken stellen jedoch keine signifikanten Einflussfaktoren für den Schweizer Markt dar. Mit den erarbeiteten Ergebnissen trägt diese Arbeit somit zu einem besseren Verständnis der Relevanz von Employee Assistance Programs auf dem Schweizer Markt bei. Auf Grundlage dieser Arbeit, kann weiterführend untersucht werden, inwiefern ein Bedarf seitens Arbeitgebenden besteht und wie ein Employee Assistance Program von Versicherungsunternehmen angeboten werden könnte

    Stereoselektivna redukcija karbonilnih spojeva pomoću enzimskih sustava iz biljnog materijala

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    Kiralni alkoholi su važne građevne jedinice za sintezu farmaceutskih pripravaka, pesticida, feromona, aroma, mirisa i materijala poput tekućih kristala. U ovome je radu opisana redukcija jednostavnih ketona, aromatskih ketona s halogenom i ß-ketoestera u kiralne alkohole korištenjem enzima iz biljnih materijala. Acetofenon je reduciran u 1 - feniletanol korištenjem različitih biljnih kultura. Kao biokatalizatori korišteni su mrkva (Daucus carota), komorač (Foeniculum vulgare) i tikvice (Cucurbita pepo). Uz pomoć kulture Daucus carota dobiven je čisti (S)-feniletanol uz enantiomerni višak od 100 %. Z. H. Yang i suradnici su proveli redukciju 4'-kloracetofenona u (R)- ili (S)-1-(4- klorfenil)etanol i etil-4-kloracetoacetata u etil-(S)-(-)-4-klor-3-hidroksibutanoat korištenjem različitih biljnih kultura. Najbolji rezultati dobiveni su korištenjem kulture Daucus carota.Chiral alcohols are important building blocks for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, pheromones, flavors, fragrances and advanced materials such as liquid crystals. This work describes reduction of simple ketones, halogen-containing aromatic ketones and ß-ketoesters to chiral alcohols by enzymes from plant systems. Acetophenone is reduced to 1-phenylethanol by various plant tissues. As biocatalysts were used carrot (Daucus carota), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and marrow (Cucurbita pepo). Reduction of acetophenone by cultures Daucus carota afforded pure (S)-phenylethanol with 100% enantiomeric excess. Z. H. Yang and co-workers performed reduction of 4'- chloroacetophenone to (R)- or (S)-1-(4-chloro-phenyl)ethanol and ethyl-4- chloroacetoacetate to ethyl-(S)-(-)-4-chloro-3-hidroxybutanoate by various plant tissues. The best results were obtained using cultures Daucus carota

    Suvremeni jezični savjeti za hrvatski jezik

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    Hrvatski jezik je službeni jezik u Republici Hrvatskoj i jedan od službenih jezika u Bosni i Hercegovini. Hrvatski jezik se sastoji od standardnog odnosno književnog jezika, te od dijalekata (štokavski,čakavski i kajkavski). Ima čvrstu unutarnju i pravilnu strukturu, ali sa razvojem svijeta jezik se mijenja i razvija. Sastoji se od određenih standarda i norma. Normama, sustavom pravila se određuje što je u hrvatskom jeziku pravilno, a što nije. Standardni jezik se kao službeni jezik upotrebljava u medijima, školama, vrtićima i svim javnim ustanovama. Hrvatski je slavenski jezik koji se razvio iz praslavenskog jezika. Kroz povijest je bio ugrožen drugim jezicima poput turskog, njemačkog i srpskog. Pa tako u današnjem jeziku imamo mnoge zaostale turcizme, germanizme, srbizme koje svakodnevno koristimo iako imamo vjerodostojnu zamjenu u vlastitom jeziku. Osim tuđica koje sam već navela hrvatski književni jezik danas boluje od sve prisutnijih anglizama, koje si nažalost sami namećemo. Osim što nam jezik kvare razne tuđice, jezik nam kvari i nepravilno izgovaranje i korištenje hrvatskih izraza, riječi, frazema itd., radi bojazni i nedovoljnog poznavanja gramatike i vlastita jezika.Croatian language is official language in Republic of Croatia; it is also one of official languages in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Croatian language consists of standard(literary) language and of dialects(cakavski, stokavski, kajkavski). It has a firm internal and proper structure, but with the world development the language is changing and developing itself. It also consists of certain standards and norms. Norms and rules determine what is right and what is not. Standard language as an official langauge is used in media, schools, kindergadens and in public institutions. Croatian is Slavic language that has developed from Preslavic language. Trough the history the language was treathened by other languages such as Turkish, German and Serbian. As a result of that, we now have a lot of the words from the turkish, german and serbian laguage that we use daily, altrough we have credible replacement in our own language. Except those that we mentioned, we have more and more words from English language that, unfortunately, we force upon ourselves. Besides the fact that our language is being ruined by foreign words, it is also ruined by incorrect pronounciation and using of croatian expressions, words, mostly because of the fear and unsufficient knowledge of grammar and our own languag

    Suvremeni jezični savjeti za hrvatski jezik

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    Hrvatski jezik je službeni jezik u Republici Hrvatskoj i jedan od službenih jezika u Bosni i Hercegovini. Hrvatski jezik se sastoji od standardnog odnosno književnog jezika, te od dijalekata (štokavski,čakavski i kajkavski). Ima čvrstu unutarnju i pravilnu strukturu, ali sa razvojem svijeta jezik se mijenja i razvija. Sastoji se od određenih standarda i norma. Normama, sustavom pravila se određuje što je u hrvatskom jeziku pravilno, a što nije. Standardni jezik se kao službeni jezik upotrebljava u medijima, školama, vrtićima i svim javnim ustanovama. Hrvatski je slavenski jezik koji se razvio iz praslavenskog jezika. Kroz povijest je bio ugrožen drugim jezicima poput turskog, njemačkog i srpskog. Pa tako u današnjem jeziku imamo mnoge zaostale turcizme, germanizme, srbizme koje svakodnevno koristimo iako imamo vjerodostojnu zamjenu u vlastitom jeziku. Osim tuđica koje sam već navela hrvatski književni jezik danas boluje od sve prisutnijih anglizama, koje si nažalost sami namećemo. Osim što nam jezik kvare razne tuđice, jezik nam kvari i nepravilno izgovaranje i korištenje hrvatskih izraza, riječi, frazema itd., radi bojazni i nedovoljnog poznavanja gramatike i vlastita jezika.Croatian language is official language in Republic of Croatia; it is also one of official languages in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Croatian language consists of standard(literary) language and of dialects(cakavski, stokavski, kajkavski). It has a firm internal and proper structure, but with the world development the language is changing and developing itself. It also consists of certain standards and norms. Norms and rules determine what is right and what is not. Standard language as an official langauge is used in media, schools, kindergadens and in public institutions. Croatian is Slavic language that has developed from Preslavic language. Trough the history the language was treathened by other languages such as Turkish, German and Serbian. As a result of that, we now have a lot of the words from the turkish, german and serbian laguage that we use daily, altrough we have credible replacement in our own language. Except those that we mentioned, we have more and more words from English language that, unfortunately, we force upon ourselves. Besides the fact that our language is being ruined by foreign words, it is also ruined by incorrect pronounciation and using of croatian expressions, words, mostly because of the fear and unsufficient knowledge of grammar and our own languag


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    UVOD: Periferna pareza nervusa facijalisa je pareza mišića koje inervira VII. kranijalni živac, a očituje se poremećajem funkcije cijele polovice lica. Nervus facijalis je odgovoran za pokretanje i mimiku lica čime izražavamo naše misli, osjećaje i raspoloženja. Uzroci nastanka ove pareze su brojni, ali u većini slučajeva nije moguće otkriti njezin uzrok pa govorimo o Bellovoj parezi ili paralizi, nazvanoj prema škotskom kirurgu i anatomu Charlesu Bellu koji je prvi 1821. godine opisao parezu nervusa facijalisa. Cilj rada je prikazati rezultate medikamentozne i mimičke terapije kod djece s perifernom parezom nervusa facijalisa. RAZRADA: Dječak u dobi od 3 godine i 7 mjeseci primljen je u hitnoj službi na bolničko liječenje zbog akutne pareze nervusa facijalisa. Dječak je bio pri svijesti, urednog kontakta, samostalno pokretan, uredne bulbomotorike, bez nistagmusa. Roditelji u anamnezi negiraju ugriz krpelja. U mirovanju vidljiva blaža asimetrija lica, a kod pokretanja mišića lica opaža se jaka asimetrija. Procjena težine pareze prema House Brackmannovoj ljestvici je V. stupanj. Dječak je na bolničkom liječenju bio 10 dana, u tom periodu provedena je medikamentozna terapija i rehabilitacija primjenom mimičke terapije. Rehabilitacijski program nastavljen je nakon otpusta bolesnika iz bolnice u trajanju od deset dana kada je došlo do potpunog oporavka periferne pareze nervusa facijalisa. ZAKLJUČAK: Primjena medikamentozne i mimičke terapije ima pozitivan utjecaj na brzi oporavak periferne pareze nervusa facijalisa

    Uloga suportivne terapije u kvaliteti života bolesnika s malignim bolestimakvaliteta života bolesnika s malignim bolestima-uloga medicinske sestre The role of supportive therapy in quality of patient life with malignant diseasequality of patient life malignant disease diabetes-the role of nurse

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    Maligna bolest uvelike utječe na stupanj kvalitete bolesnikova života. Svijest o važnosti kvalitete života u populaciji onkoloških bolesnika sve je veća, te tijek onkološkog liječenja i metoda zdravstvene njege ima povećani stupanj važnosti. U onkologiji stupanj kvaliteta sadrži sljedeće čimbenike: subjektivni doživljaj pozitivnih i negativnih simptoma bolesti; tjelesne, emocionalne, socijalne i kognitivne funkcije; učestalost simptoma i nuspojava liječenja. Mučnina i povraćanje uzrokovani uporabom antitumorskih lijekova i metodama zdravstvene njege, najčešće su i za bolesnike najznačajnije neželjene posljedice onkološkog lijecčenja. Mučnina i povraćanje, pored nedvojbenog smanjenja stupnja kvalitete života bolesnika može dovesti i do pojave neželjenih komplikacija kao što su dehidracija, elektrolitski disbalans, aspiracijska pneumonija, ruptura ezofagusa, anoreksija, malnutricija i disfunkcija svih organskih sustava. Sve navedeno uvelike utječe i na suradljivost bolesnika na indicirane metode liječenja onkološke terapije dovodeći do smanjenja učinkovitosti primjenjenih terapeutskih postupaka. Prema rezultatima provedenih studija proizlazi da od 60 do 80% bolesnika liječenih kemoterapijom navodi postojanje mučnine i povraćanja u različitom obimu, dok u bolesnika liječenih visokim dozama cisplatina taj postotak iznosi i do 90%

    A multiphysics and multiscale software environment for modeling astrophysical systems

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    We present MUSE, a software framework for combining existing computational tools for different astrophysical domains into a single multiphysics, multiscale application. MUSE facilitates the coupling of existing codes written in different languages by providing inter-language tools and by specifying an interface between each module and the framework that represents a balance between generality and computational efficiency. This approach allows scientists to use combinations of codes to solve highly-coupled problems without the need to write new codes for other domains or significantly alter their existing codes. MUSE currently incorporates the domains of stellar dynamics, stellar evolution and stellar hydrodynamics for studying generalized stellar systems. We have now reached a "Noah's Ark" milestone, with (at least) two available numerical solvers for each domain. MUSE can treat multi-scale and multi-physics systems in which the time- and size-scales are well separated, like simulating the evolution of planetary systems, small stellar associations, dense stellar clusters, galaxies and galactic nuclei. In this paper we describe three examples calculated using MUSE: the merger of two galaxies, the merger of two evolving stars, and a hybrid N-body simulation. In addition, we demonstrate an implementation of MUSE on a distributed computer which may also include special-purpose hardware, such as GRAPEs or GPUs, to accelerate computations. The current MUSE code base is publicly available as open source at http://muse.liComment: 24 pages, To appear in New Astronomy Source code available at http://muse.l

    Can Gas prevent the Destruction of Thin Stellar Discs by Minor Mergers?

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    We study the effect of dissipational gas physics on the vertical heating and thickening of disc galaxies during minor mergers. We produce a suite of minor merger simulations for Milky Way-like galaxies. This suite consists of collisionless simulations as well as hydrodynamical runs including a gaseous component in the galactic disc. We find that in dissipationless simulations minor mergers cause the scale height of the disc to increase by up to a factor of ~2. When the presence of gas in the disc is taken into account this thickening is reduced by 25% (50%) for an initial disc gas fraction of 20% (40%), leading to a final scale height z0 between 0.6 and 0.7 kpc, regardless of the initial scale height. We argue that the presence of gas reduces disc heating via two mechanisms: absorption of kinetic impact energy by the gas and/or formation of a new thin stellar disc that can cause heated stars to recontract towards the disc plane. We show that in our simulations most of the gas is consumed during the merger and thus the regrowth of a new thin disc has a negligible impact on the z0 of the post merger galaxy. Final disc scale heights found in our simulations are in good agreement with studies of the vertical structure of spiral galaxies where the majority of the systems are found to have scale heights of 0.4 kpc < z0 < 0.8 kpc. We also found no tension between recent measurements of the scale height of the Milky Way thin disc and results coming from our hydrodynamical simulations. We conclude that the existence of a thin disc in the Milky Way and in external galaxies is not in obvious conflict with the predictions of the CDM model.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, two additional simulations, discussion enlarged, two figures added, updated references, accepted for publication in MNRA